
Beyond Captivating

Lucas Tyson good looks has always Been his problem ...a big problem to himself and also to his billionaire parents. He had it all, he is tall, built, s-xy, everything about him is hundred percent beyond captivating ... Funny, he sees life in a different way, he flirts, smokes, parties and one thing is ...he believes everything he does is right .. women bows at his feet, he feels on top of the world, his looks was his power, his strength, his everything.. no future plans ... his parents couldn't stop him , absolutely no one could, that's what he believes though,, Not until he met Silvia Fred .. A woman of steel, whom years back suffered a hard night by an unknown rich thug, A bad thug who indefinitely left her son fatherless Since then her heart has been filled with hatred towards men, she's heartless, brutal, and a skilled martial art guru. What happened when Lucas parents felt its high time they set his life right only to set him up with Silvia Fred who accepted the job offer to help put some senses to his head.. She's the devil who did nothing but made his life miserable, he made his life a living hell.. With time Lucas finds himself falling for this crazy woman even when his wedding to some rich girl was fast approaching . It felt absolutely odd to start falling for an annoying strict woman who did nothing but place your life on time. What happened when he finds out they might have one time shared a bit of the past... It was a realisation which did nothing but turn his life into a disastrous hell. It was then I knew Even rich guys do suffer...

Chinenye_Okereke · Ciudad
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72 Chs

Chapter 31

Nigel :

Past :

Its was like being casted by her spell ...

The mere sight of her coming in with Nate was enough to make my heart pound in double ...

My eyes got wide as my gaze rovers all over her ...

I was at the corner passing time on my whiskey..

I didn't know how I got to move though but I suddenly found myself sitting along with the guys

I swallowed with a tingling feeling going on beneath me

Damn I couldn't take my eyes off her

Although she had a lot of make ups on but I never understood

Its was like I fell in love with her right at that moment ...

She was the definition of s*xy ...

Elegant and stunning ,,,

The moon and the stars do not glow as bright as her eyes right now

But yet i find it difficult to understand how she found a way to my soul and a key to my dear heart,

She was like the first woman have ever had eyes for

Her beauty was like a soul to life,

I became uneasily jealous that she had to be here for Lucas,

Of course he told us Nate was bringing him a chick ...

Why Lucas gosh,

Can she be here for me, why Lucas huh ...why must Lucas always be a challenge to most things I so

want ..

First it was my parent denying me the right that's suppose to be mine because of him and now this

woman is here for him ...

I was staring at her all along as Nate shake hands with us

Damn she was gazing around probably in search of Lucas though but I guess

I couldn't help it ...i would be damned if I didn't move towards her right now and when I did move I

felt her eyes on me, I didn't know what really happened though probably a miss location of her

high heels but I was fast to grab her ...

And at that moment I felt like kissing that lips of hers ...but I only got to kiss her hand before she

made her way in with Nate..

Few minutes after Nate came out, I had to stop him to ask all about her guess what he said wasn't

that pleasing ...

"She is just one of the girls obsessed in meeting with Lucas "

At that moment I went mad and angry, jealousy battered my form while I paced about angrily

My head was turning wild at whatever they might be doing inside,

Lucas is just a goat he might probably be screwing her right now and surely my guess was right ...

Gosh, heat drifted through my body when I got to the door, my whole system got disrupted, it took

all of my strength not to barge into the room though,

My friends were questioning me on my mood but I decided to stay mute ...

I was glad i succeeded in putting my self to sleep after one bottle of whiskey anyways ..hoping I

would wake up fine with the memory of her far away from my head but damn

I woke up so exhausted to the throat only to see the grinning Lucas moving out with Jessica, a

long time female friend of his ,,

I glance around feeling so irritated when i met with the taunting laugh on Jackson and Elliot face


"Man you passed out on the cough ... Get the f*ck up and freshening up" Jack said

I sent them my death stare before struggling up, at the end I was glad they all left me alone,

I knew she was still around cause of the crack of movement inside Lucas lodging room...yet

in the process of taking my bath I found myself paying attention to any possible sounds around

After getting dressed I went ahead and paced a little in front of the room hoping she came out

soon and when she didn't, I click the door open only to see her fully dressed though but wrapped

around herself while she cry,

I wasn't sure what curses to place on Lucas when I saw the cash she threw on the floor but at the

other side of my heart I was all but feeling glad..

I drew her into my arms and when I saw that face of hers in full morning light I realise how crazily

beautiful she was without those make up ..

God she was stunning ...

I can't believe I loved her more even after being screwed by that a*shole called Lucas ...

I love her, I love everything about her

Her eyes, nose, lips ...all was perfectly molded and beautiful..

"He left me, I feel so ashamed of myself, he didn't even know my name,"

"Its okay ,"

All I did was wrap her in my arms and everything but my body remain there with her, my senses

was gone ,,

I can't believe she is in my arms right now ...petting and giving her words of assurances after being

used and dumped by my kid brother..

After she got over her crying state I coaxed her to go get a shower, and she did

But when she came back with a towel wrapped around her ...

I had to gasp out ..

All those long lashes were gone , she was looking pure, fresh and soft ..

My gaze rover all over her form, I couldn't help it.

I was all but admiring her feminine collection when she gazed up at me ...

"Emm sir I think I will go dress up in the bathroom

"Sir " I smile to her ...

"Just call me Nigel okay, and there's no need of you going into the bathroom to dress up I would

be right behind the door"

And when I get behind the door the inner cat in me was winging its tale in happiness, now she's


Thank goodness ..

She came out looking all gorgeous, but her dress was a little exposed for my liking I had to pull off

my jacket to wrapped around her ...

"Thank you ,"

"You are welcome"

She nodded and tugged at her chin for a moment

"Will I meet with Lucas again at least to talk to him"

At the sound of that I felt so mad at the flash of jealousy that caught me unaware, but I had to

maintain my tempter, even if she wanted to, I will never let her meet with him, not ever ..

Lucas is someone that can never love her, but I can....

I hope she understand that soon ...

"You will meet with him okay" I lied

I moved closer to her to clear the remaining tears on her face, and at that moment I promise

myself I would make her forget about Lucas .....

so she could love me instead ...

No one but me ...

Present :

I let myself into my room before throwing myself on the bed ...

Heat that rose on my face was fueled by humiliation and the sting of rejection ..

At first I was thinking of locking her up and making her my hostage but at a time I thought love

could never be forced ...

All I needed was just to let her go and thankfully I was able to make that decision..

But despite all, why do i still love her this much..

Why do I miss her so much ..

Her smell, her body, those lips ...

How she always felt so good in my arms

Yet I end up getting rejected.

Starting from my

My dad, mum, even her that I had sacrifice my time, money and love for was all but secretly

admiring pictures when she has someone who could love her as much as I do ...

I was even ready to hurt Lucas for my own greed and for her own revenge ...

And every thing that happened seems to back fire on me, I was nothing but a loser whose

happiness was snatched away in just a twinkle of an eye,

Tensed and frustrated I couldn't help but relive every moment I held her in my arms, buried

between the silky heat of her thighs, hearing her moans of passions against my ears ..

Everything and every one that ever brought a smile on my face had left me...including Celine

And now will I ever smile again ??? ..

Will I??

Groggy and head throbbing I stumbled into the bathroom to search for an aspirin, the face that

greeted me in the mirror seems foreign though, the hollowness and the redness in my eyes knows

no bound,

I just felt so tired beyond anything imaginable, I hadn't been In pain this bad and worse even when

my dad had told me our relationship should stay as distant as possible,

never have i felt so empty

Celine really did a lot of great job in wrecking my heart apart..

She should get an award for that ..

After washing my face, I push my self away from the sink and tried to shove my maudlin thought

aside, all I needed was to concentrate on what next, maybe going on a vacation so any thought of

hurting Lucas wouldn't sprang up my mind ..

I came to a final decision but when a pounding on the door demanded my attention,

The thought of it being Celine made me race like a cat towards the door only to open to meet the

meadow sight of darkness, I saw an envelop and picked it up instead ...

"If you really want a revenge towards Lucas, we can actually work together to get that done,

remember he took all your happiness away from you including the girl you've ever love ...

If yes take the paper in and if no, you are free to throw it back outside ..."

I look into the dark night for a moment and found myself glancing once more through it ...

Do I really wanna get my revenge on Lucas, of course I want to..

There is no way my world would knows any kind of happiness without shattering his ...

"But who could this person be,"

And there I found myself taking the letter in before closing the door behind me ..



I can't believe the whole night I kept .. thinking about the two men ...

Thinking and crying ...

All I did was recall every seconds, every breath of my love making with them,

One voice dismissed those memories as hormones and the other tried to tell me

...the way am wrecking inside at the loss of those two men ..

I was in love with both of them ..

just how much was I willing to take ...

I know i deserved everything that's happening to me ...

Maybe if i had been true to everyone around me at the beginning, I might not have ended up being so

heart broken and lonely ...

I just needed someone to talk to, someone I could confide in ...how am I gonna set my life right so I

could just be that happy Celine again ....

I wanted Lucas yet loosing Nigel was like losing a part of my life, can I really live without him ...

How was it even gonna look like if i had to go ahead to meet with Lucas now after three long

years, how was I even sure I wouldn't be humiliated now that Silvia got to live in the same roof with


I should have known that bastard called Nate is nothing but a piece of sh*t ....

And I being a fool wreck both my life along with that of Silvia right from the beginning of it all...

Was I willing to take the risk of getting Lucas in all possible ways, or should I just let my obsessed

feeling for him go so i could fight back for Nigel instead...

Goshhhh, I just can't help with the fact that Silvia had his son ..I can't

Flash back:

My stares burn on her as she sipped on her tea.

"I wasn't able to shake hands with him because of you Silvia"

"Did I ever stop him not to ...please save me the break " she shouted

"Oh so that's was why the girls left angrily, because they weren't able to shake hands with him, is

he a God....i cant believe this, you girls are impossible"

"You know what!!!!! We shouldn't have taken you along at the first place, I forgot the fact that

you've always been bitter, damn you Silvia"

I shouted as i hurriedly reached for my bag and raced towards the door ...

"Please close the door behind you" she call out to me

I glared back her irritatedly before racing out..

And at that moment I thought my heart would fall...

I hit into the piercing sun with the thought on how she was even able to resist lucas looks...

Someone my legs always tremble for at the mere sight of..

Even being this close to Nigel seeing him and talking to him always seems impossible and she did

have the opportunity to get close to him just like that and all she end up doing was call him a

money ...

Gosh is her heart made of stone or what...or is she blind

I waited patiently in the piercing sun for a taxi but found non...

I thought of calling Nigel but no , I wouldn't want him seeing me in this kind of environment,

So I had to give my taxi man a call and

Few minutes of walking further to the junction he's gonna pick me up, I heard the horning of a car

as it gently packed beside me ,,


at first I thought it was nigel but felt relieved when I realise it wasn't his car, but when I bent to see

whomever it was ...anger flared in my throat when I saw Nate ...

"Nate" I shouted ...

"You bastard"

He smiled, God at the mere sight of him anyone would know he was in money, he was looking so

fresh and more handsome with this beautiful well shaped teddy I was wondering how he got to

build ...

Gosh look at him ...

"Celine please would you please enter the car and not cause a scene out there"

"The f-ck you can go to hell, you sold my friend out to make your money, you nonentity," I shouted

more at him, I could feel some stares of me but do I look like someone that cares

"Celine, its not what you think get in and let me explain"

"The f-ck am not getting in, you betrayed me after promising me you would never hurt my friend,

yet look at you, you sold her virginity to buy this damn car you are sitting on you a*shole" I hit my

fist on the bonnet

This time his smile made my cheek go hot, I decided to ignore him and keep walking instead but

the horning of his car wouldn't let me rest ...

"What is it bastard, just get away you betrayer" I shouted more

"Please Celine, just five minute please,

Am catching a flight soon"

My hand curled in a fist for a moment before releasing them,

I entered his car and scowl at him...

"You destroyed Silvia life, you sold her so you could start flaunting big guy right ... I doubt if you

even knew she got pregnant"


"The f-ck so you didn't know"

He sighed

"See Celine it wasn't my intention to hurt Silvia, I really love her believe me, but I needed money

desperately, and I regret it ...I swear I did"

"Who *apped her"

He stayed silent for moment and glared at me

"Celine ,I ..i"

"Who r*pped her that's all I wanted to know"

"Okay fine , it was Lucas"

At the sound of that my head sprang up in a double thud, my tears started falling before I could

hold it ...

"You bastard"

I gave him an hot slap before locking him in the shirt

"you gold digger....of all people why would you sell her to Lucas "

I squeezed my hold on his shirt and pinched his neck

"God Celine stop you are hurting me "

I gave him another slap, but he was stronger, he hold my two arm before wrecking it off MN his shirt ..

"Believe me it wasn't my fault," he scolded before writhing in pain

"I was having a chat with Lucas one day when he told me he needed a virgin so desperately, at

first I thought about Silvia I wouldn't lie, but decided to go against the thought....

I decided i wouldn't give her up no matter what but when he made mention of 50million pay, I

didn't know what got over me Celine, it was the devil it was, I swear"

"Lying on the devil every time huh is the devil spending the damn cash with you now"

"Am so sorry Celine "

I cleared the tears in my eyes

"So How come he never knew her, cause those two met at the field today"

"That's Lucas for you Celine, he has a very dull memory when he comes to girls ,,

He wasn't drunk when he met you remember yet he couldn't recognise you, but that day at coffee

bay he came by so drunk ...

What was I suppose to do, I already collected the pay ,I had no choice than to drug Silvia so he

could get business done ..."

I glare at him irritatedly

" I hate you "

"I know that ,,"

"I wish I could kill you right now"

"I know that Celine,, and am so sorry for hurting both of you ,,I wish I was able to plead with Silvia

forgiveness too..but I couldn't face her ,, I know one of her dim mak is gonna send me right to

heaven instantly"

Different kinds of headache was wailing in my head at the thought of Lucas being Silvia little boy's

father ....

God why God

"But promise me you are gonna let her know Lucas was the father of her son, will you "

I stare at him with all red eye before rushing out of his car ...

"I will"

"Thanks Celine, am sorry once more "

He called out ..

And at that moment jealousy battered my form ,,and i so regret having ab*rted his baby then ,

I entered into my taxi man cab before burying my face into my hand ...

I couldn't help the tears ...

At a moment I wish I could...but my pained heart couldn't help it

Almost at the end i decided if I didn't have Lucas ,,no one will...not Silvia and not even Jamie ....
