
Betrothed Soulmate

Ann was born with a golden spoon inside her mouth. She has everything that people ever wished for, except for her health. She has a frail constitution that hinder her lifestyle. In order to get better, she left her hometown to strengthen her bodily function. She has to leave her family and wealth behind in search for a ways to cure her body. She also had to leave her favorite person in order to get better. They exchanged promises that they would meet again in the future. After his fiancée departure, Cyril closes his heart. He only have her inside his heart as he swore to find her someday

Capital_E_22 · Integral
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10 Chs

I Will Find You

Two silhouette of children playing around could be seen. Their laughter could be heard ringing in their surrounding. Then the scene changed to where the boy putting on a flower ring on the girl's finger.

The girl cupped her cheeks with her small hands covering her red face looking very embarrassed as the boy planted a small innocent kiss on her temple.

The scene then change again where the young girl were crying as she held onto the boy clothes tightly. The boy gently wipes the girl teary eyes as his heart aches for her. His lips open and closed as he said something to the girl to coax her.

The girl then nodded her head as they promised to each other before they bid each other goodbyes and the boy could only watch as someone took the girl away. His face showed unwillingness as he stared at her disappearing frame.

When the girl's car drove away, the boy suddenly chases her with all his might as tears could be seen trickling down his chubby cheeks.

I will find you, he promised and the scene ended there.


In the distance, a sound of bell ringing could be heard.

Students wearing uniform could be seen rushing inside the school compound. Some of them were chatting among themselves, while some could be seen playing around. When the second bell rings, all of the student simultaneously stand and walked toward their classroom.

Some are walking steadily while some are rushing and running. Male and female students entered their own class bidding goodbye to their friends.

Inside the classroom.

A teacher could be seen standing in front of the class waiting as the student sit properly on the own seats. "Class, I know that some of you might have already heard that next week there's a special visit from various University. So regarding to this particular event, our school will be hosting a week period of school event and all student are required to participate. As you all know that this might be your chance of getting scouted into the University you chose."

"This event is related to which University would you went and it's not just Fly High Elite School, other University also would sent their own representative so as your teacher I hoped that everyone would do your best during the next particular week. Of course this is not a guaranteed application but this will help you to get more chances to get into the desired University."

"In other words, this is only a backup plans in case your examination result was not satisfactory." said the male teacher swiping his gaze among his student.

In the midst of silence, a young innocent looking girl raised her hand. A gentle look flashed across the teacher face as he asked gently. "What is it, Victoria?"

"So, um.. does that mean that there's no studying next week?" she asked innocently as she slowly lowered her hands.

"Yes. That's correct. So starting tomorrow, everyone should be preparing for next week event and since today us teacher are having meetings, today will be a self-study session." he said as he left the classroom as fast as he came in the first place.

As soon as he left, the student were gathering among their close friends discussing among themself.

"So? Are we participating?" Carla asked as she scanned her friends face across the table. "Should we?" Sandra asked instead of answering. Both of their eyes landed on the last person in their little groupie.

She is always the best decision maker in the team and they rely a lot at her. Somehow, her advises never failed them. " Well, as Mr.Renault said this could help us getting into our desired University. But, with our capabilities.. do you guys still think that we should take part in it?" Ann asked and she knew that her friends understand what she tried to express.

They stopped talking as something caught up in their mind. They exchanged glances as they know what the other are thinking. There are differences in their capabilities and different route that they searched. Thinking of separation makes the three of them sighed inwardly.

Looking at her friends devastated face, Ann went ahead and grabbed their hands as she smile. "No matter where we are, we will always be best friends." That sentences makes the two of her friends turned teary as the nod their head frantically.

'Friends Forever' they thought inwardly.

"Tch, what are you people crying about. This isn't the end of the world." Victoria chided with annoyed face. She secretly envied their strong friendship. Unlike them, she doesn't have someone like that. She has girls following her around but they are far from friends more like a master and the followers.

She never felt how it feels to have a close friend that's why she always bullied this one particular groupie because she sincerely envied them. She envied their friendship, she hoped that she would find someone that will normally converse with her.

Regardless of how much effort she showed, Victoria couldn't ever have a sincere friends that will only look at her not her position, nor her ranking.

Knowing what is currently circulating in her head, Ann looked at her as she smiled genuinely. "I will miss fighting with you, Vi." A shocked expression flashed across Victoria's face but it vanished as fast as it appears. She taunted. "Hm! I won't even want to be acquainted with you lowly people."

She turned her heels as she walked away from the group, her heart feels warm for the first time. A slight smile appeared on her lips almost unnoticeable. Her face warmed up after hearing her first ever nickname coming from her school rival and somehow it doesn't feels unpleasant at all. Anyhow, she liked being called that way. It's way more intimate.

Sandra and Carla glance toward their friend weird antic, both of the were thinking about the same thing. Does their friend brain got fried? Did she forget how torturous their school life were because of one devil called Victoria?

Then again, thinking that this girl is perceptive to certain point, they dismissed their thought.