
Ben in Konoha (Naruto × Ben 10)

Naruto learns of a conspiracy against him after the retrieval mission. As he runs away he is picked up by a mysterious scientist, who opens up Naruto's eyes to so much more than just his world. Contains OP Naruto (of course), Super Ben (later on), Konoha getting trashed (you should expect no less) Pairing undecided. Author: Isom

Infernal_Infinite · Cómic
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17 Chs

Chapter 3: Meetings and Conspiracies revealed

Naruto blinked as he stared at the little frog like creature that stood before him. So far this has been a very weird day.

Naruto had learned there was a conspiracy against him, left Konoha, fought off against some of his comrades to get away from said conspiracy, was grabbed by a robot, and was now standing in front of a little gray frog-man who told him that he had an offer he wanted to make.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little confused...who are you…what are you and where the hell am I?"

Merlin let out a chuckled and said, "Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I should have explained a bit more."

The frogman snapped his fingers and a chair floated down from out of nowhere. Naruto looked a little freaked out about the chair that had floated down from the ceiling, but he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. He sat down on the floating chair, which was surprisingly comfy. However, he was still preparing, ready to spring at a moment's notice if he needed to.

As Naruto sat down Merlin continued, "As for where you are…you are in a facility that I managed to build, hidden away from the rest of the world. As for what I am…I am an alien. A Galvan to be more precise."

Naruto blinked and after he processed this information started to freak out.

"What!? Oh no! Please, don't probe me or take my brain!"

Merlin looked shocked before he angry expression crossed his face.

"Oh, seriously what is with this probing and brain stealing nonsense! That has been considered a medical malpractice for several centuries already! I don't know why those idiots in the media thought that would be a good idea!? What the hell would we even be looking for down there. And if I wanted to examine a brain I could find one of a less sentient race, or at the very least examined a freaking holographic one!"

As Merlin ranted Naruto took a small slide back from the miniscule alien. After about another few minutes of rambling and raging he started to calm down. Seeing Naruto's surprised he expression the Galvan cleared his throat.

"Forgive me, I'm usually a bit more composed than that. It's just that those media stereotypes really get on my nerves sometimes, especially the ones that show the more intelligent races being war hungry, brain stealing thugs."

Naruto nodded and mentally made a note to keep any science fiction references to himself.

Naruto then said, "You said, something about an offer?"

Merlin nodded and said, "Yes. You see, Mr. Uzumaki, I've been watching you for about two years. And I believe you would be a prime candidate for my grand experiment."

Naruto blinked and suddenly felt nervous.

"W-What kind of experiment?"

Merlin noted the nervous tone the blonde boy was using and quickly added, "Oh no, no, no nothing dangerous, I assure you. You see it all started years ago."

Feeling this might be a long story, Naruto got comfy.

"Many years ago, me and my younger brother had a bit of sibling rivalry between one another. We would always try to outdo one another in various ways to prove who was the smartest, or to get a date with a beautiful lady."

Naruto rolled his eyes at this.

"Anyway, one day we decided to engage in one more challenge to prove who was the best genius. We decided to build a device…one that could be used to build bridges and take down walls between the various species of the universe. A way to bring the universe itself together."

Naruto blinked at the goal. That seemed like a very good idea. Jiraiya had told the blonde boy, while on their training trip, how he wished to see the elemental nations at peace himself. No more wars, no more of this insanity, just a nice lasting peace.

Merlin continued, "We both set out to do that. I believed that the best way to do this, was to see through the eyes of another species. A device that could allow a person to change into any creature they could, so long as they had a sample of their DNA. I set out to gain the DNA and I managed to procure it. Unfortunately, things went rather wrong at that point."

Naruto blinked in confusion and asked, "What happened?"

Merlin sighed and said, "You see, there is a high council on my planet, Galvan Prime. They believe that our technology should be kept to ourselves as we they were afraid that our technology could be used for terrible things. When they found out that I had the various samples of foreign DNA, they arrested me. My brother tried to convince them of my innocence, but it was not to be and I was banished."

Naruto's eyes widened and said, "I'm sorry."

Merlin looked at the boy, his green eyes filled with sadness, and said, "It is alright. Where was I, oh yes. I was lost for a while, travelling from planet to planet, working various jobs to get by. When, suddenly word reached me of a boy who could transform into various aliens with a device attached to his wrist."

Naruto had a look of realization on his face and said, "Your device."

Merlin nodded and said, "My dear brother apparently finished my work and created a device that could allow a species to transform into another species. I was excited, however, I felt my old scientific curiosity come back to me."

Merlin allowed a smile to cross his face and said, "I found a planet full of old wrecked ships. I took some time, especially with my size, but I managed to create a ship that would take me across the universe. Over time I gather DNA and new technology which would allow me to create various machines, weapons, and devices that would aid me in my adventures. However, I found that I needed something very important a person who could use this power."

Naruto blinked in surprise and asked, "Me?"

Merlin nodded and answered, "Yes. Like I've said, I've been watching you. You have heart my dear boy. You have shown you can defy the odds many times. I believe that you are a prime candidate. So what do you say?"

Naruto was really interested, but he needed to ask, "What's in it for me and…are there any strings attached?"

Merlin sighed and answered, "Well, you get to be something more than just a member of your planet. You'll get to see the universe in its entirety. You will have power beyond that of your species. Plus, it will keep you away from those who want to harm you."

Naruto nodded as those were some very good points.

Then Naruto asked, "What about the strings?"

Merlin sighed again and said, "I'll admit, there will be some changes due to the processes. You're DNA will forever be altered. If you were to go to a hospital on your planet they would notice anomalies almost immediately. You will never be considered human again."

Naruto's eyes widened when he heard this. He would be changed down to his very DNA. There was no telling how this would alter him. There was just one thing he had to ask.

"What happens if I say no?"

Merlin answered, "Then, I will have you placed back on your planet, have your memory of this entire incident with me and my creation here wiped. It will be like you just started running after the defeat of your former comrades."

Naruto sighed in relief, glad to know that he wasn't about to be disintegrated. He looked at Merlin and closed his eyes in thought. There seemed to be some serious pros and cons here. On one hand if he did this, he wouldn't be able to go home again due to his changed DNA, but other than the perverted sage, granny, and Iruka, he probably didn't have much waiting for him back home. He could explore the universe, see what was truly out there. He could also say no and just continue with his life. His thought turned towards getting protection from Koyuki, and that potentially going wrong with Danzo pulling some crap that will lead to a huge problem, and on top of that the Akatsuki. He imagined the Akatsuki members breaking down the gates to Koyiki's palace.

Naruto mentally shuddered at the thought. He was nowhere ready to face off against ninja who eclipsed him in power and skill. He could use the Kyuubi's chakra, but no doubt they would have countermeasures for that, like when he was trying to find Tsunade.

With that thought, the blonde made up his mind.

"I'm in."

Merlin smiled and said, "Are you sure? This is a very big decision that you're making my boy."

Naruto nodded and said, "Yeah, I'm sure."

Merlin smiled and said, "Great. Now come. Since you're going to be staying here for a while, I might as well give you the tour."

Naruto rose up from his seat and followed Merlin. Behind him the drone stayed behind.

"Oh, right," Merlin said, having forgotten about the robot, "return to the bay for repairs and examination. After that, deactivate until new orders are ready."

The machine answered, "Yes sir."

The three left the room, Naruto and Merlin going one direction while the drone went in another.

The next chapter of Naruto's life was about to begin.

Meanwhile down on earth, a random cave system…

Kisame and Itachi, having had a narrow escape from the Konoha ninja now stood in a cave system, surrounded by various holograms, or whatever those things were, and were currently retelling the failure of their mission. They had had a close call with some of the ANBU that tailed the jonin to help the others who were to retrieve the now rogue blonde.

"You two failed to complete your mission," Deidara said, a mocking smile aimed at Itachi, "Looks like that Sharingan of yours isn't that great."

As usual, Itachi didn't take the bait, but he did send an annoyed look towards the mad bomber.

Pain simply rubbed his chin in thought. This unknown figure was capable of going toe to toe with two of their more powerful members. Add in the fact that he came and went so quickly, was immune to Itachi's sharingan, and used weapons that seemed more advanced than what was being produced in spring country.

Who was he and what did he want with the Uzumaki boy?

Pain simply said, "Itachi, Kisame, return to base for treatment. Zetsu, I want you to keep an eye out for this man. We need to know who he is and why he saw fit to interfere with our mission."

Itachi and Kisame both nodded before the holograms faded. Kisame and Itachi began their trek back to the hidden rain village.

Back in Konoha…

Tsunade rubbed her head as he approached the room where the Konoha rookies were being held. The slug princess was not happy. Danzo had gone behind her back, letting a group of chunin, and one jonin, out to retrieve Naruto without her permission or order. Thankfully, Naruto hadn't killed any of them, but they were going to be sore.

In the meantime, the council was demanding that ANBU be sent out to hunt down Naruto to either kill him or drag him back. These went unanswered of course, as she originally believed that Naruto would be detained, however, after seeing the entire group beaten down she realized that wasn't going to happen.

If things weren't crazy enough, she just learned that the fire daimyo was on his way to the village right now to discuss something important with her, and would arrive some time tomorrow. She could only guess that Danzo had something to do with this.

Tsunade sighed as he went over the papers. This was going to be a very, very long day.

Her attention was grabbed when, suddenly, Jiraiya burst through the front door of the hospital. He ran towards her and skidded to a stop, panting as he tried to regain his breath.

"Hime," he panted, "What's going on? Please tell me that you and Naruto are conspiring to prank me!"

The toad sannin had arrived in the village while the Naruto retrieval team, had gone, and he wasn't aware that Naruto had gone because, as usual, he immediately went to the hot springs to get some inspiration for his latest book. When he arrived at Tsunade's office to give her his latest report, he was told, by an ANBU, about Naruto leaving and the failure to be brought back. All the ANBU saw after that was a Jiraiya shaped dust cloud.

As Tsunade stood there looking at the man she shook her head no, indicating what the old pervert had feared. He had always wondered when Naruto would have enough and just leave. Now he had an answer. Deep inside, he felt guilt boil in his gut and burn away at his heard. He began to feel sick as he realized that he had failed his first student.

Jiraiya didn't care for Naruto in his early life because of his spy network, only checking on him when he came to do his reports and he didn't notice anything wrong. Of course, the old spymaster wasn't as observant as he should have been.

There was another reason that he didn't care for Naruto back then. He was scared. The old sage was scared. What would happen to the boy with a life on the road and his own skills? There were times when he could barely care for himself let alone an infant.

He wasn't the only one. Tsunade was also hit by a good amount of guilt. She left Konoha because the village had taken so much from her. Her grandmother, grandfather, granduncle, boyfriend, and little brother. After Kushina, who she viewed as pseudo-daughter, she left, using her sannin travel rights, and drowned herself in her vices, gambling and sake.

Tsunade then told Jiraiya about where the Naruto retrieval team was and what room they were in. The pair of sannin walked towards the room. As they walked the pair couldn't help, but wonder what the situation would be like if one or both of them had stayed around to raise the boy.

As they walked Tsunade informed him on what happened, including what Danzo had done, that she knew of.

They arrived at the room and Jiraiya was surprised, but not very surprised at what he saw.

All of them had various bruises and scrapes, most likely from Naruto fighting them. However, some of them had very specific injuries.

Ino had some bandages around her waist.

Shikimaru had some bandages on his stomach as well.

Choji had several more bandages, and Jiraiya guessed the Akamichi heir was hit with either a strong Rasengan, or a weak version of one of Naruto's elemental versions.

All three of them also seemed to have a minor rash, something he recognized from Naruto's personal itching powder which included shredded bits of poison ivy, according to Naruto's pranking tales from their trip.

Kiba, Akamaru most likely at a veterinarian to get patched up, had a bandage wrapped around his head and some which he guessed from Naruto's stink bombs.

Shino had some bandages around his shoulders, and had a foul smell lingered about him too.

Hinata was the only one who seemed to have very few injuries.

The other teams only had various bruises, bumps, and minor scrapes and cuts. By examination they had been on the receiving end of a serious beating.

With the group of injured shinobi were their sensei's, Kakashi, Guy, Kurenai, looking pregnant, and Asuma. Off to the side, Inoichi was currently writing down some notes, most likely having used his abilities to enter their minds while they were unconscious to get answers. Such a thing was legal if the shinobi was

Jiraiya sighed and said, "I have a feeling that your mission was a failure."

Neji answered, "Unfortunately, yes, it would appear Naruto was far more skilled than we originally believed."

Jiraiya simply stared at the Hyuuga prodigy and said, "Naruto has been away from the village for almost three years. Did you honestly think that Naruto wouldn't have improved in so long?"

Neji looked rather flustered at this as he remembered his failure in his mission and feeling a little frustrated at his loss. In their first battle Naruto had been forced to use the Kyuubi's chakra to win their battle, but this time he didn't need to.

From her hospital bed, Sakura growled angrily. She had been the top kunoichi of her class, she had been trained by Tsunade, and she still hadn't been strong enough to take the blond boy down. Sakura clenched her fist as she snarled angrily. She would get him back for this humiliation. She would show him what happens when you mess with Sakura Haruno.

She wasn't the only one. Ino, Kiba, and Neji were considering upping their own training to get back at the boy for this incredible humiliation.

As the four ninjas considered what to do for revenge a silence had passed in silence.

"What I want to know," Kurenai said, breaking the silence, "is how Naruto got so good. He never showed this kind of skill a few years ago."

Asuma, chewing on some gum because he wasn't allowed to smoke in the hospital, said, "No idea."

Kakashi, nose in his porn as usual, simply said, "No clue. Naruto didn't show that kind of skill at all when I taught him."

Suddenly loud, somewhat obnoxious, laughter filled the air. Everyone was surprised to see that Jiraiya was the one laughing. He was laughing like he had just heard the world's funniest joke. After a few moments the man stopped laughing, catching his breath, before he fixed the perverted scarecrow with a blank gaze.

"You really are an idiot Kakashi. You speak about looking underneath the underneath, but you are completely clueless."

Kakashi still had his nose in his porn book, apparently not taking the sage's words seriously. With an annoyed scowl Jiraiya walked right up to the man, snatched it from his hands and then threw it out the nearest open window. Thankfully, it would land in open dumpster where no kids would find it.

Kakashi looked shocked at the loss of his precious book and was about to say something, but the look in the toad sage's eyes stopped the silver haired man cold.

Asuma, Guy, and Kurenai were surprised at the old sags' actions. They had only known him as the self-proclaimed super pervert. However, it was a little-known fact that, if the old sage ever took a situation seriously than only someone like Tsunade or Orochimaru would be able to stop him.

It made the jonin nervous.

The younger generation was surprised to see the old pervert was serious. Something that, those who knew about him, were not used to seeing from the usually comical sage.

Sakura, undeterred by the man's change in attitude, scoffed, "What's that supposed to mean? There was nothing more to see with that idiot. He was loud, obnoxious, and nothing but a hindrance, especially to Sasuke. There was nothing more for anyone to see in the dead last."

Several others seemed to agree. The exceptions seemed to be Lee, Shino, Shikimaru, and Hinata. It made Jiraiya slightly annoyed with this generation. He himself had been labeled the dead last in his years at the academy. It had taken him forever, but he managed to get the recognition he deserved after proving he had gotten better over the years. Now these kids were making the same mistake.

It was time for the toad sage the toad sage to put an end to that.

Jiraiya turned to the rosette and said, "So…if he's the dead last then why is the top kunoichi of her graduating class and the rookie of the year from his class, currently in a hospital while the dead last stands in victory?"

Sakura growled, angered at the insult towards her pride, and was about to yell something, only for the toad sage to cut her off.

"If that isn't enough proof, Lee here, the dead last of his class, is by far the best in taijutsu of your generation, arguably."

Sakura blinked at the man's answer. She tried to give him a comeback, but before she could he continued.

Now, tell me, why should Naruto still be weak? So that you and your little crush can have their so-called happy ending? Your happy ending with a guy who barely seems to even acknowledge the fact that you existed even in the beginning of your team days."

Sakura let out another growl as she tried to say something, but Jiraiya raised his hand, silencing her.

"In all honesty," the man continued, "I'm beginning to wonder why we go with these titles anyway, especially since once you're out of the academy they mean absolute crap!"

Kakashi looked annoyed as he said this.

The scarecrow walked forward and said, "Now Jiraiya, you know that isn't exactly true. Naruto was abysmal in the academy and once he was out of it, he didn't really improve much."

The other jonin seemed to agree, mostly hearing from Kakashi's stories, most of them being assumptions that Sasuke had been the brains behind the incidents, through his blatant favoritism and immediate labelling of Naruto.

Jiraiya sighed and said, "Kakashi...that would be true if you had actually been a teacher! You left Naruto and Sakura both on their own while you personally trained Sasuke. You kept telling Naruto that he needed more chakra control to learn, but you never taught him any exercises other than the tree walking exercise…which you didn't teach them until your first C-rank turned into an A-rank! He came up with a strategy that saved your life, and don't say it was Sasuke because only Naruto is capable of thinking off the wall like that! He fought against and defeated Zabuza's apprentice with a little help, while your golden boy was going the world's best impression of a hedgehog! In the Chuunin exams he managed to make it to the finals, something many of you thought he couldn't do. Oh, and Kiba, he beat you while having a handicap that messed up his chakra flow. Think about that for a moment."

This surprised the group as they didn't know the real story behind the mission to wave. Kiba remembered his defeat and was shocked that Naruto had a handicap, as was Kurenai. It showed just how much they underestimated him because of his dead last title.

"On top of that, you trained Sasuke personally, like he was your own apprentice. You taught him various fire jutsu even that cursed Chidori that you are so damn proud off, which he had no problem using on my own apprentice several times!"

Kakashi winced slightly, just barely noticeable, while many of the other shinobi were shocked beyond words. Kakashi's motto of abandoning your comrades and were beginning to realize just how hypocritical the man was, and it made them sick.

It also made the retrieval team realize that Naruto had a very crappy teacher.

Kakashi defended, "Naruto was too impatient. He couldn't sit still, and he never really showed much improvement. In all honesty, I thought I couldn't be able to teach him."

The white haired sannin and said, "So you basically bet all your money on who seemed to have the most potential and ignored the other two? I can't tell you how stupid that is. Not to mention how much this is a painful repeating of history,' he mentally added.

Jiraiya simply said, "Since you believed Naruto was a lost cause, allow me to clarify a few things. First off, the reason Naruto was so bad in the academy was because he had too much chakra, hell he had more chakra than anyone in the academy."

Sakura immediately shot up and, "That's a lie! Sasuke had the most chakra! Naruto couldn't even create a clone and Sasuke could perform a fire jutsu!"

Jiraiya sent a blank stare to her and was about to say something, but Shino spoke up.

"Actually," the Aburame heir said, "Naruto did have higher chakra than most of us during the academy and even on our mission to bring him back, despite his injuries and the drain from his fight with Sasuke."

Everyone looked at Shino with a shocked expression.

He continued, "My insects investigated the chakra levels of my potential teammates. I found early on, that Naruto had higher chakra levels than most of our class. I brought this to a teacher's attention, but nobody did anything. After another attempt, I found that it was pointless to continue to attempt to do so."

This brought thoughtful looks to the group. Naruto was so weak…because he was so powerful? Lee suddenly felt a feeling of kinship with Naruto. They were both the dead last in their class due to their chakra seemingly working against them.

Ino blinked and asked, "Why would they do that?"

Jiraiya turned towards the platinum blonde and said, "It's a common technique for training Jinchuuriki. They keep their regular skills low so their "ace in the hole" is their main skill. If they try to rebel, their only main skill is how to use can easily be countered."

This brought shocked looks to everyone. Naruto was being sabotaged early on?

Jiriaya then said, "As for Naruto not showing any progress…Naruto learned the shadow clone jutsu in a short amount of time, and his chakra levels allow him to make over a hundred of them and not feel any sort of side effects."

The retrieval team all felt some phantom pain from the massive one-sided beat down by Naruto and over a hundred shadow clones in a single sitting.

The sage continued, "During the month to prepare for the Chuunin exams, Naruto learned how to summon the toad boss Gamabunta in under a month. He probably would have learned sooner, but hey, research.' Which he has been able to summon at least twice, once during Gaara and some other mission."

Neji's eyes widened as he remembered hearing about how a giant toad had fought against a giant sand monster during the chuunin exams, but he had thought it was Jiraiya, but after hearing that he had doubts. Glancing to the side, he noticed Shino and Ino both nodding in confirmation, remembering the mission to sea country. The white eyed prodigy paled slightly as he realized that there were several ways that his fight against Naruto, could have gone badly if he had summoned a large enough toad.

"What?" Sakura asked, surprised, "But I heard it was Sasuke was the one to beat Gaara."

Jiraiya didn't dignify the fangirl's words with a verbal response. Instead he summoned a familiar toad who handed the white-haired pervert a scroll. Jiraiya unrolled it revealing the names written on it, including Naruto.

Kurenai, Asuma, and Guy were all shocked that Naruto had been able to learn how to summon at such a young age. They now realized that Kakashi had been sitting on a literal gold mine and he had walked away from it for a piece of fool's gold.

Jiraiya wasn't finished, however.

"If that is not enough," the sage continued, "Naruto learned the Rasengan, a jutsu created by the fourth hokage, in under a week. Something that took me over a month to do! And he's taken it and expanded it into ways that the yondaime didn't have time to."

He looked right at Choji and said, "You're lucky that he didn't use a stronger variant of it, kid. If not, you'd probably be a paraplegic right now."

Choji paled as he realized that he was very lucky to be alive right now, especially if Naruto was as tough as they said.

Jiraiya then looked Kakashi right in the eye and said, "What was it you always say Kakashi? Those who abandon their comrades are scum? Well, I guess we know where you stand in Naruto's eyes and mine."

He then gave a very intimidating look.

"Well, at least you'll have to deal with one less piece of dead weight," he said.

Before a response could be made the door opened, revealing Tsunade.

"Jiraiya we need to talk," the slug princess said.

Jiraiya left the room and joined Tsunade and Inoichi.

"What is it?" he asked, sounding annoyed.

Inoichi answered, "Before I explain, I have to ask, what was Naruto's mental state and what was the condition of his seal."

Jiraiya looked puzzled at the question, but he answered, "Naruto's mental health shouldn't have come into question. Despite everything that happened he is mentally sound. As for the seal, over the training trip, I did attempt to loosen the seal a bit to allow Naruto a bit more access to the Kyuubi's chakra."

Upon seeing the shocked, and horrified, looks on the pair's faces he quickly added, "But that proved to be a huge mistake and I quickly returned to seal to its original state."

Shock and horror were replaced with relief.

"What does this have to do with Naruto?" the white-haired pervert asked.

Inoichi answered, "I went through the memories of the retrieval team, especially when Danzo gave them the orders to go after Naruto, as well as the mission itself. Apparently, Danzo told them about Naruto's status as a Jinchuuriki and told them that his seal was failing, causing him to become more violent and unpredictable."

The two sannin snarled at Danzo's manipulation.

"However, there is something else. When he gave the orders, I felt something nagging at my mind, or rather their minds. I think Danzo may have cast a subtle genjutsu to influence them to go after Naruto. On top of that, Naruto kept talking about him being set up."

Jiriaya rubbed his chin in though. Something wasn't right here. The fact that Danzo seemed to be at the center of all this didn't seem to be a coincidence. That old war dog had been trying to get Naruto turned into the village's personal weapon for years. He wouldn't put it past the half mummy to conspire with others to make Naruto look like a bad guy.

He wasn't the only one who was thinking that. Tsunade had suspicions about Danzo. Ever since she came to the village, he and her advisors had been talking to her about trying to get Naruto to be brought under Danzo's wing. She heard about his methods years ago and it made her sick. Could he really have conspired something against Naruto behind her back?

And if he did, who was involved and how far did it go.

Tsunade said, "Go through everything you can. See if you can figure out what Danzo was planning and why. The daimyo is coming tomorrow, and I want to have something solid against that old mummy. You work with him Jiraiya, and no research!"

The two nodded and walked off, ready to start investigating. Tsunade rubbed her temples at the oncoming migraine.

With Naruto and Merlin…

Naruto was currently sitting in what could be described a small room. It contained a bed, a holo-screen for movies and games, if necessary, and a few other necessary items. Merlin had informed Naruto that this was where he was staying.

The blond boy had gotten a rather nice tour of the facility Merlin had brought him too. Naruto was shocked to learn that the base was on the moon. When Naruto expressed doubt, Merlin showed him by opening a shutter that revealed the planet to him. A site that captivated Naruto as he got to see just how beautiful the world was.

Naruto was then shown Merlin's lab, which had technology both military and medical, that would make certain people in his village green with envy. He also showed Naruto a small production facility that produced his battle drones. When Naruto looked confused, Merlin explained that drones were essentially puppets that could move on their own.

There was also a kitchen that had various food from earth, harvested by multiple small drones. To help with the freshness the base actually came with a biological chamber which allowed them to grow their own food, multiple vegetable, and even meat samples from various planets. Something that made Naruto drool.

One of his favorite rooms however, was the map room. The chamber had a large map, that showed most of the universe. Which, apparently, the Galvan won in a card game. Naruto was shocked that so many planets, so many species lived in the universe. It made Naruto feel small, and it made him sit down to process it all.

The last place that Naruto was shown, was the training room. A gigantic chamber that, using special hard light hologram technology, could mimic anywhere in the universe. Naruto was drooling at the thought of training there.

Naruto was even more shocked when Merlin said that the technology here was considered below par on his home planet. It turns out, Merlin could have made a larger better base, but he didn't have the resources to do so due to his banishment, and because, as he stated earlier, his people were very picky about who got their technology.

At the exact moment, Naruto was fiddling with the remote to the holo-screen, getting frustrated that he couldn't turn the alien device on. The sound of a door opening got the boy's attention and he saw Merlin enter in on his flying disk.

"Dinner is almost ready," he said, "I just through you might want to know."

Naruto got up and was following the miniature alien out the door. As they walked Naruto asked something.

"So how exactly do you intend to do to me?"

Merlin looked back and said, "Well, I have a few plans, but first, we have to get you healthy."

Naruto looked confused.

Merlin answered, "You only started eating healthy after your nearly three-year training trip. We have over a decade of malnutrition to make up for. After that, we'll work on your skills as a shinobi. I have a few plans for that. Then we'll get to the alien stuff. Besides, you may need a bit of time to get used to some of the new technology, if the holo-screen is anything to go by."

Naruto grumbled something under his breath and followed the miniscule alien to the dining area.

A whole new chapter in Naruto's life was about to begin, and he couldn't wait.

Meanwhile, several million miles away, another Galvan raised his head from his workbench. He had a distinct feeling something big was coming in the future. And he couldn't wait.

Cut! Okay, there's chapter three. The conspiracy has been exposed. I originally wanted Tsunade to confront Danzo, but that didn't work. Instead, I decided to do Jiraiya confronting the konoha ninja about his student. For those of you who want those to be punished for going after Naruto I do have plans for them. Next chapter, will have the daimyo arriving, the remaining bits of the conspiracy exposed, and Naruto will begin the next leg of his training.

On a side note, for what you saw in the beginning of the chapter, I think it would be like that in Ben 10 if they ever went there. Let's face it, I'm pretty sure some of the aliens would find some science fiction movies offensive.