
Beyond The Worlds[BTW]

Would you like to travel to another world?  Crossing different dimensions and realities?  reach a power that no one has ever reached?   Shin Akash did not know that he had started his journey to reach the ABSOLUTE.  Finding mates along his journey and creating an invincible team, he climbed step by step.   From a student to a team leader.  from an ordinary human to the Absolute -------------------------------------------------------- WARNINGS!!! The characters in this novel will have an extremely high power level, so the protagonists will have some big power boosts over the course of the series; however, this will not be frequent and they will grow "healthy". I guarantee you will understand why in the end. This story will not be focused on the Harem. The protagonist is not going to be the total focus of the story. All the main characters in the story will have their highlights 1- English is not my native language, so I apologize for the spelling mistakes; 2-all story is original; however there are some small references to other works 3-All worlds are fictitious (including the world of our protagonist), so do not use the "common sense" of our world in this novel Chapter words: 800-1600 ATTENTION THE COVER ART IS NOT MINE; HOWEVER, I HAVE NOT FOUND THE ARTISTS' NAME YET, AT THE TIME I OFFER MY FULL CREDIT TO THE BEAUTIFUL ARTS. book cover: pinterest

Dark4_ · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
59 Chs

Victories and defeats

 Naomi watched the group of humans with an impassive expression on her face.  Even though they allied, they were still far from defeating her.

 "Hehehe, I'll make your guinea pigs test my spells."  Naomi decided to make these people guinea pigs for her to try out new forms of magic.  After Naomi trained the nature element for a while, she thought that element was limited to controlling plants, but when she commented on it to Shin, he disagreed.


 'The element of nature involves everything in the 'natural world', for example, the sea, organic matter, natural disasters, plants, etc.'

 'Don't confuse nature with everything that is made naturally, for example, the stars have no connection with the element of nature'

 'In short, the element nature is composed of various elements generated naturally on a planet'

 'Everything I said is just my theory.  You should practice alone.'


 Naomi remembered the words Shin had said to her.  Even though Shin said it was all just her theory, Naomi felt he was right.

 'Maybe I should reward him somehow.'  Naomi thought she should reward Shin, after all, he explained which path she should take to improve her element.


 Ryuu watched the 4 Elves in front of her with an impassive expression.  He was walking around randomly, but he didn't expect to find the group of Elves.

 "You can run away if you want."  Ryuu spoke to them.  Even though he could beat Alvin's group easily, he wouldn't chase Alvin's group if they ran away.

 "Don't underestimate us!"  Alvin was annoyed when he was slighted.  "Stand back! I'll take care of him."  Alvin said.

 "Brother…" Airin was unsure about the situation.  Ryuu just looked at Alvin and said nothing.  Alvin watched Ryuu for a moment before releasing gusts of air towards him.


 The blasts of air destroyed the surrounding area, but Ryuu just dodged them.  Alvin prepared his water magic and summoned a water dragon to attack Ryuu.

 "Take it!"  Alvin unleashed his magic on Ryuu.  The water dragon had enough power to destroy entire neighborhoods.


 Ryuu looked at the water dragon that was coming towards him.  He found the water dragon very weak but beautiful.

 'It's a beautiful form of magic.'  Ryuu knew that people could use magic in different ways, for example, elemental magic in creature form.  It is also possible to make weapons using elemental magic.  The possibilities are endless.

 'Unfortunately, it's too weak.'  Ryuu just destroyed the water dragon by swinging his hands.  Alvin was surprised when his magic was easily destroyed.  He had used a considerable amount of mana on that spell.  Just as he was getting ready to launch another attack, Ryuu appeared in front of him.

 "Uh?!"  Alvin immediately tried to back away, after all, he was terrible at physical fights.

 "Too late, boy."  Ryuu hit Alvin with a simple punch to the stomach.


 "Ah!"  Alvin spat blood and crashed into a large tree.


 "Brother!"  "Alvin-Sama!"

 Airin and the other members were worried about Alvin.  They didn't expect Alvin to lose with just one hit.

 "Shit! I didn't even see him move."  Alvin stood up with a pained expression.  He tried to gather his remaining magic to perform a final attack, but Ryuu appeared in front of him again.

 "Your body is too weak, boy. You should strengthen it."  Alvin was having the same problem that Naomi and Shin had before training.  Naomi lost to a single 100% kick from Mari.  And Shin… he would probably explode with a simple kick from Mari.  Fortunately, they improved his physical abilities.  Mainly, Shin is now as strong as Ryuu.

 "This…" Alvin didn't know what to say when he heard Ryuu's words.  Ryuu didn't wait for Alvin's response and knocked him out.

 "Brother…" Airin became apprehensive when her brother was defeated.  'I need to do something-' She couldn't finish her thought, because she felt a huge pain in her stomach.


 "Ah!"  Airin made a pained expression and fell to the ground.

 'I'm sorry mom, I…' a tear escaped her eyes as she fell unconscious.


 "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you."  Mari said with a smile.

 "You…" the dragons thought about teaching this woman a lesson, but they knew she was too strong.

 "Let's go together."  One of them spoke.  The other two agreed and decided to attack Mari together.  The dragons entered attack formation, but Aka just watched the situation.  She wanted to roughly measure Mari's power.

 "I don't want to waste my time with you guys."  Mari was more interested in Aka, so she decided to knock the others out first.

 "You-" the dragons couldn't finish their words, as they fell to the ground unconscious.  Aka was surprised by Mari's speed and knew she should take this woman seriously.  She decided to initiate her first move by creating a circle of fire around Mari.

 "Interesting, you created a circle of flames to restrict my speed. Unfortunately, it's not enough."  Mari thought that Aka knew how to analyze her opponent very well.  To limit Mari's movement speed, she created a giant circle of fire around her.  Mari passed through the circle of fire without burning any part of her body, then she ran towards Aka.

 "Let's test your physical combat."  Mari began using physical blows to incapacitate Aka.  Mari wasn't fighting seriously because she wanted to test Aka's potential.

 Aka dodged Mari's attacks and retaliated with several blows targeting her vitals.  She knew what the weak spots in the human body were.

 "Very well!"  Mari dodged Aka's blows using her hands and began to speed up her attacks.

 'This girl has a lot of fighting experience.'  Mari guessed that Aka was probably a little over 100 years old.  However, even though Aka is 100 years old, a person doesn't spend a lifetime fighting, so aka probably had 50 years of combat experience (Mari's guess).  Mari had 10 years of combat experience.

 'Your experience cannot make up for our gigantic power gap.'  Although combat experience is very important, the power gap between Mari and Aka was very large.  However, Mari realized that this girl was as strong as the main powers of this world.

 "Let's speed things up."  Mari said.  She increased the speed of her attacks and landed several consecutive blows with her palm on Aka's body.

 *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!*

 "Ah!"  Aka was thrown tens of meters away.  She spat blood but still stood up with a weak smile on her face.

 "Looks like you're tougher than you look."  Mari approached Aka again.

 "Hell field!"  Aka suddenly yelled.  Mari looked at the floor that was covered with magic circles.  The entire surrounding area was filled with magic circles.  Mari was a little surprised when she saw the circles, she had to admit that Aka was very talented at controlling the flames.  Mari had felt the magic circles forming before, but she didn't do anything.

 'Your talent for controlling flames is probably greater than Naomi's talent for controlling water.'  Naomi was very good at handling the water element, even though her main element was nature.


 A gigantic pillar of flame rose towards the sky, Aka's magic wreaked havoc with several thousand square kilometers.

 "Ahn! Ahn! Is it done?"  Aka breathed erratically.  She had used a lot of energy, so she couldn't fight very well right now.

 "Hehe."  Mari dispersed the smoke from the explosion and appeared unharmed from the attack.  She had made a mana barrier to ward off the flames.  However, she had to admit that Aka's destructive power was pretty good.  The magic Aka used destroyed almost the entire battlefield.  Leaders and spectators were stunned when they saw such massive destruction.

 "How is this possible?"  Aka couldn't understand how Mari managed to get out of this attack unscathed.  Aka transformed into her dragon form and decided to use airstrikes, but…

 "You can't run away."  Mari cut Aka's wings to keep her from flying, then Mari grabbed her tail and started to spin Aka before throwing her thousands of miles away, but she regretted it right away.

 "Looks like I got too carried away."  Mari said.  She knew Aka's body was weak, because she used a lot of energy in the "hell field", so she should have just knocked out Aka.

 "That direction is…" Mari looked in the direction she threw Aka with a thoughtful expression.


 "It's no use thinking about it too much, as our special guest is finally arriving."  Mari said as she looked up at the sky.

 The final fight would start soon.

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