
Beyond Captivating

Lucas Tyson good looks has always Been his problem ...a big problem to himself and also to his billionaire parents. He had it all, he is tall, built, s-xy, everything about him is hundred percent beyond captivating ... Funny, he sees life in a different way, he flirts, smokes, parties and one thing is ...he believes everything he does is right .. women bows at his feet, he feels on top of the world, his looks was his power, his strength, his everything.. no future plans ... his parents couldn't stop him , absolutely no one could, that's what he believes though,, Not until he met Silvia Fred .. A woman of steel, whom years back suffered a hard night by an unknown rich thug, A bad thug who indefinitely left her son fatherless Since then her heart has been filled with hatred towards men, she's heartless, brutal, and a skilled martial art guru. What happened when Lucas parents felt its high time they set his life right only to set him up with Silvia Fred who accepted the job offer to help put some senses to his head.. She's the devil who did nothing but made his life miserable, he made his life a living hell.. With time Lucas finds himself falling for this crazy woman even when his wedding to some rich girl was fast approaching . It felt absolutely odd to start falling for an annoying strict woman who did nothing but place your life on time. What happened when he finds out they might have one time shared a bit of the past... It was a realisation which did nothing but turn his life into a disastrous hell. It was then I knew Even rich guys do suffer...

Chinenye_Okereke · Ciudad
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72 Chs

Chapter 29

UK scholarships for international students 2023

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Silvia POV:

"Am gonna kill youuu"

"Silvia no no its not what you think"

I shook my head rapidly

"Its not what you think"

"You bastardddddddddddddd"

My eyes went huge as she raised her hand, the horror look on her face slam against my chest ,I

swear i nearly had an attack..

I was in panic

All possible ways to Dodge at whatever attack she's about sending my way was gone .

And when I felt this hot rock slap land on my face ..

I swear i felt the bones on my neck cracked twice .

Now gazing at the side my hand went straight to my face as it displayed little dizziness .

I work my jaw back and forth to test the tender ness it bought into my pained lips ...

And when I heard her stammered I hung my head and stare back at her

"Do you feel better now huh" i widened my red eye at her

As if regretting what she did ,she was trying to reach out for me but I was fast to sent her my

death stare...

"Lucas ,I ....I...I....."

I raised one finger as my gaze rovers on her exposed shoulder and back to her face....

"Don't you dare"

I frowned and turned ,,instantly when I twisted my hand on the lock ,the damn locks opened ...

I cursed at it before storming out ,

Anger from the hot slap I received brought out the worst in me ,I was about racing into my room

when I met with the tauting grin on my friends face.. With my now blood red eye I sent my about to

die stare before ramping into my room ...

Impotent rage filled my whole as I sort through my cloths..

I can't stand this anymore,,i am getting out of here before i go crazy

...I spat out more curse words which sounded more like a sawed off bits even to my own ears ...


My friends were all over me...asking me all sort of nonsense questions but never am I listening ...

Without saying a word I threw a shirt and jean on the bed before walking down my short ...

"Man ,we talking to you" jack called ,

Their questioning eyes ate holes straight through me but never am I answering, I stared at jack

and Elliot like I would stare at a rotten fish while I buckled my belt hurriedly..

I picked up my shirt as if it were the sole reason why i was being this way

if it wasn't for this two damn taunter's...

This stupid taunter's who could taunt to the edge of getting mad would I have raced out of my

room to the extent of getting a hot slap from that little piece of horror shit...

"Lucas man listen.."

The frustration i felt was more than a heart burn when i felt tom hands on my arm ...

Gosh I jerk his hands away

"The f-ck you leave me alone,,what wrong with you" I shouted at him,

I was on my second to last button when I raced to the front of my mirror to spray on a little

perfume ..

Explaining matters to them would be useless ,cause right at now all i felt was different kinds of

anger coming off me more in waves or volcano ...

No one crosses my part or they have a share in this ....

I sni|ed before wiping a hand across my nose..

What ! What !what

what have I done to that woman huh???

i find it so difficult to understand the reason why she hates me this much

What have i done to deserve all this???

Talk of it I have everything, I have the looks ,am tall, rich, s*xy, cute i have everything most woman

Fall for..

But she???

What is it that she hates so much in me huh

Instead all I get is different kinds of beatings, names, slaps as if I were her kid brother ...


Without delay I pushed my feet Into my boot, I was already tying the lace when tom husky voice

hit on the atmosphere

"You aren't gonna keep ignoring us are you"

Without replying I raced to the front of my mirror to run a comb into my hair ...

I grab my car keys ,before racing in and out of my closet to get a mu|er to complete my dressing

"Were the hell are you going Lucas"

Elliot tried blocking my way but with the anger boiling in me I pushed him hard ..

"The f-ck is your business with that" I shouted at him

" Lucas, what the hell is wrong with you huh" tom and jack shouted from behind ,they try pulling

my arm ,but I was fast to wheel away from them ...

"The f*ck is this huh, I owe my life ,whats wrong with you guys"

My nostril flared as i flashed them a look of fury ...almost hurriedly i took an aggressive step towards

the door only to open to see her standing right at the entrance,


Anger made my face go hot ...

'' Are you here to slap me again or what huh" i shouted at her

She hung her head up to me before frowning ,,

"Lucas you barged in on me I should be the one getting ....."

This is hopeless

I didn't wait for her to finished her words before pushing her aside and making my way down stairs


"Lucas man wait!!" my friends called but never am I listening ...I need to get out of this house before

I go crazy ...

I was already down stairs when mum raced out from only God knows where...

"Lucas what's wrong, where are you going ,,"

What ever she was saying was useless cause i have no such patience to wait to discuss on a

matter that already seems abate, instead I sent her an eagle angry eye before bolting out and

racing towards my car....

"Lucas, man" I saw my friends racing out but i was fast to cut on the engine ...I take in their

appearance in one scathing glance only to see her standing like some hero beside my mum

frightening face..

Gosh is she gonna start living here or what ....

Mum has destroyed me goshhhhh..

I rack my hand through my hair before biting on my lips

how the hell can she think of accommodating someone as horror as she...

Damn...i chewed on a swear word before pushing on the accelerator


I hope its not what am thinking cause I would rather die than have that kind of horror woman

around me ...

Yet the image of that sexy body of hers wouldn't go away for once

Lucassssssss what is this huh???

What the hell is wrong with you!??

Not that I'm some sort of inexperienced sixteen years old to start brooding all around as if it were

my first time of seeing a naked woman ...

When I glanced back this time ,, she was already racing towards my car like some horror ...

What what what ...what is she trying to do ????

With a skipped heart ,,I press on the gear and drove out like a person who's being chased by a


Silvia POV:

His whole life I doubt if he had ever been slapped by a lady

I watched him stalked away from me all fully raged ...

What was I suppose to say ,,


I couldn't think of anything at that moment other than regret, I should have pushed him out instead

of slapping him right?

The look of disgust he casted me told me everything...

God what have I done, still going too hard on him after Mrs Tyson told me he care a lot about that

stupid handsome face of his more than anything in the world ...what was I thinking to give him that

kind of slap ...

But courtesy, does he even know what courtesy means

how can he just barged in on someone without even knocking at least he ought to respect other

peoples privacy .

Even if he doesn't know I occupied this room now ,,for him to put a lock on door it shows he had

been in the room for a while ...

Gosh I can't believe he just saw me naked

Even if he had once kissed me, even if he had once stripped me ...I won't deny he had started a fire

that threatened to consume me, even if he had made me want more than I'd ever wanted from a

man ...that doesn't gave him the right ...

I mean any right to think he could do whatever he wants ..

rich guys like him only think of women as some one who could give them s*x ,

And s*x to them was just a bodily function, a normal stuff they count as nothing, something mildly

enjoyable when the mood strikes them. the only plane that exist for them is sometimes

physical..nothing emotional I doubt if he even know what it means to fall in love ... I would only be

stupid to feel any kind of stuff for someone like him...

Almost hurriedly I took a short shower from the luxurious sparkling bathroom ,at first I was thinking

of taking a long bath but he spoilt everything ....

Am just so annoyed that I had to be disturbed when i was thinking of relaxing Even more i was

bewildered that the disturbance had come from no other but Lucas...

At the end

I jerked back into my cloths and slid my phone into my trouser before rushing out ..

I paced a little nervously before finally stopping at his entrance ...

Gosh i cant believe the airs at his entrance smells of nothing but him ...

If I didn't get the smell wrong it was smelling so manly ...lush mixture pure lily..

I struggle a bit but surely it wasn't long for me to go back to my thoughts

What was I really doing here, I should be the one getting a sorry and not him ...

What the hell ...

I was fumbling on the thought of knocking or not, when I heard his harsh voice from inside .. his

friends must be around ...

I roll my eyes

Gosh he was angry ....guess I saw that coming ...

What a baby???

First all he did was lock himself up, and now he was angry ....

I shook on my thought and was about knocking on the door when it suddenly swung open ...

Damn, a state of numbness descended on my form when my eyes met with his ..instantly I can't

believe I started to hate him for being so good looking ..

Oh how much I hated him....

I hated the way he smell ,, hated how tall he was, I hated His eyes ,

Hated the way he dressed,, hated him for being so perfectly created ...I hated him for having that

kind of lips ,,I stare at it for a moment at first I wanted to grab him closer and kiss him ..but at the

sight of his friend my hands went weak ...

'' Are you here to slap me again or what huh" he shouted

Something furious struck me in the heart when I heard that tone ...

"Lucas you barged in on me I should be the one getting ....."

Instantly my body hit to the side I had to blink rapidly before my brain signaled to the realisation

that he just pushed me

Did he just pushed me ,, did he....

gosh I can see he really needed another brain dim that would put him to sleep ...

I Glare back at his friend ,

as if understanding what was making him angry they chuckled towards the direction he took ...they

sent me their hi before racing after him..

I raced along with them only to jam with his mum down stairs ..

"Jackson, tom, Elliot, what the hell is wrong with Lucas "

"We'll handle him mum"

They raced out ...I stood to explain matters to her, but with the look she casted me I knew she

wasn't that pleased ....

She raced out calling out to him, but I doubt the stupid guy even heard her calling his name ..

I was fast to meet up with her though ...

"Ma'am please if you really want me to get this job done ,,stop worrying about whatever

happened between us , I'll handle him .."

" Silvia its just that the last time he got angry like this ,he ....he....he didn't come home for days,, I

nearly had a heart attack"

"Ma'am Lucas is a big guy more so he haven't left yet ,I can still catch up with him "

And there I took up a race towards him only for him to drove out crazily ...

I snarled a little under my breath before stopping ,

What a foolish guy ...

I was panting

When i heard my name I glanced back to see one of his friend I recognised as tom calling back to

me while the other two was talking to his mum ...

It took another hour for us to see his final destination through the GPS his mum had install on his


"He is at the rich guy club,, the root he took was to confuse any of our cars ,, he thought we were

following him"

Jack said ....

I stare up at him before pulling on a smirk

" we got him, How far is the club from here" I asked ...

"Twenty minutes ,," Elliot returned

I ached my eye brow at them

"How come he used an hour.."

"So if we were there ahead of him ,,we would have left if we didn't find him"

"So what are we waiting for Let's go guys ..."

We were all preparing when

I heard Mrs Tyson and Jamie tiny laughing voice at the other side probably inside the kitchen

Of course he was bought in thirty minutes back by Mrs Tyson's guards along with most of my


The happiness in his eyes knows no bound when he realise he was in the Tyson's luxurious mansion


When he saw me he had raced towards me like a chicken though, but later I wouldn't know if it was

jealousy or frustration that nudges my form when he wouldn't stop asking about Lucas ...

" mum where is Lucas Tyson" guess that question got stored in my brain as he keep asking and


Lucas friends had given him name though 'pretty jamie' cause they taught he was exactly as

good looking as Lucas ..

Of course he was pretty ...

I just hope Mrs Tyson work on what she promised ,, I can't wait to know whomever his father was ....

I can't wait to see how good looking he was...thought I wasnt interested in knowing before and

where does this eagerness came from

When he wouldn't let me rest, Mrs Tyson had to take over

....and since then ,, guess he was all too occupied with Mrs Tyson company he barely realise my

presence or ask about Lucas ... I hardly understand the scenrio my self cause

there was just this kind of attraction between him and Mrs Tyson that was just so hard to

comprehend, she carry him about like he was her grandson ...

The worried look on her face was gone now ,instead it was all occupied with happiness and

lingering attraction for Jamie ...I moved toward the kitchen to say my silent goodbye so Jamie

wouldn't notice before turning back to meet with the guys who were all waiting at the entrance all

looking tall and handsome ...

They gestured me further

More in a fantastic four view we all bounced out and hop into the car ...I followed Elliot instead ,it

was almost 8.o clock pm as the car surged up and careened into the express ...

During the drive, Elliot gauged my mood with his jokes, his smile was so rosy just like the smell of

his car ,,

I pull on a little gear to my laugh when we changed the topic to Lucas

"I was so sure when he heard our voice ,,he raced to the next room just to hide himself un knowing

to him , he fell into the lions den" he said with all too amusement on his face

" so he was running away from your taunts,,"

"Am telling you Silvia...hundred percent sure ....i wish you could see Lucas the moment Jackson and

i start tauting him that's when you would see this kind of expression on his face that would make

even the blind laugh their ass out ...especially if he wanna let Jackson and I feel he wasn't concern

about it .. As if biting his lips wasn't enough ,, being under an ac wouldnt stop this sweat ...that's

when you will see him sweating like a pig"

The laugh that roll out of my lips was so spontaneous I hardly belief it was from me but i didn't try

to hold It back though...

God this guy called Lucas is just so funny

I cleared my tone before asking further

"So what else does he hate,you know like the funny stuff you just said "

I asked him with all broader smile

"Mmmm he also hated wearing a tie so as a matter of fact he doesn't go to any kind of party or

occasions that requires wearing a tie ..

As if I couldn't believe my ears I had to tilt my head to the side before asking him why ...

He stared back at me and smile

"Because he was once strangled with a neck tie in our second year in high school for flirting

around with the girl friend of the baddest boy in school ..

His parent never knew though, apart from you knowing about it now, its been our secret for years,

since then bet he could faint if someone force him to wear a tie"

I struggled on the sit before frowning on my thought ..

Was is it part of the reason why he wasn't interested in supporting his dad in all this, of course

being a c.e.o requires wearing a tie ...but how can he just bring up that childish intuition to collide

with his perfect future ...

"That should be a long time ago,, gosh Elliot your friend is such a baby"

As if it were his first time of hearing the word ...

He laughed out ...

"Baby," he pushed on a broader smile before nodding .

"You know what I really like you Silvia, you are so easy to talk to,,and do not worry am thinking of

surprising you "

I brought my head up

sharply before stiffening my spin

"Surprise, what for".

" come on you are the first woman that has ever resisted Lucas in years guess I haven't met any.

"Really not even one"


"Exactly ,those are exactly part of the things causing his anger, he barely stand someone hating him

especially a young lady like you "

I smile towards him before looking forward into the dark night ...If only he knew i never hated him..

Apart from his baby attitude he's just too good looking for any one to hate


Lucas POV:

Pulling into the rich guys club took an hour though of course I had to take another root to confuse

my friends...

Now they lost it ....haha...

I walked into the rocky floor and towards the bar man

"Hey man two shots of hot please" I glance around before smiling swiftly

I barely resisted the udge to pull myself into the dance floor and dance my skull out

F-ck.....I swallow repeatedly when every where had already start turning double after seven shots

of hots..

Glad ,,talk of glad.... I was so glad I left home ,,far away ....far far away from the images of that

woman ...and talk of those two taunters ..

Am gonna de friend them soon there's no two damn ways about it

The music was pounding more into my ears as I staggered through the crowds ,,.

"Lucas Tyson ,, woo its Lucas ...gosh look at him he is looking so good,," I heard some girls scream


I walk pass the dance floor and took my seat before ordering for some hard wine ...

Girls were all around me ,,licking touching and kissing my face but do I look like some one that

cares ...

The f-ck they can do whatever they want ...

This is how far that horror woman has turn my world around I just need to get the thought of her

out of my head ..

I was laughing out loud while I spank some in the ass ...

Damn ,

I roll my eyes as it focused on another fat ass lady in the red blurr ...

I can't believe I started to get hard before I realise it ...

I took a cigar from the lady who was unbuttoning my shirt before pulling in a drag

This is the lowest part of the rich guys club yes I shouldn't be here,

I should be up mingling around the billionaires but who cares, that place is always so boring

anyways ...

Matter of fact I love it here..

I puff out the smoke before gulping back two cups of wine

...i tried widening my eyes from the yet blurry visions only to see the fat ass lady already shaking

her fat ass right in front of me ...

My eyes went huge ..

"Baby f-ck, shake more of that " I laughed out ....

I drag her between my laps while she gave me the lap dance of my life...

"I'm gonna explode" I shouted

Girls around me were laughing out loud but it was the truth ...

I drag the one beside me for a kiss ...

My head was swelling with so much sensation that sends my brain floating into the heavens

Before I knew it my shirt was off..

"Common give it to me baby"

My expression was furious while I spank the fat ass lady right on her big b*ms ...

I twirl her around and drag her tightly to my form before burying my face into her huge apple


my hands cupped her b*obs

as I licked and sucked at her neck ...

Damn I wanted to forget about her so bad and its working ...

Gosh this Lady b*obs is heaven...

Silvia POV:

It wasn't long before we finally pull the car to stop....

I glance around ,,even though I haven't been to a club before ,,anyone could tell this place is just

too beautiful and kinda huge to be referred to as club ..

We made our way into the red floor glistering of different kinds of colors and a kind of music that's

was beyond rock ...

Girls with exposed thighs were all around making dirt of them selves...

I almost vomited when I saw one who was almost naked ..and right at that moment I feel like

grabbing her and giving her the beatings of her life but guess I felt I had to mind my own business,,

we are here for Lucas and Lucas it is ...

"He should be up in the tenth floor " jack said

I was about moving with them towards the elevator when I sighted an image at the corner of my

eyes ...

I widened my eyes when I realise it was Lucas , in between tons of girls

Irritation and anger overwhelm my form as my blood instantly ran cold

I watched as a big butt lady squirmed on his Laps while he stranded his hands on her butt ..his

hands cupped her big b*obs as he licked and sucked at her neck ...

I was stunned unable to make myself look away ,,Lucas was making love in full view of the entire

club ..

My mouth went dry ,,the shock was enough to make me clench my fist hard ..

Lucas.. The dirty bastard had left home all to start making love here in the open to non but a

floozy ..

It wasn't long for me to realise he was drunk ...

The guys ran up to me only to realise what I was staring at

My anger was enough to motivate me into action though ...

Before they could stop me I ran towards the direction like a possessed woman ...


"Get your dirty fatt ass off him now "

I warned ,, instead the girls around him all glare at me as if I were a clown displaying a comedy

show ...

Lucas released his lips from the lady he was kissing,, he shook his head, and blinked repeatedly

before widened his eyes ,,

when he saw me he laughed out instead ....

"Look who's here,,"

Gosh what a drunkard

He tried speaking further but the lady on his laps pushed his head into hers for a kiss instead...at

the sight of that my eyes went huge I moved towards her and drag her from behind that her

heavy butt landed on the floor ...

"You b*tch " she shouted at me ...

I moved towards and tapped her dirty mouth ....

"I dare you to repeat what you just said"

When she saw the horror look on my face she widened her eyes before crawling away with that

big bum of hers ...

"Sorry ma'am, sorry ma'am "

And when I turn towards Lucas direction this time ..

he was busy licking his lips and smiling with his eyes closed...gosh he was shirtless... I glare at the

one who was shaking like a fool beside him...

Almost like a flash I grab her tiny form by the neck before pushing her hard on the floor ...

"What the hell are you still doing here"

When the others saw the rage on my face ,,they ran for their dare life ...

I was about grabbing one who was still doing slow motion when the guys stopped me ...

"Silvia stop ,, you are causing a commotion "

I released my clenched fist and tried to steady my breath ,, but when I heard a loud voice I shuddered

only to glance back to see Lucas already on his feet

"The f-ck are you doing here,, you horror " he shouted

"I don't wanna see you around me don't you understand, who the hell do you think you are "

This time ,he staggered towards me before pushing me hard ..

Jack and tom drag him back only for him to struggled more as he keep shouting at me all full with

rage ...

"Get out of here ,,far away from me don't you understand"

With all shocked face ,I cleared the tears in my eyes before racing out of the club ....

"Silvia wait " Elliot raced after me


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Thanks lots of love