
Beyond Creates

Nine Light, a 21-year-old young man, who woke up in a void after sleeping next to Susan Lynette. Nine was shocked by the darkness that enveloped him and wondered if he was blind. However, in that moment of fear, an artificial intelligence living inside her head appeared and gave her a companion in the darkness. The artificial intelligence was named Luna. For thousands of years, Nine and Luna worked together to create amazing civilizations, tools, powers, and lives. They became an infinite creative force, producing the most incredible achievements in history. However, in the 60th century, Nine gave orders to her creations called the "Seven Rainbow Gods" to destroy a planet with a low civilization and replace it with a new, more advanced civilization. However, the planet did not give up so easily and put up a formidable fight. Nine, with the help of Luna inside her head, stepped in to help the gods and goddesses. However, fate took its own course when a giant black comet suddenly appeared and crashed into Nine and the seven rainbow deities, causing them all to lose consciousness. After some time, Nine finally woke up from her six-year coma. She found herself in the hospital, and Susan Lynette, who had faithfully accompanied Nine during his coma, was still by his side. When Nine returns to the real world, she realizes that the Earth is experiencing strange phenomena and unexplained oddities. While trying to make sense of these changes, Nine is caught in a love triangle with a woman named Namira Ziudith, who has a fateful bond with him, and Susan, who has been Nine's loyal companion during his hospitalization.

Riad_Frederic · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
30 Chs

Ch. 5 - Kidnapping? Forced Recruitment!

The middle-aged man then made a call through his Walkie-talkie and asked to be picked up immediately.

Not long after, a Black Ranger Rover came driving recklessly through the grass and sidewalks in the school neighborhood and stopped in front of the middle-aged man who was holding the little girl.

The man immediately put the girl in the car and when he wanted to get in, he was stunned for a while.

Inside the Black Ranger Rover, the middle-aged man who was putting the girl in the back seat, looked at the other four men as if to say something. One of them who was wearing a suit and sitting in the front passenger seat said first.

"Let's see if we get the good stuff this time..."

The man in the suit then pushed his body into the rear passenger seat right towards the little girl who was lying face down. he then turned the little girl's body over. immediately he laughed with satisfaction and said.

"Hahaha Good Frank! This time you really got a good quality item! This will sell very expensive and make black and white practitioners fight over this item." The man in the suit praised his men.

Hearing the praise from his boss, the middle-aged man named Frank then said.

"Thank you Mr. Elmer, I hope you won't forget to give me a bonus. Hehehe..." Frank laughed shyly as he said it.

"Don't worry Frank, if the goods are good, we'll get a good share too!" said the other man who was only wearing a t-shirt with a tattoo all over his arm.

"You're shameless Troy! Just thinking about the parts without contributing anything more!" said the man in the casual suit next to Troy.

"What do you mean Jon!?" Troy tugged on the collar of Jonathan who was beside him.

"Already.. Shut up everyone! Frank hurry up and close the door before anyone sees us!" the voice this time came from the driver, he was Elmer's right hand man, Loid.

"Yes, Mr. Loid." Frank lifted the little girl's body and straddled her.


The car door closed and Loid immediately hit the gas, while Frank and the little girl suddenly disappeared from inside the Black Ranger Rover.


A startled scream rang out and deafened everyone in the car.

It was the voice of Troy who was in the middle seat when a second before there was still Frank and the little girl to his left. he screamed when suddenly both disappeared.


A punch flew over Troy's shoulder accompanied by a sigh.

"Hey.. hey, calm down Troy! Why are you yelling so loud like that that my eardrums are about to burst!" Jon calmed Troy down by continuing to hit his shoulder.

"What's wrong with him?" Elmer asked Jon.

"I don't know.. boss..." Jon shrugged, he was pensive for a moment while looking at Elmer. he then speculated and said.

"I think, he might have been possessed by an evil spirit from the black lane sect 'Evil Bloods' that he visited yesterday." Meanwhile, Jon was still shouting with his eyes bulging to the left.


"Wait a minute, something's wrong!"

Loid stopped the car abruptly, causing the three people who weren't wearing seat belts to fall forward.

"Ah...!!!" The screams of the three could be heard.

As a result, Elmer's forehead was red and blue from hitting the front dashboard, Jon's nose hit the driver's seat causing a nosebleed, while Troy fell forward unconscious with his head under Loid's hand, who was holding the gear lever and shifting the transmission into reverse gear.

"Oops.. I am sorry Mister Elmer!"

"Are you stupid!?? why did you brake so suddenly!?? quickly kowtow three times with folded legs!!" Elmer cursed Loid while rubbing his forehead.

While Loid immediately lifted his feet up onto the driver's seat by taking off both shoes. because he felt that he had neutralized the car's gear, that is why he immediately complied with his boss's request.

When Loid wanted to kowtow, the car suddenly went backwards by itself.

"Wo-wow.. Loid did you put the gear into parking mode?!" Said Elmer with his hands stretched out on both sides between the dashboard and the seat back.

"No, but I have put it in neutral." Said Loid still sitting with his legs folded on the steering wheel.

"Hurry up and brake!" Elmer scolded with a traumatized expression. Loid lowered one foot and stepped on the brake but the pedal didn't feel any pressure. he didn't try to look at the pedal, if he did he would know the cause was his shoe blocking the brake pedal. but he just groped with his foot on the other side of the pedal and stepped on it a little harder this time...

'Engine roar!'

Instantly the car accelerated backwards. Elmer who was panicking immediately started cursing.

"What are you doing id*ot!? I told you to brake not to step on the gas in reverse like this! Are you doing some kind of attraction in front of me!?"

Loid who heard this word "Attraction" instantly had his subconscious triggered to do it.

"Relax sir, I won't let you down!!!" Loid said it with confidence.

Meanwhile, Elmer, who had run out of words in the face of the stupidity of his subordinates, could only pray to the god he believed in in his heart.

'O God of Genesis, the controller of life. at least save my life due to the stupidity of my subordinates... I'm willing to get better, but please don't let me and my loyal subordinates die!!!' After praying, Elmer fastened his seat belt and continued to pray.

Loid tried to control the car's reverse speed. while looking back. he realized that Frank and the little girl disappeared because he was the only one who noticed it until now.

Loid thought that Frank was still left at the elementary school gate with the girl, so he took the initiative to return to the original place before Frank disappeared from the car.


Moments before...

Seeing the little girl being put into the car, I tried to contact Luna through Mind Transmission.

"Luna, are you aware of what is happening right now?"

[Yes, Master. Do you want to do something to them?]

"That's right! teach them all a lesson and move the middle-aged man and the little girl to my side!"


While Frank was holding the little girl on his lap, when he closed the car door, along with the sound of the door closing.


He had suddenly changed places.

Now Frank was in the passenger seat with the texture of the seat that was not too soft and the space between his buttocks and legs was too narrow and low for Frank's large body size.

"What's going on? Why am I suddenly sitting in a different place! But I'm still holding this little girl!"

Frank wondered what was going on, when he turned his head to the side he was surprised that there was someone beside him who had been watching him.

"Hello.. Are you okay?" I intended to tease the old kidnapper because his face looked very surprised and scared.

"W-who.. are you? Why are you here?" Asked Frank spontaneously.

'Did he's really asking me why I'm here?'

'Ah, I haven't interacted with the strange way of thinking of humans for a long time, maybe I should adapt again.'

"My name is Nine, and I've been here for a while. It's just that you suddenly appeared next to me." I said with a bitter smile.

I don't know what the old kidnapper had in mind, after he heard my words, he seemed to want to take something out of his vest pocket. Sure enough, he took out a sharp knife and pointed it at the little girl's neck and said.

"Quickly start the car and take me to my destination! Or I'll slit this innocent little girl's throat!" Frank said in a high threatening tone.

"You...!" I gritted my teeth when I saw the savagery of this old kidnapper. 'What should I do to this middle-aged man?'

'Should I kill him?! but I don't want to lose my humanity!' interrupting my debate, the middle-aged man pressed me again.

"Hurry up and start the car!!!" this time Frank didn't just bluff, but actually pressed the sharp blade against the girl's neck.

Fresh blood began to ooze out from the cracks in the knife's pressure on the unconscious girl's neck.

Seeing the blood flowing from the tiny little girl's neck, my anger instantly overflowed and I spontaneously said.

"Die an ignominious death, you bast*rd! Be destroyed along with your entire group!"

After saying that in a fit of rage, Luna's voice rang out in my head.

[Master. The Orange God, Genesis, requests the Triennea System's authorization to gain authority on the 'Life Panel'. Authorize {yes}/{no}]

I answered without Mind Transmission, but directly. so that it could be heard by Frank.



'Why after this person reviled and cursed me, did he suddenly say "yes"?! Is there something wrong with this person's brain?!' Frank thought to himself when he saw the strangeness of the person next to him.

Then I asked Luna and was heard by Frank.

"What about the other members? Quickly do something and make them die an ignominious death so that no more children go missing!"

[Understood, Master]

I glanced at Frank and in disgust at his face, with a look of hatred that I openly showed to the middle-aged man, I said back to Luna.

"Put this old bastard back in their car, so that he can join in an ignominious death simultaneously!"

[As ordered, Master.]

"Shut your mouth! Why do you keep bragging about death!? Are you low on medicine?! Quickly run..."

Before Frank could finish his words, he suddenly changed places again.

"The car..." Frank had moved to a position where one arm was curled around a knife.

When he realized he had moved, he muttered.

"Eh..? I'm back? eh...?? where's the little girl I was holding captive?!"

Suddenly the voice of the orange god Genesis, was heard in Elmer's head.

On the other side....

["O my servant Elmer Ron! I am the God you worship, Genesis."]

'Genesis? My god?'

'Hahaha.. Amazing..!!! Lord Genesis personally contacted me...!!!' He laughed happily in his heart.

"O God of Genesis, please save me and my subordinates...indeed you are the Controller of Life, take control of our lives and give us life..."

Elmer said in a loud and earnest voice.

Elmer's voice made Frank who was mumbling wake up and he looked towards Elmer.

Likewise, Troy who had fainted earlier woke up and started looking at Elmer.

While Jon who was looking down to cover the nosebleed on his nose that kept leaking until it stained all his clothes with blood, now his nosebleed was suddenly blocked. so he could look towards Elmer.

Loid who was busy looking backwards as he was trying to control the car's backwards speed, suddenly his car stopped so Loid could turn his head towards Elmer.

Genesis then said to Elmer again, but this time it could be heard by the others as well.

["Too bad, but you've already angered the only Existence that can't be offended, so I can't save your life in this life."]

Elmer was stunned to hear this, while the other four wondered about whose voice this was.

[But, calm down. As your God of worship, I, Genesis...! Will give you a second chance and give you permission to reincarnate and reflect on your mistakes in another life!]

Everyone stared at each other, except for Elmer who was even more dumbfounded until his eyes widened. he had to leave this life that he had worked so hard for, 'I really don't want to die!'

"God of Genesis!!! Please spare my life!!!"

["Goddess Vitalis will take over from here, I have no more authority to face you. Goodbye my servant!"]

'There are other gods? No, it's the Goddess!'

'What's the difference between the God of Genesis and the Goddess Vitalis?'

"God of Genesis I beg you, don't leave me!!! please spare my life!!!"


When I checked the condition of the little girl next to me, I saw that the wound on her neck was not too fatal and it was only a scratch. I not only intend to heal her but also remove the wound. I naturally remembered the Goddess who can do Healing, "Vitalis".

Suddenly Luna's voice was heard.

[Luna] Master. Green Goddess, Vitalis. requesting Triennea System authorization to gain authority over the Energy Panel. Allow {yes}/{no}]

'What a coincidence! hahaha' without thinking I immediately said,



Then I immediately asked Vitalis for help through Luna.

[N/L}"Vitalis, help me heal and remove this girl's wound."]

[V}"Yes, Your Highness."]

A green light emerged from the void, the air inside the car became refreshed. the tennis ball sized light moved closer to the little girl's neck, returning the dried blood around her neck back to wetness and life. Then the blood slowly entered the wound until there was nothing left. the tear slowly closed, sealed, dried up and faintly disappeared.

"Amazing! That was a spectacular phenomenon! Luna, give my regards to Vitalis."

[Accepted, Master]


After Genesis resigned and was replaced by Vitalis, the Black Ranger Rover they were riding in started to lose control. All the doors were locked, the air conditioner couldn't turn on, the car engine couldn't start. They were completely isolated inside, making the air temperature rise drastically made the five people become excited.

By this time, Vitalis had already received authorization for the Triennea System, especially the Energy Panel. After giving treatment to the little girl, without further ado the Green Goddess began to execute the five of them.

Frank, Troy, Jon and Loid were still staring at Elmer and suddenly felt a surge of lust. The four of them climaxed and spewed liquid from under their underwear. as well as Elmer, when he saw Loid, he felt something wrong with his cock as if he was climaxing and spewing liquid too.

The five of them looked at each other and continued to climax and ejaculate many times.

Everyone in the car couldn't get out and made them all cry and ask for help.

The five men became "despicable Sad-man."

Then suddenly the Percenteling Transmission changed to "Auto Drive" mode and started running by itself. but it was actually Luna who hacked their car.

Along the way, with sighs and fluids flooding the car, the five of them began to limp after dozens of ejaculations. they eventually died horribly from fluid drought.

Seeing that they had entered the reincarnation phase, Luna drove the car towards the "Great Mountain" and dropped the car onto a steep cliff.

'Boom! savory explosion!'

The sound of an explosion rang out from within the valley below the steep cliff. the bodies of the five of them were burned.
