
Beyond Reality - Atomsk Ascension Over Heavens

I was born in a boring world... I didn't like my reality I lived a life without meaning... evading reality I died in a stupid way... trying to escape from reality But that wasn't the end ... It's hard to believe that this is real I was reborn in a closed room without a father or mother... This is really weird At the time of birth I already had the body of a 9-year-old boy, capable of destroying the walls that contained me with my own hands... Too impressive to be real I wasn't reborn in my boring world... That really excites me I don't know what the hell I am... This really is thrilling This is impossible... Really? Shut up and look The world is against me... I will be the real master of this world My existence goes against the laws of the universe... I don't really care My fate has already been established by the laws of heaven... I'm the only one who decides my own reality I will make my way through time, space and causality And I will destroy all established order with my own hands There are no chains that can bind me. There are no walls that can slow me down. There is no path that I cannot create I have no limits Because I am ... BEYOND REALITY -------------------------------------------------- Release rate: 3-5 chapters per week Chapter Length: 1500-2500 -------------------------------------------------- English is not my main language, so I will commit some spelling mistakes. I would appreciate if you corrected me -------------------------------------------------- It's an original story but the protagonist is a hardcore geek, so during the course of the story there will be references to manga, anime, videogames and POP culture. -------------------------------------------------- This story was previously only called Beyond Reality. However, I have made some changes and I have corrected errors and I wanted to restart it.

Meralman · Oriental
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47 Chs

Journey to... the shop

Atomsk approached the body of Lars, who was unconscious and bleeding on the floor ...

[MMMMMMMM I do not know if he's breathing or not ...😅

I hope I did not kill him ...😬

Maybe I got too excited to give him a good MUDA!MUDA!MUDA!😂]

While Atomks was still checking if the leader of the idiots was still alive, puncturing him with a stick... as if he were shit…

The four stalkers that were on the roof made their appearance.

"Oh! Mr. Atomsk, what happened here? Have those stupid people bothered you again? Have you defeated them alone? It's impressive ... I would have loved to see you in action" Sebastian said trying to act as if he did not know what had happened.

[I do not know if he's kidding me or he does not know how to act🤨

But do not fool anybody, old bastard🤦‍♂️]

"You have not been able to see it? How strange I would swear that the roof and this park is not so far away" Atomsk said sarcastically.

At that time both Sarah, Jehko, Matías and Sebastian ... who pretended not to have witnessed the fight, felt quite ashamed.

Uppss ... it seems that you have caught us ... sorry Mr. Atomsk, but we thought it was something necessary for your future as AVATAR warrior "Sebastian said trying to justify himself and apologize

"Do not worry I've already heard the conversation on the roof, do not worry, they were very weak and stupid ... but I think I overreached a bit with them ... are they dead?" Atomsk said as he pointed to Lars' unconscious body.

[Not only has he made such a well-planned fight, he has also had time to detect us and listen to our conversation ... what a scary guy😯]

"Oh do not worry they're still alive, healing them to the point where they can breathe will be more or less simple... but I think their parents will kill them once they know what they've done... So, I do not know if it's necessary to spend time and resources in helping them" Said Jehko with his usual sense of humor.

"The best thing will be to cure their wounds minimally, although they are despicable I do not want to get you or Atomsk in trouble" Said Sarah while holding his hand to his head.

"Anyway, whatever you want, I'll wake your grandfather to give them some treatment, make sure that guy keeps breathing before I arrive with him" Jehko said as she walked into the bar.

"Well boy, you made me witness a great fight, you made my blood burn, so much that it has evaporated all the alcohol in my body JAJAJAJAJA.

According to what I have been told, you need to check your affinity for professions. Once we have solved all this matter we will go to my store" Said Mathias while shaking Atomsk head

Sarah at that moment approached Atomsk's back and then she put her hands on her shoulders "You've done very well Atomsk, you've had control of the fight at all times despite being at a numerical disadvantage, of age and cultivation ... you've known how to use all your cards in your hand in a perfect way ... and your AVATAR in an incredible way ... as a teacher I am very proud of you"

After those words Sarah crouched a little and hugged Atomak from behind "And thank you very much for what you said about me" Said Sarah with a face that mixed expressions of sadness and joy.

[Poor girl, she must be pretty self-conscious about being tall and having a bit of muscle... I don't understand, she's beautiful... In this world people do not like girls who are in good shape?]

At that time another person joined the conversation.

"Well tell me where the wounded is ... it cannot be so bad ... oh god, what happened to this boy? Has he been run over by a Regal Mammoth?" Said Sarah's grandfather, who had just arrived and see the state of Lars.


Sarah's grandfather invoked his Avatar, which was a needle and after multiplying his needle several times, which were threaded with a red thread ... all the needles that remained in the air began to shine with a greenish color and they began to fly in the direction of Lars.

The needles were introduced into the body of Lars... in a few seconds the results could be seen…

The needles were slowly sewing and healing the wounds of his body, repairing broken bones, torn muscles and open skin...

After 40 minutes, although his appearance could be reminiscent of Frankenstein's monster at least it had stopped bleeding and it seemed that his life was no longer in danger.

After giving a minimum treatment to the other two idiots who were passed out on the floor... They all went to give the 3 children to their parents.

When his parents heard that they had done their children again ... they almost killed them despite their injuries... just as Jehko said...😅


On the way to Math's store, James, Sarah's grandpa, explained to Atomsk that his AVATAR The sensitive needle, was a type of AVATAR not very suitable for combat, but excellent for professions such as healing and sewing ... and that He was apparently an expert in both, although he was much better at healing than at sewing.

Not only was he one of the only two tailors in town, he was also the only doctor in town.

"Grandpa James, if you are better at healing than sewing why did you choose to be a tailor and not a full-time doctor?" Asked Atomsk, who was intrigued ... According to Sarah said yesterday, doctors have a higher status than tailors in this world and the salary was far, far better.

Without James having time to speak, Jehko answered for him "Do you want to know why? I'll tell you. It's because our dear James, a medical student, one day he met a beautiful and nice girl... But he was too embarrased to declare himself directly ... so, after a year of haunting around her without telling her anything… when he learned that she needed a partner for his job ... He volunteered to work with her, so that he could spend time with her and maybe declare someday... and here you we are... 48 years together JAJAJAJA"

"Ohhhh I see, it was all for love hahahaha" Atomsk said laughing while James blushed a lot and Sarah was slightly embarrassed.

"Although in the end I had to be the one who declared, since he seemed incapable of doing it... he was and still is a very shy man... and unfortunately my granddaughter Sarah has inherited that defect... Atomsk, you will have to be the one who declare Hahahaha" Jehko said as he ran in front of an embarrassed Sarah, who chased after her in a rather comical way

"GRANDMA, DON'T SAY THAT JOKE ANYMORE. Besides, Atomsk is only 9 years old. How can you say such big nonsense? "Sarah said as she tried to catch her grandmother, who was running away in a comical way.

"And what does it matter that is younger, better so, young people have more energy, you'll understand what I mean someday jejeje" Jehko said in a lascivious way.

Sarah's face turned completely red, even smoke was coming out (which was strange, since she had not activated her AVATAR) "GRANDMA, stop saying these dirty things, for me Atomks is just an adorable little brother I would never make him something similar... and stop saying those things in front of a minor... And behave like someone your age" Said Sarah, embarrassed and irritated as she continued her comic chase.

[JAJAJA what a funny grandmother🤣

I'm sure she says these things because she enjoys Sarah's lovely reactions😊

I guess she does not speak seriously...😄

I suppose...😑

Sarah is very pretty and nice, and I love her hugs and caresses.😚

However, I also only see her as an older sister ...🤗

Although technically, if we count the years of my previous life it would be the little sister...🤔

Also, with 9 years I do not feel sexual desires… for the moment🙄

Hormones, please return😫


At this moment, when Sarah had already caught her grandmother and she was trying to get rid of her immobilizing key by tickling her ... Mathias stopped short and said

"We have reached my shop, come and get comfortable, I will go to the store to find a couple of things for the test" said Mathias while opening the door of his shop.


Atomsk, seeing the appearance of Mathias in the bar, already had an idea of what his profession might be.

Mathias is an older man, but still with extremely muscular arms and back, but with normal-sized legs.

It was obvious that his profession required a lot of strength in the arms and upper body in general...

There was a profession that fit perfectly with that description... a profession that Atomsk had heard about several times since he came to this world.

That's right, Mathias was a blacksmith.

[So, the profession that Sebastian and Sarah think I have affinity is blacksmithing😮

The world is so small... The same profession as my father😊]

Mathias's shop was quite spacious, full of various metals, tools, several anvils, a large forge, and artifacts that Atomsk could not recognize.


After 10 minutes Sebastian returned with two objects in his hand

One was a medium-sized hammer of blue color with strange inscriptions on its surface, and a black sphere with strange inscriptions as well.

Mathias placed the hammer on the nearest table and looked at Atomsk.

"Sarah and Sebastian have told me about your AVATAR, and seeing it in action, I also agree with their opinion.

It is very likely that your AVATAR has the conceptual property of the space.

You must understand that the AVATARs with the property of the space are very scarce and valuable, and those who also have affinity with the smithy ... can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

Today we will test two things, if your AVATAR really has the property of the space and if it has affinity with the smithy." Sebastian said while holding the black sphere in his hand.

[I suppose those two objects serve to measure my affinity...🤨

If my intuition does not fail me the hammer measures the affinity with the smithy and the sphere with the elements🤔

Come on, It's quite evident😏]

"The object that I have in my hand serves to check if you have affinity with space.

Normally the schools and large centers have some devices that let you know exactly what the affinities your AVATAR has... Except for the affinities that certain AVATARs wake up in certain stages...

Unfortunately, I do not have one of those, since they are very expensive and unnecessary for my work, but I still kept this artifact that allows to determine only if an AVATAR has an affinity with space...

In case it shines, you have it, if not ... well, bad luck.

First, we will check if you have the space concept, since it is easier and faster ...

Then we will concentrate on the smithy" Said Mathias handing the sphere to Atomsk.

Atomsk looked at the sphere with curiosity, threw it a couple of times into the air and asked… "How is this used?"

"You only have to activate your STIGMA, once you do you will know what to do" Said Sebastian, who joined the conversation ... it was evident that he was eager to unravel more mysteries of Atomsk's AVATAR.

[Fuck, how annoying is this old man with my AVATAR😫]

Atomsk, with the sphere in his hand, activated his AVATAR and immediately understood what he meant by "you will know what you have to do"...

[Now I understand how objects that work with internal energy act.😲

Once the STIGMA is activated, one can decide whether to transmit energy to the object.😏

It is not that I can manipulate the internal energy to direct it to the object and activate it.😵

The object immediately attracts the internal energy, it is only my decision to let it be attracted or not...👌

That perfectly explains the doubt I had the night before🤩]


Atomsk without further delay let the sphere attract his internal energy






































And the sphere began to shine

(I wanted to troll a little. 😂😂😂

I'm not such a bastard to not clarify this fact at the end of the chapter😋)


The Regal Mammoth is a titanic Mammoth from Toriko


Hello, I have made some changes and I have decided to republish the novel here with a new name

I would greatly appreciate that you value the chapters and do reviews ... if you liked it

In this way more people can find and enjoy it.

Thank you

Meralmancreators' thoughts