
Tattoo flowers


The family meeting was held in the big family hall. Every family member had gathered when the leader called for a meeting.  Everyone was expected to show up dependably.

The leader was my uncle Collins, he was my mom's older brother. He had two wives and two children from each woman. Flynn was his last born son and the only male in our family.  The rest were females, including my older sister, 

She wasn't at the meeting because she was sick. I was sitting with my mom. She didn't say much in the meeting.

“This is delicate, the werewolf queen is going to grace us with her presence, “my uncle said with authority. As expected, what I feared was slowly coming true. I would rather not overthink things; however, things had already been written.

And by the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Elina Perkins. Most would think I was a human. Unfortunately, I wasn't.  We belonged to a mysterious world in the mountains, mainly our world was covered in snow throughout.

I had a mom I loved more than anything and an older sister. I had four cousins. Flynn, Jasmine, Gracey and Violet. My uncle Collins, the leader of our world.

“I want everyone to get ready and be on their best behavior, especially you. Elina “my uncle's voice jerked me back to reality. Keeping my head bowed, I nodded at his words. 

“I won't tolerate any mistakes… The queen is special… if anyone makes a mistake… The consequences will be fatal,” uncle Collins said sternly, just like every time. The queen of werewolves came to our world.

It was strange that there existed four worlds. The vampire world which I heard of even if I haven't seen any vampires. Our world, we were called a mysterious world because our identity wasn't known.

I didn't even know what I was. At first, I thought we were werewolves because of the werewolf traits we possessed.  Unfortunately, we weren't, the third one was the human world.

My favorite world, it had four seasons, unlike ours. They had winter too, but it didn't last long, summer was my favorite.  This reason made me sneak into the human world. I had a bestie there, I also attended human school.

The fourth one was the scariest world. The werewolf world. Dominant with a fierce leader. I feared werewolves because of their aggressive side, and their power over other supernatural creatures.

What scared me, even more, was their leader. Rumors had it that he was atrocious, barbaric, and cruel. No one had ever seen him. He only showed up to kill those who broke his rules

keeping that aside, I listened as my uncle assigned everyone things to do. 

“Daddy, you don't have to worry… I'll do my best” Jasmine said grinning.  Of course, she was pretty, despite her dark hair and small round face for 20 years old. She was beautiful.  Jasmine was the beauty of the family. Not only beautiful, but skilled. She was a pro at archery.

In our world, we had one sport and that was archery, everyone had to be good at archery and fighting.  No one could compare to Jasmine.  She was everyone's envy, she was the eldest daughter in our family, including my sister

“Papa… I'm down for this… the queen won't be disappointed this time, Gracey said. She was Jasmine's little sister. She was spoiled and we were the same age. Pretty and petite with porcelain white skin. Their mother was the first wife of an uncle, Aural, a beautiful woman with class. She was just like her two daughters. 

The second one was Alice, she was a calm woman and got along with my mom. Her daughter Violet was 19 years old. She was my bestie. She didn't come to the meeting because she was attending archery school. The season hasn't ended; hence she didn't come back for the holidays. Flynn was the youngest in the family, and supposedly the next first male heir of our world.

To be honest, my sister was supposed to be the next leader after grandma died. Unfortunately, she was attacked when she was twelve years old. She never talked nor moved. My sister was laughed at because of her disability.


After the meeting was over. I rushed to the kitchen. Took some warm soup, which my sister liked and went to her room.

“You know what sis… I thought you would walk before my 18th birthday, “I said while feeding her some soup. I found some servants attending to her. I had to wait for them to finish arranging her bed, and they bathed her. I had to say. My sister was beautiful, like an angel.

“But now… I'm afraid, “I muttered.  She didn't say a word, which bothered me. All she did was look at me with sadness in her eyes. She was confined to bed since she was twelve years old

“It turned out I couldn't find a cure for you” it hurt me to know I was running out of time. My sister was considered a lost cause. Countless doctors in our world said there was no solution to her problem. But I still had hope. My sister would be cured one day, and she would take up her rightful position as our leader.

Most importantly, she would marry that ugly alpha king.

In the past, mom told me my sister was betrothed to the alpha king. Unfortunately, after the accident, my uncle changed his mind

It was for peace between the werewolf world and our world. 

For peace, my uncle, and mom betrothed me to the alpha king instead. In short, I was bound to a man I didn't know. I haven't even seen him. People said he was ugly, the reason the werewolf King wore a mask.

“You don't have to worry sis… I still have the flower on my back… I won't let you down, “I said and slowly kept the bowl on the table. I saw agitation in her eyes.

I knew how important the alliance was, with ease, I stripped off my dress, pulling it down to expose my shoulders down to my waist. I turned around and slowly caressed my hair off my back, so she could see it was a bright flower, more like a tattoo embedded in my flesh. It glowed a purple color, if any female lost their virginity, it would turn dark. 

Every female virgin in our world had it, every month the eldest females in our world would check us to see if we haven't lost our virginity 

Other female tattoo flowers glowed a deep yellow while mine glowed a purple color, mainly because I belonged to the alpha king specifically.