
Beyond Reality - Atomsk Ascension Over Heavens

I was born in a boring world... I didn't like my reality I lived a life without meaning... evading reality I died in a stupid way... trying to escape from reality But that wasn't the end ... It's hard to believe that this is real I was reborn in a closed room without a father or mother... This is really weird At the time of birth I already had the body of a 9-year-old boy, capable of destroying the walls that contained me with my own hands... Too impressive to be real I wasn't reborn in my boring world... That really excites me I don't know what the hell I am... This really is thrilling This is impossible... Really? Shut up and look The world is against me... I will be the real master of this world My existence goes against the laws of the universe... I don't really care My fate has already been established by the laws of heaven... I'm the only one who decides my own reality I will make my way through time, space and causality And I will destroy all established order with my own hands There are no chains that can bind me. There are no walls that can slow me down. There is no path that I cannot create I have no limits Because I am ... BEYOND REALITY -------------------------------------------------- Release rate: 3-5 chapters per week Chapter Length: 1500-2500 -------------------------------------------------- English is not my main language, so I will commit some spelling mistakes. I would appreciate if you corrected me -------------------------------------------------- It's an original story but the protagonist is a hardcore geek, so during the course of the story there will be references to manga, anime, videogames and POP culture. -------------------------------------------------- This story was previously only called Beyond Reality. However, I have made some changes and I have corrected errors and I wanted to restart it.

Meralman · Oriental
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47 Chs

The interrogation

While Sebastian showed the way to the carriage, Sarah followed him as she continued hugging Atomsk while carrying him in his arms, stroking his cheek with Atomsk's face.

While they were heading towards the carriage, the citizens of the town could see the scene ... and the opinions were diverse.

Men envied the fate of the mysterious child to find such a good and loving pattern

The grandmothers were delighted to see Miss Sarah so happy and behaving in such a feminine way

The young women envied Sarah for being able to caress that puppy and they marvelled at their insight ... Buy when it's cheap and enjoy the dividends in a few years

However, Sarah was oblivious to the looks and whispers; she was trapped in a pink world where there were only hugs and caresses.

"This ... Sarah, if you keep stroking me like this you're going to erode my cheek" said Atomsk, who was feeling a bit embarrassed by the situation. He did not mind being hugged and more for a pretty girl ... but even if he was 8 or 9 years old abroad ... He was a 26 year old man.

As if she had woken up from a good sleep, Sarah realized the situation around her, the looks of the people and their conversations ... also that she had been carrying and hugging Atomsk all the time unconsciously in front of the crowd.

"Eh ... uh ... excuse me just ... I was just carrying you because I thought you'd be tired after wandering through the woods ... and scared because of those guys ... do not make the wrong ideas ..." Said Sarah blushing and embarrassed as she left Atomsk in the I floor slowly ... but without much desire to do it.

Once she left Atomsk on the floor, Sarah tried again to show an attitude of noble straight and imperturbable ... but still blushing.

[This girl is a tsundere from head to toe😲😂] Atomsk thought as he laughed internally.

"JOJOJO ... It's hard for the young lady to admit that she likes nice things in public ...

You could say she's too proud or likes to pretend to be someone too straight ... you'll get used to it in no time, Mr. Atomsk" Sebastian said, with an elegant laugh.

"Sebastian, don't say those things about your mistress in front of a guest" She said, embarrassed Sarah while shaking Sebastian.

Atomsk realized by this interaction that for Sarah, Sebastian was not just a butler of the bunch ... and that Sarah was not the typical rich spoiled girl.

Once in the carriage similar to the eighteenth century, which was pushed by a kind of horses with green and red scales on the legs ... began the expected interrogation by Sarah at Atomsk

"Then you have always been living with your grandfather in the forest?" Sarah asked trying to extract information.

"Yes, since I have memory I have been with my grandfather in the forest ...

Today was the first time I have seen someone who was not my grandfather or my own reflection... there were so many people that I was scared" Atomsk said while trying to create a false story of his life that was convincing.

"Hahaha ... If you consider that "so many people" you will have problems if one day you go to a big city.

Lardana is possibly the most remote and small town of that country... so far away and so small that it does not even have a delegation of the "AVATAR Divine Chrunch"...

Although all these are the things that I like about the town" Said Sarah laughing because of the innocence and lack of knowledge of the world of Atomsk.

[With just that answer, he has already revealed to me the name of the town where I am, his situation and an important organization ... it seems that it will be easy to get information without raising suspicion🤔😁]

"A big city like Frynoer?" Atomsk said recalling the conversation he had with the elders in the clothing store.

"Oh ... you know Frynoer?" Sarah asked trying to find out how much she knew of the world from his Grandfather.

"Yes, when I went to buy clothes, the elders in charge of the store named that place, as they said it seemed to be a big and important place" Atomsk replied as he watched Sarah's expression changes to find out what the next question might be, what answer she expected and if it had seemed convincing or not.

"Ah ... so were my grandparents? JAJAJAA typical of them, whenever a new client enters the store they try to bring up the issue that they were Marquise Tailors in Frynoer to impress the clientele...

I should have imagined it was them, the clothes you wear seems to be made by them without any doubt ..." Sarah said laughing while remembering all the times that situation had happened.

"Your grandparents?" Atomsk said surprised, it would never have crossed his mind that some village tailors were family of a high class rich girl like her.

"Yes, they are my grandparents on the maternal side, when they left their work in the capital they went back to Lardana, the town where they were born.

They could already be retired without having to do anything ... but they just can't stand still and insist on continuing to work... did my grandparents tell you something else? "Sarah asked, fearing the worst.

"Yeah, I think they told me "if only my granddaughter were younger ... I would not hesitate to introduce she to you"... Hahaha what a coincidence it was about you" Atomsk said trying to embarrass Sarah a bit.

"They always do and say the same thing" Said Sarah totally ashamed as she do a facepalm.


"Atomsk D. Avery was the name your grandfather gave you?" Sarah asked trying to find out a little more about Atomsk's mysterious dead grandfather and his curious first and last name, which he had never heard before.

"No, I put it on myself" said Atomsk with pride

"Yourself? And before calling yourself that way, how did your grandfather refer to you? "Sarah asked surprised, she had not expected this response.

"In the forest, it was just him and me, so we didn't need names, they were not necessary according to him ...

The few times he told me things about the world were what he called "bar talks with friends"... He always referred to them by their names ...

Then I realized that I did not have one, and I namend myself me like that" He answered again with his story of the imaginary grandfather.

"But did not your grandfather name you when you showed curiosity to know your name?" He asked again with arched eyebrows, not understanding the situation.

"When I asked him he said "What's the matter, if you want a name put yourself one that you like" and following his advice I put this, the truth is that I do not know very well because I put this name, but it sounded good ...

Now that I think about it I still do not know how my grandfather was called" Said Atomsk staging the imaginary conversations between him and his imaginary grandfather to give more realism, credibility and make Sarah laugh.

"Did your grandfather have a skin color and hair similar to yours?

Or did he tell you something about your parents?

I ask simply because I had never seen or heard of someone with your skin color" Sarah asked surprised by the unusual relationship grandfather - grandson they had.

"No, they did not look anything like me, like you and the townspeople, he had pale skin and his color was only black.

Sometimes I asked about my parents, because he never talked about them, but...

he always answered the same thing "You'll know when the time comes"...

The phrase "You'll know when the time comes" was his phrase for everything when he didn't want to explain something to me ... and now I do not think he's going to tell me" Atomsk said, as he staged with laughter, indignation and sadness.

[I hope she bought this explanation from the weird grandfather who does not explain important things😓]

[What a weird grandfather had this boy ...

Did he keep him in the mountains not revealing information about his parents or his name because he had a complicated background?

Or was he simply an indifferent person with the emotional intelligence of a carrot?]

"Miss Sarah, Sir Atomsk... We have already arrived at the mansion" Sebastian said.

On leaving the carriage, the first thing that Atomsk saw was a gate, from which you could see through it a 3,000-square-foot, 3-storey house with a wide variety of gardens through which a river passed not too much. deep ... The mansion, unlike the houses in the village, was made of a material similar to black and white marble, it was evident that it was a superior construction in all aspects.

"Surprised? It's my holiday home, this is my mother's hometown, and both my father, mother and I loved the tranquility that was breathed in this area so my father built this mansion ... Currently only I use it, as a holiday home" Sarah reported to Atomsk trying not to look arrogant.

"Cool ... I'm not quite sure what the houses in the capital will be like, but I'm sure your family should be very rich enough to build and maintain something just to be on holidays' "Atomsk said surprised as he tried to inquire some information about the Sarah's family.

"Well ... Yes, the Vermillon family is one of 12 noble families in the kingdom of Zexarion.

Despite being a family with an animal type AVATAR we have an affinity with alchemy and blacksmithing, since our avatar is the Phoenix bird ... and thanks to that, among many other factors, we have managed to be one of the richest families of the 3 big kingdoms and without a doubt the most prosperous among the AVATAR's of animal type.

Of course we are not so big as to operate alone, Nasarmar is a world where apart from having great individual power the alliances and connections with the first level powers are crucial...

The Vermillon family is what is called a third-ranking power" Narrated Sarah to Atomsk as they walked through the garden towards the door of the house accompanied by Sebastian.

Sarah when she realized that Atomsk did not respond, looked down and saw an Atomsk looking at her with a face that seemed to have written on it the phrase "I haven't understand anything you said".

"JEJEJE I'm sorry, it seems that I've said many things that you did not understand ... it's normal ... it's the first time you arrive to civilization and your grandfather practically has not explained anything to you about the world ...

What do you think if today we have dinner soon and I solve all your doubts while we eat? "Sarah proposed to Atomsk while she felt a little stupid for not knowing how to explain correctly.

[I have not understood certain things since you have explained them half-way, but... 🤔

It's not bad, I've got a better idea of how this world is... 😵

I hope you can clarify it to me later😅]

"Ok, I agree Sarah thank you very much" Atomsk said as he hugged Sarah.

"KYAAA 😍😍😍😍!!! SO CUTE! "Sarah said as she returned the hug in an overly effusive way.

Once Sebastian and the servants managed to separate Atomsk from Sarah ... Sebastian instructed a maid to show Atomsk the house, to put him in his room and bathe him.

After showing him an enormous mansion and guiding him to what would be his room ... Atomsk left his backpack, which contained all his belongings near the bed and went escorted by the maid to a huge bathroom ... which looked like something out of a Roman movie.

After convincing the servant that he did not need help and that he could bathe alone ... he washed himself once more that day, dried with a towel that had been given to him before entering the bathroom and went out to get dressed.

Atomsk was already well located, well dressed, clean and ready to dine...

[Finally it's time to understand what kind of world I am in]

Hello, I have made some changes and I have decided to republish the novel here with a new name

I would greatly appreciate that you can rate, coment and the and do reviews about the chapters... if you liked it

In this way more people can find and enjoy it.

Thank you

Meralmancreators' thoughts