
Beneath the Boughs

In the veiled narratives of Konohagakure lies a story untold, a saga of an anomaly—a Gamer reborn into the world of shinobi. Emerging amidst the whispers of a looming war, this enigmatic soul, wielding an arcane system of skills and knowledge, charts a course unlike any other. From the bustling corridors of the ninja academy to the serene, moonlit alleys where a secret sanctuary for wounded hearts and the scarred souls of shinobi comes to life. As dawn breaks, this sanctuary transforms, echoing with the laughter of children whose lives are touched by war's shadow. Immerse yourself in a tale where reality melds with the game, and witness the birth of a legacy beneath the boughs of the Hidden Leaf — a story of healing, resilience, and the silent battles that rage unseen.

Goolien · Cómic
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 - A New World, A New Life

Addie's eyes fluttered open, the blur of colours and sounds slowly coming into focus. For a moment, he lay still, disoriented, trying to piece together the fragments of his memory. The screen before him, suspended in the void, glowed with an otherworldly light, casting eerie shadows around him. The words displayed were both an enigma and an invitation:

[Welcome to your reality]

"Reality, huh? The word feels like a joke. Last I checked, reality included getting mugged and... wait, what happened after that?" I mutter to myself, rubbing my temples, forcing the gears in my brain to rewind. The dark alley, the mugger, the struggle, and then... a piercing pain, the cold pavement, distant sirens. "Sirens..." I murmur aloud, then it hits me. "I got run over. By an ambulance, of all things. Symbol of aid and rescue, my ass." The absurdity makes me want to laugh and cry, but hey, at least it wasn't the cliché white van.

The screen, still glowing, seemed to be waiting for my attention.

[It is not yet time for judgment day, so you have been offered an opportunity to spend your lifetime in another world]

Looking incredulously at the screen, I can't help but quip, "Great, am I about to get isekai'd into tech support purgatory? If an ad pops up right now, I swear I will scream."

[Here is your list of choices:



Harry Potter

One Piece

Percy Jackson

Jujutsu Kaisen

more to be suggested1]

"Naruto, Bleach, Harry Potter... Why aren't there options for less life-threatening worlds? Like 'Food Wars' or 'Blue Lock'?" I wonder aloud. The countless hours lost in the worlds of anime and books now present as real choices. After what seems like an eternity, I hesitantly touch the screen, picking 'Naruto', the world that had always intrigued me the most. Plus, a lower risk of traffic accidents there.

[World selection confirmed: Naruto]

[Please select your abilities]

The screen transforms into a search bar, inviting a world of endless potential. My mind instantly wanders to the powerhouses of the Naruto universe: Tailed beasts, Kekkai Genkai, you name it. But the system seemed a step ahead.

[Selecting an overpowered ability will restrict you to one skill choice and impede on The Gamer's freedom.]

[Opting for less conventional abilities allows for two skill selections.]

"Ah, there's the catch," I mutter under my breath. It's like choosing between a high-risk, high-reward stock and a stable but less exciting investment. "Guess I'm going conservative."

After hours of searching, I settled on [Analysis] and [Skill Share]. The former, a tool to unravel the complexities around me; the latter, a chance to grow alongside others – and maybe sneak in some OP skill for myself. They're not the flashiest of abilities, but they offer a subtler edge, the kind that can turn the tide unnoticed.

With a resigned tap, I hit [Confirm]. The screen, satisfied with my choices, blinks out momentarily, only to reappear with a new, unexpected prompt.

[Would you like to choose a family or have it randomized?]

Shortness of breath hits me. I yearn for my family, to hear their voices again. The crushing realization that it's no longer possible hits hard. After an agonizing decision, I choose 'Randomize', embracing the unknown. As tempting as it was to choose a family on my terms, the fear of loss, of potential pain in the tumultuous world of shinobi, held me back.

[Please select a name for your adventure]

As I type in the name 'Kaito', a wave of mixed emotions crashes over me. This name isn't just a collection of letters; it's a beacon for the journey ahead. It represents a new dawn, a promise to myself to rise above the clouds and sail uncharted waters. "Kaito," I whisper to the void, "a name that embodies freedom and strength, a vow to live a life without regrets, to soar where I couldn't before."

In this moment, amidst the grief for the life I've left behind, there's a burgeoning sense of determination. Kaito isn't just a new identity; it's a commitment to embrace every challenge and opportunity this world has to offer.

[Selection confirmed. Prepare to initiate new life as Kaito…]

[Flashbang in 3..2..1..]

"Wut…" I barely get the word out before a blinding light engulfs me, burning into my non-existent retinas, and my old world fades into oblivion.






When I come to, everything's different. I'm gently cradled in a whirl of unfamiliar sights and sounds, a vivid kaleidoscope only a baby could perceive. "Well, this is awkward," I think to myself, realizing I've hit the reset button on life. Here I am, a baby again, nestled in a new family, in a world straight out of Naruto. "Guess it's a fresh start... And hey, on the bright side, maybe I'll finally develop an attention span not shaped by endless Subway Surfers reddit videos."

Cradled in my new mom's arms, I'm soaking in a world that's a delightful kind of blurry, the special kind only a baby's eyes can manage. She's holding me close, her eyes brimming with what I interpret as tears of joy. Standing nearby is a figure, presumably my new dad. Thanks to my incredibly limited baby vision, he's more of a hazy outline than a distinct person.. He could be a seasoned ninja or just a regular dad with a penchant for standing stoically. Either way, he's a part of this new life that's still coming into focus, literally and figuratively.

Then, it hits me - the crushing wave of loss for my old family. A deep, aching sorrow for the parents and siblings I'll never see again. Overwhelmed, I begin to cry, my tiny body wracked with sobs. My new parents, initially taken aback by my inconsolable crying, draw me into their comforting embrace, their soothing words trying to ease my pain.

During this emotional whirlwind, my dad gently bestows upon me the name 'Kaito', solidifying my new identity. In that moment, a renewed sense of purpose strengthens within me. "I'll live this life to its fullest," I promise myself, determined to merge the memories and lessons of my past life with the adventures that lie ahead in this new world.

[End of Chapter 2]

I want to take a moment to share a little behind-the-scenes glimpse of the journey that this chapter, and indeed this story, has taken. Storytelling, as I've learned, is an art that's far more intricate and demanding than one might initially think. Crafting this chapter was a journey in itself – one that took me down seven different paths before I arrived at the version you're reading now.

Each iteration brought with it its own set of challenges and revelations, and I found myself learning and growing not just as a writer, but as a storyteller. It's a process that, while at times daunting, has been incredibly rewarding. I hope this chapter reflects the care and thought that went into its creation.

For any new readers, and to enhance the reading experience for all, I've included a glossary. This is to ensure that everyone can follow along easily, regardless of their familiarity with the Naruto universe or the unique twists of this story. I encourage you to use it as a reference, and please, feel free to contribute, ask questions, or suggest additions if something doesn't make sense. Your input is not just welcome; it's invaluable.

Thank you for joining me on this adventure. Happy reading!

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