
Chapter 107

I unlocked my phone and called Liam.

I should warn him not to pick up dad's call no matter what happens.


“Hey! Mia!” He exclaimed as soon as he picked up.

“Liam, how are you?” I asked him.

“I am fine. Why do you have to worry this much about me? I told you I am fine. And I will call you if there is anything so stop worrying about me all the time.” He said.

“I know. But, I just can’t help it.” I replied.

“How are you?” He asked me.

“I a fine.” I replied.

“Liam, did dad try to contact you?” I asked him.

“No. He didn’t try to contact me. Is there something wrong?” He asked me.

“No! Everything is fine!” I lied to him.

“Mia, stop lying! I know you are lying to me! There is definitely something wrong and that’s why you called to ask me whether dad tried to contact me or not! I know you have been lying to me because you have been acting suspicious for a while. Tell me what's going on! If you don’t then I will ask dad!” He said.