
Beyond humanity

Through the age of humanity mankind has done vile things and has shown that they shall not stop intill they destory human are trash but one day humanity gain the ability to evolve and finally become perfect being but they choose to be greedy and choose to pick on those who could not defend themselves that when Hu decided that shall end of human and become a perfect being.

Tigerhiddeningrass · Acción
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32 Chs

The life of the weak

As humans, they gain the ability to fight off the herds of monsters. Those who had gained the right to become adventurer started to abuse their ability.

"If only they know the truth, it not that just abuse their ability. Everything you could think of high rankercould easily attain without even blinking." Said Hu to himself while talking to himself.

"hey you fucker where are you going". Yelled Shin at

Hu while he ignore him and walks past his arm is grabbed and he is thrown down and beaten intill he had gotten bored and left.

"God damn I can't catch a break just you wait you bastered when I awaken I kick your ass". As Hu is walking down the road after getting beat he meets an old man who sells information about skill, and a beginner adventurer should awaken.

"Hey, mister, what skill should I awaken?" Said Hu as he looked with curiosity

"If you want that, you have to pay but i feel as you should go get bandaid for your wounds instead." Said the old man

"How much do you want?" Hu asked in a very serious manner and ignore getting treatment for his injurys

"20 and I'll answer 4 questions for you, and I even give you some hints to help with 6 stronger later in your adventure cause from what I saw early. You're going to need it. " The old man said in a serious voice.

"Alright here." Hu felt uncomfortable and gave up what little money he had, but why not take the chance and see what this old man has to say.

"Now here, what do you want to know?" Old man said in a claim voice

"How do I grow as strong as a ranker and not just in strength wise but also in skill wise?" asked Hu in a serious voice

"All right, but that going to only leave you with one question since that quite a big question." Old man gave him a playful look and started to continue on.

"it alright as long as I can grow and become something greater than a human that fine." Hu said in a voice of anger.

"so you seek to become something beyond a human alright when you get to chose your first skill if you want grow strong in my generation there was only one skill that you could chose from that will help you grow strong which is potential which help you seek what you want to achieve but due to it taking a lot of effort for the effects to kick in no one really use it but all current ranker possess that help them grow to that level in strength and help you learn skill faster". The old man was looking at him with a face of curiosity but also with contempt and continued and told in a very detailed manner.

"All right, thank you so I should get potential. Then what skill should I get next that shall help me fight big groups?" Ask the young boy with a hint of surprise

"good question since you are probably not going to be in any party for a while and one day you might have to fight a big group alone learn beast taming it not a hard skill to learn it just no one really see it use to learn it all you have to do is keep an animal with you and take care of it well and then it shall become a monster and then you shall have the beast taming skill". Said the old man in a clam and collected tone.

"What about combat skill? How am I going. to survive without any at the beginning. I don't have the money to afford skill orbs. " Hu said in a voice of sadness.

"You don't need skill to hold a weapon, and you can easily learn some beginner combat skill with potential." Said the old man in an angry tone.

"All right, and what that hint you said you were going to tell me." Hu looked at him with a look of curiosity

"Oh right, I almost forgot about that, so listen clearly. Once you reach a high enough skill level, your skill may evolve, but it only happens with some skill, not all." Old man said as he was nagging his on child about something.

"All right, thank old man I be sure to come back for more questions when I have more money." As Hu runs off a car, come up and open its doors, and a woman comes out and greets the commander of the adventurer association.

"Commander, why have you been going around telling children all the serect that can't be known to the public?" Sara asked in a very calm tone while looking at the commander with contempt

"we need stronger adventurer so it best to tell some of the younger generation how to grow stronger in the quickest way." Said commander Yu as he stared off into the distance think about the future.

"Then, sir, why not tell this to the current adventurer and help them grow?". Ask the young man named Kai while looking at the commander in curiosity.

"They don't have the right foundation, and also, they are far too greedy. we need people who are willing to help the world not destroy what every they please." Said in a sorrowful by the commander while felling a deep pain if you looked at him.

"You're right sir it my fault for not seeing my mistake." Said apologetically by Kai.

"Don't worry about it. You're still young. You have a lot to learn. " Said the old man in a calm and forgiving manner.