
Beneath The Blackout

"When Ravenswood High student Kayden experiences a strange blackout, he discovers he can hear the thoughts of those around him. As he struggles to control his newfound telepathy, he uncovers dark secrets and supernatural forces lurking beneath the surface of his school and town. With the help of his friends, Kayden must navigate the treacherous landscape of his own mind and the sinister forces that seek to exploit his abilities. But as the blackouts intensify and the voices in his head grow louder, Kayden realizes he may be the only one who can uncover the truth behind the mysterious events plaguing Ravenswood. As Kayden delves deeper into the mystery, he discovers that: - Mysterious forces are possessing students, causing them to act out of character and commit horrific acts. - The school has a dark history of occult practices and secret societies that have awakened a malevolent entity. - One of his friends is secretly possessed and is manipulating the group from within. - A detective with a personal connection to the school and occult practices is hiding secrets of their own. With the stakes growing higher, Kayden must race against time to stop the entity before it's too late. But as the blackouts consume him entirely, he risks losing himself to the darkness. Will Kayden be able to confront the evil forces head-on, or will he become their next victim?" Let me know if this expanded synopsis captures the essence of your story!

Daniel_Wickson · Horror
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3 Chs

Chapter Two: When The Light Goes Out

"As the darkness closed in, the man's desperate screams echoed through the desolate streets. His left arm hung limp, a fountain of blood gushing from the wound like a macabre waterfall. The chill of the night air only seemed to fuel his terror as he stumbled forward, his eyes fixed on some unseen horror behind him.

Suddenly, he spun around, his face contorted in a mask of fear. 'No, no, no!' he pleaded, his voice cracking like a child's. 'I thought I escaped!'

But it was too late. A shadowy figure emerged from the darkness, its presence seeming to draw the very light out of the air. Red eyes glowed like embers, illuminating the black aura that surrounded it like a shroud.

The man's legs buckled as a knife shot towards him, striking his leg with a sickening thud. He crumpled to the ground, his cries reduced to mere whimpers.

'Please...don't kill me...' he begged, his vision fading to black.

And then, silence.

The darkness closed in, like a curtain falling on a tragic play. The man's body lay still, his blood pooling on the cold pavement like a dark halo.

The shadowy figure loomed over him, its red eyes burning with an otherworldly intensity. For a moment, it seemed to savor the man's terror, his fear a sweet perfume that filled the night air.

Then, with a sudden jerk, the figure vanished into the shadows, leaving behind only the echoes of the man's final screams.

Kayden immediately woke up in shock, his heart racing. It was just a dream, he thought to himself, rolling the sheets off him and getting out of bed. Today's another day in this boring world where he doesn't fit in, he thought.

Kayden trudged to the bathroom, his movements mechanical. He brushed his teeth, washed his face, and styled his hair with precision. His reflection showed a pale, expressionless face.

He dressed in his uniform, making sure every crease was ironed out. His backpack was packed with textbooks, pens, and a calculator.

Downstairs, Rachel was already seated at the breakfast table, a bowl of oatmeal in front of her. Kayden sat opposite her, his eyes fixed on the wall.

"Morning, Kayden," Rachel said, her voice cheerful but forced.

Kayden grunted, his eyes still fixed on the wall.

Rachel tried again. "How's your day looking? Any big plans?"

Kayden shrugged, his voice barely audible. "No."

The silence was oppressive, the only sound being the ticking of the clock on the wall. Rachel tried to break the silence again.

"Kayden, did you finish your math homework?"

Kayden's response was a monosyllable. "Yeah."

Rachel sighed, her eyes filled with concern. "Kayden, you need to start communicating with me. I'm your family, you know?"

Kayden's gaze flickered, but he said nothing.

Suddenly, he glanced at the clock and his eyes widened in panic. "Oh no, I'm late!"

He pushed his chair back, leaving his breakfast untouched. "I have to go."

Rachel's voice was laced with disappointment. "Kayden, wait! You didn't even finish your breakfast! And don't forget your lunch money!"

But Kayden was already out the door, leaving Rachel staring after him with a mix of frustration and sadness.

"Another day, another dollar...another chance to try and reach my son."

As Kayden walked through the school gates, he was surrounded by a sea of students chattering excitedly about their weekend adventures. But he didn't share their enthusiasm. Instead, he trudged along, lost in his own thoughts, his eyes fixed on the ground.

His telepathic abilities suddenly kicked in, intercepting a stray thought that made him pause. "What was that?" he thought, his mind racing. "Whose thoughts are these?" He couldn't decipher the message, but it felt urgent, like a distress signal.

Kayden scanned the crowd, his eyes searching for the owner of the thoughts. That's when he saw her - a strange girl with an unremarkable face, her dark hair blending into the crowd. Yet, something about her stood out. He felt an inexplicable connection, like a tug on his mind.

As she walked past him, Kayden's eyes followed her, his thoughts racing with questions. Who was she? What was she thinking? The anonymity of her expression only added to his curiosity.

With a sense of wonder, Kayden continued to watch her disappear into the crowd, his mind still reeling from the mysterious thoughts that lingered in his head. Little did he know, this chance encounter would change everything.

Kayden's eyes lingered on the girl's retreating figure, his mind struggling to make sense of the jumbled thoughts he'd intercepted. They were fragmented and unclear, but they spoke of pain, fear, and a deep longing. He felt an inexplicable connection to her, like their minds had touched in a way that transcended words.

As he stood there, frozen in thought, the world around him began to blur. The chatter of his classmates receded into the background, and all he could focus on was the echo of her thoughts in his mind. It was as if he'd caught a glimpse of a hidden truth, a secret that only she knew.

Kayden's heart raced with excitement and curiosity. Who was this girl, and what was she hiding? He felt an overwhelming urge to know more, to understand the mysteries that lay beneath her enigmatic expression.

Without realizing it, Kayden began to follow her, his feet moving automatically as he weaved through the crowd. He kept his distance, not wanting to scare her off, but his eyes remained fixed on her, drinking in every detail.

As they approached the school building, Kayden's thoughts grew more turbulent. What was he doing? Why was he so drawn to this stranger? He didn't have the answers, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that his life was about to change in ways he couldn't imagine.

"Bro?" Jake's voice cut through Kayden's trance, his hand on his shoulder bringing him back to reality.

Kayden spun around, his eyes still scanning the crowd for the mysterious girl. But she was nowhere to be found, swallowed up by the sea of students rushing to their next class.

"Uhm, hey Jake," he replied, his mind still reeling from the encounter.

Jake raised an eyebrow. "Dude, what's going on? You were totally zoning out."

Kayden shook his head, trying to clear the cobwebs. "Just...just thinking about something."

Jake's eyes narrowed. "Thinking about what? You looked like you saw a ghost."

Kayden hesitated, unsure how to share his experience. "I...I don't know, man. I just felt something weird."

Jake's expression turned skeptical. "Weird? Like what?"

Kayden sighed, knowing he couldn't reveal the truth. "Just forget it, okay?"

Jake shrugged. "Suit yourself, bro. But you're acting really strange today."

Kayden forced a laugh. "Just tired, I guess."

As they stood there, Kayden's eyes scanned the crowd once more, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious girl. But she was gone, vanished without a trace. And with her, the strange connection they had shared was gone too, leaving him with only questions and a lingering sense of wonder

Jake nodded, but his eyes still held a hint of concern. "Well, if you're okay, I'll catch you later. I've got a meeting with the debate team."

Kayden nodded, watching as Jake walked away. He knew he couldn't confide in his friend, not yet. The encounter with the mysterious girl had left him with more questions than answers, and he needed time to process it all. But he couldn't shake off the feeling that his life was about to change in ways he couldn't imagine.

Kayden struggled to concentrate on the biology lesson, his mind constantly drifting back to the enigmatic girl. Her piercing eyes and mysterious smile haunted him, refusing to let him focus.

But Bill, the class bully, wasn't making it any easier. With a smirk on his face, he hurled rolled-up paper balls at Kayden's head, disrupting the lecture. Kayden flinched with each impact, his anxiety spiking.

Bill's taunts and teases were nothing new. He had a reputation for troublemaking and bullying, always pushing the limits to get a reaction. Kayden, on the other hand, was the quiet, introverted type, afraid of drawing attention to himself.

As the paper balls continued to fly, Kayden's frustration mounted. He felt trapped, unable to defend himself or stand up to Bill. The fear of being ridiculed and ostracized held him back, silencing him.

The teacher, oblivious to the tension, droned on, leaving Kayden to suffer in silence. He felt like a helpless target, with Bill's relentless bullying and his own fears conspiring against him.

Hey, cut it out!" Jake yelled at Billy, his voice echoing through the classroom.

Billy sneered at him. "Mind your own business, Jake. This doesn't concern you."

Jake stood up, his eyes blazing with determination. "Kayden's my friend, and I won't let you bully him."

Billy snorted. "Kayden's a wimp. He can't even stand up for himself."

Jake's face reddened with anger. "That's it, Billy. You're going down."

The two boys faced off, their fists clenched. The classroom fell silent, with all eyes fixed on the impending fight.

"You're just defending a weakling," Billy taunted.

Jake's punch flew before Billy could finish his sentence. Billy retaliated with a swing of his own, and the two boys crashed into the desks, sending books and pencils flying.

The teacher rushed over, blowing her whistle. "Stop it, boys! Stop it right now!"

But Jake and Billy were too caught up in their battle to listen. It took two teachers to pry them apart, their faces flushed and their fists still clenched.

The teacher glared at them. "You're both going to detention. Now!"

As they were led out of the classroom, the students watched in awe, whispering to each other. Kayden's eyes met Jake's, filled with gratitude. Jake had always been his rock, his protector. And now, they were both in trouble together.

As the biology lecture ended, half the class gathered outside the detention room, eagerly awaiting Jake's arrival. But it wasn't concern for his well-being that drove them there - it was the allure of the school heartthrob, fresh from a daring showdown with the notorious bully, Billy.

As Jake emerged from the classroom, a swarm of girls descended upon him, their voices fluttering like butterflies. "Oh my gosh, Jake, are you okay?" "Did he hurt you?" "That was so brave of you!"

Jake's smile broadened, lapping up the attention like a sun-kissed cat. He reveled in the admiration, his good looks and charm rendering him nearly irresistible to his female classmates.

"Hey, I'm fine, guys," he said, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Just a little scrape, but nothing to worry about."

The girls cooed and fawned, their eyes devouring every inch of him. Kayden, watching from the sidelines, shook his head in disbelief. Jake was eating up the attention like a rockstar, and the girls were lapping it up like groupies.

"Jake, you're so brave!" one of them sighed.

"Yeah, you're like a hero!" another chimed in.

Jake grinned, his ego inflated like a balloon. "Aww, it was nothing, guys. Just standing up for what's right."

The girls continued to fawn over him, their admiration bordering on obsession. Kayden rolled his eyes, wondering when they'd all come back down to earth.

"Are you ok, Jakey?" Emily asked, pushing her way through the swarm of girls.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," Jake replied, flexing his muscles. "I've got plenty of strength to take on more bullies all day."

The girls blushed at his show of bravado, but Billy's expression turned dark as he emerged from the detention room, his friends flanking him. "You punk, Jake," Billy sneered, his eyes fixed on Jake. "Who do you think you are, anyway?"

"I'm the one who stood up to you, Billy," Jake shot back, his eyes flashing with defiance. "And I'm not afraid of you."

Emily stepped forward, her eyes blazing with support for her friend. "Yeah, Billy, leave Jake alone. He's not afraid of your bullying."

Billy sneered at Emily. "And who are you to defend him, Emily? His girlfriend?"

Emily's face flushed with anger. "I'm his friend, and I won't let you push him around."

Without hesitation, Emily delivered a swift kick to Billy's stomach, leaving him doubled over in pain. The onlookers burst into laughter at the sight of Billy's humiliation.

"Ha! Nice one, Emily!" Jake exclaimed, grinning.

Billy's friends dragged him away, his face red with embarrassment. "I'll get you for this, Jake! And you too, Emily!" he shouted, his voice fading into the distance.

The crowd dispersed, still chuckling about the incident. Jake turned to Emily, his eyes shining with gratitude. "Thanks for having my back, Emily. You're a true friend."

Emily smiled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Anytime, Jake. We're in this together, always."

"Hey, let's go hang out in the cafeteria," Jake suggested, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "We can grab some snacks and catch up on some gossip."

Emily nodded, her ponytail bobbing up and down. "Sounds like a plan to me!"

Kayden smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. "Yeah, that sounds great. I could use a break."

But as they turned to head towards the cafeteria, Kayden's face fell. "Oh no, I forgot something in my locker," he said, his voice laced with disappointment.

Jake and Emily turned back to him, their faces curious. "What did you forget?" Emily asked.

Kayden hesitated, his eyes darting towards his locker. "My favorite pen. I need it for notes."

Jake waved a hand dismissively. "Dude, it's just a pen. We can get you a new one."

But Kayden shook his head. "No way, this one's special. I'll just run back to my locker and grab it real quick."

Emily nodded understandingly. "Okay, we'll wait for you in the cafeteria. Hurry up, though!"

Kayden smiled, feeling grateful for his friends' understanding. "Thanks, guys. I'll be right back."

"In this chapter, I wanted to explore the themes of friendship, loyalty, and standing up for what's right. Kayden's vulnerability and Jake's bravery showcase the power of true friendship, while Emily's support and quick thinking demonstrate the importance of having allies in times of need. The scene in the cafeteria highlights the joy and comfort of sharing experiences with friends, and Kayden's forgotten pen serves as a reminder that even in the midst of excitement, it's the small details that can make all the difference."Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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