

this is alternate reality of ben 10, with my own twist of events. this is my first book i ever wrote, so please support me and I'm open to criticism. just don't go overboard with the criticisms.

dramatic_reader69 · TV
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21 Chs

Trouble Helix

Ben and Rook indulged in a celebratory dinner, feasting on fried chicken, chili fries, and, of course, smoothies. It was a well-deserved reward after their successful mission.

Ben woke up with a trail of drool on the corner of his mouth, quickly wiping it away as he got out of bed. After freshening up and getting ready, he prepared to head to the Plumbers HQ for another day of duty.

-------At Plumber HQ--------

Ben walked into the Plumbers HQ, greeting his partner and all the other plumbers as he made his way through. Finally, he approached his grandpa, ready to reveal a shocking truth.

Ben approached Max with a serious expression on his face and said, "Grandpa, there's something I need to tell you."

Max looked at his grandson and thought to himself, "Ah, sh*t, here we go again." Still, he tried to listen to what trouble Ben has now, or more accurately, what trouble Ben has brought. Then he nodded his head to Ben and said, "What happened, Ben?"

Ben then proceeded to demonstrate his magic powers and technopathy, showcasing his improved control. He formed magic shields and weapons, and he controlled his phone and his grandpa's phone without any physical contact.

Max looked dumbfoundedly at Ben and asked him, "Ben, you can use magic? How? What about the phone? Can you even control technology? When did this happen, and how?"

Ben looked at his grandpa, who appeared both concerned and intrigued. "Grandpa," he began, "the day I got my new Omnitrix, something changed within me. I felt a new sensation. At first, I thought it was just the Omnitrix bonding with me. But after some time, I realized that it unlocked a hidden potential within me. I tried meditating and tapping into the energy within me, and that's when I discovered I could manipulate mana. Then, while practicing, I found out I could even control technology. I'm still a novice, though, so I have a lot to learn. But everything is fine, grandpa. This could be my trump card if there's ever a problem with my Omnitrix, like when it times out."

Max looked at Ben, astonished. "This is amazing, Ben. Who knew you had awakened the Anodite spark within you? And technopathy, like Cooper's, is also very rare. This is great! You should contact Gwen and Cooper to learn more about your abilities. They can provide you with the relevant knowledge and help you grow quickly."

Ben looked a bit reluctant as he addressed Max. "Grandpa, I had the same idea, but I want to figure out these abilities myself. If I can't, then I will ask them for help. For now, let's keep this a secret between Gwen, Cooper, and me. I want to surprise them with my mastery over my powers."

Max looked at Ben and sighed. "Alright, Ben, I respect your decision. But never take these powers for granted. If any mishap happens, it could lead to unforeseen consequences. So, please, Ben, promise me that you won't misuse your powers."

Ben gave a reassuring look to Max and said, "I know, Grandpa. With great power comes great responsibility. I will not misuse this power and will use it for good."

(A.N: since mc name is ben, when he becomes older he will be known as uncle ben.)

Max looks at Ben with a proud expression. "My grandson is all grown up," he muses. "It seems like just yesterday he was struggling to spell the word 'responsibility,' and now he's speaking so maturely."

Ben notices his grandfather's expression and mutters to himself, "Somehow, even with that happy look, I feel like he's mocking me somehow. Well, anyway, now that the secret is out, I don't need to be afraid that my secret will be found out. I feel very light now."

Max says to Ben, "Okay Ben, I need you to do something for me. Blukic and Driba are testing a new weapon, and they need a test subject to check its effectiveness. Assist them by becoming yourself the test subject; test the output of the new weapon by taking those hits with different aliens."

Ben looks at max in defeat, "fine, I'll do it. if they vaporise me by accident, it's on you."

Max chuckles and reassures Ben, "Don't worry, Ben. Blukic and Driba are not that skilled technicians. They won't let anything happen to you. And besides, you're tough enough to handle whatever they throw at you."

With a determined expression, Ben nods to himself, reaffirming his confidence in his own resilience.

-----------At R & D-----------

As Ben examines the new weapon introduced by Blukic and Driba, which resembles a gatling gun but fires laser blasts instead of traditional bullets, he takes note of its design and potential power.

Ben nods to Blukic and Driba, indicating that he's ready for the test. "Alright, Blukic and Driba, give it your best shot. Let's push this thing to its limits."

Ben then stands Infront of the target marker and transforms into Ripjaws, he want's test the damage with aliens with weak resistance. As the bullets rained down on Ripjaws, he withstood the minimal damage with his minor attack resistance. Ben then instructed Blukic and Driba to increase the damage output and continue shooting.

While Ben and the galvans are in their shooting session, A typical stalker who has turned into a thief has infiltrated the plumber HQ with absolute stealth. 

Khyber, the stalker (ahem, the hunter), has infiltrated the HQ and stealthily entered the Plumber vault to steal information regarding a certain malware.

He decrypted the files and began watching the malware incident unfold like an episode. After watching it in its entirety, he proceeded to download all the files regarding the malware, including some related to Ben.

As Ben transforms into different aliens like Diamondhead, Cannonbolt, Chromastone, Echo Echo, and Spidermonkey to test the damage output and quality of the weapon, he finds himself unsatisfied with its performance.

Ben instructs Blukic and Driba to upgrade the weapon and increase its damage output significantly.

The Galvans blame each other, with Blukic arguing that it's Driba's responsibility to oversee the damage output, while Driba insists that Blukic is the one in charge of it.

Ben sighs, wondering why the Plumbers even hired these guys in the first place. Meanwhile, Khyber successfully obtains what he came for and escapes stealthily.

Ben notices Khyber's escape but decides to let it go, knowing that sometimes nature needs to run its course. He figures that when Malware returns, he'll have the chance to kick his butt and finally get  feedback back, one of his more powerful aliens.

Ben uses his technopathy powers to study the weapon created by the Galvans. He proceeds to disassemble the weapon and reconstruct it into a more powerful gatling gun. Now, the damage output is potent enough to harm Spider-Monkey and Echo-Echo.

Ben instructs the Galvans to reverse-engineer this gun and mass-produce it for distribution to the Plumbers. 

Blukic and Driba look at Ben dumbfoundedly, realizing that Ben's expectations are high, and fearing that their careers might be at risk if they don't do a better job. Instantly, they run off to reverse engineer the gun, determined to meet Ben's expectations.

Ben chuckles at their predicament and walks away, satisfied with the progress made with the weapon.

Do you guys need me to add a side-story regarding malware or should i just skip it.

dramatic_reader69creators' thoughts