
Beneath the Shadow of Madness

KochavAvraham · Ciencia y ficción
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20 Chs

Is That Something That Is Impossible?

Shiva smiled, enduring the hot discomfort that resulted from his first attack. He realized that in order to defeat Nehebkau, he needed to take on a greater challenge. Shiva began to concentrate his power, creating a vortex of energy around him. "You may have already felt the heat of the earth's core, Nehebkau, but this is just the beginning," Shiva said with determination.

Nehebkau still resided in the earth's core, Shiva then determined to lure him out by making his body into two states of "superposition" where he existed as something that could be seen yet he could not be seen because he was formless, intangible and nothing, yet he also contained the content of existence as well.

Nehebkau seems to be moved by the gigantic power released by Shiva, which makes him come out of the earth, but Shiva also launches attacks in the form of large-scale vibrations that can only hit Nehebkau which makes Nehebkau unstable.

Nehebkau then came out of the earth, where Nehebkau immediately looked at Shiva skeptically, but Shiva's courage began to make him feel uncomfortable. Shiva's second attack occurred, this time with increased intensity. The energy generated was so great that the surface of the earth around him began to rumble, producing dazzling flashes of light.

"It's not bad, but I'm not sure it's enough to stop me," Nehebkau said while blocking Shiva's attack. However, Shiva did not stop there. He amplified his attack, unleashing a wave of energy that shook the atmosphere.

At that moment, Nehebkau felt pressure like he had never experienced before. He tried to defend himself, but Shiva's attacks grew more intense. Shiva relied not only on his strength, but also his wisdom to direct the energy with precision.

"You may have spent thousands of years in the earth's core, but now you are dealing with a power that exceeds your limits," Shiva said as he continued to unleash his attacks. "I am the final arbiter of this fight, Nehebkau, and I will end the cycle of darkness you bring."

Nehebkau began to feel depressed. Him constant attacks made him doubt his ability to defend. Shiva saw that weakness and decided to try another approach. "There is no need for this battle, Nehebkau. End your dark wanderings and find peace beyond the limits of the earth's core."

"You think I'll just give up?" retorted Nehebkau fiercely. Shiva, however, remained calm. He realized that in order to overcome the darkness, he needed to give Nehebkau a choice.

Shiva decided to speak instead of attack. "You may have great power, but does it bring you happiness, Nehebkau? Are you not tired of living in endless darkness?"

Nehebkau was silent for a moment, pondering over Shiva's words. Something inside trembled, questioning the meaning of his existence that he had been living. "I... I don't know," Nehebkau said hesitantly. "What is the meaning of all this?"

Shiva saw the change in Nehebkau. He realized that there might still be hope to change the fate of this entity. "You can choose to leave the darkness, Nehebkau. I do not wish to destroy you; I only wish to give you the opportunity to live in the light."

Nehebkau pondered for a moment, and then he stopped his defenses. "Isn't this just a story you made up? What does it mean to me?"

"Every story has its own truth and life. We can create a different ending for you, Nehebkau," Shiva replied wisely. "What do you want?"

Nehebkau looked around him, seeing the landscape changed by their fight. He pondered in silence, searching for the meaning behind everything. Finally, in a soft voice, he replied, "I want to find new meaning, away from the darkness that has been my prison."

Shiva smiled with satisfaction. "That is a wise choice, Nehebkau. Let us seek together the path to the new light."

The two then stopped fighting, and Shiva guided Nehebkau out of the earth's surface. Together, they headed towards the clear sky, leaving the darkness behind. The end of this battle brought about a transformation for Nehebkau, and a new story began for the entity previously trapped in darkness.

Nehebkau, now known as the "Serpent of Shiva," faithfully followed Shiva on his journey. His presence brought fertility along the path he traveled, and the world changed under his influence. The land became fertile, and life flourished in every place the Serpent of Shiva reached. Despite his beneficial presence, Nehebkau was always subject to the permission of the Almighty God.

Shiva, with a new power called "Charisma Manipulation," realized that he had a great influence on those around him. He can create comfort and trust, even if it is just through a simple joke. His very existence became a bright spot in a storybook full of mystery and darkness.

"This world is a book written by unimaginable forces," said Shiva in a quiet voice, but filled with wisdom. "Every page is full of secrets and darkness. Destiny, birth, age, illness, even death, are all part of the story that has been set by the power I possess. Nothing can change the course of the story, except the intervention of a greater power."

The journey of Shiva and the Serpent of Shiva continued, they explored a world full of color and mystery. With each step, the land Nehebkau traveled became more fertile, creating new life around him. People who interacted with Shiva felt an unwavering charm and fascination.

One day, when Shiva and the Serpent of Shiva arrived at a small village, they were joyfully welcomed by the locals. The village, which had previously languished, was now transformed into an oasis of life thanks to Nehebkau's presence. However, although their presence brought good, Shiva knew that there was a greater task before him.

"In this book, there is a part that we need to write together," Shiva told Serpent of Shiva. "Our power is not only to create fertile life, but also to guide and inspire humans to write their own stories."

Serpent of Shiva welcomed the idea with approval. Together, they embarked on a journey to awaken the passion and desire to create change among the villagers. Shiva used his "Charisma Manipulation" power to inspire people to work together and plan for a better future.

The small village was transformed into a vibrant center of activity. People began to open up to new ideas and work together to achieve common goals. Shiva and the Serpent of Shiva became wise guides, guiding the community towards success and happiness.

Although the presence of Shiva and the Serpent of Shiva brought positive changes, they realized that this book is not only about stories of happiness. There were challenges and trials to face. One day, they heard news of an approaching darkness, a threat that would test the strength of the storybook.

Shiva, in his wisdom, decided to prepare for the darkness. He gathered the villagers and the Serpent of Shiva, guiding them to unite against the approaching threat. "We must write this section with determination and courage," said Shiva, rousing the spirits of all who heard him.

The battle against the darkness began. Shiva used his "Charisma Manipulation" power to motivate and unite the troops. The Serpent of Shiva, with his new powers, protected the village from the onslaught of darkness that tried to attack from all directions.

The challenge proved that every storybook has a difficult chapter to face. However, with determination and togetherness, Shiva and Serpent of Shiva along with the villagers managed to overcome the darkness. The village, now, is not only physically lush but also full of vibrancy and togetherness.

The journey of Shiva and the Serpent of Shiva continues, writing new pages in the book. They not only create a better life around them, but also inspire people to become authors of their own stories. That way, the world continues to evolve, full of life, color, and stories that continue to be written by unimaginable forces.

Shiva's voice flows gently in the river of emptiness that overshadows everything. His existence transcends the boundary between reality and fantasy, and he knows very well that he is the weaver who directs the course of the void, not just a part of this endless flow.

Alarmed, Athena with her powers teleported and joined the journey of Shiva and his serpent, finding beauty and wonder in every place they visited. The goddess of wisdom felt connected to emptiness itself, drawing deep lessons and insights from this journey. "Shiva, this river is so wide and deep. I feel like I'm diving into the secrets of the universe," Athena said, looking at the flow of emptiness around her.

Shiva smiled and nodded. "We are exploring the essence of everything. The beauty and wonder contained here bears witness to a power and wisdom beyond the comprehension of mere mortals."

On their journey, Dimitrios, who was previously lost, became the primary destination. Shiva felt that his existence had a crucial role to play in the flow of life lived by the two of them and the snake. They continued to wander, down the river of emptiness, looking for clues to find traces of Dimitrios.

At one point, they arrived at a place that felt different. A distinctive energy was felt in the air, telling Shiva that they were approaching something important. "Athena, we must be vigilant. There is power nearby, and I feel it is related to Dimitrios," Shiva said seriously, his eyes radiating deep wisdom.

Not long after, they found a temple hidden behind a grove of trees. The temple exuded a strong mystical aura, and the entrance was decorated with indecipherable symbols. Athena felt unusual vibrations of power around the shrine. "Is this the place we're looking for?" asked Athena, her eyes filled with curiosity.

Shiva nodded. "Yes, I sense Dimitrios' presence in there. We must go in and uncover what is going on."

They entered the temple cautiously. Inside, they were faced with a landscape that combined elements of different universes. The dimensions intersected, creating an indescribable atmosphere. And in the center of the temple, they saw Dimitrios, sitting quietly on a bench, seemingly in contemplation.

"Dimitrios!" called Athena happily, but her face changed when she saw Dimitrios' uncharacteristic expression. There was a deep calmness in his eyes, as if he had found the answer to all the questions in life.

Shiva approached Dimitrios, trying to understand what was happening. "Dimitrios, what are you doing here? We were worried about losing you."

Dimitrios smiled, his face filled with the light of wisdom. "Shiva, Athena, I have found peace here. Within this temple, I feel the power that connects everything. It is an emptiness that radiates pure wisdom, and I am one with this energy."

Athena looked at Dimitrios with surprise. "However, Dimitrios, we need you. Our journey is unfinished, and the world needs the light of your wisdom."

Dimitrios nodded understandingly. "I know, Athena. But this journey opened your eyes to a greater truth. I have found my place here, to be part of the wisdom that transcends all things."

Shiva looked at Dimitrios with understanding. "Every journey has its own purpose. If this is a place that brings you peace, then it is the right path. We will continue our journey, and hopefully we will meet again at the right time."

They left the temple with mixed feelings. Dimitrios chose to stay there, immersing himself in the wisdom contained within. Shiva and Athena continued their journey through the river of emptiness, exploring the universe with their wisdom and light.

This journey is not only about finding answers, but also honoring each individual's choice and direction. The river of emptiness continues to flow, connecting everything in the vast universe, holding secrets and wisdom yet to be revealed.

Shiva continues the journey with his two friends, Athena and the Serpent of Shiva, while holding tightly to the Akashic Record, the book that holds the knowledge and existence of everything in the world. Each step of Shiva creates a wave of power that permeates the fabric of the time and space continuum.

The Akashic Record is not just a book, but the essence of all concepts in this world. Its existence governs the concepts of presence, knowledge and other principles that form the basis of reality. Only Shiva has complete control over the Akashic Record, and it is so closely integrated with him that it cannot be lost.

However, the power of the Akashic Record does not only bring benefits. When Shiva unintentionally alters history and breaks the space-time continuum, the impact is felt in a big way. A small crack appeared in the fabric of time, albeit just one but enough to bring about a major change in the flow of history.

Shiva, realizing the consequences of his decision, pondered silently. "Everything I do has a big impact. I must take responsibility for this change and ensure that it does not create a detrimental imbalance."

With his wisdom, Shiva decided to use some of his power to enhance his position and provide a clearer understanding of his purpose. He wanted to rewrite history to show that he was not a God or Lord as known by humans. He was a sent messenger, too exalted to be considered something that humans could understand.

Shiva meticulously wrote several texts in the Akashic Record, designing a new narrative that would change humanity's view of his existence. He moved into the past, before the appearance of humans, to place the foundations of this new view.

"In the beginning, before the existence of humans, there was a power that created everything. I am not a Deity or God to be worshipped, but a messenger who has been sent to guide man. The power possessed is not absolute, but a manifestation of wisdom and understanding of the universe."

The text moves swiftly through the past, tracing the history that has taken place and penetrating into the minds of all living beings. Humans, growing and evolving, sense a change in their understanding of Shiva's existence. There was a shift in outlook, from reverence for something to be worshipped, to a deeper understanding of his role as a guide.

However, the impact of this change was not just felt among humans. The world was also permeating a change in the energy that enveloped everything. The Serpent of Shiva, who faithfully accompanies Shiva, senses these changes closely. "Shiva, these changes are part of your plan to create a new balance in the universe?"

Shiva nodded, "Yes, Serpent of Shiva. I seek to create a better understanding between humans and the forces of the universe. This is a step towards true balance."

Meanwhile, Athena, who had been Shiva's friend, pondered the implications of the changes that were taking place. "Shiva, do we have the right to change the course of history and manipulate human understanding?"

Shiva replied firmly, "Athena, this decision is not about changing human nature, but rather opening their eyes to a greater truth. I believe this change will bring about a better balance in the relationship between humans and the universe."

This change in history continues, bringing with it fundamental consequences but hopefully leading humanity to a fuller understanding. Shiva, with his responsibility as the weaver of the Akashic Record, continues to oversee the developments brought about by his decisions. The world they traveled together was in constant motion, flowing in a river of time that constantly brought change and evolution.

To be continued...