

My world faced its end, but I refused to perish with it! Then I intercepted an otherworldly summoning ceremony. One moment!? Did my summoner try to summon a demon? Damn, I think it's better to break the contract and do my own thing... or not? Why is Mrs. Sacrifice hugging me? And why am I suddenly a child!? **IMPORTANT WARNING** This is just a translation of the novel "Beyond?". I do not own the copyright to it. If you are the legal owner and feel offended, please contact me and I will remove it immediately. **TRANSLATION NOTE** If you want to support the work I do in translation, please consider joining my Patreon/SolarisVitally to support me and continue to bring you more advanced projects and chapters.

Solaris_Vitally · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Chapter 11: Overnight

"Dwemers are not a race of many words. Some say they have the same ancestors as us, but they have changed due to their environment, however during my time with them I began to doubt this. It's not just skin color that's different. They are two to three heads smaller than us and their eyes have round pupils, which are able to enlarge until their eyes are almost completely black. And they don't have horns."

"They also have fewer magicians than we do, and their magical systems rely on shamanic rituals. This increases the cast time of your spells, but grants them much more power. I've seen them move unbelievable amounts of dirt and dig large tunnels within minutes. It would have taken a workforce of commoners of many months to accomplish the same task."

-Sonja Gejene, emissary of Nict.

***Free City of Nict State, Nict***

*** Azir ***

Time went by so fast. It's been two years since I adopted Stella, Karsen, Talia and Louise.

Louise managed to get promoted from Lulu to her real name after a year of acceptable behavior. After all, I'm a generous person. She actually cried tears of joy when I called her Louise for the first time, so a real bond of friendship was formed between us.

And why am I saying I adopted all four? After two months on the verge of insanity I decided to become a teacher. So instead of sitting lazily and indulging in self-pity, I invested my time in teaching my four friends.

Although Stella and Louise didn't need much help. Only Talia and Karsen struggled to keep up the pace.

As for Annice... She still pops up from time to time, but she got a lot better after she decided to study about men. Having a perfect memory can be a blessing and a curse at the same time. It turned out that she didn't have a clue what would happen after she managed to hold on to the guy of her dreams. Ingrid is the worst mother there can be.

Then, the day after her insane statement, she came up to me with her whole head turning red and informed me that the matter is postponed until we are both of an appropriate age. This is something she once again unilaterally decided.

Unfortunately, another fatal development occurred during my time at school. Due to the fact that the academy is a full-time school, I had much less time to spend with my little sister. I taught and played with her as much as possible until I had to go to school.

She was such a nice child before. I expected her to turn out to be a good character, but only in two years did she make a complete personality change. She became a little version of Valda! Oh, why am I now cursed with two women of that character.

"Why are you looking at me like that, brother?"

Valeria asks me as she is correcting her light blue hair. Their horns have become a little larger, but they are still those of a child. Like mine.

It's your first time at school and we're on our way to the academy. Valda is accompanying us. She's sitting next to Valeria while I'm sitting across from them.

I wave my hand dismissively.

"Ah! It's nothing. I was just thinking deeply. You're going to be alright? I'm going straight to my class."

Valeria formed a fist and lifted upwards.

"Don't worry, brother! My mom trained me well. I am confident that I can fulfill my role as the future leader of the clan! Just come to me if there's a problem. I'm going to protect you from those vixens ."

"Excuse me?"

I feel a strange feeling in my thoughts.

"Mommy! What instructions you gave my cute little sister!"

"Haha ha."

Valda laughs strangely.

"Darling, please recite the three iron rules."

Valeria nods.

"Bring no shame to the Zait house. Keep the sluts away from the brother. Inform Mom of all her brother's adventures."

"I... Sister! There's no need for anything..."

But Valeria won't let me talk.

"It's good that you care about me, but I'm confident that I can handle all the girls up to four years older than me. If a girl older than that shows interest in you, we need to call mommy to protect her virginity from her ."

Valeria nods and grumbles through her nose.

Mummy! What you've created! She's not my little sister anymore!

The carriage stops and we get off, where I am waited for by Talia, Stella, Louise and Karsen. Drugs! I forgot that we always walk to class together! I should have told them to go on without me.

Stella waves her hand and smiles.

"Azir! How was the vacation?"

I raise my hand and force a smile on my face.

"Great. How were you?"

"Who are these brothers?"

Valeria stands between me and my friends.

I stroke her head.

"Hahaha. Don't worry. These four are my classmates. Stella, Talia, Louise and Karsen."

I point to Valeria.

"This is my little sister. Please take good care of her, it's her first day. And that's my mother, Valda."


Stella touches her lower lip and smiles at Valeria.

"She's cute! I want to hug her!"

Stella's tail curled behind her.

Valeria turns with a questioning look at her mother.

"Mommy, is she a shrew?"

Valda shakes her head.

"I explained to you that it's not that easy. You take all aspects into consideration before judging."


My expression falls. That voice. I take my little sister and place her between me and Annice, who has appeared among the crowd of people around us.

"Ahn. How cold it is. And we haven't seen each other since last semester. No one would allow me to enter their property."

Annice crosses her arms in front of her chest.

Valeria or Vira.

"Who is it, brother?"

"I'm Annice Tinn. His brother's future wife. Nice to meet you, sister-in-law."

Annice grabs Valeria's hand.

Valeria's expression turns cold.

"Ah... I think the brother told me about you."

Annice's eyes begin to sparkle.

"Really? What did he say? To think that our relationship has already blossomed so much!"

Valeria tilts her head.

"Let me see. When he's in a bad mood, he calls you 'The Bitch!' And when he's in a good mood, he says, 'The poor misguided girl.'"

Annice freezes and Valeria turns to give Valda a thumbs up, which is returned by her.

Valda steps forward and catches Annice in her tail, pulling Annice with her.


Annice tries to resist, but my mother's grip on her is like an addiction.

Valda murmurs.

"I think I need to have a proper word with Ingrid about her upbringing. And I myself went through the difficulty of putting this child in another class. Come on Valeria, we're late."

She looks at my four friends.

"Please keep an eye on my son. And feel free to visit it from time to time. He's too lonely to be alone."

Finally, she leaves, pulling Annice with her. Valeria is following them.


"Your family is funny."

Stella smiles as she hands me a screwdriver.

We are currently in our class, taking a lesson on magic-runes and artifacts. To that end, we have to repair an old device that heats up something you put on top of it. To me, it's just a good old pattern combined with a little bit of magic.

"Do you think? In fact, they can be very scary when they want to be."

I finish assembling the magic circuit while Louise and Karsen make the fitting ready.

"The clan leader looks nicer than I thought. Maybe I should visit her once in a while."

Talia smiles at me.

I agree.

"Right. That means, of course, if you pass by my sister. She seems to be a little jealous."

Or should I say that she was corrupted by my mother?

We continue to work quietly on our project. Only Talia and Karsen indulge in a little conversation between the two.

As we work, the light outside begins to dim. Then the class finally ends. I pack my things and try to leave the classroom when Stella holds me back holding my sleeve.

"I have to tell you something."


But she doesn't respond as the other students leave the room. Looking at her questioningly, I point out the window at the disappearing sun.

"It's getting late."

"Actually, I wanted to thank you."

Stella looks at me with unwavering eyes.

"Recently I thought about how the last two years might have turned out if you hadn't become my roommate, sitting next to me."

I try to speak, but she raises a hand.

"I know. And I learned enough about you to know that you probably really just wanted to sit by the window. However, I want to give you a gift as a thank you. But you have to close your eyes until I say you can open them."

I frowned.

"That's childish."

Stella's tail falls.

"You say such strange things from time to time. Do you want it or not?"

"Okay, okay."

I close my eyes... And I feel something soft on my cheek as a small box is pressed into my hand. I hear Stella's footsteps disappearing into the distance.

I open my eyes and turn around as I touch my cheek and realize I'm the only one left in the classroom.

"Eh? Did she just kiss me?"

"She ran away..."

If you find any errors in the translation, please let me know so I can correct them.

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