
Chapter One

HARN company is celebrating their fifth anniversary. They are one of the leading architectural company in the country and they have an anonymous CEO Ariella Ferrera who decided to show her face on the occasion of the anniversary.

A lot of reactions followed her reveal and many men felt intimidated that the group leading them for five years is headed by a woman. Due to the modulations caused by her reveal, she decided to have a press conference.

Interview with the anonymous CEO of HARN company.

Interviewer: Miss Ferrera, how were you able to pull this company to this height.

Ariella Ferrera: It is all by God's grace I couldn't do it all alone. It has been my passion a long time ago and with the support of my parents I was able to make it.

Interviewer: Miss Ferrera, why have you been anonymous for five years?

Ariella: One of the reasons why I have been anonymous is a reason why I am here. I knew that many people will feel intimidated by my success and I am a woman after all.

Interviewer: Miss Ferrera, why did you decide to show your face now?

Ariella: ah ah ah. Wouldn't you all like to put a face to the picture? Sooner or later, I was bound to reveal my face. Besides, the board members are tired of seeing my representative Lucas for five years and they keep demanding for the CEO and I decided that why don't I show my face to end their questions.

Interviewer: Miss Ferrera, what is your relationship status?

Ariella: I am very much single and I'd love to keep it that way

Interviewer: Miss Ferrera, would it be better if a man is the CEO of your company?

Ariella: HARN is my hard work and no one is entitled to get my sweat for free. If a man wants to be the CEO of a company, he should work hard for it not expect me to hand over my sweat to him on a platter.

Interviewer: Miss Ferrera, who do you owe your success story to?

Ariella: Well first to God, my parents and my two friends and also to two backstabbers whose betrayal made me a better person.

Interviewer: Miss Ferrera is any broken relationship the reason for this resolution of yours?

Ariella: I think that'd be all for now. Thank you.

She stands up and is escorted by the security to her car with the paparazzi following her asking for one more chance. Her right hand man Lucas was waiting for her at the door of the car.

" Madam, you did well ma. This will surely silence the board members and waging tongues outside" retorted Lucas.

"Hmmm..." Replied Ariella disinterested in the conversation.

On getting home Ariella was in her room reminiscing over the past events that has happened to her.

They say that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder but when she looks at her reflection in the mirror, she beholds no beauty. She looked like a ghost of herself inwards and not the strong willed Person the world sees. She has made a resolve not to shed any tears for any man again in her life. Let me introduce her

Her name is Ariella Ferrera and she is 25 years old. She is the anonymous CEO of HARN company, one of the leading architectural company in the country.

Don't let me forget to mention that she is single and doesn't plan on changing the status soon. Her experiences with men has made her shut down her heart completely and she's not ready to open it anytime soon. She has a sister and three friends Ohh!! Now two friends. She doesn't have backstabbers as friends. Gabby and Williams are true definitions of friends while Linda is a snake. She is one of the reasons for her icy heart. She also HAD a fiance but it is all in the past now.

Gabby came visiting and she she was ecstatic" Hey girllll... That was lit!! The interview will definitely....."

She noticed that Ariella had zoned out in front of the mirror. She sighed and went closer to Ariella" I thought I told you to be grateful for everything that has happened. Look at you now, you run the most successful business in the country and you've earned a lot of respect amongst great people. What else do you want. Their betrayal pushed you to your success of today "

"I know" Ariella replied "I won't think about it again. Thank you" Ariella smiled and hugged Gabby."That's the vibes girlll... "Gabby retorted.

" Is a party going on without me??" Williams came in and jumped on the both of them and they all landed on the bed and burst into laughter.

" The party we have going on here is not for gay" Gabby replied. " Woah!! What an insult! I don't know why you hoes can't leave the dicks for us and stick to your pussy in peace". Williams fired back.

Gabby immediately replied" You should tell me what...."

"Okay that's okay before I watch world war 4 start right here". Ariella cuts both of them. "You both came here to celebrate with me so that is what we're going to do. So which club are we hitting today?"Williams spoke immediately " Okay so there's is this....."

"Please don't recommend another stripper's club for me let me do the job" Gabby said. " So there is this new club in town and from the reviews I've heard it's lit and the name is Aqua" chirped Gabby excitedly .

" Okay then Aqua it is" Ariella said. " So let's start dressing cos we're shutting Aqua down todayyyyyy!!!

Williams left them and they started dressing. Ariella went with a halter top and a short skirt exposing her long legs and hourglass figure while Gabby went for a net gown that is a little bit lower than her thighs. They both paired their dresses with jewelries and a smokey makeup.

Williams entered and he whistled " damn!!! If not that I don't do girls I am okay with shagging the both of you. Whattt!!! You both look hot babes the men in the club are certainly in for some show today. Make sure Ariella goes home with a man today. This dress and gorgeous look can't be a waste. Williams told Gabby.

" Trust me it is done" answered Gabby. " "Hello!! The person you're talking about is right in front of you if you don't know" said Ariella smiling." Oh we do plssss!!" Mocked Gabby.

They all laughed and set out for the club. They got to the club and Williams ordered for martini while Gabby and Ariella ordered for sex on the beach.

As they were looking around in appreciation Ariella's eyes caught two familiar figures that scarred her life and she froze immediately. "

Can you see that my choice is the....." Gabby trailed off when she saw what Ariella was looking at. She immediately tapped Williams and turned his eyes to see what the matter was and immediately he saw those two Ariella was still looking at in her frozen state, he became enraged and he stood up and charged towards the figures in great fury.....