
Best dad's ever!

Izuku leaves to america with his daughter and adopts some kids leaving behind his dream of being a hero. Izuku comes back to japan with his kids for Eri to go to UA, what will happen when Izuku meets everyone again!

Xayli · Militar
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12 Chs


Izuku sat down on the couch with Eri on his lap sleeping soundly. Izuku sighed softly, knowing if he became a hero with Eri still being his daughter at this age, she will get hurt some way and no one to babysit her. So, he had to make the hardest decision of his life. Give up being a hero and start working on something else. Izuku closed his eyes and sighed. Izuku sat up from the couch with Eri in his arms cuddling up to him in her sleep. Izuku can hear some chattering from the students. Izuku went up stairs and started to pack a bag for him and Eri. Izuku walked out of the room with the bags on his back and the sleeping girl in his arms. Izuku looked down at the precious little girl in his hands knowing he's doing the right thing. He started thinking sbout this as soon as he sighed the documents to make this little girl his actual daughter. Izuku went downstairs, "Hey Izuku, where you going?" Uraraka asked, "To my mother's, won't see ya in a while. Got to go, bye uraraka." Izuku said with a smile. Izuku walked to the door and walked outside. Izuku walked to 3B dorms and knocked on the door. Izuku saw Monama open the door. "Hey, can I talk with Shinsou?" Izuku asked with a kind fatherly voice that held seriousness. Shinsou walked to the door, he had a confessed facial expression. Izuku smiled at him. "Give this to Almighty, when he finds out I'm gone. This is the most important thing and holds very important words. So I ask please hand this to Almighty when I'm gone?" Izuku asked with a letter in hand. Shinsou looked at the letter, "What do you mean you will be gone?" Shinsou asked, worriedly. "I'm going to be a father, that means I have to be a responsible father that will take care of his child himself. I want to be a good father." Izuku said, looking at the little sleeping girl in his hands. Shinsou looked down at the gorly, that Izuku gave such a caring loving look too. "I will do what you ask, but why me?" Shinsou asked, "I trust you dummy." Izuku said, as he handed Shinsou the letter. Izuku walked off from the shocked Shinsou. Izuku walked to the front gate, not looking back. "I will be back for Eri's or my other children I may abopted." Izuku said, queitly. Izuku held a fist to the air as he walked out of the gate of UA that he just opened, with a smile and a tear. Izuku walked down the road and got a taxi. "Where are you going today, mister?" The cab driver asked, Izuku smiled at him. "The airport." Was all Izuku said before they drove off.

As soon as they made to the airport, Izuku was holding a now awake Eri. "Where we going, daddy?" Eri asked, Izuku smiled. "To start a new life, until we move back for you to go to UA if you want to go to UA, baby girl." Izuku said, walking to a line up full of people. "We are going to america." Izuku said, grinning at his daughter. "Okay, daddy. What will you work as if you aren't becoming a hero?" Eri asked a little sadness in her voice. Izuku grinned, "I'm going to own the best care in the America." Izuku said, grinning. "And you will be starting elementary school." Izuku said, grinning. "Now should I adopt a few new brothers and sister?" Izuku asked, Eri who's eyes light up as Christmas trees. "I get siblings!" Eri asked, Izuku chuckled. Izuku went to the lady at the desk with a Charming smile. "Two tickets to America." Izuku said, Izuku filled out things, showed things, and paid, before getting the tickets. When Izuku was finished, he sighed in relief, making Eri chuckle. "Remind me to never get a desk job." Izuku said to Eri who giggled. "Got it, daddy." Eri said, Izuku smiled. Izuku fell asleep on his chest waiting for the train. People were taking glaces at them, some with stars in their eyes. When the train was boarding Izuku went threw the scanner as they took Eri's and his bag. Izuku grinned as soon as he made it outside seeing the plane. Izuku heard shuffling and saw Eri look around with amazement in her eyes. "What is that?" Eri asked, making Izuku grin. "That is a plane that will be flying us to America." Izuku said, Izuku handed the guy their tickets and they walked up the steps into the plane. Eri gripped onto Izuku tighter. "Don't be afraid Eri, I won't let anything harm you while I'm alive." Izuku said, smiling softly at his little girl. Eri kissed Izuku on the cheek making Izuku giggle. Izuku whispered in Eri's ear a little secret which made Eri's eyes sparkle. Izuku walked to their seats and sat down. An old lady sat beside Eri and started to gosh and play with Eri. Izuku iled at that. Across from him was a male, a woman, and a child who looked 12. Izuku looked out the window smiling softly. "This is my daddy, he's super strong and the most amazing person in the world." Eri said, pointing to Izuku. Making Izuku chuckle. "I bet he is, as you are a little angel. It is nice to meet you young man." The old lady said, with her hand held out. Izuku iled at that and shook her hand. "It is nice to meet you too, Mrs." Izuku said, in a kind voice. The old lady smiled at that. "Aren't you the kid on the news about saving a little girl from a dangerous villain and we're in the UA tournament and got 4th place." Izuku laughed at that. "I am." Izuku smiled, "Why are you going to America, this should be your last year of UA and you are close to graduation?" The lady asked, Izuku smiled softly at that. "That I was, I'm going to America to own a cafe and run it with my little girl and hopefully new children. When I was little I didn't get a quirk right away. It took a while, so I was thinking what I would want to be if I couldn't be a hero. So I learned every single thing out there in books of jobs, but I still wanted to be a hero no matter what, but I always thought running a small popular cafe would be cool. I will move back to Japan when I'm 23." Izuku said, laughing. "I see, I hope you have a great time with your new family." The old lady said, making Izuku smile. "Thank you." Izuku said, softly. Izuku looked down at his little girl, seeing she's asleep on his arm. Izuku smiled as he pet her head lovingly.

I'm sorry Aizawa.