
Beyond Reality - Atomsk Ascension Over Heavens

I was born in a boring world... I didn't like my reality I lived a life without meaning... evading reality I died in a stupid way... trying to escape from reality But that wasn't the end ... It's hard to believe that this is real I was reborn in a closed room without a father or mother... This is really weird At the time of birth I already had the body of a 9-year-old boy, capable of destroying the walls that contained me with my own hands... Too impressive to be real I wasn't reborn in my boring world... That really excites me I don't know what the hell I am... This really is thrilling This is impossible... Really? Shut up and look The world is against me... I will be the real master of this world My existence goes against the laws of the universe... I don't really care My fate has already been established by the laws of heaven... I'm the only one who decides my own reality I will make my way through time, space and causality And I will destroy all established order with my own hands There are no chains that can bind me. There are no walls that can slow me down. There is no path that I cannot create I have no limits Because I am ... BEYOND REALITY -------------------------------------------------- Release rate: 3-5 chapters per week Chapter Length: 1500-2500 -------------------------------------------------- English is not my main language, so I will commit some spelling mistakes. I would appreciate if you corrected me -------------------------------------------------- It's an original story but the protagonist is a hardcore geek, so during the course of the story there will be references to manga, anime, videogames and POP culture. -------------------------------------------------- This story was previously only called Beyond Reality. However, I have made some changes and I have corrected errors and I wanted to restart it.

Meralman · Oriental
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47 Chs

Yare yare daze

Atomsk, Sarah and Sebastian went to Coliseum number 4… 45 minutes before the fight

[Honestly, I would prefer to make a spectacular entrance at the last moment, but ...

I'm afraid that will make it difficult to place bets...

In addition, they will need to see me and feel my level to make sure I am at a disadvantage...

Poor wretches]

Upon arrival, Atomsk became the focus of all eyes ... and there were too many.

The Coliseum number 4 was full of people, barely fit a fly among all that crowd.

The news that the leader of the family had adopted a commoner with a new type of AVATAR never before seen ... and that same commoner, just 9 years old, was going to face the champion of this year ... Being that champion the little son of Lauren ...

He ran like wildfire ... and Lauren did everything possible to spread them as quickly and deeply as possible...

The entire audience was amazed, surprised, curious and expectant.

[Lauren, you must be very convinced that your little offspring will beat me

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but your only function in all this will be to bring me fame and wealth ... and for how they look at me... it seems that also women... HAHAHA

However, they are too young for my taste]

Atomsk went to the combat zone, just as he was told to do when he arrived.

While Atomsk was still looking bored, Sarah and Sebastian started making bets.

By the indications that Sarah was doing to him, the bets were 1 to 180 ...

[Well, I already feel how my pockets start to weigh due to the money

What should I buy with that money?

Do they have computers in this world?]

Nevertheless, suddenly someone interrupted his happy thoughts...

"So you are the commoner that my uncle has thought of adopting?

What a strange skin colour...

Are you sure he has not adopted you to be a kind of strange circus animal to throw peanuts behind the bars of a cage? HAHAHA

Our family is falling lower every day"

Atomsk, with a face of disgust and annoyance ... turned to the source of that voice.

He was about 11 or 12 years old, like most members of the Vermillon family, he had red hair and eyes.

He dressed in a way too extravagant and all his being gave off arrogance, because of his facial features and the situation, Atomsk understood who he was…

Lauren's little son... Luke

"Well, I wouldn't know... if you have any doubts ask your father ... he insisted very much that I should marry with your sister" Said Atomsk sarcastically

"What did you say?!" Luke said clearly angry, since this wasn't the answer he was waiting for.

"Well, what you heard is that, according to you, your father wanted to marry your beloved lsister to a circus animal ... I guess you'll also want to throw peanuts at her ... hahaha" Atomsk said mockingly to Luke

"I WILL KILL YOU," Luke shouted, losing all patience… while the referees held him back.

[HAHAHA ... What a funny idiot

It will help me to kill time before the battle]

However, obviously, part of the audience was able to hear the conversation between Atomsk and Luke:

"What!? Adoption!? What are you talking about?"

"Marry Miss Laura?"

"Mr. Lauren, is that true? What's happening?"

Lauren tried to avoid answering uncomfortable questions about what had happened during the meeting… however, Sarah did her best to answer those questions that Lauren did not want to answer in the most impertinent way she could

This situation was repeated constantly for more than 30 minutes.

Luke tried to provoke Atomsk again and again, and Atomsk, in a rather indifferent and sarcastic way, continued to respond to his insults ... Luke got angry again and again ... making the referees very attentive to separate them.

When Atomsk was already getting bored of this children's game...

Lorenz made his appearance to start the fight.

[Perfect, I was getting tired of humiliating this child ...

A while is fine ... but it was becoming repetitive]

"Today as you will all know ...

There will be an exhibition match between Atomsk, the new addition to the family of which we will inform you later ... and Luke.

[So he doesn't give the last name just in case I lose?

It's an intelligent play ...

However... very bad new dad, you do not trust 100% that I will win]

For this combat, the official rules will be used.

It's considered defeat when losing consciousness for more than 5 seconds, fall from the combat area, surrender or the intervention of the referee to save the life of one of the fighters.

However, Due to the inequality of levels between both, in this combat the use of any inner weapon, inner artifact or other external object will be forbidden.

[Shit ... I wanted to try my new toys

Never mind... I'll have to fight bareback]

Make your presentations; we will start in 1 minute"

At that moment, Luke showed his orange STIGMA and activated his AVATAR, showing a basic transformation with some physical changes ... since the hybrid transformation was only accessible at AVATAR Master.

"Luke Vermillon, AVATAR Scholar Level 21, Animal type, AVATAR Fenix ..." Luke said with arrogance

Atomsk imitating his presentation, showed his white STIGMA and summoned Libera Me From Hell and while both made a male JOJO pose pointing to Luke with his index finger

"Atomsk, AVATAR Infant Level 8, Stand type, AVATAR Libera Me From Hell ... pleasure"

When the public saw their AVATAR for the first time, the reactions were immediate:


"Stand type? Libera Me From Hell? I had never heard of its existence."

"Will he have put that name himself?"

"It's like the elders said ... it's a new type of AVATAR"

"What an incredible look, it looks like a man with armour made of faces ... and it's floating in the air"


"But? Why does he pose in that weird way?

"I do not know, but it's cool ... and I find it strangely virile"

Everyone in the audience began to exchange impressions about Atomsk and his AVATAR...

There was no one who could be indifferent to this unique fact in history ... those who knew that Sarah had been the one who had brought Atomsk to the family, came to ask her ... but she decided not to give many explanations, as it could be harmful for the last-minute bets.

Atomsk was pleased with the attention he received, especially for the compliments to his poses and his AVATAR ... but someone was responsible for cutting his good humour in the worst possible way...

That's right, it was Luke.

"HAHAHAHA ... You're just an AVATAR Infant? How pathetic...

Do you expect to face me? An AVATAR Scholar ... possessor of the noble Phoenix with the abilities Fire bird and Flame Armor HAHAHA."

[What a waffling ... and imbecile child

Why would someone explain to his enemy what his skills are before or during combat?

Is it due to arrogance ... or he believe that we are in an anime, manga or novel in which these kinds of explanations are made so that people know what is happening?]

"Ha, not only you are ugly, your AVATAR is also ...

What a ridiculous and absurd appearance ...

Where did you get that stupid name? HAHAHA "

At this moment, the expression of Atomsk changed showing authentic contempt and rage

[What did you just say about my AVATAR, face-penis with phimosis?

Have you called the appearance of my TTGL ugly or ridiculous?

Did you say that the name of the song Libera Me From Hell is ridiculous?

The last one who said that now is underground

Well ... he works in the subway ... but I also gave him a beating…


Atomsk became extremely serious and angry ... A huge contrast considering his cocky and foolish attitude he had until then regarding Luke



At first I wanted to be benevolent with you for being my new cousin (LIE) ... But now ... I will not have mercy with you "Atomsk said, very annoyed.

Luke, seeing that he had managed to upset Atomsk ... Feeling satisfied, he tried to keep provoking him, but at that moment, Lorenz started the countdown to start the fight.

"3, 2, 1 ... GO"

When Lorenz started the fight, Luke activated his "Flame Armor" ability and ran towards Atomsk at a high speed while preparing his "Fire bird".

Flame armor: Is probably the only defensive skill available to the AVATAR phoenix, and also the most useful for fighting hand to hand. This ability covers the user with a protective layer of fire, which strengthens the defense, improves the attack at close range, slightly enhances the abilities of fire and causes damage to those who attack it directly. However, this ability has a great expenditure of energy ... an Avatar Shcolar could hardly maintain it for a minute before running out of Inner Ennergy.

[If he is using this ability, he expects to win me quickly in hand-to-hand combat.

Must be the confidence of being an animal-type AVATAR]

"Die" Luke said as he threw two "Fire Bird's," one of each hand ... as he kept running toward Atomsk.

Fire bird, is a long ranged ability that creates birds of fire that chase the target until they hit or are destroyed. The intelligence of the birds will depend on the spiritual energy of the user, so that until the user does not reach AVATAR King the orders that follow are limited, as well as their ability to adapt. With each rank (not counting the AVATAR Infant) you can summon an extra Firebird with the same cost.

However, Atomsk didn't move

It wasn't necessary, since from the beginning Luke had been inside his Space Oddity.

The official combat zones measure about 150 meters and the distance at the start of the combat between the participants was 30 meters ... Bearing in mind that the Space Oddity of Atomsk at the moment had a diameter of 81 meters and that Luke was getting closer and closer to him…

He had no escape.

However, that was not the only reason why he had not moved ... Atomsk was waiting for the right moment to attack ... and that moment came just as the Fire Birds were 8 meters from impact with him.

Libera Me From Hell, just like Atomsk had an impressive racing speed, but the most terrifying thing about Libera Me From Hell, something that Atomsk could not compete with, was his ability to accelerate...

Both have the same speed, but floating in a state of weightlessness in the air...

All the time and energy needed to hit the foot against the ground to run… was nonexistent, so he earned several tenths of a second at that moment..

With a speed superior to 100 k / h, being the resistance of the wind the only thing that slowed him down ... Libera Me From Hell rushed towards the Fire Birds and…


He smashed them with a single punch to each one and continued to advance at full speed towards Luke, which was still running at full speed towards Atomsk

Atosmk during the time he was training with Sarah, found out how resistant was Libera Me From Hell.

Liberate Me From Hell, he was as strong as Atomsk, in the same way, he was also as tough as his body was and they also shared the same damage.

However, Libera Me From Hell is a body made of Inner energy, and apparently was also able to withstand attacks made of Inner energy better than Atomsk ... approximately 20% better.

In addition, he had been training daily with Sarah, fighting with her and facing her hot flames...

Although she was contained in the training, the temperature of her fire was higher than Luke's... and even then, he could face them with just a few burns that in a few minutes, they were cured ... And each day his body got used more to those temperatures...

Why would he be afraid of Luke's insignificant flames?

Libera Me From Hell, kept moving towards a Luke, who was still running as he had not had time to assimilate the situation

In less than a second, he reached his position.

Libera Me From Hell punched him with his left hand in the face of the surprised Luke, but he was able to react in time to cover her with his arms...

Luke had activated the ability "Flame Armor", at first he was hoping that his armor was strong enough to withstand any attack directed at him, since his adversary was an insignificant AVATAR Infant, but…

Seeing how that mysterious AVATAR destroyed his Fire Birds, he decided to protect himself, since the defensive capabilities of his armour were limited ... specially in his head.

Everyone believed that he made the right decision.

However, he made a mistake because that punch was a decoy; the real punch ... was done with his right hand, and went straight to his unprotected stomach at full speed.


[It's just like Sarah said

If you attack an amateur in the head, will soon forget 100% that he still have a body to protect]

The attack was super effective, causing damage to Luke and causing him to rise in the air a meter, however, his armour was able to absorb part of the dame... with some discomfort he could still fight.

Atomsk, despite having beaten the Flame Armor, suffered no injuries, only felt a certain heat in his fist, which was covered with a long glove so that people couldn't see his wounds ... and how they healed at a visible speed.

Libera Me From Hell instead of continuing to attack Luke until his attacks were effective, decided to opt for another strategy...

While Luke was still suspended in the air by the blow, Libera Me From Hell grabbed his neck, still protected by the Fire Armor and rose to the roof of the stadium to the maximum height that allowed the Space Oddity, which was about 40 meters high.

While the public was alarmed by what had just happened…

Luke, still held by the neck, with the Armor of flames still activated, said with difficulty as he prepared two Fire Birds "Drop me, fucking monster!"

However, Atomsk, who was down listening to the conversation, said with his hands in his pockets in a sarcastic and sarcastic way ...

"Yare yare Daze...

Should I do it?

For a chick that still doesn't know how to fly, a fall of that height would be deadly.

In addition, I think that due to your armor of embers ... the hand of my Libera Me From Hell begins to tire ..." Atomsk said with a hand sore from the heat ... which is why he put his hand in his pocket.

Luke was afraid to look down, because he could fall from that height ... He interrupted his two Fire Birds and his Fire Armour r ... and said angrily, due to the humiliation he felt

"Damned! Now leave me on the ground, filthy commoner... and maybe I'll consider forgiving your life later"

Atomsk sighed and looked at Luke with pity

"Yare yare daze ...

Do you think that this is the way to ask for a favor?

Don't worry ... I had the intention of leaving you on the grond from the beginning...

BELOW THE GROUND LEVEL!"Atomsk said with contempt whit the manliest badass JOJO pose ever

Libera Me From Hell released Luke a few centimetres in the air, and before he had time to react, scream or activate his Flame armour...

A storm of punches reached his body


Libera Me From Hell continued to hit Luke in circles preventing him from falling quickly to the ground, keeping he in the air ... as if he were a volleyball ball

He kept hitting again and again at incredible speed as they slowly descended to the ground ... before the rapt crowd, which could not articulate a single sound

They could not believe what I was seeing

An AVATAR Infant, was dominating an elite AVATAR Sholar with such ease.

Atomsk's intention was to keep hitting him at that rate until they reached the ground slowly ... but ...

When Luke seemed to have lost consciousness and his appearance seemed unrecognizable because of the punches ... Lorenz, the referee of the fight grabbed him in the air and while flying with his flaming wings, checked his condition and announced.

"Luke is unable to continue ... the winner of this match is Atomsk D. Avery"

While the crowd was still mute due to the shock, Sarah and Sebastian with great joy began to collect their winnings and Lauren extremely worried, went at full speed toward his son...

Atomsk made a slight grimace and as he descended in a cool way from the battle ring, said

"It seems that the big bird has grabbed the little one before he fell off the nest

How unexpected"

Upon hearing those words the stadium went crazy because of the boos on one side and screams of admiration on the other.

However, our hero was thinking about something very important at that moment

[What is better? "ORA! ORA!" or "MUDA! MUDA!"?




I think I'll use the "MUDA! MUDA!"]


How many JoJo references have you seen in this chapter?😂

I hope you enjoyed the chapter

Initially I wanted to finish today the Wermillon arch, but it will be tomorrow (i hope)

We are a few chapters that Atomsk gain his first ability

The next chapter will be on Tuesday.

What do you think of the story so far? What do you think I should improve?

I would like to know your opinion

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