
Between Two Alphas - Forbidden Mates

After losing her parents during a territory war between packs, Artemis Elsher is taken in by the young Pack Leader, Xander Moonsan. For two years he acts as her guardian, helping her get back on her feet and taking care of her. Soon, Artemis finds herself preparing to leave for college. However, it seems the Moon Goddess has other plans for Artemis. A week before she leaves, she manifests her mate bond and it seems her mate is none other than Xander. Not only that but it seems she’s bonded with another alpha, the younger brother of her parents’ killer, Jayce Tasis. Now she’s stuck between two pack alphas, not sure what to do… *** This story has age-gap and reverse harem elements. There are also going to be mature scenes between characters later on in the story - romance is a slowburn. Story is told with three pov - Artemis, Xander and Jayce AI Art Cover

de_writer · Fantasía
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17 Chs

Mate Bond (3)

Xander's POV

Xander stared at the wooden door which separated him and Artemis, his mate. He was glad to have been given a mate by the Goddess but at the same time, he felt sick about the fact that his mate was Artemis – the girl he was meant to be a guardian to.

And now he had to explain that not only was the male in his sitting room her mate and the younger brother of her parents' killer but somehow the Goddess thought that he should be her mate as well, overcomplicating things.

Xander wanted things to go back to the way they were before. He wanted to help Artemis grow and find her own mate, not become her mate. Even if he had wrong feelings about her, yearning to be hers. Wanting to be her everything.

But he had denied those feelings, knowing it was wrong. Knowing he was too old for her. He was happy to keep their relationship the way it was, even if it meant he was just a pillar to help her learn how to stand on her own two feet. He was grateful for what they had and now it was broken, a mate bond changing everything.

Xander's ears pricked up as he heard rustling on the other side of the door, a sign Artemis had awoken and that it was explanation time. Xander sighed, knocking on the door.

He heard more rustling and the door opened quickly, Artemis appearing before him. Looking down at her, he realized how small she was. How much she had grown over the last two years.

"Xander? Did I wake you again?" Artemis murmured, her voice on edge. "I think I just had a bad nightmare…"

""No, you didn't. I…wanted to talk to you about your 'nightmare'." Xander said in a gentle tone.

Artemis flinched at the word, her eyes widening. "You mean…"

"You mate bonded. But it wasn't with Louis." Xander added quickly.

"Then who? That male looked like him and…." Artemis closed her eyes and Xander felt a pang of pain in his chest.

"It was Louis's younger brother, Jayce. He's the one you mate bonded with… Him and… me…" Xander choked on the last word.

"What do you mean I bonded with you and him?" Artemis demanded, her face paling.

Xander moved the neck of his shirt, showing the runic inscriptions that ran across his heart. Proof of their bond, the inscriptions unique to them only.

"After you fainted, we bonded…" Xander muttered, releasing his shirt and covering his chest. "I spoke to the elders about it and they guessed we only bonded now because you needed to know both your mates…"

"I...don't…." Artemis struggled to find the words.

"Artemis, I'm not asking you to accept the bond." Xander said, the words leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. "It's a lot to take in and I know…you didn't bond with the best people…So, if you don't want to be mates…we can sever the bond…"

Xander's wolf growled as the last part, not wanting to accept the mate bond being severed. But Xander knew it was for the best. The mate bond was a mistake and Artemis deserved better. She was meant to travel and go to college, and enjoy doing things people her age did. Not get tied down to some alpha before she could experience things herself.

"But Xander…you can't break the bond…you'll never be able to have a Luna if you do." Artemis cried out. "You know that breaking a mate bond means you'll never be able to take another mate…at least not in a wolf sense."

Xander knew that. While the Goddess gave them a way to break mate bonds, it came at a cost. Those that chose to break it could never take another mate in their mating ceremony. The most they could have was a marriage status in the human world.

But their mate would never be reconsidered by the Goddess and most often their inner wolf and pack.

"I know that, Artemis." Xander sighed. "And I've already consulted the pack about it. They're all in agreement that breaking this bond is okay if you're not ready for it. They're willing to accept whoever becomes my mate as the Luna of the pack. Even if it's not you."

Xander had called a pack meeting while Artemis was sleeping, knowing as the alpha leader he couldn't make a decision like this without them knowing. He was thankful that they had been understanding because most packs would have forced him and Artemis to complete the mate bond in a mating ceremony.

Instead, they had been supportive, leaving the decision up to Artemis and him. Xander knew he was going to be happy either way, so was giving Artemis the final decision, knowing her happiness was the most important thing for him.

Even if that happiness lay with being with another male and breaking their mate bond…

"Really?" Artemis looked at him with her big, brown eyes, hope seeming to gleam in them.

"Yes, really. So, take your time to think things over. No one is rushing you and we'll all respect your decision okay." Xander smiled softly, running his hand down Artemis' hair. "The same thing goes for Jayce…"

Artemis leaned into his touch. "Okay, I'll think about it…Um…where is Jayce?"

"He's in the sitting room…I thought it would be best if he stayed nearby…at least until you've made your decision. Of course, if you don't want to see him…I'll make sure he stays out of sight."

Artemis nodded her head in understanding. When mates first bonded, they became very territorial, the wolf needing them to stay near their mate. His wolf didn't like having another alpha roaming around in his own home but it was the only way he could keep Artemis safe until she decided what to do.

"No…it's okay…I think I want to meet him…and say sorry." Artemis winced at the last bit.

"For what?" Xander looked at her in confusion.

"For overreacting. Before we bonded, I think he was trying to explain the misunderstanding but…" Artemis paused for a second and winced. "Anyway, I hit him with a bat and tried to run but we mate bonded…"

Xander suddenly remembered the bat he had seen lying next to her and smirked, trying to hold in the laugh. While Artemis was small and weaker than most wolves, being an omega wolf, she wasn't completely defenseless.

Artemis loved playing baseball and had a mean swing, a monster when it came to batting. He had also taught her some self-defense to rebuild her confidence after her parents' death. And it seemed like she had finally been able to use her skills, even if they were on the wrong person.

"I'm sure he understands Artemis…" Xander finally said, giving her head a final pat before dropping his hand.

Artemis looked away, Xander knowing her mind was going into overdrive. He could practically see the clogs in her mind spinning. Suddenly, Xander heard a growl from Artemis, looking at her to see her holding her stomach and blushing.

"I think you should eat something first." Xander exclaimed, trying to make a serious face. "Do you want to eat dinner in your room?"

"Is it that late?!" Artemis gasped, looking at the window behind her to see the sun setting. "Why didn't you wake me?!"

"You fell asleep after fainting so I decided to leave you. Today has been tough on you so I thought you could use the break…"

"Hmmm…okay." Artemis sighed, her stomach growling again. "I guess I'll have dinner with you guys. Unless you've eaten already?"

"We haven't. Is there anything you want to eat?"

"Anything is fine."

"Alright." Xander paused for a second not knowing what to say.

"Guess, I'll take a shower and rest a little more in my room until dinner." Artemis said, breaking the silence.

Xander nodded in understanding, watching Artemis close the door in front of him before heading to the sitting room. Jayce was sitting on the couch, staring at his phone with a dark look on his face.

Hearing Xander walk into the room, the other male looked up, his face brightening. He stood up and placed his phone in the back pocket of his jeans.

"What did she say?" Jayce asked like an eager pup.

"We're having dinner together." Xander explained. "However, she hasn't made her decision yet. I told her to think over things and to take her time."

"Alright. I can deal with that. It has been a long day after all." Jayce sighed.

"Have you spoken to your pack yet?" Xander asked, heading for the kitchen.

On their way back home earlier, Jayce had explained that he had become the new alpha leader, taking over from his brother who had gone mad while he was studying overseas. Xander was a little surprised by the fact, Jayce planning to tell the other supernatural groups about the power shift at the next leader's gathering in two weeks.

However, it did explain why the Tasis Pack had been so quiet, despite always causing trouble on the borders of the Moonsan Pack territory.

"I have. And they're not exactly like your pack. They want to have the mating ceremony done at the next full moon." Jayce muttered. "Thankfully, they'll stay quiet for now knowing you're involved but I don't know how long I can keep them quiet."

Jayce looked conflicted and Xander wanted to comfort him as a fellow alpha leader. He knew how hard running a pack could be, especially when someone who was young like Jayce, being twenty one and having a pack like his, was running it.

It made him thankful his pack were more understanding and were supportive, not looking for ways to stab him in the back and take control of the pack.

"Alright. I understand but we can sort that out later. Right now, we need to make dinner." Xander replied, pulling out a brown bag from the fridge.

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