
Beyond the supernatural veil

Lionel_Henry_2314 · Ciudad
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10 Chs

chapter 8. The Windmill Encounter

Chapter 8: The Windmill Encounter

Kaidën and his friends approached the old windmill, their senses on high alert. Arin, in his wolf form, scouted ahead, sniffing out any potential dangers. Jax played a soft melody on his guitar, keeping their spirits lifted. Lyra's eyes shone with a soft, magical light, ready to defend her friends.

As they entered the windmill, they found a lone figure waiting for them. Zor-Veen, the Zorvath leader, stood tall, his eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity.

"Welcome, Kaidën and friends," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "I see you're quite the team. But can you handle what's coming?"

Kaidën snarled, his hybrid powers surging. "We're not afraid of you, Zor-Veen."

Zor-Veen chuckled, his eyes flashing with amusement. "We'll see about that. Let's play a little game, shall we?"

With a flick of his wrist, the windmill's machinery roared to life. The group stumbled, caught off guard by the sudden noise.

"The game is simple," Zor-Veen announced, his voice booming above the din. "You must work together to escape the windmill before it tears itself apart. And to make things more... interesting, I'll add a little twist. If you can make it to the exit in under five minutes, I'll give you a hint about the Zorvath's plans. But if you fail... well, let's just say you won't be leaving this windmill alive."

With a cackle, Zor-Veen vanished, leaving the group to face the windmill's deadly challenges alone.

The group exchanged worried glances, knowing they had to act fast. Arin transformed into his wolf form, using his keen senses to navigate the treacherous terrain. Jax played a fierce melody on his guitar, energizing the group and boosting their morale. Lyra unleashed her magic, creating a protective shield around them as they made their way through the windmill's treacherous maze.

Kaidën led the charge, his hybrid powers surging as he fought to keep his friends safe. Together, they battled against the windmill's deadly traps and puzzles, their bond growing stronger with every step.

But as the clock ticked down, they realized that escaping the windmill might not be enough. They had to uncover the Zorvath's secrets and stop their sinister plans before it was too late.