
Beneath the Shadow of Madness

KochavAvraham · Ciencia y ficción
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20 Chs

Reborn of Tyrant

After their tragic encounter, Hume reluctantly held his sword, thrusting it towards Edward's chest, after Edward Thompson's death, the world felt an unprecedented calm. The two great forces that once feuded, man and demon, now rested in peace. However, this event only marked the beginning of a much larger and unexpected journey.

Five thousand years later, amidst the mysterious mists of time, Edward Thompson is reborn into this world. However, his existence this time was very different. He appears faceless, like a human shadow floating between dimensions. Mature, wise, and stronger than ever, Edward realizes that he has gained mysterious new powers.

[Welcome.] a voice was hidden in the darkness of the dimension. Edward raised his head, searching for the source of the voice. "Who is it?" he asked, feeling the presence of something greater than himself.

[I am the System, Your Power.] replied the voice, vibrating in the air. Edward watched attentively, trying to understand what this mysterious entity was expressing. "Power? What do you mean?"

[I am your power that you can freely use.]

Understanding suddenly infiltrated Edward's mind. "What's one of them?"

[Trojan Break.]

"How do I use it?" Edward asked, feeling curious about this new power called Trojan Break.

[Just mention it.]

"Trojan Break!" Edward said with determination, activating his newfound power.

Instantly, behind him a wave of energy was created that shattered the air around him. The fragments of air that were formed had their atoms split apart, creating a terrifying atomic devastation.

"So this ability can split atoms and split air?" said Edward in awe, realizing the devastating potential of his new power. "Quite capable."

However, Edward knew that this power also came with great responsibility. With this ability, he had the power to create or destroy, to bring peace or destruction. He was determined to use his power wisely, to maintain balance in a world that had been plagued by conflict for so long.

Wandering through a land filled with history and myth, Edward begins to understand more about the origins of his powers. He discovers that he is the heir to an ancient bloodline, a savior destined to bring peace to a world once torn apart by the fight between man and demon.

On his journey, Edward encounters a variety of magical creatures, humans with special abilities, and other supernatural entities. He learns about long-forgotten histories, ancient forces, and myths that color the world he now lives in.

But beneath the beauty and wonder lies a lurking darkness. Hume Schneider's followers who still believe in demonic powers are trying to stir up chaos. They want to bring back the era of darkness, prolonging a fight that was long over.

Edward knew that he had to face this challenge. He embraced his powers with confidence, ready to protect this world from any threat. With the Trojan Break, he destroyed everything that threatened peace, uniting humans and magical creatures in a powerful alliance.

"No-no, I can't be rash, I've put an end to all this, but if it's time, it's time!" thought Edward silently, considering every step he would take.

"Alright system, can I travel without energy?" asked Edward, his eyes curiously searching for an answer.

[You can do it, but the risk is that you have to gather quite a lot of energy for this,]

"What energy?" asked Edward, his face reflecting both doubt and enthusiasm.

[Underground energy, Northon.] explained the system, giving Edward a confusing clue.

"Where can I find it?" Edward asked again, trying to understand the system's instructions thoroughly.

[Underground, about 200 meters from here,] the system replied firmly, confirming the location Edward should look for.

"Ah well," Edward muttered with a nod, beginning to prepare himself for the journey he was about to undertake.

Edward walked leisurely, enjoying the surrounding scenery that was so different from the surface world. "Are there no living things here anymore?" he asked the system, trying to understand the dynamics of the environment around him.

[There are, but they have already built a celestial civilization, which cannot be reached by just walking.] the system explained in detail, revealing the existence of beings who had gone further in their civilization.

As Edward walked for some time, he discovered something shining in the pitch-black underground. "Is this Northon?" asked Edward, his eyes glowing at the potential energy radiating from the object.

[Yes, try to dig it up.]

"How can I do that? I don't have a hoe or any tools!" complained Edward, feeling confused by his situation.

[Use the "Great Drill" for that.]

"Great Drill!" exclaimed Edward, pulling out the advanced tool which turned out to be just a hologram. Unexpectedly, the "Great Drill" was able to dig into the ground with incredible speed, creating a hole up to 30 meters deep. In an instant, Edward arrived at his destination, ready to explore the secrets hidden within.

Edward tried to digest the atmosphere and the air there, which was full of blue, like a diamond shining with the light of the sky, even this was more sparkling. The sensation seeped into him, making him feel as if he was connected to the power of the universe itself.

"How can I charge the energy?" asked Edward, his eyes full of enthusiasm, ready to understand the secret behind this power source.

[Hold one of the Northons in your hand, then let me absorb it,] the system's instructions sounded softly through his mind, providing the clues he needed.

"Very well," Edward replied steadily. He held the Northon gently, feeling the vibrations of the natural power contained within, while the system prepared to absorb it.


[It may be a little painful, but I'll try so as not to cause excessive pain,] the system gave a warning, trying to ease Edward's concerns.

[1... 2... 3...]


The system began to absorb the energy from Northon, incorporating every sparkle it could into itself. Although it felt strange at first, Edward felt comfortable with the process.

"It's normal, there's no pain at all," Edward said, relieved that the energy replenishment went smoothly.

[That's because I'm dampening your pain,] the system explained, giving a soothing explanation. However, Edward's question still lingered in his mind.

"Wait a minute, do you have your own consciousness?" asked Edward, trying to understand more about the existence of the system that was his partner in this adventure.

[No, I'm just programmed without being given consciousness,] replied the system firmly, confirming that its existence was only limited to the algorithms that had been created by humans. Even so, their cooperation felt so real, as if there was a deeper bond between them.

"By the way, is there food here?" asked Edward, curious about the aspects of life that might prevail in his newly explored dimension.

[You don't need to eat, drink, sleep or even breathe,] replied the system, delivering information that was quite astonishing to Edward.

"Seriously?" asked Edward, his eyes seeking reassurance from the system that was his guide in this unknown world.

[Yes, you don't need such things,] the system replied firmly, confirming that human-like biological and physiological laws did not apply in this dimension.

"Why?" Edward still hadn't fully grasped this concept, trying to find the logic behind the unnecessaryness of basic things like eating and drinking.

[The answer is, you are already beyond the laws of the world, including pain, healing, death, destiny, life, breath, and all other laws. That is, you are beyond the law of reciprocity, this is called the Nonexistence Movement, which is beyond the Nonexistence Order."] the system explained, trying to help Edward understand this very complex concept.

"What does Nonexistence Order mean?" asked Edward, trying to elaborate further.

[The Nonexistence Order is a law that does not exist yet exists, like the law of nothingness itself, yet at the same time is beyond the law itself. The Nonexistence Order is an elusive thing, either by reason or by logical things." the system replied, trying to describe the abstraction of this concept, although so far, it remained an elusive mystery even to the system.

"Ahh, I see..." Edward said, his eyes shining with conviction. "I'll take this upstairs for supplies," he added, drawing up a plan in his mind to utilize his newfound power.

"Unite the Darkness!" exclaimed Edward excitedly, putting his newly developed power to the test. In an instant, all the remaining Northons instantly disappeared like the earth, leaving the place desolate with no sign of their existence.

[How did you do it?" the system asked, astonishment clear in its voice.

"I made my own skill," Edward replied proudly, feeling satisfied with his new achievement.

[One moment, I can't detect the surroundings...] the system tried to understand the phenomenon that had just occurred, but Northon's existence seemed to have evaporated quickly.

"I absorbed it... I absorbed the information to create the skill," Edward explained, detailing the process he went through to achieve the result.

[All the information?] the system was surprised by Edward's level of understanding of his surroundings.

"All the information around, which is the basis of knowledge and the basis of control. I sense the energy of every object, extract knowledge from every rock and plant, unite it within myself to create a new power," Edward said, explaining excitedly, proud of his new ability that had come to his mind so suddenly.

Even more shocking, Edward's body was filled with a void devoid of soul, thoughts, ideas, will and all sorts. To him, this felt like experiencing resurrection in an inhuman form. He felt his being disappear in a non-physical dimension, becoming more than human. There were no emotions, no desires, just an existence floating amongst an infinite universe.

However, in the midst of this void, there was a power that emerged from within him. A power that exceeded ordinary human understanding. He felt the energy flowing within him, filling every muscle fiber, every cell, and every core of his being. It was like merging with the universe itself, becoming one with the profound power of the cosmos. It was not just a physical force, but a spiritual force that encompassed all aspects of life.

Edward realized that he had transcended the limits of ordinary humans. He was no longer bound by the conventional laws of the world. He could feel his being melding with the energy around him, controlling matter and spacetime according to his own will. He can see into the past, feel present, and envision the future without any restrictions.

Not only that, despite his lifeless body, he had a deeper understanding of life and death. He knew that life was an infinite journey, an ever-expanding adventure of the spirit across the universe. Death, for him, was not the end, but only the beginning of a new stage in an eternal journey.

In the midst of this void, Edward senses a mission he must fulfill. A call from a higher dimension, asking him to maintain the balance between the forces of the universe. He felt a great and heavy responsibility, but also filled with courage and determination. He was ready to face whatever he would face, because he knew that he was no longer an ordinary man.

In deep silence, Edward concentrated his energy and felt the flow of power around him. He felt a change in his being, becoming one with a universe so vast and deep. With determination, he stepped forward, ready to live out his destiny that had been set by a higher power. And in that void, he found true serenity, signaling the beginning of her journey as a new being.

Since merging himself with the void, Edward transcends the boundaries of reality, unreality, and the supernatural. His existence unbound by the laws of the world makes him like Schrödinger's Cat that exists and does not exist simultaneously. He feels the flow of the universe's power through him, understanding life and existence with great depth. Unlimited by time and space, he feels present in every corner of the universe at once.

To be continued...