
Bibi Dong's Disciple: My Martial Soul Is My Heart!

What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) in Martial Soul City!

That_One_Alive_Ali · Cómic
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45 Chs


<I'm sorry. So, so very sorry! I really am, but this book will not be updated for a while. Basically, hiatus. There's a reason for this. Obviously. It's not that I don't like this book or that I'm dissatisfied with it. In fact, it's the opposite. The reason why this book is going into hiatus is because I love this book!

But you see, I lost a bit of interest. This MC is very overpowered from the get go, and because of already having Bibi Dong and others, it feels like he already reached the goal. It's because of this that the updates have gotten so slow lately. I'm unconsciously trying to find other things to do to not write this book. And I know, if I force myself, I may actually just drop it. And I don't want that.

Also, because of how long this book will be, I really need to have all my love and interest put into it. Because believe me, something tells me that this is going to be one long ass fanfic.

There's also another thing. I want to try something different. I have already wrote a bunch of DD fanfics, yet in each of them, MC has always been overpowered somewhat. That's why, I want to write a Douluo Dalu fanfic with the MC having a trash talent. Obviously, only at the beginning. He'll get strong and overpowered in the future.

I got this from a fanfic I've been reading since yesterday or something. Basically, Bibi Dong who died in the future was reincarnated in the past, but as a Martial Soul instead. However, there are many things that really got on my nerves. One of them being Bibi Dong, as always, written as a retarded character by Chinese authors (no offense to any Chinese person) despite being one of the most cunning characters in the series! Obviously, if you've read MTL novels, you'll know what I'm talking about. Which is making her a stupid woman who despite getting killed by the person who that trash Gang trained, was still in love with him...

Yeah, these Chinese authors aren't really bright students.

So yeah, I'll be using that idea, but changing many, many things. Such as MC not getting together with one of the worst heroins in the story, Ning Rongrong. Or MC being a pussy who hides every single ability for no reason. Or MC just giving out the secrets and techniques that let's him get stronger. And quite a few other things.


So the fanfic will be like this:

1) MC is an orphan and has Twin Martial Souls, Abyssal Centipede and Bibi Dong. Bibi Dong will simply be unavailable to use since she won't be awakened to begin with. And despite the name, the 1st Martial Soul is a trash Martial Soul. MC will only have an Innate Soul Power Level of 2. BUT! But, his Martial Soul will be able to evolve by killing. Not a system.

I'm telling you, it will not be a damn system! But killing will give something like points. After getting enough points, his Martial Soul will evolve. Don't worry, I have a lot planned, and I'll definitely make it awesome. Or at least try to.

2) Bibi Dong will not be stupid. Meaning what? Meaning not only will she not be in love with the guy that raised the person who killed her, but she'll actually want him dead! Yeah, so shocking, right?! Common sense for individuals and their reactions was used in a Douluo Dalu fanfic! So fucking surprising!

3) This book will not be a harem. But a harem at the same time. Basically, it's a... Special case. Why? Because the harem members will only be Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, Hu Liena and maybe, just maybe... Probably, Liu Erlong. Just these four. So a small harem, right? No. Why? It won't be Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue and Hu Liena. It will be Bibi Dongs, Qian Renxues and Hu Lienas. Yes, that "s" is important. Basically, since the Martial Soul Bibi Dong that has a conscious is actually from a parallel universe, she'll be a different Bibi Dong while this universe will have her own Bibi Dong! So yeah... MC will take two Bibi Dongs... The same goes for Qian Renxue and Hu Liena since he'll get revenge on that world's Tang San and get those two as well... They're not clones, and their personalities will also differ from each other because of their experiences. So it will be two members, but two of each harem member...

And that's all. I hope that book will be good to read. By the time that I upload this chapter, I've probably already posted one or two chapters in that fanfic. The title will be something like "Douluo Dalu: Bibi Dong is my Martial Soul" or something like that. Just look at the sexy cover of the book, and you'll know it's me.

By the way, the lower part from here was written a day or so earlier just complaining about how an author, Chinese ones most of the time (again, no offense), ruin a good story for absolutely no reason. Just read it since I didn't bother with fixing or changing it.

Again, I'm sorry about going hiatus with this book. But I need my passion to write an awesome story. I will obviously come back to write and continue it, duh. But again, it's gonna take a bit.


I have to complain a little because of how stupid some authors make the story despite it having the potential to be awesome. What makes a Douluo Dalu fanfic and absolute disappointment in your opinion? For me, it's two things.

1: not a harem, but the members of the harem. If Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong are in the harem, it's shit. That story is shit. I'mma need a bit to complain just how stupid it is to have Xiao Wu, so I'll go with Ning Rongrong first. First of all, her entire personality is based off of her sect. She has nothing interesting about her. At first, she was annoying as fuck because of how arrogant she was. Those authors who say :"Oh wElL, THaT mAKe'S hEr INtErEstiNG!" just to make her look good are the same dumbasses who thing tsunderes are cute. News flash, bitch, those are the ones that will make you rage the hardest.

Any protagonist that doesn't say shit and just eats whatever a tsundere throws at him, is the final form, Super Saiyan whatnot of stupidity! Like, I want to see those retards burned! How you gonna be that stupid?! So, yeah, I really dislike Ning Rongrong, because even with her character development, she was still nothing interesting. "Oh wEll, bUt SHe HaS tHe bESt sKIn iN THe sErIEs!" Fuck off. Which beauty doesn't have fair skin?

This bitch doesn't have personality, she manipulated Oscar somewhat and didn't tell him that they can't be together because of the sect rules and made him waste years of his life, doesn't have a nice figure and is flat as fuck, and is just overall infuriating to see her in the harem.

And Xiao Wu... Xiao Wu... That bitch, makes my blood boil. And not in a good way. I hate stupid people. And when I say she is stupid, I'm underestimating the hell outta it. It's like I'm saying :"Oh well, Hitler was just murderer." And just that! This bitch, along with Tang San, is a hypocrite that just amazes me. At the start, she was all like :"Oh HUmaN's aRE sO eViL! ThEY HuNT tHE POOr SOuL BeAsTS!" And after getting powerful over even ascending to godhood, all of it was forgotten!

The bitch is at least 90,000 years old in actual age, and don't give me that shit about Soul Beasts not actually being that age and that it's just a cultivation base for them! Every 100,000-year Soul Beast is a few 10,000 years old and there's no denying it! Also, you expect me to believe a fucking rabbit of all things would skip a few 10,000 years before reaching 100,000-years? Motherfucker, Di Tian progressed by only 10,000-years every series! How the fuck is a rabbit going to do the same?!

Yet, despite her age, she is absolutely retarded. Bitch actually went to a place filled with Titled Douluos in that tournament despite knowing people will know her identity! Believe, I'm going to torture the hell out of her in this story not just because of hurting Tang San, but also because of her pure, sheer stupidity.

So, yeah, not only is she old as fuck, stupid as fuck, flat as fuck, hypocritical as fuck, she also belongs to the streets. Why? Well, ever heard of the phrase, breeding like rabbits? Yeah, I don't think a rabbit with the age of over 90,000 years old hasn't been fucked a few thousands, ten thousands of even more while in the forest. So yeah, she a hoe and you can't convince me otherwise. How you gonna even try knowing her body count is that many? And don't give me shit about her not knowing shit or being just an animal, the past is meant to stay in the past, but shit is still there. If you try, I know you're one pathetic ass, virgin simp.

2: MC being an idiot and revealing his secrets. My goodness, this ruined a story I was reading currently completely for me. Why the fuck do you spread your secrets?! The only thing I like about Tang San is him being smart enough to not spread his techniques! Yet some MCs are retarded enough to do that shit!

The story was pretty interesting. Basically, Bibi Dong who had died in the future had been reincarnated as the MC's second Martial Soul. That was a pretty interesting idea. And since MC wasn't overpowered and had awakened with the Soul Power Level of Lv 2, it made it even more interesting since I wanted to see him challenged. But just like every other Chinese author, he had made Bibi Dong a stupid woman who despite being killed because of Tang San and Yu Xiaogang, was still in love with Yu Xiaogang. Something that simply doesn't make any fucking sense!

This bitch is a cunning, evil woman that nearly conquered the entire continent and became a god, yet these retarded authors completely ruin her character by making her stupid. I'd torture and slaughter anybody who raised the person who killed me, be it my friends, lover, or even parents and family! Yet these dumbasses ruin her entire character and charm because of their stupidity!

But I stayed and read. I thought that it might be for character development. Yet after 50 chapters, there was barely any. I thought hey, maybe it might change. And I was actually hopeful since I read in a comment that the story may not be harem and just a sole female lead with Bibi Dong as the lover.

But no. MC went for Ning Rongrong. And now, I'm trying to fight against my desire to completely drop that shit and still persist to see what will happen. Despite knowing that I'll be disappointed.

But oh well, there was something good that came out of that story. An idea. If you already know me, if I don't like something, I'll just make it into what I like. Since it was absolute bullshit, I'll just use the same idea, but with a lot, LOT more changes. Including it probably not being a harem, Bibi Dong actually being smart like how she should be, and MC not being retarded.

If you're going to get a girl from Shrek, at least go for Zhu Zhuqing who has a huge potential for growth in character, and actually is extremely beautiful with a banging figure! Who the fuck likes Ning Rongrong anyway?! She has absolutely nothing likable! Which girl in a xianxia world isn't beautiful?! If you're going for the beauties only, might as well take all the girls! And don't give me shit about me being a hypocrite and the harem of this fanfic already being huge as well.

All the love interests are interesting and not only have I planned to make them more interesting and build up their characters awesomely, each and every one of them will be involved in the story a lot! Why the fuck do you think there will be so many volumes and chapters for this book? Not only will the MC experience a lot, but there will also be a lot of relationship building in the story.

Anyway, I'm so, so sorry about this much complaining. But it would annoy the fuck outta me if I didn't. Also, I'm pretty sure a lot of you also had these complaints. Any intelligent lifeform would. By the way, no offense to any Chinese person. But feel free to prove me wrong if you don't think that a Chinese authors fucks up an interesting story because of his own stupidity>