
Betrothed Soulmate

Ann was born with a golden spoon inside her mouth. She has everything that people ever wished for, except for her health. She has a frail constitution that hinder her lifestyle. In order to get better, she left her hometown to strengthen her bodily function. She has to leave her family and wealth behind in search for a ways to cure her body. She also had to leave her favorite person in order to get better. They exchanged promises that they would meet again in the future. After his fiancée departure, Cyril closes his heart. He only have her inside his heart as he swore to find her someday

Capital_E_22 · Integral
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10 Chs

Victoria's Secret

" He's right Annie. You don't have to bend the rules, the man already said so."

A voice broke the intense situation. They lowered their head as they greeted the elderly man. " Good Morning, Headmaster." The man leisurely walked across the sea of student asking them to raise their head.

"But as for trying to bend the rules, your position as the Head Prefect will be suspended for a week. That will make up to it, are you dissatisfied with my decision?" he uttered as he looked at her.

"No, Headmaster."

" Then, leave this matter to me. You still have a matter to handle aren't you." the Headmaster reminded her of someone in the Council Room. Ann removed her badge from her chest giving them to the Headmaster as she said. "Then." which he answered by nodding his head. After Ann left the scene, the student also left one after another.

They didn't forget to cast as nasty looks toward Venicca as she was she reason their beloved Head Prefect almost got detention. Luckily she only got suspended from duty for a week period otherwise they wouldn't know what they will do toward the stupid girl.

The headmaster waved his hands and two security guard came forward and took Venicca away gently as to not hurt her during the process. He casted a weird look toward Cyril as he said. " Follow me young man. I have something to ask you." He is interested with this young man that could make his unmoving Head Prefect bend the rules. She never showed kindness toward rude visitors before.

As they walked together just the two of them, the headmaster suddenly speak. " I considered 'Annie' as my precious granddaughter. I never once see her bend some rules before, not even to her own brother. Annie drove her own brother out of the school property before." Shocked apparent in Cyril's eyes.

" I wondered who are you to Annie that makes her bend some rules this time."

Thinking a proper way to explain, Cyril spoke up. " She is my childhood lover. When she's 3, she have to move out of town because of her health. We got separated for a very long time without any contact and we just reconciled yesterday. We had promised each other back then to marry when we grow up."


Ann walked toward the Council Room as she unbuttoned her vest and removed them, as she entered the room, she saw Victoria sitting on the sofa. She went straight and sat in front of her.

" Is she somewhat related to you? I saw how nervous you are yesterday during our self-study session when you saw her." she asked straight to the point. "Don't think of me as the head prefect here, i am here as your friend."

" She's my half-sister." Victoria answered truthfully when she heard her claiming to be her friend. Victoria slowly raised her head looking straight toward the person in front of her.

" What she said wasn't wrong. My mother indeed wrecked her family relationship. My mother was a small time worker in my father company and my father took a fancy on my mother. One day, my mom got drunk during the company event and ended up sleeping with my dad. Even after that my mom couldn't accept my dad because he's a married man."

"But a month later, my mom found out that she's pregnant still she didn't accept my dad affection. She moved out of town as she was still pregnant with me so that my dad wouldn't know. The first few month were going as she had planned yet after almost nearing her due date, my mom got sick. Her constitution was not suitable for giving birth as it might endangered her life."

" Worried that no one would took care of me when she's gone, she contacted my dad again. Dad came looking for my mom as he promised that she would give me a proper title. Then the madame knew about my existence and was furious, they fought but my dad still took me despite their prohibition and when i turned 2, my mom finally passed away."

"During my mom pregnancy, my dad had one daughter and that's Venicca. As i don't have a mother, my father doted on me more. That's why."

"She thinks you stole her father affection from her resulting her hating you?" Ann asked which Victoria nodded a yes. "No wonder you are here instead of studying there. Does your father know about this?" she probed

"No. I haven't told anyone yet." she lamented.

Ann looked at Victoria thinking about her problem at hands. "You better told him before it escalated further. You don't have many lives to spare. Though this is just my suggestion, the answers are in your hand."

She could see on what degree one Venicca would go. The vicious glint in her eyes are evident that it impossible for anyone to miss. It wasn't something that she's afraid of though, it's just troublesome to handle. Ann could feel her life ahead wasn't going to be peaceful.

"Where's your badge?" Victoria suddenly asked her face wrinkled. "I got suspended from duty for a week for bending rules." she answered nonchalantly as if it has nothing to do with her.

"HA?!" Victoria shouted on top of her lungs as she shot up from her seat. "ARE YOU INSANE?" she added. Her mind clicked onto something as her face turned ugly. "Did you bend the rules for that useless person? How unfitting?!" she screeched.

"Well, gotta give some face for my fiance." she said. Victoria lips twitched slightly as she continued her usual habit of bad-mouthing people. Ann could only smiled when she saw her in her usual annoying self. This side suited her more than that heart broken soulless persona. She could only smile lightly.

"What are YOU smiling at? This is NOT a laughing matter. Do you know how many people look up to YOU? You are the image of this SCHOOL! You aren't supposed to break the rules. Bla.. Bla.. Bla.." This IS Victoria. Ann said inwardly as she kept quiet and listen to her rambling for a long time.