
Living Legend P1

Harry arrived at Stark Industries with a smile over his face, today could be the day where many problems got solved for all of them. Today was going to be the day where he could find the gem that would allow Captain America to return. And it would also potentially solve a problem that Harry had regarding Sirius and bring him back to life. Or at least he hoped so, but they were going into uncharted waters.

Although the more he thought about it, the more he thought that it might not lead to anything regarding Sirius. The super soldier formula was a different variable, something that changed Captain America. What Sirius went through when he propelled through the veil, that was an entirely different matter entirely and to be honest, Harry wondered what could be done. He'd figure that out at another point, now he had to focus.

And now he was at Stark Industries where the Black Widow watched, leaning back against the wall with a smile over her face. Hawkeye stood next to her, Harry recognized him although more from his janitorial duty than anything else. Then standing next to them was two women. One of them was dressed in a black bodysuit with white on the front and she wore eye protection. The other woman wore a black bodysuit that wrapped tightly around her, along with a yellow marking that resembled a lightning bolt and black leggings that covered her body.

"Mr. Potter," Black Widow stated when she looked at him.

Harry could not help but reply with a cheeky grin. "Come on, Natasha, no need to be so formal, I mean you've been watching me closely. Call me Harry."

She could not help but offer a bit of a smile but Hawkeye snickered at this so she turned around and gave him a look that indicated that it was time for him to fall back into line.

"We're waiting for Banner and Stark to join us and then we can get to show on the road," Hawkeye responded when he turned around to look at Harry. "So are you ready?"

"I'm ready," Harry answered with a nod of his head; he was more than ready for anything that was going to happen. "I'm believe that some introductions are in order, aren't there?"

"Bobbi Morse, I go under the codename Mockingbird," the first blonde woman replied when she looked at Harry, a smile crossing her face and she reached forward to shake his hand. The two of them smile. "I'm here to make sure that Hawkeye here doesn't get into too much trouble."

"Only when the plumbing in the man's bathroom trips him up," Harry answered when Hawkeye groaned a little bit and Mockingbird snickered.

He was never going to live that down, not in the slightest.

"And I'm Carol Danvers, I'm new at this hero game, an accident with an alien artifact gave me super human powers," the second blonde stated, given what Fury told her, Arcane would likely be able to pick out who she was from her mind so honestly was the best policy or at least enough honesty where he did not have any reason to go digging for the real incriminating information. "Ms. Marvel, I actually don't work for SHIELD but a government agency called SWORD. It deals with extra-terrestrials whether they be threats or friendly, but still they're out there."

"I'm sure you can tell me more about it when we're on the ship," Harry answered and Carol responded with a smile before the two of them prepared to walk towards the SHIELD ship waiting for Tony to exit along with Bruce Banner. Sure enough they did not wait for very long when Tony showed up.

"Okay, this should be a rather smooth mission," Tony responded when he put the helmet, wearing his Iron Man armor and was ready to go. "At least I hope that this will be a smooth mission, although…."

"Relax nothing's going to go wrong," Carol stated when she leaned back against the wall of the jet, there were a few SHIELD agents on board but that was merely insurance in case something went wrong. "We can get in there, get in the temple, and get out, no problem."

Iron Man looked at her with a tense expression on his face. "I can tell you' re new at this, aren't you? It seldom goes that easily but hey, there's a first time for everything. As long as we get on the plane and stick to the plan, we should be able to have the gem in our hands, hopefully without the Mandarin and his merry men trying to stop us. And from there….well from there will let Harry work his magic."

"Sounds like it could work," Bruce offered, he was calm today, at least for the moment.

'Yeah right,' the voice from within stated.

"Just….don't hulk out in this jet and we'll be fine," Mockingbird stated, hoping that she did not offend Banner but sure enough the scientist was cool and collected when the group of them entered.

Harry turned to Carol and talked with her when they prepared to get ready.

"Is there much intelligent life out there?" Harry asked her and the blonde haired blue eyed woman turned to him.

"Well more so then there is in the government sometimes but that's beside the point, I think," Carol joked when she leaned back and looked at Harry. "There are aliens out there, and there might even be aliens among us. Wearing the faces of normal human beings, there have been stranger things out there, haven't there?"

"You're preaching to the choir," Harry responded when he prepared to get set up and ready to go.

"So, do you think that we'll be able to raise Captain America with this gem?" Carol as in a conversational voice and it was at these words when Harry looked rather thoughtful before he considered the words that the blonde stated. He reached forward and worked all what he wanted to do through his head. So many angles where it could go right and so many where it could go very wrong, that was one thing Harry could take to the bank.

Carol could tell that Harry wanted to make sure things would turn out for the best, no matter what he had to do. In many ways, that was an extremely admirable quality, even though when he was out there, he was out there with many people who would take the fight even harder to him in a brutal and often times bloody fashion. They would not allow him to achieve his goals without a fight.

"I hope that things will go the way I want them to," Harry admitted and Carol responded with a smile, she hoped that as well. She shifted and got a good look at Harry. He dressed in tight leather but she could tell that he had muscles and worked hard for them, not relying that much on his powers. The green eyes and messy black hair added to it, and the twenty four year old woman thought about what he had to offer.

Harry, seventeen very nearly eighteen thanks to the time he spent out of time training with Doctor Strange, picked up on what she was thinking but now was not the time to worry about that, they were on a mission and he turned around, to see Mockingbird, Hawkeye, Banner, and Stark all get into position. The SHIELD ship was ready to take off and they were going to find out what they were after. It was off to China they went and Hawkeye turned to fill in the group.

"Because of the weird way that we have go to there, we won't be there for an hour," Hawkeye informed them and they all nodded.

"It will give us plenty of time to coordinate our efforts and offer the element of surprise." Iron Man stated when he looked off to the side and crossed his hands before he waited.

Black Widow turned to face Harry, her red hair draping down her face and the dark haired wizard looking at her before she opened her mouth with a statement. "Harry, the two of us, Fury wanted us to go over some last minute details of the plan the three of us talked about."

"What plan?" Hawkeye asked, this was the first time when he raised an eyebrow, he had no idea what she was talking about but Black Widow offered him a predatory smile before her face contorted into a stoic expression.

"That is on a need to know basis," Black Widow responded when she motioned for Harry and sure enough, the rest of the crew on the SHIELD ship did not ask any questions, the journey would be a slow one with the stealth that they needed to sneak up on the temple.

The best one would be the element of surprise, with the group preparing and sure enough, they had a lot on their mind without worrying about Harry and Black Widow making their way to the next room.

"I'd shut the door behind you," Black Widow responded and sure enough Harry shut the door, there was no need for anyone finding out what went on behind these closed doors. The Black Widow shifted her gaze towards Harry, before she broke the silence. "I believe that I spent six weeks and five days trying to figure out what you were up to and then I found that I hit one dead end after another."

"Yes, well I didn't want you to find out what I was up to," Harry answered when the two of them were alone in this section of the ship. They could hear any radio transmissions but naturally that was set for emergencies only. "And I know that you observed me for a long time and got quite a show from said observation. If I may say so myself, there was a lot that you saw."

Black Widow turned around to look at Harry.

"I saw a lot that went on behind closed doors, although I do wonder now if a part of you wanted me to see, if you knew that I was there the entire time," Natasha responded when she looked at Harry, taking a moment to really get his features in.

"Maybe, maybe not, wouldn't you like to know?" Harry asked as he discreetly put his hands on her hips and held them there, touching them but at the same time only barely touching it. It was enough for a tease and nothing more.

"Well I wouldn't have brought up the point if I did not want to know,' Natasha answered when she stepped forward, she loosened the zipper of her bodysuit a little bit, allowing the fabric to pull off. It offered a subtle hint of her gifts underneath, not that the suit left too much to the imagination with the way it clung over her curves.

Harry stepped forward which prompted her to step back a half of a step. "I'm sure you want a demonstration with how much I do know."

Harry moved one of his hands slowly up her body until he reached her cheek and Natasha smiled when she arched backwards.

"And I could have had you turned in for trespassing, SHIELD agent or not," Harry answered when he edged forward a little bit and somehow, Natasha had her back against the wall. It was both in a literal and figurative sense of the world.

"Yes, yes, you could," Natasha breathed when she felt this powerful young man back her up against the wall, she felt her hips subconsciously brush forward against his crotch. "And you could have done anything that you wanted with me and there wouldn't be that much of a fight."

Harry slowly placed a hand on the small of her back before he edged a little bit forward and shifted slightly against her. "Those are some dangerous, dangerous words, young lady. Anything can be many things."

"Oh, would you like to give a demonstration?" Natasha asked, the Black Widow not sure if she was the one who got ensnared or not in her own web.

"The time in this area now passes much slowly, with about thirty minutes per every minute on the outside," Harry responded when he reached his hands up, slowly teasing her curves, her hips, her legs, and her breasts with the palms.

"Impressive," Natasha managed but it was Harry who captured her mouth at those words with a bold and daring kiss, that had he pressed up against the wall.

Harry enjoyed the delights of this beauty's mouth, running his fingers through her red hair and really, he did enjoy women whether then be young or a bit more mature. She really was something, as her features threatened to spill out of that black bodysuit that she wore, that left so little to the imagination. The young wizard trailed his fingers down her, offering little touches to experiment with her.

Natasha wrapped her arms around him and made the kiss deeper, sucking on his tongue when she worked his shirt off to reveal the muscles underneath, oh yes this would do nicely. This would do extremely nicely as she locked her legs around him and he moved her over to a table area where he transfigured into a makeshift bed, all while never breaking the kiss. That was the epitome of someone who could take care of business.

Harry placed her down on the bed and kissed the side of her neck, carefully taking each bit of her flesh into his mouth and she moaned when he sucked on the flesh.

"Give it to me, I'm ready," Black Widow stated when Harry removed her body suit to reveal her body in one fluid movement.

Natasha ran her hands through Harry's cocks when she continued to kiss him.

"Why rush, we've only been in here for three minutes as far as they know, not nearly enough to go over the plans, wouldn't you say?" Natasha asked and Harry smiled, before he cupped her from behind, and titled her back with another hungry kiss.

Round three was upon them, then four, then five, and then….well one would get the picture.

Sometime later, the Party arrived outside the temple and all of them were ready to go, no matter what they had to go up against. Iron Man stepped forward into the shadows, Black Widow followed them, with Hawkeye, Mockingbird, and Ms. Marvel leading the charge. Arcane moved ahead to do some scans of the security to hope to get a better picture but naturally they expected the worse.

"We best be silent and hope that we can lift the gem without them finding out," Black Widow whispered when she looked at them and Mockingbird, Iron Man, and Hawkeye all nodded, with Bruce Banner staying behind.

It was hoped that they did not need him for if they needed him, that meant that they needed his other half. And the Incredible Hulk was not someone that they wanted to bring out of the box for the potential collateral damage that could be caused. Banner watched carefully when the group moved around the temple. It was Iron Man who gave the grim assessment of what they had to deal with.

"The palace is swarming with the Mandarin's guards," Iron Man responded in a crisp voice and that was not something that was lost by any of them. "If any of you have any suggestions, now is the time."

"Wait until Arcane gets back with the scans," Ms. Marvel stated, wondering if something happened to him for a moment. At least that was always a concern on missions like this and he was the person they needed the most with everything that's happened.

Arcane popped out of the shadows and he held up a piece of paper that he duplicated on five other sheets and passed them out to everyone. He paused for a minute to allow the group to read the papers. It was hoped that he could break down what was on them the best that he could so they could be understood but given what happened, that was not really something that was a guarantee.

"I think we've got it," Hawkeye managed when he prepared to shoot an arrow at a moment's notice, even though they wanted to get through this battle without firing one shot. "So where's our mystical gem of healing properties?"

Harry inclined one finger as if he was going to point beneath the temple.

"So when you mean it's beneath the temple, you mean it's way beneath the temple, as below the foundations," Hawkeye responded when he looked at Harry and he offered a crisp, stoic nod. "Yeah, I figured about as much."

Harry tapped his foot on the ground and listened in, hoping that the guards would move there way off to the side a little bit more. It would be a lot easier to take them out and take their place without anyone else noticing it. The less people he had to knock out or worse kill, the better it was. If he thought about it, he wanted to minimize the damages while he could. The last thing he needed was a temple in shambles because no one was supposed to know SHIELD as there.

"Well, the moment of truth I guess," Iron Man stated to break Harry out of his thoughts but the two guards turned to each other.

"They can't have spotted us," Ms. Marvel responded when she looked off to the side and then she shook her head. "They really can't have spotted us with the precautions we took….but they're coming here."

The guards were making there way over but Black Widow grabbed a gas canister and flung it into the air. That gave them the cloud cover they needed, with Harry amplifying it when they moved into the mist. They tried to stick together and not split apart because bad things happened when people split up. The group rushed into the fog, trying not to choke on what was around them.

"Just about got it, got to get to the temple," Mockingbird managed when Hawkeye was the one who pulled out an arrow and he shot it.

"That didn't do anything," Iron Man responded when he looked around.

"Wait for it," Hawkeye stated when he turned to them but Harry disabled the arrow.

"Stealth, remember, let's not make a big bang," Harry responded when he activated the locks on the temple before it slid open. He figured that they could go as low as they could go. "This place is….."

Black Widow pulled Hawkeye out of the way before a series of poison darts shot out of the wall. Thankfully Iron Man wore armor otherwise that would have been a bad situation for him and he shook when the darts slightly burned his armor. Thankfully they could not pierce them otherwise it would have been a bad situation.

"It's loaded with traps," Harry answered when he turned to the entire assembled group. "Make sure to follow your cheat sheets and we'll be clear, home free."

The group made their way down a winding set of stairs, finding the travels to be a rather tight and winding road. Harry paused when he wondered if they could get through this entire mess without causing any trouble. Given his batting average with situations like this he was betting no. Still with everything considered, it would not hurt for him to show a tiny bit of optimism in the face of the sudden fire that they felt.

He saw two more guards, Confundus charm was useful in making them stumble the other way. He had to power it down a little bit, not to make them a stumbling and bumbling mess that would alert the other guards and lead to a fight. He could feel the humming of the gem as he came closer. He knew why people went mad with such power in the past, it could be something that could inspire such lust. Still in the right hands, the gems would be rather useful.

"Stay sharp."

A shuriken flew through the air and Hawkeye quickly shot it out of the way with an arrow.

"That's not what you meant, I take it," Ms. Marvel stated and Iron Man held up his hands, ready for a fight. He did not one but at the same time, he doubted that was something that he had much of a choice about.

Sure enough, he struck first and he struck hard ,with a blast of energy from his hands. The blast of energy from his hands sent the enemies flying back and Ms. Marvel flew into the air, before she smashed the attackers down to the ground hard. Mockingbird pulled out a staff and swung it around, before she swept the legs out from underneath her enemies.

"So much for the indirect approach," Mockingbird responded in a crisp voice and sure enough she blasted one of her enemies back. Another enemy landed on the ground hard and she stomped them before she propelled herself up and smacked the enemy down. "Where did our wizard go?"

"We have….bigger problems," Hawkeye stated when he duck a sword swung at him, before blasting an arrow towards him. The dust knocked him back and caused him to stagger nearly tripping over his own feet as he did.

Black Widow flipped herself up into the air and kicked down across the back of the head to send the enemies flying down to the ground. There was a loud crash when Black Widow slammed her enemy down to the ground. She knocked the adversary down to the ground and elbowed him to the face, before she watched Iron Man blast one of them off to the side before they saw Arcane wave his hand off to the side.

"The gem are there below us," Arcane whispered but a group of assassins rushed forward and Harry closed his eyes and caused them to be engulfed in light, before the group transported outside of the temple without Harry even touching them.

"Nice parlor trick that one will go over well at parties," Iron Man commented but they moved forward there was no time to really go forward, the group rushed forward down a set of steps before they saw what was underneath.

Harry levitated the glowing red gem into his hand before he looked it over. That was what they needed; they felt the power around them.

"So this is it?" Ms. Marvel asked and Harry shook his head, before the group bolted towards the exit, not they had what they needed, there was no need to stay around here and draw the attention that would cause them to be under the direct attention of their enemies, when he continued to walk off.

"So did you get it?" Bruce asked when they made their way from the temple.

"Yes, we got it but whether or not it works, we'll figure out in a little bit," Harry offered him with a shrug. There was really nothing else left to lose given the fact that there were people who were about to pull the plug on Captain America any day now. The SHIELD ship made its way up into the air and flew off, leaving several downed servants in their wake but Harry sent a probe out. The group spun around to look at him. "They won't remember that we're here."

"Well that's good," Black Widow stated in an approving voice. After all one of Nick Fury's rules was to make sure that no one knew that they were there by any means necessary. Granted there were many instances where that could have been thrown off kilter but still if it could be avoided then they would be able to do what they needed to do.

"Today is the day," Sin responded when she folded her hands over, a determined glint going through her eyes.

She wondered if there was going to be any side effects from those who weren't mutants. It would be just like her father to concoct something that would kill as many people as possible. Sin understood what she needed to do before the gas had been released; she studied that intently and concocted an antidote that would allow her to survive anything. Survival was something that was properly beaten into her from a very long time.

"Make sure it's dispensed on schedule, our leader wants nothing to go wrong with this first trial run," Sin responded when she looked out. While she was unclear of what the gas would do in the long term, she knew enough to realize that it was nothing that she wanted to inhale. It was going to be highly toxic.

If Sin was honest with herself, she wondered if this was something that would be considered the one step too far. She had no problem with killing when it served a purpose and furthered an agenda. Her father on the other hand killed people for the sake of killing them and that was rather twisted in many ways. Then again, the mind of the Red Skull was one that many people would have liked to understand. Many thought of him to be dead for years but he surfaced now and again.

His look was often imitated but his methods were seldom duplicated. The red haired girl looked up and her smile crossed one with sadistic glee when she wondered what was happening in the world. She saw the poison levels rise up in New York City; it would be a plague that was visited within the city. That plague would spread down to the Xavier Institute.

"I don't feel so well," Toad mumbled when he suddenly collapsed, it feeling like fire when his lungs burned. Blob, Quicksilver, and Avalanche all collapsed as well, feeling the onset of a boiling fever coming along them.

"Of course you don't feel well," Sin stated when she looked down at the Brotherhood, they were pathetic. "We've released a plague to the city, that will harm all mutants and make them extremely sick. Potentially a fatal illness which they will succumb to in a matter of days."

The Brotherhood were not down with the fact that they were dying.

"You've got to cure us," Quicksilver stated, feeling his arms weighing like cement when he tried to pull himself up but he collapsed down to the ground when he breathed heavily. Each passing breath was a heavy moment when he tried to labor and he shook like mad when his eyes grew heavy and then puffy.

Sin paused before she bent down a little bit, feeling this moment, something that she would remember for the rest of her life when she peered down to face the downed members of the Brotherhood. She offered a smile, sinister as it was when she looked down at Quicksilver. "Do I have to help you?"

"Yes, we're your teammates," Quicksilver breathed heavily when his throat closed up.

"The only solace I have was that this will not kill you immediately and thus you will suffer for your ignorance," Sin responded when she turned back and saw the Brotherhood on the ground. It did feel interesting to see them after all that happened, all of their bravado, all of it unearned, down on the ground. Their breath got heavy.

Avalanche tried to fight the blistering fever, he never thought that he would miss the glory days of Mystique.

Suddenly Sin staggered a little bit, sweat rolling down her face, and she shook her head, when she felt herself size up in the pain. She could not believe that she felt so weak but then again she got out.

"Are you feeling a bit under the weather, Sinthea?"

Sin's eyes felt heavy when she collapsed down to the ground and felt her chest tighten when she struggled to breath. The young woman turned around, her vision blurry and doubled when she saw her father, the Red Skull.

"No, I created an antidote," Sin breathed heavily when the Brotherhood shook in fear when they found out who Sin's father was.

"Yes you did, but it wouldn't have helped you, for there is no antidote for the plague, at least one that can be made by mundane means," Red Skull stated when he walked forward.

"Wouldn't that….wouldn't that kill you then?" Quicksilver asked, trying to keep his wits about himself. He had to figure out a way, sure if this plague could be created, it could be reversed.

Red Skull's face twisted into a grin. "But of course, there is always a chance that my latest scheme my lead to my demise. And if that happens, well that must mean that I'm weak and therefore I deserve to die."

"You're bent," Quickislver managed but the Red Skull's face twisted into a sadistic grin.

He was called much, much worse in his day, every single name in the book, from a number of languages. Sometimes he killed the person on sight for their arrogance, other times he kept them alive out of sheer amusement. That way he could make them suffer and torment them, torture them and make them beg for their deaths. Then he took that sweet release away and made them suffer them.

Red Skull watched out in the city and he saw his daughter move to her feet, standing up. He felt a small flicker of being impressed by her ability to remain standing despite all of what happened. Perhaps he misjudged her of being weak but then again, it was something that was perhaps premature. Her knees wobbled when she held the gun in her hand and Red Skull stared it down, unblinking.

"If you do so, you'll be doing the world a favor," Red Skull responded when his eyes looked back at his daughter. "And you will be doing the world a favor but I doubt you have it within you. Despite my best efforts, you are still weak while I am still strong and I will impart one last lesson within you."

Red Skull stabbed Sin in the shoulder with a knife to emphasize his point. He pulled out the knife, causing her blood to drip onto the ground in front of her eyes. His sadistic expression continued to dance in his eyes before he offered her one piece of advice.

"Don't hunt what you can't kill."

"The toxicity levels in New York's air are rising, any one of us could be infected at any moment, it seems to be a matter of chance," Nick Fury reported when he held the gem in his hand when Harry gave it to him. The young wizard turned to him and no doubt he worried about his friends but he had to remain focused on the mission for a moment. "I'm not going to mince words, we're going to take HYDRA out, they've gone too far. This biological weapon is more dangerous than anything they've ever delved into."

Iron Man was the one who chimed in with a response. "Maybe…..maybe we can use the gem after we heal Cap with it to reverse the plague?"

Fury considered it, he really considered it. If not for the simple point was that science was being made a fool out of by the mystical means.

"We'll get more information and then we'll make our move," Fury responded when he responded with a gruff voice before he turned his attention towards Harry. "I trust….I trust you might not know anything or do you?"

Harry paused to think about it, without knowing exactly what was in the air, he doubted that even the Sorcerer Supreme could wave his hand and concoct and antidote. The young green eyed magical mutant stepped forward a little bit and drew in his breath before he offered one statement. It was not as if he had anything left to lose and the alternative was going to be something that none of them wanted to even consider.

"Get me all of the data and I'll see what I can do," Harry responded but then he moved forward. First before he even considered what was going to happen, he had to deal with Captain America. SHIELD moved his body into the facility for Harry to work his magic, whatever that might be on him.

Fury and Harry continued to walk, both of them knowing that the situation was going to get tense the more they worked together. The Commander of SHIELD drew in a slight breath when he crossed his hands over and waited for the response that Harry would give him. The dark haired wizard mulled over the situation in his mind before he saw him in all of his red, white, and blue glory. It was amazing to see him pretty much in the flesh for he was a living legend.

The stories were told about him in the schools but the stories were one thing compared to the actual man beside him. Captain America laid in stasis, his eyes shut when the dark haired wizard stood over him. He waved a hand when he saw him and held the gem in his hand now when Fury handed it over him.

"Work your magic kid," Fury responded in a gruff voice that left no other room for the young wizard to talk.

Harry clutched the gem in his hand and directed it towards the case towards Captain America. There would come a time where he would have to let it all hang out and not hold back at all. He felt the gem begin to vibrate in his hand as it began to heat up and he tilted the gem over. He had to make sure that it pointed at Captain America and bombarded him with the amount of radiation from the gem.

There was a loud humming from the gem when the dark haired wizard waved it over the downed body of Captain America. The gemstone shook in his hand when it rumbled within his fingers, there was an instant where he assumed that it would bust into pieces within his hand before it would cure the Star Spangled Avenger. Yet, somehow it remained intact when he continued to hold it. He felt something happening.

"His vital signs are spiking to normal, above normal," Nick Fury stated when he turned over to the side and the Commander of SHIELD peaked over his shoulder, half expecting something to happen that would ruin this entire process. "I believe….I believe you've done it."

The gem ceased to vibrate in Harry's hand and he drew himself back a little bit, before he rotated it into his hand. The problem was using a gem for this level of healing made it virtually unusable to heal anyone else to say the very least. He flickered the gem in his hand and saw the small fragment. Sadly it was not enough of a piece to heal Sirius, at least for more than partially and he did not want a partial healing of him.

"So, we did it, you healed him," Nick Fury answered and Harry answered with a stoic nod, a smile crossing his face despite himself.

"Yeah, all we need for him is for him to wake up," Harry responded when he held the small fragment in his hand. He stepped back but then the Black Widow appeared.

"News from the Xavier Institute," Black Widow stated in a stoic expression, when her eyes turned to him and Harry could tell that the situation was about as dire as he figured. Given the plague was in the air, he knew what was going to do.

"Yes," Harry answered and sure enough Logan was there to fill him in.

"Half of the kids in the Institute dropped, they're breathing, for what it's worth," Logan responded when he twisted his hands together and he seemed calm. "Xavier's lapsed into a coma."

Harry gave a pained whistle; he knew that something like this happened. Well not something exactly like this but he feared that something bad would happen. Most people would freak out right away in a very visible manner. And while Harry was freaking out on the inside, on the outside he remained calm. He knew that most of the school would be freaking out. Things got rather serious in a hurry.

"Is anyone still standing?" Harry asked, almost dreading the answer and fearing what Logan might say because of it.

"I am, then there's Jean and Rachel, everyone else is in various states of disarray," Logan stated when he looked over. "You better get over here….see if you can make heads and tails. Beast tried to figure it out but the illness overwhelmed him."

"HYDRA released that plague," Harry responded and there was a moment where Logan paused before he responded in a nasty tone of voice.

"Then Hydra is going to go down."

That was a statement that Harry could not disagree with to be honest, he stepped forward and was ready to go. The young wizard peaked over his shoulder before he walked off and did not even hear Fury's words but he paused.

"If my calculation were correct, Captain America will be awake within the hour," Harry responded when he faced Fury. "Send along word if you have complications."

Fury offered him a stiff nod and one word. "Understood."

A flash of light appeared in a meadow in New York. Had anyone been around, they would have saw a figure who exited the portal and landed down onto the ground. He was not the type of figure that people missed when he showed up, he stood out in a crowd. This man was someone who people would not miss at all if they saw him out in public. It was because of his flowing blond hair and that extended down.

He stood there, dressed in warrior garb with a black outfit that was armored and a red cape flowing behind him with a head piece on. He stood with fury simmering through his blue eyes, he was not someone who would be trifled with by any means whatsoever. He stepped forward to get a look at his new surroundings, the man was sent to this realm from his dimension and he welded a mighty hammer when he stepped forward.

Thor, the God of Thunder, arrived in Midgard and it seemed like he arrived just in time. Now he needed to seek out fellow warriors because his father sent him here for a reason and for a purpose. What that reason or what that purpose was, Thor did not quite determine it as of yet but he had to find that out before too long. Odin never did anything without a reason to say the very least.

The God of Thunder stood ready, power flowing from him. Now it would come the time where he would be able to stand forward and prepare for the battle. The power flowed through him and he raised his hammer.

"It's time," Thor stated when he spun around and went out on his quest.

Lockhead sat on the edge of Kitty's bed, which looked very flushed and red in the face, with sweat rolling down her eyes. The dragon looked up and Harry walked over towards Kitty. On the surface, one might not be able to figure out how frustrated Harry was. Training his face to shift into a mask was an element that Harry essentially mastered many times throughout the years. Wiping all emotions from his mind but seriously he saw Kitty, Rogue, and Amara side by side in beds, and then the other members of the X-Men not being much better. Even their Headmaster, Charles Xavier, lapsed into a coma state.

"So what's the damage?"

Harry spun around, stopping dabbing a wet washcloth on Kitty's head who was barely responsive. "I've done what I could to stabilize them but making them stable won't exactly cure them."

"We need to get a sample of the chemical that they used to make the plague," Rachel responded, not knowing how she did not drop down with the rest of them. Jean was someone that was easy to explain thanks to the Phoenix Force.

"Easier said than done," Jean answered when she looked at them, seeing them all in a row.

Scott looked out of it and he hinged onto life, barely able to draw breath. Kurt looked bad as well as did Bobby, Roberto, Ray, Jamie, and everyone else. This was no ordinary virus; this was something that the people behind it designed to draw out the misery and woe for as long as they could before those infected begged for death. Those behind it knew this and relished this fact, with Harry trying to piece together everything in his mind.

"Yeah, no kidding, given that we need to be in HYDRA central to get even close to it," Logan responded, his natural immunity staving off the worst of this, although he was a step slower than he was. He tried not to show it, he needed to keep his wits about him.

Harry noticed that Logan moved a bit more sluggish than he did before but did not call him out on it; he figured that if Logan wanted it to be known that he was not feeling well, it would be known that he was not feeling well. Still, the situation could not be direr if they even thought about it. Time as it was began to crawl by more slowly and the pained breathing of Kitty echoed through Harry's ears.

He tried to keep his focus off of what was happening to his first girlfriend, not that Rogue and Amara were doing much better with what happened. They looked flushed and on the verge of being both hot and cold at the same time. This was worse than his illness that gave him the upgraded powers, although he doubted that there would be a light at the end of the tunnel but he took a moment to clear his head.

"Strange is looking into cures, as am I," Harry added, trying to reassure the sick patients, those who still were standing, along with himself. "We're going into uncharted territory; I don't know….I don't know what's happening."

"We'll figure it out quickly."

Harry, Logan, Rachel, and Jean spun around to see him standing in there in all of his glory.

"Now that brings back a lot of memories," Logan remarked when he turned forward and looked at Captain America. He was back in business and none the worse for well.

"I would have been here sooner but Fury insisted on putting me through a battery of tests," Captain America stated but Harry shook his head.

"Nothing more important than your health," Harry responded and Captain America responded with a nod before he turned to properly face Harry.

"I believe that it is you that I have to thank for fixing the part of the super soldier serum that was about to kill me," Captain America answered with Harry smiling and looking at him. "Fury told me a bit about you but I know by now never to believe anything unless I see it with my own two eyes. What I will say is….it always looks darkest before the dawn."

Captain America paused before he looked on.

"But as long as there's heroes, we will win the day," Captain America added in a voice that would do nothing but get people motivated. That was why he was Captain America that was what he did.

And Harry vowed to keep fighting until his final breath. HYDRA picked the wrong day to mess with him.

"I've got an idea where HYDRA might be but it's a long shot," Harry answered when he looked at Captain America who turned to him and smiled.

"Son, sometime it's the longshot that wins a battle."