
Beyond the Billionaire's Image

BILLIONAIRE'S GAME SERIES 2 Oliver Lian Laurent is a young billionaire and famous actor who often changes girlfriends because he's scared and acts in a not-so-great way. His risky behavior almost got him into trouble, but things took an unexpected turn when Laci Andromeda Muller entered the picture. Unlike Oliver's previous girlfriends, Laci didn't care about his charm. She didn't smile or respond to his advances, creating an interesting dynamic between them. Little did Oliver know that Laci had a secret hidden beneath her calm exterior. As time passed, Oliver unknowingly became the reason for uncovering Laci's hidden truth. Their interactions led to a series of events that revealed something that was supposed to stay secret, making their connection more complicated. As Oliver and Laci navigate the tumultuous waters of their relationship, they are forced to confront their own fears, secrets, and the reality that lies beyond the image they present to the world.

Ms_alexa · Ciudad
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

"Ms. Muller?" The call rudely interrupted my quiet morning. I yawned, not bothering to check the caller ID, and answered it promptly.

"Yeah, who is this?" I scratched my head, lazily making my way into the bathroom. Glancing at my reflection, frustration crossed my face as I cursed under my breath upon spotting a couple of pimples.

"Damn, periods."

Being a woman is really tough. Ever since I was a kid, I've always been in sorrow because of it. I can't stand the perverts who are always lurking. Yes, blame it all on my boobs. I just sigh in annoyance, as if blaming my chest for all the hardships I've experienced.

Why do we have boobs? Should I get them removed?

The phone vibrates again as I continue pacing around. It jiggles when I run and moves just a bit. If I could donate it, I would have given it away. There are so many flat-chested girls in the world. Mine aren't even that big but it would be more convenient if I were a cup A size or even had no size at all. It's annoying!

"This is Attorney Gomarez from the Philippines, and I would like you to know that your father wishes for you to come back for his last will and testament."

I paused. I blinked several times and glanced, thinking it might be a wrong call, but the number displayed was indeed from the Philippines.

"Testament? I didn't even receive calls from my father for years. He was dead? Are you sure that I need to be there?"

I don't hate my dad; it's just that we're not on good terms. Even now, he harbors resentment towards me. I don't recall Dad being ill, or perhaps he was, but I didn't have the time to check on him. Why would I, anyway?

"He is not yet dead, Ms. Muller, but he's ill and he wants to see you." I ended the call frustrated.

After my grandpa died, they always bothered me. They wanted to use me to help their business. Not to boast, but I'm good at reading people. I know how to play and manipulate, which is why my talent is heavily utilized in the casino. I can easily solve problems if I have to but I'm lazy so I won't.

I even got suspended from some of the casinos in New York. If they know my name, no one dares to fight me. Unless you're stubborn and don't mind losing your livelihood.

Why would that old man want me to go there? I'm just his daughter to his mistress. I don't want any trouble, especially since I prefer not to engage with my toxic siblings.

I clicked my tongue and began to call my team. "Hey, how's it going?" one of my team members greeted.

"I'm returning to the Philippines. It looks like you'll be taking over my role."

The other line went silent. I know, it can be shocking. I love my job but it seems like I need to leave it temporarily.

"You're coming back, right? You can't just leave your job to me."

I rubbed my temples. I don't want to leave my job, especially since we have a big job next month. But I don't have a choice.

"Yeah, I'll call you when everything is settled."

I ended the call and headed to the bathroom to shower. I guess, this is my time to face my goddamn life.

I wore my signature black suit, paired with black trousers and flat shoes. I brushed my hair and put on the wig before donning the black sunglasses.

Before I go back to the Philippines, I should enjoy myself here in New York first. I will attend my next target casino, which, to my knowledge, just opened this month.


The roulette wheel turned and the ball danced around. It felt like magic was in my hand. I quickly put my bet on one number. Amazingly, the ball stopped right on that number. Everyone around was shocked and started to cheer.

I smirked and rested my arms on my chair like I'm a guy. Seriously, I'm just tired of winning straight but I'm enjoying my enemy's angry expression.

The casino staff shared worried looks, knowing about the legend that had become famous in their establishment. They labeled me a legend for silly reasons—I'm just here to play and have fun.

My competitor, a man who thought he was the best at tricking people in gambling, was very angry. He used to believe no one could beat him, but now he knew he couldn't win against me. I smiled secretly; he was the one I planned to beat tonight. I even hired someone to find him.

It's a challenge, right? I feel challenged when I know who the enemy is. I also need to know which casino they're going to. But honestly, I searched for a known man in the Casino World, a man whom I despise the most. He's the reason why I'm always in the casino, to find the bastard who killed my grandpa. But I can't find him and that is so messed up.

I've been looking for him everywhere and I don't even know who he is or where he goes, but I still remember his face. He killed my grandpa in front of me, in front of these damn games I was playing today. That was the last time I saw my grandpa play. I was 19 that time and I'm 25 now. Six years and I haven't found that jerk.

Dorotel hit the table hard, making the chips fly everywhere, and yelled, "This is crazy! Luck can't always be this good!" His loud words made everyone in the casino look at us.

I looked at him, my voice sounding a bit playful, "Luck, my friend, is just a little part of the game. Maybe it's time for you to learn that."

He stormed out of the casino, leaving behind a sea of bewildered onlookers. I guess this is my time to leave the scene. I've been here for a while and someone might drag me out again.

I intentionally beat that fool because I heard he's a henchman of the man I despise and when his comrades find out that he faced me, I know they'll look for me. I just want to lure them out.

I smiled at the monitor, knowing someone was watching my every move. I waved my hand and started walking towards the exit when I heard footsteps. Too many footsteps that I thought were coming from the men who had been observing me earlier.

The one guy wearing yellow round sunglasses with a cigarette in his mouth approached me. He was accompanied by what I think were his minions. He looked at me arrogantly, spat out his cigarette, and stepped on it with his shiny black shoes, shinier than his bald companion.

I calmly watched them as they surrounded me. From what I could count, more than twenty of them were approaching me. That's not many. Unlike the ones I faced last year, which were up to a hundred because I beat their boss and they wanted to get rid of me immediately.

I'm not that small; I'm 5 ft and 10 inches tall and my waistline is 26. Well, if I apply for modeling, maybe I'll be accepted right away. Too bad, I don't like posing like a fool.

"The legendary gambler is here. Nice to see you, Poker ace."

I raised my eyebrow at what he called me. Every time I came to different casinos, they really call me that. But I heard that someone had this name a long time ago.

"How may I help you, gentlemen?"

I pretended to bow my head and took off my Panama hat, placing it on my chest to greet them.

Because my voice is low, they won't know that the person in front of them has a pair of large mountains hidden inside her clothes.

I need to bind my chest so it's not too noticeable because what I hate the most is being harassed. It's disgusting. Just thinking about their lewd faces and touching my skin makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

"We will just retrieve what was taken from our boss," he said. I nodded a few times.

"Is that so? But, I don't remember whoever that was. What is his name again?" I tilted my head to show that I forgot, but I really did forget. With so many people I've faced, I can hardly remember their ugly faces.

The man in the middle took out a large rolled-up paper and quickly unfolded it. I blanked out because four people had to hold it since they made a tarpaulin of their boss.

"He is our boss. Did you see how magnificent he was? He's the richest and most generous man on earth!" The man on the right exaggeratedly shouted.

I looked at the picture on the tarpaulin and grimaced. They even made an advance tarpaulin for their boss's wake. Such bastards.

just cleaned my ear with my little finger and calmly blew it in front of them, indicating that I didn't care.

"Hey! Did you hear us?!" The bald man shouted.

I cast a weary glance in their direction, my eyes heavy with fatigue and a hint of disinterest. A lazy, almost resigned sigh escaped my lips.

"I don't think you can beat me, losers."

Some of them furrowed their brows at my insult. I knew they were ready to charge at me any minute.

"What did you just say?!" The bald man shouted again. Doesn't he realize that when he shouts, his shiny head is clearly visible? He looks like an egg!

"Don't talk with your butt, assholes, if you want to fight me-- use your fucking punch."

I remained calm. So much talking, I have things to do tomorrow. In a few days, I'll be teaching and then going back to the PPhilippines It seems like I'll have a temporary break here.

I remembered something. I took out a small notebook from inside my clothes and started writing.

I wrote down the things I need to buy for the set. Fortunately, in just a few days, the movies I'm working on this month will be finished. It's time for a break.

"Are you listening?!"

I put the pen to my chin to think.

"Uhm, I forgot the last thing I buy. What would it be? Oh right!"

I wrote it down and voila! Done. I happily looked at it and placed it back inside my clothes. The attire I'm wearing has pockets inside, so it won't fall.

I quickly saw the fist coming at my face and grabbed it with fast reflexes. The man looked surprised, raising his eyebrows in disbelief at how quickly I reacted.

"I told you, don't bother me," I warned, keeping my tone steady.

Despite the warning, he tried to hurt me with his other hand, but I easily dodged and quickly kicked him in the jaw. His head jerked back, and he looked surprised and hurt.

When the bald man tried to kick me, I grabbed his leg, throwing him off balance. I punched him hard in the nose. He winced as blood started to come out of his nose. He moved back a bit, trying to get himself together.

Even though they kept trying to attack me, I moved easily, dodging their hits without any trouble. Each move I made flowed into the next one. In just a few minutes, the guys who had been so aggressive were now on the ground, defeated.

Their lips were busted, blood was still flowing from their noses, and bones were broken. I grinned. Well done, but they're really disgusting to look at.

Everyone was looking-- shock and fear registered on their faces. I ignored them and walked past the fallen men.

A single person's clap caught my attention. I stopped but didn't look where the sound came from.

"Interesting. Very interesting!" He said, amused.

I felt him stop a few meters from me but chose not to look at him.

"I've been observing you, Poker ace." He said in a teasing tone. "Meaning --I know who you are."

I felt like I was doused with water when I heard that. He knows me? I made sure no one was following me. How does this bastard know my identity? No, I shouldn't let my guard down. He's just trapping me so I won't be prepared.

"Let's see.." He left me hanging in suspense.

I was getting really nervous. This guy was making me so mad. I was so angry I felt like I could hurt him. Darn it!

But I knew that if I got angry, things would get worse. I would be doing exactly what he wanted. I couldn't let that happen. I had to stay calm.

So, I tried my best to ignore him and not listen to the mean things he was saying. But...

"You're working on a set."