
Beneath the Boughs

In the veiled narratives of Konohagakure lies a story untold, a saga of an anomaly—a Gamer reborn into the world of shinobi. Emerging amidst the whispers of a looming war, this enigmatic soul, wielding an arcane system of skills and knowledge, charts a course unlike any other. From the bustling corridors of the ninja academy to the serene, moonlit alleys where a secret sanctuary for wounded hearts and the scarred souls of shinobi comes to life. As dawn breaks, this sanctuary transforms, echoing with the laughter of children whose lives are touched by war's shadow. Immerse yourself in a tale where reality melds with the game, and witness the birth of a legacy beneath the boughs of the Hidden Leaf — a story of healing, resilience, and the silent battles that rage unseen.

Goolien · Cómic
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 - Baby Steps to a New Reality

The past few weeks as a baby have been... interesting, to say the least. The one thing I'd like to erase from my memory is the breastfeeding experience. "Should've chosen the Harry Potter world," I grumble to myself, envisioning a handy Obliviate charm. But then again, dealing with Voldemort as a baby doesn't sound very appealing either.

Lying in the crib, my gaze drifts towards mum. She's a whirlwind of activity, her movements filled with an indefatigable energy that could easily rival the sun's. Above her head, the system obligingly displays:

[Yuriko Hoshizora - Sunny Baker - Lvl 15]

'Hmm, cakes and pastries, here I come!' I think eagerly as I feel my mouth watering at the thought, making a mental note of her level for future reference. Her level would serve as a benchmark for civilians, I can't imagine her being a ninja with her demeanour but maybe she wields a mean rolling pin.

Mum's attention turns to me, her features are a delicate blend of strength and kindness, her dark hair cascading in gentle waves around her face, framing it in a way that's both comforting and reassuring. There's a softness in her eyes that makes it seem that everything will be alright, I am prepared to do whatever it takes to protect that warmth this time round.

"Come on, Kai, give Mommy a smile," she coos, leaning over the crib. Her voice is like a melody, each word a note that dances in the air, trying to coax a grin despite my best efforts to maintain my stoic baby façade.

I briefly ponder what would genuinely cheer me up– maybe an escape from this crib, a tour of the great outdoors, or even a day without the dreaded naptime. But, of course, she decides to switch tactics. She pulls her hair around her face, tying it under her nose like a makeshift moustache, reminiscent of those old, exaggerated ninja cartoons It's so absurd, so unexpected, that my carefully maintained stoic facade crumbles. Laughter erupts from me, genuine and unrestrained. It's a strange feeling, laughing like this at something so utterly ridiculous.

As she straightens up, her laughter mingling with mine, her hair sways tantalizingly within my reach. Instinctively, my tiny hands shoot up, latching onto a lock of her hair. She plays along, feigning defeat. "Oh no, Kaito, you got me!" she exclaims, her mock distress only adding to my amusement as she tries to pry my baby death grip off, only making me laugh harder.

In the midst of our playful exchange, the front door opens with a soft creak. Mum's attention shifts immediately, a subtle change in her demeanour which stops my laughter short. She's still the warm, caring mother, but there's an added layer of concern, a readiness to shift roles from caregiver to partner. I turn my attention to the newcomer, the so-called intruder on our little world.

The man stepping in wasn't particularly imposing or heroic in the conventional sense. Dressed in standard shinobi attire, the fabric slightly worn but meticulously cared for. He didn't have the aura of a dashing hero; instead, he carried the weariness of a man torn between a white-collar job only balanced by a life at home he earnestly rushed to, if that smile was any indication. I see a tag floating above his head,

[Daichi Hoshizora – Chunin - Lvl ??]

'Chunin, huh? Not quite the top of the hierarchy, but someone with a fair share of experience and responsibility.' I muse. 'His level is probably too high for me to see but atleast he's no cannon fodder.' I recall the countless stories I've read where being anything below a Jounin often meant you were just powerful enough to be in danger but not always strong enough to get out of it. 'Good to know Dad's not just another background character.'

There's a weariness to him that speaks of long days, of burdens borne silently. Yet, as his eyes meet ours, they light up, transforming his entire being. There's an undeniable love there, a deep affection that seems to recharge him, to give him a reason to keep going despite the weight of his duties.

As he spots me, his face breaks into a genuine smile, a contrast to the tired lines etched around his eyes. His affection for Mum is palpable, her vibrancy acting like a beacon that guides him through the toughest of days. "Can I hold him?" he asks, his voice softening, as if I'm the most precious thing in the world.

"Of course," Mum replies, her tone laced with equal parts love and pride. She gently lifts me from the crib and passes me into Dad's waiting arms. There's a tenderness to his hold, a careful balance of strength and gentleness. It's in moments like these that I see the man beneath the shinobi, a father who would move heaven and earth for his family.

As he cradles me, Mum's expression turns slightly serious. "Everything okay at work, honey?" she asks, her concern for him as clear as day.

"Just the usual, nothing I can't handle," he replies, trying to mask the stress that comes with his line of work. But there's a certain heaviness in his voice, a hint of the unspoken trials that I assume only come with being a ninja.

"And I would expect nothing less from a member of our family."

Before the conversation can continue, our attention is diverted by the entrance of an elderly lady, her aura commanding yet somewhat intimidating. Dad's quick turn towards her, a mix of respect and wariness, doesn't go unnoticed. The elderly lady, presumably my grandmother, carries herself with a poise that speaks of experience and authority.

Curious, I focus on her, waiting for the system to provide some insights, but all it displays is:

[Sachi Hoshizora - ??? - Lvl ???]

'Guess my family is filled with badasses.' It's clear she's a figure of respect, possibly fear. The lack of information from the system only adds to her mystery. Her life must have been one of trials and survival in a career where many don't live to see old age. Her interaction with Dad is sharp, a display of the tough love that's probably shaped him into the man he is today. She announced that dinner was ready– 'Kaminari Katsu,' a favourite of my parents, making me wish that I could try it out as well.

As she leaves the room, her scrutinizing gaze lingers on me, leaving me to wonder what she sees when she looks at her grandchild.

Over the next few days, our home settles into a steady and calming routine. Dad's mornings begin while the whole world sleeps in the quiet before dawn, his silent departures a testament to his dedication. Despite the early hour, he never fails to leave without a tender kiss for mum and me, as a silent promise of return.

And as the morning sun begins to paint the sky, mum stirs to life, her first act always to check up on me. Her care is evident in her soft touch and soothing presence. She brings a sense of security and comfort to my little world, fussing over me with an attentiveness that speaks volumes of her nurturing nature.

And once I'm settled, she shares stories of her younger days, her voice weaving tales of adventure and dreams. She speaks of a time when her life was centered in the bustling Capital, a place of dreams and ambitions. Initially, her family wasn't supportive of her wanderlust, of her desire to venture beyond the familiar. But her passion was a flame that refused to be doused, and eventually, they saw the light in her eyes, the unyielding determination in her heart, and they relented.

Through her culinary adventures, Mum discovered the simple joy that a well-baked pastry could bring. "It was more than just satisfying hunger," she explained, a hint of nostalgia in her tone. "It was about creating moments of happiness, one bite at a time." This epiphany led to her dream of opening a bakery, a place where every treat was a gateway to joy.

Her story of meeting Dad felt like a scene plucked from a romantic tale. One fateful night, as she was closing up, Dad stumbled upon her bakery, weary from a late-night mission, his stomach growling louder than the silence of the night. Nothing else was open, and in a twist of fate, she offered to make him something. That night, under the warm glow of the bakery lights, something more than hunger was satiated. Her caring nature, her culinary magic, sowed the seeds of a love that would eventually intertwine their lives forever.

As her storytelling comes to an end, her energy seems to wane, and she succumbs to the exhaustion that comes with new motherhood. She drifts into a nap, a peacefulness settling over her. Watching her sleep, I vow silently to be as little trouble as possible, a promise that might be harder to keep than I imagine.

With Mum resting, I decide it's the perfect time to delve into my stats. Mentally calling out [Info], a holographic screen materialised before my eyes:

[Name: Kaito Hoshizora] [Lvl 1]

[Class: The Gamer]

[Title: Re-Life Player]

[Affiliation: None]

[HP: 50/50] [CP: 100/100]

[STR: 1] (Baby arms – not exactly the epitome of strength.)

[VIT: 5] (Resilient for an infant, powered by milk and sleep.)

[DEX: 2] (Coordination is a work in progress. Eating without smacking myself is the current goal.)

[INT: 10 (70)] (Brain size: walnut. A mind filled with knowledge, trapped in a body still figuring out how to use it.)

[WIS: 4 (30)] (Wisdom of a sage, trapped in a body that can't even burp without help.)

[CHA: 10] (Maximum charm – you giggle, they melt. Baby charisma at its finest!)

[LUK: ?] (Luck stat under construction. Come back when you can walk without tripping over your own feet.)

[Status: Re-Life Player (10x EXP Multiplier until you reach Lvl 10), ? (+3 VIT & +1 LUK per Level), ? (+2 CHA & increased likeability with ?)]

[Kaito Hoshizora is a player in the world of Naruto, and is the newborn son of Yuriko Hoshizora and Daichi Hoshizora. He regrets how abruptly his life ended and is determined to live this one to the fullest touching lives of those around him in the best way possible. But first, he needs his mum to wake up and tend to his basic needs as a baby.]

[EXP Required Until Next Level: 50]

[Stat Points Left: 0]

[Ryo: You don't have pockets; you're a baby]

Gazing at the screen, I find myself both amused and intrigued by the system's commentary. It's like having an inner narrator with a penchant for dry humor. Each stat marked by a question mark piques my curiosity, especially the elusive LUK. As I ponder, a notification pops up:

[Tutorial Mission: Know Thyself.

Explore the meaning behind each of your stats. (0/7)

Explore your inventory. (0/1)

Check your settings (0/1)


+5 Skill points

Unlock <Search Engine>

Unlock <Skills >

10 EXP

Failure: Lose access to the system until you turn 1.

[Accept – Decline]

Accepting the mission, I begin exploring, quickly diving into the explanation of each stat.

STR for strength – not my forte as a baby. 1

VIT for vitality, representing health and stamina – thankfully decent.

DEX for dexterity – a work in progress.

INT for intelligence – high, but capped due to my baby brain limitations.

WIS for wisdom – surprisingly insightful for an infant.

CHA for charisma – thankfully, I'm still a charming baby and will remain charming well into adulthood.

And then there's LUK – a mystery to unravel, something tells me I'll understand its limits once I am in different situations, hopefully it isn't abysmal.

Next, I summon my [Inventory], only to find a [Beginner Gift Pack] tantalisingly locked until I reach Level 5. The interface shows several square boxes; it seems I can currently carry up to 10 items. Intrigued, I experiment by making my bottle vanish and then reappear with just a thought. The potential for mischief this feature holds is immense, and I can hardly wait to explore it further as soon as I gain some mobility.

Eager to dive deeper, I turn my attention to the [Settings] menu, revealing a plethora of options:


[Subtitles] [On] [Off]

[Audio Visualiser] [On] [Off]

[Mini-map] [Simple] [Detailed] [Off]

[Name Tags] [On] [Off]

[Bloodlust Detection] [On] [Off]

[Chakra Flow Visualiser] [On] [Off]

[Message pop ups] [Detailed] [Simple] [Off]


I play around with the settings, toggling the subtitles, mini-map, and audio visualizer. A small thrill runs through me as new layers of my environment are revealed. A subtle message appears, indicating mum's gentle snores:

'Yuriko: snores softly.'

The audio visualizer points a tiny arrow with a footstep icon near the doorway, where footsteps are barely perceptible. And the mini-map shows someone's presence on the other side. Peering at the tiny crack, I catch a glimpse of Grandma watching me, her expression a mix of curiosity and sternness.

'Oho, ninja grandma, the tsundere of the family?' I wonder, reaching out towards the doorway with a giggle. Her surprise is almost comical as she quickly retreats.

Her departure is immediately followed by a system notification:

[Tutorial Mission Completed]

[Mission rewards granted:

+5 Skill points, 

Unlock <Search Engine: NoodleNet>

Unlock <Skills >

100 EXP (10x EXP applied) ]

[Congratulations! Your level has been increased by 1.]

[Remaining Stat Points: 10]

A wave of excitement washes over me, and I decide to conserve the stat points for future use. As I contemplate this decision, the system chimes in:

[Due to your big brain decision, your WIS has gone up by 1]

I can't help but raise an eyebrow at the system's dry humor. Its personality is certainly unique.

My curiosity then leads me to explore the [Search Engine]. I discover NoodleNet, a fascinating ninja-world alternative to Google:




'Finally, something to stave off this boredom,' I muse, already planning to dive into articles about chakra training for toddlers. And just as I search for it, I find a warning issued by the system.

[WARNING: Chakra Coils not fully developed. Recommend Chakra Conditioning instead.]

[Note: Ninja skills are level-locked for The Gamer's safety.]

'Sensible, but slightly disappointing.' I understood the need for safety measures and redirected my search to civilian skills, and was pleased to find no restrictions. I came across various recipes and crafts, some even from my previous world. The thought of helping Mum with these new culinary discoveries excited me. 'Do they even have ice cream and refrigeration here yet?' I wonder.

There was so much to learn, so much to explore. And with this system, even as a baby, I was not entirely powerless.

I settle back, my tiny hands fumbling with the air as if trying to grasp the vast world of knowledge just beyond my reach. 'First step, mastering this baby body,'. My gaze was intently focused on the stats screen, my mind buzzing with plans and possibilities. I was not content to be just another face in the crowd of the ninja world. I aspired to stand out, to make a mark.

As I contemplated exploring the [Skills] window, an undeniable wave of sleepiness washed over me. My eyelids grew heavy, the adventures and plans blurring as drowsiness took hold. 'Well, perhaps the very first step is a well-deserved nap,' I conceded with a mental chuckle, letting the world of stats and skills fade as sleep claimed me.

[End of Chapter 3]

Hey everyone!

First off, a heartfelt thank you to all of you who are following this journey with me. I've been working tirelessly to enrich our chapters, and I'm thrilled to announce that this chapter has hit a new milestone of 2.5k words! I've put a lot of effort into ensuring that these aren't just filler words but meaningful content that enhances our story, without overloading on The Gamer windows.

As we venture deeper into this tale, I want you to know that while I have a basic structure in mind, the story is still evolving. I'm fleshing it out with every chapter, ensuring that each turn is as exciting and engaging as possible. I'm aware that gaining a larger readership often comes with hitting word count milestones like 50k, but my primary focus is on the quality and completion of our story. I'm committed to finishing this journey and even have plans to expand our adventures beyond the world of Naruto.

Your support means the world to me. Watching this story and community grow would be incredibly rewarding, and your comments, feedback, and engagement would be what keeps this dream alive. So stick with me, and let's see where this path takes us.

Thank you for being a part of this adventure. Your support is my inspiration!

Happy Holidays!

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