
Beneath The Garden's Veil

Heartbroken, Emily looks to a new city for a fresh start, encouraged by Jennifer. A tenacious believer in fate, Jennifer talks Emily into going to an old love garden, where they meet the rich Prince. As Emily and Prince investigate the secrets of the garden and face their pasts, an accidental meeting over a splatter cake ignites an obvious connection. It is in the enchantment of the garden that they find their love blossoming once more, a tribute to the strength of second chances. But Jennifer's developing jealousy casts doubt on their newly discovered bliss by threatening to expose Emily's secret history. Emily hangs on the hope that love will help her worries rather than make them worse when her previous turmoil reappears. Will Emily's Rich Billionaire Prince reject her or love her still when he discovers her secret history?

Jason_JOHNSON · Ciudad
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

A Fresh Start

Heart hammering like a drum in her chest, Emily rushed across the congested streets of New York. Every step was a fight because her background threatened to suffocate her. She want so much to start afresh, to be free of the constant grip of reliving events.

Emily felt a beacon of hope ring out in the back of her mind as Jennifer's speech propelled her ahead. Emily, you're up to this. Now the shadows have to leave. With the resolute backing of her confidante and friend, Emily took a chance and welcomed the unknown, breaking the bonds of her past.

Rounding the corner, Emily saw Jennifer waiting for her outside a little café, beaming warmly. Speeding up, she was overcome with excitement at seeing her friend. Together, they entered the café, the smell of just brewed coffee blending with the chatter of the patrons.

When this happens, Em, will you be ready? Glancing at her eyes, Jennifer questioned.

Willpower surging through her, Emily nodded. I must be.

Suddenly brave, Emily had Jennifer at her side. With her pal by her side, she thought she could conquer anything.

They got their drinks and took a cozy corner seat, the background buzz of comforting conversation accompanying them.

So explain to me once more why we are here. Savoring her cappuccino, Emily asked.

Jennifer's eyes glittered with resentment. Since I'm going to surprise you.

Excitement shining in her eyes, Jennifer went into her bag and took out a brochure before Emily could answer. Rose Garden.

Emily scanned the pamphlet, a small heart pounding. A famous refuge where love and dreams were supposed to take off, the Love Garden was tucked away in the heart of the metropolis.

Emily's concerns mounting, she added, "I'm not sure, Jen. "I doubt I'm prepared for that."

Jennifer put out her firm, consoling hand. So, Emily, have faith. Simply said, you might require this opportunity to bid the past and welcome the future."

Closely examining her friend's face, Emily noticed only honesty. Mood swinging, she caved. Let's take care of it now.

Emily and Jennifer then set out to find the elusive Love Garden, a quest that would permanently alter their lives, determined and full of hope.

The maze-like streets gnawed at Emily's worry. Should all of this prove to be a silly dream? If she was destined to spend eternity alone in her own jail?

But just as uncertainty was about to engulf her, they came upon it—a wrought iron gate, its elaborate design calling them in, tucked between two enormous towers.

When they walked through the gate, Emily felt strangely tranquil. Her nerves were raw, and she could smell flowers growing in the air.

It's amazing, Jennifer remarked, wide-eyed.

It forced Emily to agree. The Love Garden was unlike anything she had ever seen before; lush greenery bounded by vivid color bursts extended out in front of them. In the center of all was a stunning fountain with incredibly pure waters glittering in the sunlight.

Moving farther into the garden, Emily felt the weight of her past beginning to gradually lighten. For the first time in a very long time, she allowed herself to think there could still be hope for her.

Disaster struck, though, just as she began to relax in the peace of the garden.

A massive cake materialized on a gleaming tray, as though by magic. It was very close to tipping over, posing a spectacular scrubbing and icing disaster. The server paused, apprehensive, despite the dangerous circumstances.

Heart hammering in her chest, Emily yanked. The damage was already done, so even though the waiter hurried to try to save what remained of the cake. Face paled.

Then a man Emily had never seen before materialized, as though out of nowhere. Standing robust and towering, he appeared to take up the whole area. He had sharp blue eyes and a strong line in his jaw.

In a rich, deep voice, he asked, "Is everyone okay?"

Emily nodded, the shock at what had transpired still thumping through her. Sure, everything is OK.

Yet even as she talked, she could not take her eyes off of his. Though she made an effort not to, something about him drew her in.

Then, to her astonishment, he smiled, a brilliant, heart-stopping smile that sped her heart.

In such a case, he replied, his voice softening, "Allow me to apologize on behalf of my inept server." Allow me to apologize to you. Dinner perhaps?"

Emily choked on air. Dinner with a total stranger? There was something about him, an obvious need she could not get rid of, even though she was totally out of character.

Nodding before she could stop herself. Dinner is virtually here.

With it, their fate was set, the beginning of a love story that would endure all challenges. The immense shadows of their pasts, threatening to shatter them before they had a chance to start anew, were the biggest challenges Emily had no idea that were ahead.

There was a disturbance at the garden entrance a moment later. They looked at one another excitedly. Black hoods hiding their features, a band of depressing people arrived. Something shivered through Emily.

Whose benefit are they serving? Fear shook her voice, Jennifer said.

The group leader, nevertheless, stepped forward before anyone could respond, his voice tainted with bitterness. Emily has been our search term.

Panic and confusion racing through Emily's mind, she stopped dead. How on earth could they have found her in this little sanctuary?

Moved forward, resolve hardening his face, was the mysterious man who had offered dinner. You have to go past me first.

Expectation hung in the air as the two groups squared up and the garden went into a tight still. Heart racing in her chest, Emily gripped Jennifer's hand firmly.

Eyes never leaving Emily's, the man said, "I won't let them take you."

But the tranquil area erupted into a flurry of action and cries as soon as the first hit was made. Emily and Jennifer were enmeshed in the mayhem and their only chance was in the mysterious man who had intervened to save them.

A promise made in quiet, Emily glanced at him in the middle of the chaos. They would handle whatever happened next in concert.

Then the scene disappeared into blackness, endangering their futures. This cliffhanger will have readers on the tip of their seats, eagerly anticipating the next thrilling chapter of their incredible journey.

Like the flowers in the lost garden, emotions twist and flourish in this story's alleys. With a broken heart, Emily ventures into the unknown, guided by her companion Jennifer's persistent faith in serendipity. As they explore the garden, they meet royalty, the mysterious Prince, who reignites love.

But among the blooming relationship, shadows lurk in the shape of Jennifer's envy, threatening to shatter the fragile peace Emily and the Prince have achieved. As the past resurfaces, Emily clings to the delicate strands of hope, wondering if love will be her savior or her demise.

In this novel of second chances and hidden secrets, the reader is pulled into a world where the vagaries of fate mix with the depths of human passion. Will the Prince's love endure the weight of Emily's secrets, or will they fall beneath the weight of betrayal and doubt? As the story progresses, the solutions lay buried inside the labyrinthine paths of the love garden, ready to be found.

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