
Bend, Don't Break.

I lived a simple life. not anymore, I'll tell you my story, if you tell me yours one day. I live to share stories through runes to make others feel the emotions they contain, read the first chapter of my story and it will show you why. read my whole story and learn how. -------- Also I want a better cover art, but I least I don't have to steal someone else's drawing. that baby is a Jack original. (seriously though if someone is an artist please help! leave a review I'll get back to you, I don't have money though... but I'll put your name in the synopsis!)

Jack_Wilder · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Desperate hope..

This time I woke up before the sun, I had a really bad headache, the dehydration was finally getting to me. I could barely think but I knew I needed to drink water or I'll get worse and eventually die, I tried getting up but the pain was too much to stand immediately. After a few minutes the sun started to rise with me.

The sun rise was just as beautiful as before but my head hurt too much to think about it, with the new light shining on the ground I stumbled my way to the pond and had an idea if I could make a cup out of the dirt or clay, I might be able to boil the water, I still needed a way to make a fire but it's a step in the right direction.

I quickly found hope in this and started mixing mud from the dirt and pond, The headache was really getting to me because I didn't think to just use the mud already at the pond. I also didn't realize that the idee was flawed from the start but humor me okay?

After an hour of trying I got the mud to take the shape of a blob with a dent in the middle, it was terrible but so was my condition. I stared at the mud cup as it slowly dried and my thoughts turned to my past life, the small things I wish I had and the people I wish I'd be able to say goodbye too. I couldn't anymore, and I wondered if any of them even cared I was gone.

"I know some people did care, Chris probably and Mrs. Johnson, and my little sister Rebecca, she was 6 years younger then me and always wanted to hang out together," I mused in absence thoughts to try to keep away the pain "Mom would miss me, and I think dad would too. He wouldn't know though..."

I kept waiting, each second seemed like an hour, and soon my thoughts turned back to the deer I saw, I thought about how beautiful it was and how it controlled the water, I wondered if other animals could do that, I and mostly I thought about how it was possible. I was confused and the headache didn't help, but I didn't have anything to do so I kept thinking and muttering to myself.

" I wonder how it controlled the water, lets go step by step, first it appeared and walked to the pond, it then took a deep breath and it's antler started to glow, each branch's tip brighter then the rest, then it moved it's head in a weird way, The tips of the Antler tracing a symbol that drew me in." I whispered. "Then the water moved and was drawn to the deer, it snaked through the air to coil around the deers body, there it stayed until the deer again moved it's head and the water released everything the was trapped inside of it. The dirt and bugs and small bits of algae, then the deer drank some of the water around it, then left."

I thought and a few possibilities, first the deer could just do that biological, and if that was the case I wonder how it could and why it would do that. But it didn't make a lot of sense, none of this did actually. Why am I here? And how did I get here? Am I on a new world? Or a completely different dimension? I wish I had someone to explain stuff to me... I felt alone and scared, I was doing the best I could but it wasn't enough. I'm lost and confused... ugh... I don't like this..." at some point my internal monolog because my external speaking. And at this point I forgot all about trying to figure out the deer, but it's not like I won't get back to it, I didn't have much to do anyway.

The "cup" was dry now and with a hopeful expression I removed it from the yellow rock it stood upon. Looking once more at the world around me, it was beautiful, a array of colors, ranging from black to white the whole spectrum my eye could see.

I moved to the pond and got ready for the big moment, as I reached down with the "cup" I prayed that it would work out well. When the cup hit the water it held for a second before breaking down and was soon destroyed. Then I remembered that it needed both clay to be present in the dirt and in a good amount too. I also would never be able to put it over a fire.

I started to panic, my one chance was gone and now I had to drink out of the pond without curing the water first. There were definitely diseases in the water and I just had to pray I wouldn't get sick or die. Looking at the water I couldn't bring myself to drink from it. Both because I was scared and because my headache had gotten worse and made it painful to bend down. I got through the pain and bent down I found a spot that had no insects, and stood above it. There I saw what I looked like in the reflection, my red hair was messed up, mixed with small Twiggs and grass, my hands were covered in dirt and the rest of my body was too. I still didn't have clothes on so my entire body had a fine layer of dirt on it, and I had bags under my blue eyes and blood on my mouth, probably from the bird. After starting for a while I bent down and put my lips to the pond and did what I had to, I drank as much as I thought I needed and nothing more to avoid sickness, quickly retreating I gagged as the water was stale and gross, but at least I had something in me now, my headache didn't go away though and I didn't expect it too. That isn't how the body works.

Eventually I got up and grabbed my makeshift spear, needed food too so it was time to look for it. I started walking alone the game trail this time and I maked the place is have to leave to go to the pond, I had to be back by dark because I didn't have a light source. I wouldn't be able to get back,

"This whole experience was changing me, I was a librarian before this, I talked to people easily but didn't find much joy in it except to hear the emotions in their voice, without those it's like talking to a robot, but I realized in high-school if all I cared about were the emotions people had I don't have to talk yo them just watch. It made me a great listener, but this experience has changed me, I realized how lonely life can actually be without other people." I said myself because... well there is no one else here.

Continuing down the trail I spotted a rabbit in the distance, unlike the one before this one was red and yellow, and had a few long teeth sticking out of it's mouth. It was eating a bush or something on a bush, it's ears were just as big if not bigger then a normal rabbit same with is feet. I thought about how I would go about trying to hunt it. I didn't except to succeed but I needed to try.

I decided that my best and pretty much only chance would be to get as close as possible then through my spear and try to hit it and pin it down. I really really didn't want to through my spear, but I felt like it was my only option. I creept closer and steadied my breath, I was nervous and thought I would mess it up. But it didn't matter I had to try. I got within throwing distance but kept going the rabbit hadn't noticed me yet and I wanted to be more confident.

Finally as I stood roughly 4 meters away the rabbit perked up and looked around. I panicked and felt like I needed to through it now or is lose it forever, I threw the spear with as much force as I could muster and aimed for its body, and the rabbit saw it flying at it, it did something I never expected it to do.

It turned around jumped and kicked the spear on the shaft near the tip, sending it flying away with a lot more force then I threw it with. It crashed into the ground as dirt and debris flew around it looked like a small explosion happened. A rock the size of a small apple flew under the rabbit's foot before it landed and it caused the rabbit to slip a little. As it fell its ears started to glow and it drew a symbol like the one the deer used in the air, then fire was created under the rabbit that launched it into the shy. For a second time slowed down as saw what happened in it's full glory. The rabbit's red eyes locked with mine and it's ears glowed but were dimming, it's back hair was a little singed as smoke rose under it, tiny particles of debris flew through the smoke causing it to have small wholes in itself otherwise uniform piller. The red fire illuminated the surrounding grass, bushes, and trees, tainting it all in a red light alongside the back of the rabbit. Dust flowed with the air current into the flame to fuel the fire as it hovered in the sky next to the symbol the rabbit drew, then the symbol faded and disappeared along with the fire as the rabbit landed and quickly ran away from the scene. Leaving me with nothing and no one to help me process what I just saw

Confused and in awe I stood there. After a while I woke up from it and grabbed my spear, the wood was hard but the tip was broken I could fix it but I'd have to do it later it was getting dark again I had about four hours left until then but I wanted to be at the pond before it even got close. I left and walked back thinking about what this world had shown me. It was dangerous but I liked it. I had very mixed feelings about everything. And I wasn't sure what I needed to do but I know I know leaving the forest came first. I wanted to be around people and I could only hope they were out there.

I got back to the pond safely and did something I wanted to do for a little bit. I took some of the leaves from the bushes and some grass and made holes in the leaves sewing the grass through them and made a loin cloth, I felt a little better now but honestly I knew it would break. It was okay I'll just make a new one. I sat down and again just thought about everything that happened while I was here. The sights I saw and the feelings I felt. The sun went down and as I stared into the sky a shooting star appeared and raced aross the sky it's tail a bright orange. It looked like how the animals made the symbols. But soon it was gone and I was left alone. I went back to my little circle of trees and laid down. I was tired but I couldn't stop thinking about the rabbit... maybe just maybe... I wanted to do what the rabbit did, I liked the idea of it. And maybe it might be possible. And with that I fell back into the world a dreams.

what do you think of this world?

Jack_Wildercreators' thoughts