
Chapter 176 Missing

Kelly’s POV

“What about this one?”

I chuckled while looking at Pierce, showing me two pairs of baby dresses.

“Pierce, we don’t know the gender yet.”

He frowned. “It’s fine. We can just get both.”

“Then the baby can’t use the other pair.”

He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. We can just have another baby.”

I laughed again and pinched his side. “Whatever you want. Let’s go to the next store.”

We already have plenty of baby dresses. Some are unisex and some are not. He wants to shop for our baby so I just let him. Although it will take long until the baby can use the dresses.

He smirked as he followed me. He lined up on the counter while I just waited for him. After paying, we entered the next store. We were in his house, doing nothing when he suddenly invited me to go shopping. I know he wants to buy clothes for our kids and as a father, he deserves it.

We’re about to enter another shop when someone appeared in front of us, blocking our way.