
Betrayed By My Comrade

"Betrayed by my comrade" is a fictional tale that explores the concept of betrayal and its power to transform a person's outlook on life. The story revolves around a young assassin named Christie, who was taken from his home and trained to be a ruthless killer. He spent years performing his duties without question or remorse, until one day when he suddenly regains his memory. He soon realized the atrocities his actions had caused, and he begins to question the morality of his life. Despite his reservations, Christie is determined to redeem himself and put an end to the organization that turned him into a killing machine. He allies himself with other rebels, including his best friend, Sam, and together they begin to plan their rebellion. They succeeded but he was ploted against by the world and betrayed by his right hand man. Becoming a fugitive. will he be able to redeem himself and prove his innocence??

Chrisy_Garry · Ciudad
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21 Chs


"Argghhhh!!" Biggy screamed immediately the two of them stepped into the machine.

They were being assaulted by the countless needle present in the machine.

"I can't hold on anymore" biggy screamed as he decide to give up after being in there for little more than Eight(8) minutes.

Christie gritted his teeth with pain and berated.

"You want to give up like a coward huh!!

"Do you know the price of being ordinary??

"If you decide to give up now you will become ordinary and if you become ordinary you're doomed to be trampled upon by the insanely powerful" he shouted at biggy why he himself was being assail with an unimaginable pain.

"The pain is just too unbearable" biggy fired back.

"It's unbearable but so what? With enough resolve we can stay here longer and break the record. The AI said if we could endure till the end we are going to have the perfect body" Christie persuade and biggy counter immediately.

They were busy shouting at each other not knowing that they have being in there for twenty-five minutes already.

"Agggggghhhhh" they both screamed loudly as the level of the puncturing skyrocketed bringing with it crazy pain.

"I can't hold on any longer" biggy said as he passed out when it's exactly Thirty (30) minutes since they've been in the machine.

"Coward.." Christie said with a gritted teeth since talking as now become ten times difficult.


"Huh!" 010 could be seen standing with some other assassins in front of a screen in a room filled with all kinds of machines and computers.

The screen was showing them how the two kids were arguing under the crazy puncturing of the machine until one of them passed out at the 30 minutes.

"What a tenacity" 010 thought as he looked at the screen while shaking his head with a bitter smile.

He looked at the other assassins present in the room and he found their expression to be quite interesting.

And at that moment Christie raised his blood soaked head up and looked at the small digital camera that was placed in an unpredictable angle in the machine.

He raised and curl his lips while looking at the camera mockingly.

"He's insane"

"What a great kid"

"So domineering"

The assassins were giving out all kinds of remarks but 010 was looking at the kid's sharp gaze with a thumbing heart.

"The gaze of a true assassin" he thought to himself now filled with a great delight.

"I know there's someone behind this machine that is controlling it, but is this all you've got?? Come on increase the level of the remolding" Christie shouted and one of the assassins looked at 010 with a questioning gaze only to heard the latter's crazy reply.

"Maximum level of remolding"

"What!!!!!" All the assassins present exclaimed.

"That's craziness"

"This good seed will die under such intense pain"

"Let's not waste this kid"

The assassins were all voicing out their opinion, trying to convince 010.

"He may die, but so what? Will he be the first talented kid to die before maturing?" Asked 010 and non of the assassins could refute him.

Then he continues

"That's what I do tell you all. You are too shortsighted. Now imagine him surviving, then you all will have witness the birth of a killing machine" he explained and the other gasped in realization.

So what if he dies? That's his own loss not theirs. Afterall he ask for his own death.

They will even look at his corpse with disdain if he die to the pain.

"Being indecisive?? Come on!!" Christie shouted and the level of the pain increased as his skin began pulling apart and regrowing.

Sounds of bone breaking could be heard, followed by the breaking and remolding of his bones.

"Hehehehe! Refreshing" Christie laugh maniacally as he fall on his kneel due to the breaking of his femurs.

"Hmmmph!" He snorted disdainfully.

"I will never bow to pains, never" he screamed loudly pulling himself back to his feet.

"Wow!" 010 exclaimed clapping as he looked at the screen before him with a shiny eyes.

After some hours, the machine stopped working since it needles can't penetrate into the kid's body again.

"Congratulations, you've attained the most perfect body possible, you can leave through the door" a robotic voice said to Christie and the latter replied with a snort before moving towards the wide opened door of the machine.

Mean while 010 rushed out of the room with a great speed, running towards the hall where the kids were being remolded.

"This feelings, I know what it means"

Christie walk out of the machine on his two feet and took-in a deep breath while standing there proudly.

Physically, he seems to have grown taller his height is now too absurd for his age. Now possessing a broad chest couple with a muscle filled hands. He looks more like a young athletes.

He opened his two hands widely seemingly enjoying the cool air outside.

"Are you deaf!" 100 shouted while looking at Christie with pure jealousy and hatred.

"How could such a lowlife spent so much time to get all those remolding, he must be cheating" he thought looking at Christie waiting for a reply.

"I don't hear what you say. So you can come again instead of standing there and backing like a dog" Christie said mockingly while looking at 100 disdainfully.

"Did you just call me a dog?" 100 asked now restraining himself from attacking, it took him all he's got though.

"I called you a dog and you can't do any fucking thing about it" Christie shouted matching latter's gaze.

"Go Die" 100 shout out loudly as he dash at Christie while targeting his oesophagus with a fist, he planned to kill him in a single blow to avoid story that touch.

"You dare!! A loud and aggressive voice could be head coming from the hallway.

100 looked towards the new arrival and mocked when he sees that the arrival is his master.

010 knew 100 will kill the kid so he quickly pull out his pistol and shoot at him.

Seeing the incoming bullet, 100 accelerated and bend his head to the right to dodge the bullet making him the targeted point which is Christie's neck.


100 fist landed on the boy's shoulder, crushing it and throwing him towards the nearest wall.

He hit his back on the wall and cough out blood.

"Bastard" he said weakly before passing out.

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