
Chapter 129 The Decision

Kelly’s POV

Klay’s threat changed my mind. It brought me to a decision that I don’t know if I would regret later or not. I’m standing in front of the law firm where Attorney Lee was working. I called him early this morning after I thought about everything for almost three days.

It’s too much. I feel sinking. Klay’s threat is scaring me because he talked about Snow now, not just me. I’m not scared for myself and he must’ve realized that. He’s obsessed with me. He might not hurt me but he will hurt my daughter. All because she’s Pierce’s daughter.

Heaving a deep sigh, I entered the law firm and went straight to the information desk. I gave my ID to the staff and she immediately assisted me to the elevator while telling me directions to Attorney Lee’s office.

My heart was beating so loud and fast. When I reached the office, the good lawyer greeted me with a pleased smile.

“Good morning, Miss Monroe. Have a seat.”