
Preview: Heaven's Door

(Grandiose heavenly music playing)

"My children you have now reached the peak of your childhood. Now, it is time for all of you to go and explore my creations. Hence, each and everyone of you would be given a task to create a perfect world with the ability you have within you" said the Supreme.

Supreme: Keegan I obliged you to teach mankind however it is not your obligation to nurture them and watch them grow. For that I'll give you the gift of self-esteem that you may be able to execute your duty thoroughly.

Keegan: I duly obliged, my father.

Supreme: Hermione as keegan was obliged to teach mankind you are now to nurture what is thought to them for that your required with a lot of patience with that I give the gift of strength.

Hermione: I duly obliged, my father.

Supreme: Gem and Jin, my twin children you two are obliged to help each other and create questions without answers that mankind may be able have a greater sense of understanding. To accomplish this task I grant you the gift of knowledge.

"stop pushing me will you" Gem angrily whispered to Jin. "No, you stop pushing me" Jin whispered. The twins continued to bicker with each other until there voices got louder and are heard by their father.

Supreme: Gem!!! Jin!!!

Gem and Jin: yes father.

Supreme: are your ears with me?

Gem & jin: yes father.

Supreme: then repeat what I have just said right now.

Gem & Jin: uh?

The twins looked at each other dumbfounded not knowing what to say.

Supreme: Aren't you going to answer?

Gem: uhhhhhh. we need to help each other (looks at Jin)

Jin: and create questions for mankind...

Supreme: (clears his throat) Good that you know. Come here and receive your gift.

Gem & Jin: Yes father.

Supreme: Do you obliged to your task?

Gem & Jin: We obliged, our father.

Supreme: Kai, your task is to teach mankind just like keegan however you are only obliged to teach them to know emotions that they may be able to learn and accept their emotions and for that I give you the gift of family.

Kai: I obliged, my father.

Supreme: Lee, I obliged you to display and present my creations through your talents and abilities however, you must be wary of pride and know that they are my creations not yours. For this task I give you the gift of honor.

Lee: I obliged, my father.

Supreme: Adara, you are obliged to examine all what mankind has done to my creations and for that I permit you to scrutinize their ways and remind them when they falter. For this task I grant you the gift of purity of thoughts.

Adara: I obliged, my father.

Supreme: Olivia, you are tasked to be on service to mankind that through your actions they may be reminded of their duty to others and to learn to cooperate with each other and to be able to reflect the consequences of their actions. To duly accomplish this task I grant you the gift of love.

Olivia: I obliged, my father.

Supreme: Cain, you would be given a difficult task for you will have the ability to know what lies within the depths of the heart of others but you do not have permission to speak of it. Be wary that there will be times that you would be hurt by what you have seen and lead you to turn your back on me however, know that it is not me who's hurting you but rather my task.

Cain: My father why would you give me such difficult task?

Supreme: Cain, my child though your task is difficult I trust that only you can fulfill this task for I have carefully chosen the right tasks for all of you that best shows your abilities. Therefore, within this task you will be able to discover your gift of purpose.

Cain: I obliged, my father.

Supreme: Sage, I obliged you to make mankind laugh.

Sage: why?

(the other children laughed)

"Silence!!!" the supreme shouted with annoyance. Thus, the children were stunned and stopped laughing.

Supreme: The reason I have given you such a task is because humans tend to become bitter when they misunderstand me and my ideas. For this task I gift you with infinite joy.

Sage: I duly obliged, my father (shoutedly responded, and the other children are trying hard to prevent their selves from laughing)

Supreme: Giles, you are tasked to motivate mankind through your hard work. Therefore, I grant you the gift of responsibility to help you with your tasks.

Giles: I obliged, my father.

Supreme: Aria, I obliged you to conceptualize the future they may be able to interpret things with great degree of skill as you. However, with this task you are to experience the pain of loneliness for i do not allow you to personalize my love. With this task I give you the gift of freedom.

As the supreme looked up to give his give to Aria he was stunned of whom he saw.

Supreme: Who might you be?

Angel servant : Your highness, I am a servant angel in service for today under the goddess Aria.

Supreme: And why are you here?

Angel servant: The goddess told me to attend today's meeting in her place and to report to her when its done.

Supreme: (starts to get furious) So why isn't she the one attending this meeting?

Angel servant: "Oh, its such a bother."

Sage: Aria fighting!!!! (silently whispered but loud enough to be heard by his other siblings)

Lee: 3.... 2... 1.....

Supreme: Ariaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aria: *on her room* (starts cleaning her ears) ow.. ow... why is my ear so itchy? Is someone bad mouthing me?

Supreme: Call Aria right here and now. If she still insist, then I permit you to do everything even if you to tie and drag her if it that is only way you can make her come.

Angel guards: Yes your highness.

Angel servant: Your highness, some angel guards are here to see you.

Aria: Me?

Angel servant: yes, your highness.

Aria: Why?

Angel servant: They that your highness should attend the meeting as per your father's order.

Aria: Tell them that they came here for nothing.

Angel servant: Yes, your highness.

"The goddess does not wish to participate in the meeting" the servant said to the guards. The guards looked at each other in agreement and forced their way in the goddess' chamber. The servant tries to stop the guards however, the servant is unable to stop them.

Angel servant: You cannot do this sires .

Aria: What is this commotion all about?

Angel guards: Our apologies your highness but we must bring you to your father.

Aria: I said I don't want to!

Once again the angel guards looked at each other in agreement and started to walked over to Aria

Aria: Stop! I said stop before something bad happens to all of you! uh~ uh~ How dare you touch me without my permission.

Angel guard: Our apologies again your highness but we are doing what were told to by the supreme. (Proceeds to tie and immobilize the goddess)

As goddess is unable to move the guards carried her up to where the meeting is being held.

Aria: Are you really angels? You are not are you? Show your real selves you devils!!

Angel guard: We've arrived your highness.

Supreme: It took you long enough to arrive Aria.... (horrifying tone)

Aria: he... he.. he... I'm sorry for being late my father.

Supreme: As a punishment for your laziness my dear goddess, I forbid you entering the demonic realm whenever you wanted to and you will be under surveillance until you fulfill your duties thoroughly in heaven realm, only then your punishment is lifted.

Aria: But you said you would give me the gift of freedom? where is freedom when I'm forbidden of doing things?

The supreme was astonished by what the goddess said.

Supreme: How did you...?

Aria: I can see the future, ain't I? From what I've also seen you said that I must conceptualize the future of mankind, isn't it?

The Supreme is still unable to speak and is puzzled from what Aria said.

Supreme: I will give you your gift once your punishment is uplifted.

Aria: Father!!! You cannot do this.

Aria continued to whine however, the Supreme disregarded it and just proceeded in giving out task and gift to his children.

Supreme: Next.

Supreme: Yesu, Your task would be the most difficult of all for you are to collect all the sorrows of mankind and bring them back to me and for this I'll give you the gift of understanding to help you through.

Yesu: I obliged, my father.


The twelve children of the Supreme which was later known as the famous 12 guardians of reino la tierra (earth kingdom) went on their own journey and every ups and downs of their missions.

Then one day the twelve guardians returned to the heavens and complained to their father that their task was to hard for them.

"Father, my task is too hard, can I exchange my task with one of my siblings?" One of the children stated.

"Me too" the others seconded.

This caused commotion among the children thus, the supreme had no choice but to agree to his children's plea.

Supreme: I demand silence!!! Alright, I shall give you what you want. I will allow you to exchange your task with each other however, heed my words for all of you shall return here only again to exchange your task with each other which eventually lead you to your original tasks.

The Twelve guardians ignored their father's warning and just proceeded with exchanging their tasks.

Years, decades, and centuries past and just like what their father said the twelve guardians returned to the heavens and exchanged task with each other.

These continued on for centuries and centuries. Which then angered the Supreme for the task he has given a long time ago keeps on being started but was never finished. So he as their original task returned to them he now forbid them to exchange thier task with each other banished them to reino la tierra and be unable to return to the heavens until they have finished their tasks.

You can skip this part and proceed to chapter 1 however, if you want to understand some thing about the story I recommend you to read this first. Thank you dear reader

The_Eleventhcreators' thoughts