
Chapter Twenty — Eight

Chapter Twenty — Eight

Michael's POV

The door opened and Linda stepped inside it first. I followed her but not before I looked over my shoulder to see Adan giving Linda a reassuring nod and then another to me.

With that he stood outside the door with his crossed arms. Guarding the door. He seemed more alert than he appeared. I knew that he was being vigilant without being obvious

I halted in my steps and connected my mind link.

“Show yourself. Now.” I said. Four bodyguards appeared in front of me from different sides. Two appeared from the corner and two came running to me, at the speed of light from the forest. Climbing the wall that connected the roof to the ground. All of them were bulky, broad and big dudes.

I nodded towards the gate and the hallway.

“You know what you have to do.” I said. They all gave me a nod and went for their work. Guarding the gate during our meeting.