
Beneath The Outer-Layered Surface

In a world, where everyone believed the man who leads the government and who's named Adam Devuis is the saviour and protector of them from the monsters lurking in the dark. But that is far from the truth.. Vielett is the first one to discover that. Forced to keep her mouth shut and pretend she knows nothing, she befriends an estrange person who might lead to her finding out the complete secrets and expose it to the outer world whilst surviving at the same time.

universe01mind · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter One

With a clenched fist and a resigned sigh, haunting screams and blank eyes plagued my mind. My eyes unblinkingly stared at the man before me. His golden brown hair moved softly, caressed by the wind and his warm brown eyes formed crescents talking to the headmaster. Adam Devuis. I shall never be swayed by him again. Last night's event had haunted my dreams. The strong stench of metallic blood still lingered in my nose.

"Isn't he handsome?" Lara sighed dreamily. Her eyes drilling holes in his figure.

"You're way out of his league," I replied dryly. He's a vile man. I wanted to say, but my pursed lips stopped me from doing so. Lara let out a whine before grinning slyly.

"Luckily he has a son. The same very features and a daring, handsome personality. Soft-"

"No. I've heard enough," my voice cuts her off sharply. Annoyance painted across my face. Lara giggled brightly, her eyes lit up.

"You still haven't gotten over him, haven't you?" she asked softly. A sharp breath escaped me before I can stop it. Xavier Devius. The second son of Adam, middle child and my ex-boyfriend. Lara's description of him is inaccurate or she is talking about his older brother. Xavier is the only one who takes after his mother Adelina. Soft, silky jet black hair and light hazel eyes. The personality of an angel disguised as a devil.

"I suppose I really am right," Lara mumbled quietly placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. I waved her off pushing the thought of my ex as my eyes squinted at Adam. After his true nature was revealed last night, I cannot help but have a thought of if the whole Devius family is like that too. With that in mind, it was time for our next class but before I could go, Adam paused my movements with a single sentence.

"Vielett, please could you wait there," his baritone voice reached my ears. I stood frozen watching Lara bid me good luck before disappearing in the sea of people. The feeling I've felt ever since this morning came back. Anxiousness and fear crawled up my throat choking me and taking me away from the reality. A huge hand that was placed on my shoulder made me flinch from my thoughts. Adam's look of concern displayed without chains on his face made me wonder if it is even sincere.

"Are you alright, Vielett?" he asked with a tone of worry. I fisted my hands together hiding them behind my back.

"No. I'm quite alright," I answered through my clenched teeth. The man showed a gleaming smile making me wonder if he noticed my actions and chose to dismiss it or he didn't notice which seemed unlikely as he seemed pro at acting and noticing tiny details. This hitched my fear to a new height gripping me in place.

"How can I help you?" with a forced smile, I squinted my eyes slightly due to the sun behind the man's head trying to collect his expression. The man clasped his hands together happily.

"I would like to invite you to my house for dinner. It has been extremely long since we've sat together and chatted," with a cheshire grin, his strong hands guide my shoulders as we both strode towards the monstrous building of college. My fake smile froze on my face. Dinner with the Devius. We hadn't sat and eaten together ever since I saw Xavier breaking down before our break up claiming he's protecting me as well as his disappearance ever since. My heart dropped. Having the thought of going to THEIR house by myself. With no securing warmth from Xavier. Having the thought of rejecting the invitation, my thoughts drifted back to last night. I shuddered feeling chills again. I do NOT want to experience what happened last night. Renewing my smile, I nodded accepting the invitation. Adam laughed joyfully as he patted my shoulders bidding me away.

"See you tonight," he chuckled strolling away, humming happily. I clenched my fists. All I could think of was, what will happen tonight?