
search for the red moon

it's a nice day in driftwood city. not just the weather but the people. with someone to keep the rowdy locals in check, it was a lot safer to wander around. the word that the local gangs were now keeping the peace spread. this created an opportunity initially this town was meant to be part of the kingdom. but the noble who first owned this land had a task. herd the people develop the land and gain a duke's title. then present the land to the king. sadly the noble was too selfish and greedy. he demanded too much from the people and gave too little in return. eventually, many criminal organizations came for real estate. this made the land heavily divided, causing a civil war and driving the future duke out. he ran away to the kingdom and sold the title to a broker.

with land up for grabs, many people saw a chance to be a duke. king helios knowing this fact left it be. his hope was the right person would get the land. but effort after effort people who bought the land would sell it back. this town was hard to sell making the price drop. the cheap price caused more people to try and fail. along with it constant change in hands. King Leiwie Helios decided to make the town a border town. his plan was to dive out criminals and outcasts there. word of this fact deterred more people from going to it. Later on, King Loaw Helios would dub the town driftwood city. years later a noble on their way out of a home would claim the title.

now that the town was less hostile and more shops had opened. traffic had increased causing the town's newly formed defense to step up. Breck leading up this task with the other gangs had set it up. but with everyone so busy keeping public fighting to a minimum. training them to be soldiers would be hard so they came up with a plan. but Dutches gave them two days to get it done.

currently at a lampost. four goons all with arm bands stood vigilant. the colors of the band one had yellow the rest red. to each of their waist were shelved swords. they were all focused looking out for trouble when a woman approached the yellow band. it was Darleen. She taped his shoulder to draw him in.

Darleen: excuse me I would love your aid.

yellow band: heh

the man turned to her with his lack of interest in helping. Darleen smiles and continues.

Darleen: see I'm looking for my daughter. it's imperative I.....

yellow band: look lady I'm pretty busy. watching the people and these three. get lost.

Darleen: well that's too bad. guess I'll be off with this.

her face lit up with joy as she reveals she stole his sword. She saunters down the street and around the corner. snapping out of the shock he rally's his 3 red band goons. then gives pursuit. being the first to round the corner he runs into his own blade. the other three are aware of her position so they surround her. they go in all together to disarm her. She trips the one closer to her left. gabs the one on her right. finally dodges the center one, and kicks him into the wall. abandoning the blade she looks into the distance.

Darleen: so how was that?

Bono: Mark the yellow for lacking skill. also, respect for others. the red passed but later on maybe some physical workouts.

from the other end of the street. Bono and the others enter view. it appears they were on the other corner.

Cole: nah yellow didn't punk out. the reds didn't notice his weapon got swiped.

Jen: while that is valid. not the point of this exercise. either willing the help people or able to be combat-ready. reds didn't attempt to aid he nor did Yellow, but Reds did take action in a dangerous situation.

Cole: yellow reacted to a dangerous situation.

Cole starts throwing a tantrum. Breck begins writing on a clipboard he brought.

Breck: anyone could see Yellow was just giving chase to save face. so yellow gets training reds are good. also later on we will do a don't get your weapons stolen meeting. that makes 6 people so far.

this was the answer to their problem. Darleen would approach the target. first, she would ask for help if they decline. She would provoke them into combat. however, failing to put up a fight means training. so far they have tested 12 people. only 6 have passed so far the odds aren't promising. of course for helping her Breck was pressured into helping her.

as everyone was on their way to the next target. Breck was approached by a rather ruffed-up man. his clothes looked like he was fighting a beast, and his face was red.

Man: excuse me are you this town's guards?

Breck pause to give his words thought.

Breck: eh yes I am

Man: with that response how can one be sure?

Breck: how can I help you sir?

the man huffed at Breck. was it exposition or anger? either was unclear.

Man: my compatriates and I have been gravely wronged. so I wish to file a report on our behalf.

Breck added a blank page to his clipboard from a bag he was carrying with him.

Breck: okay I'll write it down and pass it to the boss later. what happened?

the man began the tale. he started with how he and his associates got word of a debtor's death. quick to collect before no one could pay them. they left the kingdom to come to driftwood. but his next of kin was broke and could not pay. so they were going to work out a deal. whoever before they could settle on something. an evil woman showed up. she assaulted the next of kin. harmed their bodyguards and then him and the other collector. when she finished she had her demon servant teleport them into a den of raccoons. having escaped with only ruined clothe and some scratches. they journeyed back to town so as to salvage their trip, and now he seeks the aid of the law. this was what he told Breck.

when the collector finished his tale. all the leaders moved to rest against the wall. Darleen stood with Breck hearing his story with interest.

Breck: okay I have gotten the details did you catch a name or can you describe her?

The man rubs his chin picturing the woman.

collector: ah yes, dark hair, red eyes, average height, she had on a purple coat. I think she was wearing a vest and back trousers. also, she possessed un holly strength.

Breck stops writing. he looks at the man with realization. it appears the others had a hunch of who it was.

Breck: perchance she had a magnum on her person.

collector: yeah!

he lowered his writing hand and clipboard

Breck: and the demon was he a ginger?

Collector: indeed!

Breck frowned at the page crumpling it. he stuck it in his pocket. the other over to the side began cackling at him. he turn to the man.

Breck: sir I'm going to do you a favor. I'm not going to report this. In fact ill forget this ever happen so please move on.

Collector: what is the meaning of this?

Breck: I should be asking this, you just walked up to me. then described the boss after saying you wish to press charges. I honestly think you didn't know. so I m trying to let this slide. but if you wish t pressure it. I'm sure she would be glad to rig a courtroom. then kill you when you lose.

the man gets mad and stomps off yelling.

Collector: fine I'll leave then come back with an army. ill have them kill both of you. I'll make sure the animal leader of you suffers the most.

Darleen takes Breck's clipboard. She slings it squarely into the back of his head. he loses his balance falling on his face. she runs up to kicks him, to flip him on his back. then she mounts the round man so he can't move. she pulls an old pistol from the thigh of her boot. spotting it moves his shoulders and head to shake her off. Breck feels nervous getting ready to stop her. the debt collector stops moving, all he could do was stare at her. not just him but everybody in the area. there was this magnetic sensation causing them to look. the man was sweating with what comes next. Darleen raises her pistol above her head. the barrel started glowing red making a sizzling noise. she presses the hot barrel to his forehead.

collector: AAAAAHHHH

the pain from the hot barrel made him vocal. She held him down staring at him. her face read I will kill you.

Darleen: stay away from my child. act against me or my family and I'll empty all your cruel thought on the ground. got it?

Collector: yes!

she presses the gun down harder.

Darleen: thats not you line. you say i sware on my life.

Collector: I sware on my life on my life.

She lets him go. the mand scampers away barly keeping to his feet. Breck clearly wants to say someting, but he lets it go having a idea where it leads. they continue running their test.

to be continue.....