
Beware Of The First

Beware of the one known as the First. System Users were always told. Aku Mazoku, also known as the First. When death struck him, God gave him something special. The Gamer System. With extra perks, God sent him off into the Multiverse. Read, as his name get's known by all.

Piiiiza · Cómic
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6 Chs


(3rd Pov)

In a classroom, a boy could be seen looking with utter boredom on his face. Aku Mazoku, looked at the 54 year old teacher at the front of the class, lecturing the other students.

'Why's he even here? He barely qualifies as a teacher. He basically teaches us simple math.'

Sighing to himself, he turned his gaze to the clock, watching it tick as the seconds pass.



'Only 10 more minutes of this crap...'

With that, he turned back to the teacher who was explaining why 69 is the number of god. As the minutes passed, it eventually reached down to 1 minute. The students gathered there stuff and talked to their friends.

"Haaa. I'm free-" Slinging his backpack over his shoulder, Aku stood up from his seat, ready to be done with this boring day.


He was interrupted. The door was suddenly kicked open, as 2 people made their way in, handguns pointed at the students who all froze up in shock, as one of the guys with the gun started yelling.


Pointing his gun to the top left corner, the students shakingly made their way. As the guy told them to sit down they followed the orders.

'Are they trying to rob a bank? Why are they even here?' Aku, Looked at them, he knew this school didn't have anything of value, so he wondered why they were here.

"Pssst, Guys." Hearing the whisper, they turned and saw Ren. He was one of the popular kids, since he played soccer and had good looks, the girls had a crush on him.

Making sure to whisper as low as possible, he told them his plan. "I'll try to take his gun away. After that, we jump him." The other students, completely forgetting about the other shooter, nodded their heads. Except Aku, who raised an eyebrow.

'Did... God these people are such idiots.'

Seeing them agree with him, he smiled. "On the count of three."

"One" He got off the ground slightly, but kept his head down.

"Two." Tensing his legs, he readied himself to rush towards to shooter.

"Three!" With incredible speed for a teenager, he dashed at the shooter. The guy just now noticing, Hurriedly raised his gun, trying to aim at Ren, but failed. Jack, swiping the gun from the guy's hand, shouted to the other students.

"NOW!" The other students started rushing at the guy. All while, Aku, stayed back. Looking at them beat the shit out of the guy, he looked around the room.

"Y'know.... Where'd the teacher go?" As if god gave him an answer, the other shooter walks in with the teacher in tow.



Feeling immense pain in his abdomen, he looked down, and saw a small hole with blood flowing out of it. With uneven breaths, he quickly put his hands on the wound, hoping to stop the blood flowing out it.

The other students looked at the dying classmate in fear. Hearing a chuckle, they looked up and saw their teacher with a creepy smirk.

"I never liked that kid. NOW! I want all the girls to step up, hehehe." At that moment, the girls knew that they were doomed.

(Aku Pov)

Laying down on the ground, I looked at my bloodied hands. Is... Is this how I die? There's pain, so.. much... pain. I hate it.

<Skill: Pain Nullification Acquired>

What the? Am I... going crazy now that I'm dying? Haha.... It's kinda like the anime That Time I got Reincarnated As a Slime. Well, If it is... I might as well make the most of it.

Maybe... I've always wanted to be more handsome?

<Perk: Perfect Body Gained>

Heh... That's kinda cool... I've always wanted to be stronger, like, really strong.

<Perk: Superhuman Body Gained>

It would.... also be cool to be really talented. My sister was extremely talented in sword....

<Perk: A Prodigy Of All Gained>

Awesome.. That Devour skill Rimuru had... would be cool.

<Unique Skill: Predator Acquired>

Hmmm. What else.... Can you decide?

<User has given the system permission to grant skills. Granting...>

<Unique Skill: Great Sage Acquired>

<Skill: Unbreakable Will Gained>

<Extra Stat: PER Gained>

<Unique Trait: Combo Maker Gained>

<Skill: Debuff Resistance Gained>

<User has used up all skill gains... Starting the Game>

The world around me grew dark, as my eyes closed, feeling death embrace me.

"What a fun... little prank before I die."

That day, Aku Mazoku died. And a being that would eventually grow so powerful, that Gods would bow down to him, was born.

(3rd Pov - Forest)

In a peaceful forest, some wolves were eating the prey they caught. As they were eating, a bright light appeared in front of them. With a howl, they ran away, hiding. With the light fading, a handsome young man, around 17 could be seen, naked, and sleeping.

(Aku Pov - Forest)

Something's not right. Opening my eyes, I saw the blue sky being covered by some trees. I also noticed I wasn't on a hard floor anymore. Sitting up, I feel the grass on my... My dick was never this long?

"Damn.... Wait no. Where am I?" Standing up, I look around some more, finding nothing but a dead animal. "Gross" Plunging my nose at the smell, I walk away. After a couple of minutes of walking through this forest, I came across a cave.

"I guess I'll sleep here." Inside the dark cave, I sat down and tried to analyze my situation. I'm pretty sure I died... But I'm still here. How?

<You have been reincarnated>

Yeah, that's probably it.



"What." Looking at the screen in front of me, I reeled back in shock, hitting my head on the wall. "OW... Not?" I Didn't feel any pain... Why?

<User has the skill Pain Nullification>

Ah... I see. So, the wishes I made... Is this real?

The answer I got, was a screen.

<Aku Mazoku>

STR: 20

VIT: 20

AGI: 20

PER: 20

WIL: 100

CHR: 20

LUK: 20

<Skills: Pain Nullification, Debuff Resistance, Unbreakable Will>

<Unique Skills: Great Sage, Predator>

<Perks; Perfect Body, Superhuman Body, A Prodigy Of All>

<Unique Traits: Combo Maker>

Looking over my stats, I nod to myself as all the wishes I made came here. To bad I didn't wish for anything OP... But, I do need to figure out where I am. "Where did you send me?" With my question, another screen pops up.

<Current World: Danmachi>

Gazing at the screen, I look into my mind, trying to remember what I know about the anime. Bell.... Dungeon, Monsters, Gods, Freya, and some other stuff. "And why am I in a forest?" I question the system, but another screen appeared.

<The host has been given 5 months to get used to his current body, while also giving you a chance to not die early.>

"Ohh ok.... Why don't I have clothes."


"..." Saying nothing, I just rest my head down on the cold stoney floor, and close my eyes, letting sleep take over.



AN: I fixed it....


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