
Beware Of The First

Beware of the one known as the First. System Users were always told. Aku Mazoku, also known as the First. When death struck him, God gave him something special. The Gamer System. With extra perks, God sent him off into the Multiverse. Read, as his name get's known by all.

Piiiiza · Cómic
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6 Chs

Bandits And Orario

AN: Sorry for short chapter, AND the wait.. ENJOY❤❤❤❤❤ Also, I got a dog. Woof



"Finally... FINALLY! HAHAHAHA!" In the middle of a forest, a teen could be seen laughing while smiling crazily. This was naturally, Aku Mazoku. The month finally passed, and he was ready to leave the forest.

"Let me see my stats."

<Aku Mazoku>

Level: 1 - 0/100 EXP

HP: 750/750

MP: 1300/1300

STR: 75 <Trained his body>

VIT: 75 <Trained his body>

AGI: 85 <Trained his body>

PER: 50 <+30 AP>

WIL: 130 <+30 AP>

CHR: 50 <+30 AP>

LUK: 90 <+70 AP>

AP: 60 ---> 370 -----> 210

He was confident his his stats for right now, but he didn't really know what the average stats were. He asked the system, but the only thing he got was.

<Find out yourself>

So, being him, he tried threatening the system... It didn't go well. He didn't decide to threaten him until he got stronger.

(I don't want him to be a bitch to the system)

(Alex Pov)

Walking along the road, I looked at the minimap beside me. I'm grateful the system is useful, but I don't really like it. Once I get to Orario, I should try to get some money. I could try sneaking in the dungeon. If I do, I could possibly gain a new skill. And, I could also try some skills I couldn't. Like <Devour>

"Hm?" The had started showing 7 red blinking spots. 4 of them were hiding behind trees, and the other 3 were a little behind. "Enemies?"

<How'd you figure that out> Hearing the sarcastic reply of the system, I simply just shook my head. I don't have time for it's shit. Should I try to confront them? I'm still uncertain of peoples stats in this world. If there stronger than me, I could possibly be dead. I could also be captured maybe. There are many options.

<Quest Added!>

<Kill the Bandits>

<Bandits are trying to kill you and take your stuff. Reverse the situation>

<Reward: 1,000 EXP, 25,000>

<Failure: Death>


Opening my inventory, I look towards the tree the bandits were hiding in. I ready myself.

"Come out." With calmness in my voice, I said it as I watch them come out behind the trees. They said the common bandit stuff while pointing there weapons at me. Taking the chance, I observe one of them.

<Bandit.. Guy?>

<Level: 5>

HP: 500

MP: 100

STR: 34

VIT: 32

AGI: 21


CHR: -1


I blink. I blink again. I take out my dagger, and throw it at the bandits head.



<Killed 1 Bandit>

<+10 EXP>

We just stare at the body.




(Bad Fight scene incoming)

"YOUR DEAD KID!" Bandit2, started rushing at me with slow speed. Slashing towards me, I side-step to the left, dodging his attack. Punching his in the gut, I watch as he grabs his stomach in pain.


A soft female voice, echoed inside my mind. Following the orders, I duck, as an arrow whizzes over my head.

[Side-step to the left]

Doing as told, I step to the left, dodging a punch. Grabbing the guys hand, i twist it, breaking it.

"ARH... FUCK!"

Holding his hand in pain, the bandit looked at me with eyes full of hate.


'Seems like he's the leader of this group'

Watching as they all rush at me with swords in hand, the soft voice once again echos in my mind.

[5 Targets attacking all together... Calculating solution]


[Solution found]

I start to feel my body move on it's own. Rushing forward, 'I' grab my dagger from the dead guys hand, and block a strike.


Overpowering the guy, 'I' slash upwards.


A hand goes flying up in the air, and lands on the ground with a thud. Not giving the guy a chance to scream, 'I' cut his head off, before rushing to the other guys, picking up one of the swords.

Tensing 'my' legs, I jump up in the air, avoiding a arrow. In the air, I take aim at the one with the bow, and throw the sword, striking him in the head.

<2 Bandits Killed>

<+20 EXP>


One of the other bandits rushed back into the forest, leaving just one more. He had fear in his eyes, as he looked at 'me' and started pleading.

"W-What do you want? Money? Women? I can get it. P-please don't- URrr..."


Not giving him the chance, 'I' stab him in the heart, instantly killing him.

(Terrible fight scene over)

<Killed 1 Bandit>

<+10 EXP>

[All hostile enemies, killed. Giving body back]

I stumble back a little, feeling control of my body come back. Seeing the dead bandits, I feel my stomach churn at the sight. There was a lot of blood. Not taking any chances, I look at my map and run towards Orario.

<Quest Complete?>

<Reward: 500 EXP You didn't steal their stuff :/..>

<Level UP! +5 to all stats>

<Level UP! +5 to all stats>

<+10 AP>


Ignoring the message, I feel the extra stats, and increase my speed.


"Haaa... Haaa... haaa. aahh"

Trying to catch my breath, I look at the large tower. I made it to Orario... FINALLY! Bad thing though, people are starting at me. Best course of action, find an Inn.

[There is an Inn, 100 Meters ahead of you]

'Success I guess. Now, my second course of action. Get a girlfriend'

<Thats really fucking sad>


Ignoring the system, I arrive at the Inn. Entering, I look around the place. It has a comfortable feel to it. I like it.

Getting a room for one, I go to it, and fall on the bed. I felt pretty tired, with all the killing and running I did.

"Or more like Great Sage did."

(I watched TTIGRAAS And I know what Great Sage does, but I want to put my own twist to it)

Taking a look at my status, I realize one thing. I can't really tell how strong I am. The system just showed normal stats, not parameters.

"How strong am I right now Great Sage?"

[Answer: User is currently Level 1, in term of status: Parameters]

"And, how would I get to level 2?

[Answer: Level - 20]

"That's... Actually kinda easy."

<Not quite>

Hearing the system, I look at the screen that popped up in front of me.

<For a first quest. You were given more EXP than you should've got. For a quest like that, you would've gotten around 100 EXP. Monsters in the Dungeon... Here.>

Another screen appeared with a list of Floors, and the levels each give.

<Floor 1: 2 EXP>

<Floor 2: 5 EXP>

<Floor 3: 7 EXP>



The list kept going on, as I was dumbfounded by how small the EXP is. No wonder is takes so long to level up.

"Instead of focusing on that... Let's get me a beby."

[User is in urgent need of sleep]

"After I sleep?"

[...Very Well.]

"After I get then sleep."

Putting my head on the pillow, I feel exhaustion kick in, as my eyes start getting heavy. Eventually, I fall asleep.


AN: Wow... He killed. So original to feel sick after killing. THX FOR READING❤❤❤

Next Chapter: Dungeons But No Dragons... Yet.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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