
Level 10

[Records of the Half-Blood Prince] (Special Item)

• A detailed compilation of the Half-Blood Prince's experiences and techniques in alchemy.

• Contains multiple improved common alchemy recipes

• Increase the success rate of alchemy by 10%

"What in the world is Snape doing in here?" exclaimed Zhao Yun

After overcoming his surprise, Zhao Yun opened the book. What he found was simply astonishing. The book contains some of the commonly used recipes of alchemy as well as how to improve them. There are recipes of [Basic Health Potion], [Basic Mana Potion], [Basic Strength Potion], and many more. The author's reasoning of how the recipes were improved was clearly written out. This would be highly beneficial for alchemists as they would gain insights on how to improve other alchemy products.

Zhao Yun stored the book inside his bag, intending to properly learn it a later date.

Zhao Yun then opened the Treasure Chest for the final time. This time, a blood red item appeared inside the wooden box.

[War God's Amulet] (Epic Rank)

Level 1 – Level 80

• Equipment Requirement: Strength 80

• Attributes adjust according to user's level.

• Strength +50%

• Damage +10%

• Ignores 10% of target's defense

• Ignore Levels +10

• All skills +2 Levels.

• All items level requirement reduced by 10 Levels.

Additional Active Skill 1 – War God's Banner

• Using the power of the War God, this skill creates a field covering a radius of 500 meters. All designated enemies within this domain will get a 40% decrease in attack power, defense, and movement speed. Additionally, for every second of this skill, all friendly units will be healed by 10% of their max hp. Lasts for 120 seconds

• Cooldown is 30 minutes

Additional Active Skill 2 – War God's Slash

• Channel energy into an enormous sword of dark fire and annihilate all enemies in the user's path. Deals 5x damage to all enemies in a 5x50 meter area in front of the user

• Cooldown: 20 minutes

Additional Active Skill 3 – War God's Power

• Allows the user to temporarily possess the power of the War God, increasing HP by 500%, Strength by 300%, Agility by 60%, and Defense by 150%, and grants immunity to all controlling effects for 2 minutes.

• Cooldown: 3 hours

Additional Passive Skill – Rage of the War God

• Injuries feed the user's power, giving increased attack speed and attack power based on missing health.

Zhao Yun went wild with joy upon receiving the last item. Upon equipping, he became extremely amazed at how strong he felt. With the [Asura Ghost Axe] and [War God's Amulet] in his hands, he'll surely become an unstoppable weapon of war.

After some time, a portal once again materialized few steps behind Zhao Yun. Afterwards, he got sucked inside it.


Zhao Yun's vision blurred. When he opened his eyes once more, he was back at the hill where Arcus Maddox crash landed.

Di! Di! Di!

Zhao Yun's system communication continuously rang. Blackie was contacting him.

"Brother DarkNorth, you've finally picked up. How come I couldn't contact you before? Where are you right now?" Blackie fired rapidly.

"Sorry Blackie, I just finished a quest. I won't be able to join you guys at the moment. I received a debuff which reduced my stats and experience gains." Answered Zhao Yun

"That's unfortunate. You don't need to worry too much, brother Feng also left us a few hours ago. We are also about to log out as it is about to be night time. We also have some things to do in the real world. " Said Blackie

After ending the call, Zhao Yun rapidly returned to the town. Upon arriving, he found a safe area and logged off.

Currently, within the room, the sunlight had long since seeped through the windows and scattered throughout the room. The temperature within the room was also starting to rise.

Zhao Yun took off his gaming helmet and began to stretch.

After more than ten hours of inactivity and lying on the bed, Zhao Yun's body was numbed throughout. He needed to move around before he could return to normal.

He quickly entered the space and began to harvest his plants. After all the fields were cleared, a notification sounded.

[Congratulations, you have risen to level ten. You have now reached the requirements for overall improved functions in the space. The pasture is open. Seeds can now be extracted from root crops. The gold coins inside the space can now be used outside. Increasing size of house. Three teleport points can now be set. Increasing range of monitoring system to five hundred meters in diameter. Can now set the teleport points as the center. A new feature has been added to the space. Host is given a cane that can portably control the space. Cane is binded to the host. Can not be damaged. Can not be dropped. Please select a style for the cane. Congratulations, host]

"Finally!" shouted Zhao Yun

Because Zhao Yun was incredibly busy this past year, he was not able to pay too much attention to the Space. He would be constantly playing VR games that would require him to be online for consecutive hours. As a result, he was only able to harvest his plants at a later date. He also wasn't able to gather all kinds of plants as he was not able to find new ones beside the ones he bought in the market place.

Upon calming down, Zhao Yun began to read the new functions of space.

He now understood what he could do in the space. Before the level up, the barn couldn't hold any living animal, but now that he could open the pasture, he would be able to establish a ranch that could raise a lot of animals. However, the spatial farm and the spatial ranch aren't the same game. The ranch is invisible to the farm and the farm is invisible to the ranch. If Zhao Yun wanted to go to the ranch from the farm, he would have to think it to be able to move into the spatial ranch zone.

Not only that, he could also now take the gold coins from inside the space into the outside world. Before, the coins inside the space were only virtual currency, and couldn't be taken out before he reached level ten. But now if he earned one hundred thousand gold coins inside the space, then they could become real one hundred thousand gold coins. It was another source of revenue.

As for the new teleport point functions, it was one of Zhao Yun's favorites. He can set up to three teleport points, which were actually entrances into the space. If he happened to purchase a property, he would be able to instantly travel from his house to that property. However, he could only set up three teleport points. Still, this was a very powerful feature.

Afterwards, Zhao Yun then said, "Open the pasture."

The tone chimed and the voice said,

[Opening pastures requires you to be at level ten. You have reached the requirements. Are you sure you wish to open the pastures?]

"Yes," Zhao Yun immediately said. He waited for some sort of reaction from the space, but this time he was disappointed. Nothing happened inside the space before the voice said,

[Pastures have been opened. Ranch has been established successfully]

A white light enveloped his body, and then he disappeared. The next thing he saw was a boundless amount of green grass.

Just then, the voice came back.

[Welcome to the spatial ranch. At the ranch's current level, you can raise up to one thousand animals]

After observing all the features of the Ranch, Zhao Yun returned to the Farm. He remembered that there was an additional reward upon levelling up.

Before long he was inside the living room of his newly constructed villa, looking at the spatial barn's page on his screen. He found that he really had a lot in his inventory. However, most of it were seeds as Zhao Yun already sold his harvests to the system. Grape seeds, apple seeds, corn seeds, wheat seeds, mango seeds, cabbage seeds, watermelon seeds, magic peach seeds....

Found it! Magic Peach seeds

Zhao Yun's hand made a move and two small bags appeared in his hand. A tone chimed and the voice came:

[Magic peach is a kind of magic crop. Reaching level ten gives you two bags, each bag has one magic peach seed. One acre of land is needed to plant one peach seed. Magic peaches can heal the wounded and instantly restore a mage's magic. Magic peach pit can also get a war pet from any category. Blood is needed for the pet to recognize the host. Once host is considered the owner, it's non-changeable.]

Zhao Yun stared blankly as he listened to the voice. These benefits had shocked him. This Magic Peach was many times better than the nutrient fluids sold by the Green God Company. Reading its description, it seems like that the Magic Peach was comparable to the latest product of the Green God Company, the Life Potion.

The Life Potion is created by Green God Company in the real world and a special consumable that has many benefits. When consumed, it is capable of curing all internal injuries, strengthening the user's physique and invigorating the user's brain cells. The effects of the potion are effective for only six days. Long term consumption of the potion is rumored to aid in rejuvenating one's mind and body.

"If I am right, then I would have an endless supply of Magic Peaches which are comparable to those potions, greatly benefitting my body." Said Zhao Yun

He excitedly planted these seeds, eager to see if the Magic Peach is really that magical.

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