Atomsk continued meditating for 3 hours without moving in the presence of Sarah.
Sarah during that time was also meditating, but always with an open eye watching the progress of Atomsk
Which he found unusual, his absorption capacity increased slowly...
Which Sarah could only explain in four ways:
1: He had not been totally focused on meditation from the beginning. Which explained what happened during the first hour, but did not explain its gradual increase during the other 2 hours.
2: He was improving little by little and in a very short time in synchronizing his mind with his AVATAR, which considerably increases his cultivation speed. Which is extremely unlikely ... she had never heard of anyone below AVATAR Master capable of it ... An infant Avatar capable of it? In the 0 range? In the first day? WHAT A JOKE
3: While meditating he is strengthening his body, thus allowing a greater absorption capacity of origin energy from his surroundings. Simply IMPOSSIBLE ... no one could increase hi physical power through meditation. If this were so, there would be thousands of AVATAR Saints in the world.
4: It was due to his strange type of AVATAR. Difficult but probable. There are quite a few types of AVATARs, some with peculiar effects on cultivation ... but she had never heard of this effect.
Sarah was inclined to think that it was a combination of the first and the fourth chance, the other two were too crazy, but...
He was quite wrong.
It was true that he hadn't been fully focused on meditation at first, as he was snooping and selecting techniques that were in the IMMORTAL, but his Avatar had nothing to do with this absorption improvement of origin energy.
The real reason precisely the most absurd possibility.
Atomsk was slowly strengthening his body during meditation.
His AVATAR absorbed Origin energy, transforming it into internal energy, and that internal energy was partly transformed into martial energy ... but that was not what was improving Atomsk's physique.
The increase of Martial energy does not increase the physical power until it reaches the point of saturation and allows opening another chakra. As with the internal energy used by the AVATARs, until reaching a new range, the increase in energy only meant more reserves for the use of skills.
The increase in Atomsk's physical capabilities was due to something different.
"Miss Sarah, Mr. Atomsk, the food is ready, when you are finished you can go to the dining room" Sebastian said as he emerged from the shadow of a nearby tree.
Sarah looked at Sebastian nodding and warned Atosmk, who was meditating relentlessly "Atosmk let's eat, as I explained before, eat well is and will be part of your training all your life ... Don't skip it to cultivate a few minutes more"
"OK Sarah, I was dying to eat" Atomsk said cheerfully as they both ran to the dining room. He said it with joy, since he was not lying.
The Asura when they awaken their Immortal they do not need to eat and they do not feel hungry ... so, there could not be another reason to eat than to enjoy the taste... but this was not the reason either.
Atomsk of the hand of Sarah, arrived at the dining room, where like the last night there was a great amount of food on the table. A delicious aroma emanated from each of those dishes... which seemed to say EAT ME.
Atomsk, already seated, selected a plate full of meat and vegetables and began to devour it with a smile from ear to ear...
After eating all he could and more, Atomsk and Sarah went back to meditate.
To Sarah's surprise, the amount of Origin Energy he was absorbing from the surrounding area continued to increase at a faster rate than before.... I did not know what to think anymore... She did not know if this increase had any limits.
While Sarah was still watching Atomsk, he was concentrating on circulating his Martial energy around his body while he makes a faint smile
The reason for her happiness and Sarah's doubts… were related to her first INMORTAL innate ability.
Life Devouring.
Eating is surely the elementary action and the most primal instinct shared by all living beings, all life has to eat and process those foods to survive and strengthen and evolve ... It was something that all living beings shared, from a unicellular organism to the largest of mammals...
So it was the most logical thing in the world that this was the first skill of a whole set of life-related skills.
Atomsk practically spent the whole morning using a technique stored in the IMMORTAL linked to one of the applications of his first innate ability.
Life Devour - Welcome To My Life: A technique consisting of absorbing nutrients stored and created by the body, which together with the action of martial energy are concentrated, enhanced and distributed equally in all parts of the body to strengthen all physical capacities at the same time.
It is advised to use after consuming a large amount of food.
It can be used without the need for external nutrients, since the Asura generate nutrients on their own. However, that will make the technique very inefficient, slow and with the possibility of damaging your body, since you would end up trying to consume your own body to strengthen it ... an absurd.
While Atomsk continued to operate "Welcome To My Life", converting all newly acquired nutrients into power ... it began to have another internal talk.
[The amount of useful techniques that I have at my disposal is impressive🤤
It is a pity that at this level I cannot perform the most incredible and powerful ones.😔
The best techniques there are, although they are linked to Life Devour, I cannot use them until I unlock my fourth chakra.🤔
But not yet unlock my fourth chakra, there are many other applications of Life Devour that I cannot use in public ... They are too flashy ... and others that are not so flashy, have an effect on the rival or the environment that may raise questions.😟
However, It is better to be cautious and only cultivate the most essential and discreet...😣
What a shit.😡
It's like having a huge cock and not being able to use it...😂
I know what I am talking about😢]
Atomsk throughout the day understood that an Asura begins to be considered a virtually immortal entity and a human weapon by unlocking the 4th Chakra and gaining the innate ability of Life manipulation.
So the vast majority of techniques available were related to the use of that skill and the combination of the previous ones in this one.
That's why Atomsk could only select a few techniques and see with curiosity and admiration what his future abilities would be.
Atomsk spent the rest of the day cultivating next to Sarah ... and Sebastian who had joined the training session ... but did not cultivate, he just stared at Atomsk, hovering around him while taking notes very enthusiastically ... Thing that started to annoy both Sarah and Atomsk
To Sarah because she was interrupting her class
Moreover, Atomsk felt like she was a research guinea pig.
[This old man is a fucking AVATAR's geek, he does not leave me alone for a second.😩
Did he work as a researcher before becoming a butler?🤔]
After dinner Atomsk went to his room, where he had left his few belongings the night before.
He sat on the bed and began to cultivate again, at the same time that he channeled the "Welcome To My Life" to absorb the nutrients of the dinner in the most effective way.
This would become from now on the habitual routine of Atomsk after any food.
After dinner Atomsk went to his room, where he had left his few belongings the night before.
At that moment
Putting himself with his back to the door
He took a flower from his pocket,
While he looked at her carefully
He started channeling matial energy in his hand
And in a few seconds, the flower began to rot ...
As if they were absorbing all their vital energy
[Great, I feel like a World of Warcraft Warlock using Drain Life]
Life Devouring - It's My Life: It allows you to absorb the vital energy of an objective with which you have direct contact.
The amount and speed of vital energy absorbed and assimilated depends on the power of the user and the target.
The absorption of vital energy helps to quickly recover martial energy and regeneration
However, only by practicing this skill at the highest level can these characteristics be permanently enhanced.
[It is an impressive and practical skill.
It not only allows me to defeat my enemies, but also to empower me for a while ... and even permanently ...
It's a pity that it's such a striking skill
I would like to use it often]
He sat on the bed and began to cultivate again, at the same time that he channeled the "Welcome To My Life" to absorb the nutrients of the dinner in the most effective way.
This would become from now on the habitual routine of Atomsk after any food.
[Well, now that there is no one around me...😏
It's time to see what my parents left for me.🤨]
Atomsk concentrated again inside.
Specifically in the object inside his body that seemed to be linked to him.
It was an object without an exact shape that had integrated perfectly into his body, and inside it was a large space of a size of 900 cubic meters, which was full of objects.
Inside, there were materials that he had never seen, some were unprocessed minerals, others processed, stuck in ingots ... others were jewels of different colors and sizes, others were different types of plants enclosed in transport containers that seemed to keep them in good conditions and safe from the passage of time ...
However, what drew attention to Atomsk the most were 2 things.
1: A set of huge books ... some made of leather and others made of plain paper
2: A set of very striking objects, among which were a metallic sphere with inscriptions on its surface, a gold ring with an elegant design, a silver-colored earring and a large crystal-colored cauldron with elegant designs.
Atomks concentrated on two of the books, circulated something of Martial Energy and instantly the appeared on each of his hands.
[The one that is made of animal skin seems to be from my mother, and the one made of paper seems to be from my fahter.🤔
Maybe this is what my mother was referring to with their legacy.😄
It's a pity that I cannot read this language yet.😟
I guess I could learn to read the same way I learned to speak, but...🤔
It is a waste of time and effort.😩
I'd better wait for Sarah to teach me how to read and write, I'll have time to look at all this😋]
Atomsk left the books where they were before inside the inner space and took out the sphere, the earring and the ring (he did not remove the cauldron because it was huge and heavy.
[The ring looks like one of the mythical space rings of all eastern fantasy novels ... but it's a lot smaller than my inner space ... and it's activated with inner energy ...🤔
How strange, I thought that until reaching a certain realm nobody is able to control the inner energy... I'll have to ask tomorrow too.😣
In addition, this pending... I do not know very well what it is... but it does not stop attracting origin energy from its surroundings...😯
The best thing is that I save it again, I do not know what it is for or what effect it has, but if it is not a normal object, I will have to look for more information.🤔
This sphere...
There is no doubt, it is the device with which mom left me the message.😥
However, the message is no longer here ... I guess it was deleted after sending it to me as a precaution so that no one else would read it...😕
It's a shame, I wanted to see her again.😔
As for the cauldron...🤔
I guess it's an object to practice alchemy or something...🤨
I suppose it will be my mother's, since my father was a blacksmith...😤]
After returning the objects back to the internal space Atomsk returned to cultivate.
Atomsk continued to cultivate without rest for hours
After a few hours, he felt as if his STIGMA was about to be filled completely with internal energy...
As if there was no more room to fill ...
However, Atomk did not despair; he understood perfectly what he should do.
Simply continue gathering more inner energy and saturate the container until the container is broken.
As the minutes passed, the saturated inner energy within the Atomsk STIGMA left its saturation state... as if it had been moved into a larger container.
At that time, Atomsk had reached Rank 1.
The skill "Welcome To My Life" is in honor of Simple Plan song
The skill "It's My Life" is in honor of Bon Jovi's song
Hello, I have made some changes and I have decided to republish the novel here with a new name
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