
Ben in Konoha (Naruto × Ben 10)

Naruto learns of a conspiracy against him after the retrieval mission. As he runs away he is picked up by a mysterious scientist, who opens up Naruto's eyes to so much more than just his world. Contains OP Naruto (of course), Super Ben (later on), Konoha getting trashed (you should expect no less) Pairing undecided. Author: Isom

Infernal_Infinite · Cómic
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17 Chs

Chapter 12: The More Things Change Part 2: Down, Down, to Undertown.

Ben and Naruto were currently in the DX Mark 10, just a few minutes after getting away.

"Ben," Naruto said, "Can I ask a question. What is it we are doing? I mean, we just fought off a giant crab thing and three-headed dog straight from hell. Shouldn't we be…you know…looking for them?"

Ben answered, "Two creatures like that aren't going to be able to stay hidden for long. Plus, you did some serious damage to them both. I don't think we'll be seeing them for a while. Plus, Grandpa has them some people looking at the atmosphere and any alien way off the planet anywhere in Bellwood. If Crabdozer and Cerbrutal were still in town, they aren't going anywhere."

Naruto nodded and said, "Yeah…Crabdozer and Cerbrutal?"

Ben said, "Hey, had to call them something."

Naruto nodded and asked, "So, where are we going anyway?"

Ben said, "According to Pakmar, an alien from the destroyed building, someone has been shaking down business for taydenite, a valuable diamond-like substance."

Naruto asked, "Aliens use crystals to pay for stuff? Isn't that a little much?"

Ben said, "They mainly use it for large bulk orders, or for extremely large purchases. If there is one place in town that has a lot of taydenite, is bound to be Mr. Baumann's store."

Naruto cocked his head to the side and asked, "Who?"

Ben answered, "Mr. Baumann is aware of aliens, and he set up an agreement with the plumbers. He sells alien goods to visiting ones, making it a one stop shop for a lot of them, or just a very large convenience store for those looking for some extra snacks."

Naruto said, "Sounds nice. I wonder if they have any of the food on my planet. I really miss ramen."

Ben said, "Oh, that's an Earth food too. We can pick some up after we're done."

Naruto smiled and said, "Then floor it, man!"

Ben did so with a smirk. Naruto blinked at something and said, "Wait…isn't this official plumber business? Why am I going?"

Ben said, "Grandpa Max said that you can come along. I just have to keep an eye on you."

Naruto grumbled something about glorified babysitters as Ben roared down the road.

Mr. Bauman's Grocery Store…

Ben and Naruto entered the store and Naruto was somewhat surprised to see that everything looked normal. Everyone was going through all the food and produce, a few kids asking to look at toys and games, and a few other things.

Naruto said, "Ben, I thought you said aliens worked here."

Ben said, "A lot do. However, they're wearing ID masks."

Naruto quirked an eyebrow and Ben explained, "ID masks are worn by aliens who want to hide their appearance. Now, people are aware that aliens exist, but this is considered a method to keep some of them hidden. If everyone was aware of how many aliens are on earth, we might have a full-blown panic on our hands."

Naruto nodded and said, "A person is smart, but people are stupid."

Ben brought Naruto to a special area in the back of the store, main storage. Naruto looked confused as they entered. They approached a compacter, and Ben pressed the buttons on the side in a specific order. The large machine moved upwards, lifted off the ground by a system, revealing an elevator.

The two entered and were brought down, with the compacter dropping as they did. After a few minutes of elevator music, a ding heralded their arrival. Naruto and Ben exited the elevator and Naruto was shocked to see that there was a second store, right below it.

"Wow," Naruto said, "People are really trying to hide aliens."

Ben said, "Like I said, people know they exist, but nobody wants to know how many."

Naruto simple glanced around, shocked at the diversity of aliens. He had a feeling that the universe was large, but he never thought there would be this many. He had seen a few aliens on the plumber base, but nothing like this. The sight of the ID masks, making Naruto draw a resemblance to the transformation technique, only without chakra and had to suppress a shudder at the thought of someone running into his village with one.

Ben said, "Shut your mouth. You'll attract flies."

Naruto did so and followed the brown-haired teen. Among alien produce, meat, and a few other things, they found a stand in the center, with a long bar with several machines behind it. A single vagrant wrapped up in a cloak, and hat was sitting at the table, enjoying what looked like a sundae.

Behind the counter, polishing it, was an older man, probably a few years from Max Tennyson in age, evident by his gray hair, and small reading glasses. He was a little thick in the waist, wearing a light blue shirt, with black pants, shoes, and an apron.

The man looked up from his work and smiled saying, "Ah, Ben, what brings you here? I finally got that smoothie machine installed if you want to try some of our flavors."

Ben said, "Maybe later, Mr. Baumann. There's been a problem with some of the recent shipments. We need to talk to you about it."

Mr. Baumann looked surprised and nodded. He reached under the bar and pulled out a sign that read, back in fifteen, with a time set up.

The man at the bar eyed them suspiciously.

The trio walked into the back of the secret store towards an office. Once inside, Mr. Baumann shut the door and locked it.

"What's the problem, boys?" he asked.

Ben proceeded to get down to brass tacks and said, "Ignacius…we've recently become aware that a group of aliens have been extorting alien stores all over Bellwood. Given your store happens to be one of the biggest alien money maker's in town, you know what we're talking about."

The old man looked surprised at then sighed.

"I know what you're talking about," Ignacius said, "About a month ago three aliens came into my shop and told me a business deal. When they did, they threatened me. If I didn't pay them a set amount of taydenite a month, they would set off a bomb in my store. What's worse is that they usually come in the middle of the day when it is crowded, threatening not only me but my customers."

Naruto said, "Why does this sound so familiar? Are they coming by today?"

The old store owner glanced at a nearby clock and said, "They'll be hear a few minutes. They'll have the bomb with them…insurance that I'll pay."

Ben nodded and said, "Do you recognize any of them?"

Ignacius answered, "It's always the same three guys, and I'll know when they're here."

Ben nodded and said, "We'll have to be discreet. The last thing we need in a public place like this is a fire fight…I think I know just the alien to do it. Naruto, you stay by the food bar, only intervene when it looks like something is about to go wrong."

Naruto nodded and said, "You got it."

Ben smirked as he fiddled with the omnitrix and activated it. In a flash, Ben's body shrank as his skin turned to purple scales. His body grew, only a foot or two, now standing as tall as Ignacius. His eyes became longer and a third appeared between them, the left blue, the right red, and the middle green, and a black spike shaped fin formed on his head, and a tail erupted from his spine. His clothes shifted into long pants, his shoes vanished as three clawed toes formed on his feet, and hands along with black gloves. Finally, the omnitrix symbol appeared in the center of his chest.

Naruto looked over the humanoid salamander and asked, "What is this?"

ChamAlien answered, "I call this one, ChamAlien. Perfect for stealth operations, or the kind that require a lot of discretion."

The humanoid salamander vanished from sight. Naruto blinked in confusion. He sent out a minor pulse of chakra and was able to sense the invisible alien. He smirked as he reached out and punched the transformed Merlinisapien in the shoulder.

"Can still sense you," Naruto said with a smirk, "Now then…I suggest we start moving."

The trio then moved back into position. ChamAlien stopping nearby some aisles making sure that he wouldn't be bumped into by any customers. Naruto took a spot next to the man who had been sitting at the bar.

"What do you recommend?" Naruto asked, only to receive silence.

Ignacius took his position behind the food bar and waited. He didn't have to wait long as, not even a full minute after doing this, three men entered the store, all three looking like the Men in Black, suits, ties, and sunglasses included. Well, men and one woman in black.

The trio then reached for their ID masks and pulled them off. While hidden, Ben took out his phone and snapped a few pictures, his camouflage hiding the object. Naruto twisted his glass to see the approaching aliens in the reflection.

The first looked like a caterpillar in a large suit that was mainly silver with black and purple accents. Each arm ended in three claws and purple gloves. The helmet of the suit looked like a large bubble. From what Ben and Naruto could guess it was a life support system, drawing similarities between the suits used for survival on hostile planets.

The second was a humanoid chicken with a silver harness around his chest, a beige upper half and a brown lower half. His feet and hands were both orange and resembled chicken feet, ending with black claws. He also had read feathers coming out of his head and his bottom.

Finally, the only female of the group was covered head to toe in black and red mechanical armor that held a slightly feminine shape, with large gauntlets. The only skin you could see was her face, which showed pink skin, and yellow eyes. On her back was a large red pillar, most likely the bomb.

Ignacius reached under the counter and pulled out a medium sized box. He walked out from behind the bar and said, "Here's your taydenite. Just take it and get out."

The caterpillar said, "Pleasure doing business with you, Ignacius. By the way, just so you know…our boss needs some extra funds. The payment is going be double next month."

While he most likely said this to try and be intimidating, it was ruined as the chicken moved his head towards some bird seed that was on sale and was pecking at it. He was stopped the robot lady grabbed him by the skull and pulled him back up.

Ignacius seemed to growl and said, "Fine. Just get out."

The caterpillar alien nodded and walked away. However, as he did a surprise movement caught them all by surprise.

The man at the bar turned and threw off his coat and hat, revealing himself.

He had periwinkle fur on his head and a white face with black markings. He wore blue and black armor on his body that had various pouches and armored areas and a strange tool on his back that resembled a blaster and had a familiar black and green hourglass symbol on the side.

The unknown pulled the object off his shoulder and pointed it at the extortionists.

"Hold it right there," he said, "You are in violation of several laws. Surrender your arms, or I will have to use force."

The large robotic woman said, "So the old man called the plumbers. We warned you."

The mechanical woman dropped the column off her back, which grew to a slightly taller height with two prongs coming off the top, like antennae.

"Well…crap," Naruto said as he placed his glass on the counter and shot towards the female alien, nailing her in the stomach with a well-placed punch to the guts. The alien was surprised by the amount of strength Naruto had as she was pushed back with a large dent in her stomach.

As soon as the fighting started, everyone immediately began screaming and running away, while Naruto unleashed a barrage of punches on the woman.

The woman caught one of Naruto's punches and said, "Not bad, but you will need to be stronger if you want to defeat Fistina!"

The robotic woman lunged forward with a brutal hook that sent Naruto crashing into an aisle, knocking it over.

Meanwhile, chicken man charged forward with spurs erupting out of his elbows. The new guy dodged the attacks with incredible ease and then lashed out with a punch to the beak. the humanoid fowl lashed out a peck that the new guy dodged to the right to avoid, only to get struck by one of the alien's spurs, he winced before he was knocked into the air by a brutal kick to the face, knocking him onto his back. The chicken brought his arms down again, only for the new character to draw his tool and transform it into a sword, blocking the pair of spurs.

Meanwhile, bubble helmet ran to the bomb to activate it. However, he was stopped when he was struck in the face, or the face of his helmet. The impact rattled the bug-like alien and was soon smashed again and again by the still invisible ChamAlien.

ChamAlien then turned visible and lashed out with a tail, stabbing bubble helmet in the front of the helmet with the tail stinger. While it didn't penetrate it, the glass almost shattered.

The alien stumbled back and fell to his knees.

The merlinisapien said, "Unless you want that to get worse, I suggest you stop fighting and note move."

Bubble helmet glared up at the transformed alien.

The merlinisapien then charged at the chicken man fighting the new guy. He leapt into the air and landed on the humanoid fowl's back and started scratching making him cry out in pain. He spun around to try and knock the salamander-like alien off but failed as ChamAlien dodged his attempts.

The new guy realized his chance and transformed his weapon into a blaster again, launching the net at the bird man wrapping him up tight.

The two turned to see Naruto still fighting with Fistina.

"You know…can you answer me a question?" Naruto asked, "Why install pain receptors into the armor. It doesn't seem like a good idea, given you seem to be a robot."

Fistina charged with an angry growl and the two grappled.

Fistina answered, "Pain is good for the body. It lets you know when there is peril. It gives you context!"

Her words turned into a shout of surprise and pain as her arms were ripped off, exposing curicitry.

Naruto said, "So contextually speaking…how screwed are you."

The new guy then said, "Blond man, she is an acrosian. She can control her arms even if they are separated from her body."

Naruto raised an eyebrow just as the arms smashed him in the stomach and fired its fist. Naruto was sent flying and landed on the ground, driving his legs into the floor to stop himself. He growled in anger at the sucker punch and glared right at Fistina, who gulped in fear at seeing his expression.

The whiskered alien launched forward and smashed his fist right into the woman's jaw. Her head spun around on her body like top before she moaned in pain and fell over backwards, knocked out.

Naruto sighed and said, "Okay, who is this guy, and why is he here?"

The new guy placed his weapon back on his shoulder, and answered, "My name is Rook Blonko. I was sent by magister Tennyson. He said that I would be Ben's new partner."

At this point, ChamAlien transformed back into Ben and said, "So you're the hot shot that grandpa sent. Never seen an alien species like you."

Rook answered, "I am a Revonnahgander of the planet Revon. I have heard of your exploits in the plumber academy, and given my high grades, I was suggested to be your new partner."

Ben blinked and asked, "There's a class on me?"

Rook responded, "A chapter and a half."

Naruto looked past the new alien and said, "Uh I don't want to interrupt the meet and greet, but the bug man is getting away."

The two enforcers of galactic law turned to see bubble helmet trying to get away. Rook fired a projectile from his shoulder mounted weapon and hit the creature, but it didn't stop. It ran out as fast as its robotic legs could carry it.

"Well that could be a problem," Naruto said.

Ben said, "Yeah, but two out of three isn't bad."

Rook said, "We do not have to settle for three. My projectile was a tracking device. So long as he remains in the city, we should be able to track him."

Ben nodded and said, "Got it. Just let me make a quick call."

Ben pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

Naruto said, "So…was there a reason that you just interrupted me and Ben's little stakeout? Just a few photos and maybe a little bit of work and we would have been able to track them down to their base."

Rook answered, "Given that they were in the middle of extorting Mr. Baumann, it seemed logical to perform a sting operation as they had been caught in the act."

Naruto said, "First, good call, but maybe wait until after they leave the crowded area or see if they don't have a large bomb. Second, if that is how you think, you and someone I know back on my planet would get along great."

Rook raised an eyebrow and asked, "You are an alien?"

Naruto nodded and said, "You wouldn't guess just by looking at me. The name is Naruto recently deputized plumber."

At this point, Ben returned and said, "Okay, Grandpa is sending a few people to pick up Fistina and Liam…the chicken man. They'll also talk to Mr. Baumann about the repairs necessary to his store."

Off to the side, the business man cheered.

Naruto said, "Good. That just leave bubble head, and his boss. Shall we start hunting?"

Rook understood the similarities between tracking and hunting and immediately activated the scanner. The device projected a map which showed the scanner as a green dot and a red dot that was moving farther and farther away."

The trio ran out the door and got into Ben's car. Screaming off into the streets, they followed with Rook giving them directions. After about ten minutes of driving they arrived at an abandoned subway station.

Ben asked, "Why would he run here?"

Rook responded, "I believe I know where he is going. Follow me."

Ben and Naruto looked confused before they followed the cat-like alien. When they entered the tunnel and the lights started to dim, Rook activated a light on his should weapon illuminating the tunnel as they walked.

"I've been meaning to ask," Naruto said, "What is that thing. I've seen a few weapons, but none like that."

Rook answered, "It is called a proto-tool. It can transform into practically any tool or weapon that the user might need. I made some modifications to mine. I can tell you more about it, if you like."

Naruto answered, "Maybe later. Though, a girl I know back home would give you the shirt off her back if she could get her hands on that thing."

Rook looked confused and asked, "What possible reason would she want to give me her shirt? Unless it can be modified like my proto-tech armor, I do not see the trade working out."

Ben blinked in confusion and answered, "No, he means that she would pay you a lot of money to get that tool of yours."

Rook said, "I do not believe that she would have enough given that this is Galvan tech."

Ben asked, "That's Galvan tech? Given the similar name, I'd say that armor is yours too?"

Rook said, "Correct, I have also modified my armor. Both were given to me as a reward for my high grades in the plumber academy."

Ben thought, 'If the Galvans are willing to trust this guy with their technology, he must be really tough. I wonder how he and Naruto would do fighting against each other man to man. Maybe later."

Naruto thought, 'This Rook character seems like a good fighter. Great weapons and hand-to-hand skills, and he seems logical enough. However, I think he might be a bit by the books. That might be a problem down the line.'

Both were drawn from their thoughts as Rook called, "We are here."

Naruto and Ben blinked in surprise Rook had lead them to a dead end. Before any of them could as what was happening, Rook pressed his hand to a brick to open a wall that lead to a cave.

"They've been hiding out in Bellwood's old underground cave system," Ben said, "That explains why no one has ever found them. You could get lost real easy down here."

Rook said, "That is not going to be a problem."

Rook then lead them down the passageway and when they approached the mouth, both Naruto and Ben stared in utter shock at the sight. They were now in a large underground cavern, but there was a large settlement, looking like a nicely sized town at the bottom.

Naruto said, "Well, this explains how so many aliens can live in this town and no one notices."

"What is this?" Ben asked.

Rook looked surprised and said, "You do not know of this? I am surprised. This is Undertown. An alien settlement that has been here for a brief time over six earth years."

The group began walking down an incline towards the town and Ben asked, "Really? Six years?"

Rook responded, "Yes. Two large Tokustars got into an intense battle that destroyed a good portion of Bellwood. Alien laborers were sent here to help fix the broken city. The small camp that they set up, quickly grew into a small town."

Ben blinked as he remembered six years ago.

"Oh, that might have been me," Ben said, "It's a long story, I can tell you all later. Right now, we got a bomb-toting extortionist to find."

Rook pulled his tool off his shoulder and reactivated the scanner.

"This way."

The trio went calmly through the streets, not wanting to arouse any suspicions. As they did, they took note of several different alien species all around them. They saw vendors selling alien foods, clothes, and goods. This seemed a galactic bazaar, and Naruto found himself feeling very curious about it all, as was Ben. However, they decided it could wait.

"There," Rook said, "It seems he has topped moving."

The two brought their attention to their latest comrade. They followed him until they arrived at large tunnel.

"Let us apprehend these lowlifes," Rook said as he stepped forward.

Ben said, "Whoa, easy there, Rookie. Did you just graduate from the academy when you got those things?"

Rook answered, "No. I have been patrolling on my home planet for the past few months…given the most exciting thing there is keeping the muroids out of the grain silos, this is somewhat new to me."

Ben explained, "Right. Well, we can't just charge in. These guys have a lot of bombs on them. If they hear us coming, they could likely bale and then set them all to blow, wiping out any evidence along with us."

Rook nodded in understanding and said, "So, what must we do? More of this recon work?"

Ben nodded and began to mess with his phone. Naruto's then heard his ring and pulled it out, unlocking it.

Ben then activated the omnitrix, chose an alien, pressed down. In a flash of green light, his skin turned into metal, his organs and muscles were replaced with circuitry, and his eyes merged into a single ocular orb. Then he shrank down to an incredibly small size as he bug-like wings burst from his back. Finally, the omnitrix symbol appeared on chest.

Naruto looked around and asked, "Where did he go?"

The newly transformed Nanomech flew up into the air and hovered in front of their faces.

"I call this one Nanomech," he spoke, in a robotic, high-pitched voice, coming from Naruto's phone, "I was going for ChamAlien again, but this works too. Rook call for some back up. We may need it."

Naruto blinked and said, "Well, at least we know you can fly around undetected. Give us a signal if you need us to move in."

Nanomech said, "You got it."

The miniscule alien then flew off towards the tunnel.

As they waited, Naruto realized something and asked, "Wait…you learned to fight by beating alien rats?"

Rook said, "Yes, but while muroids are akin rats…they are several times their size. I believe that the adolescent ones are about the size of an earth grey hound."

Naruto asked, "The bus?"

Inside the tunnel, Nanomech flew towards the source of the light, wondering just who was behind this. He was cut from his thoughts when he heard a scream echo through the air. He sped up and flew towards the sound. Upon entering a larger chamber, he saw bubble helmet fall to the floor with a thud, his body smoking.

Ben looked around and was shocked. There were several of those bombs around, looking like they were waiting to be activated, but seemed shut down for the time, but that could change quickly.

There were several aliens standing around. A familiar looking lizard alien with a helmet, a patchwork alien with a head on his stomach, a humanoid board with a purple Liono costume, an eel-like alien with a white suit, familiar aliens wielding pickaxes, a humanoid slug, and a large alien who looked like a bouncer, a nightmarish looking alien. Nanomech looked up and saw two floating box-shaped robots with white skulls on the front, and turrets on the side.

"Okay," Nanomech said, communicating with his friends, "I'm counting…eight different aliens, and about five of those pickaxe wielding guys. I don't know what a lot of these guys are capable of, so be careful."

Naruto said, "Do you think those bombs are going to be a problem?"

Nanomech answered, "No. From what I saw in the store, they need a code to be activated. A code that they all probably know. No matter what happens, we don't allow them to get close to them."

This was met with nods, not that Nanomech could see it.

The miniscule alien continued, "There are also two REDs, Robotic Extermination Devices. These things fly, are tough, and pack a punch, but they're stupid. Be sure to use that."

"You idiots!" a familiar voice yelled, "You may have very well brought the plumbers down on us. We will need to do better."

Nanomech looked up, his one eye wide in shock, as he saw the familiar face of Psyphon, one of Vilgax's former top lackeys. And he didn't look so good. The last time he saw him was over a year ago. He seemed thinner, almost skeletal and his horn hand grown, now resembling a spike, his eyes were redder than normal, and his teeth were sharpened. Apparently, his draining from the energy decoupler had left its mark.

"You utter fools," he growled, his voice raspy, "It would seem we have to speed up our plans. Get the bombs ready and take them all over town."

Tummyhead, as Ben just now decided to dub him, said, "But boss, I don't get it. The humans don't have the kind of taydenite to pay up."

Psyphon turned towards the alien and said, "Exactly."

Tummyhead said, "So you're just going to blow the place up…just because? That's cold boss."

Psyphon said, "I know. My reputation will proceed me wherever I go, and everyone will quake when they hear the name Psyphon."

Nanomech said, "Okay, that is enough. Rook, Naruto, come on. Time to crash this party."

Naruto and Rook immediately charged in. Rook aimed his proto-tool at the group and Naruto just cracked his knuckles.

"Psyphon," Rook said, "You are in possession of several dangerous items and intend to use them with the intent to harm. Lay down your weapons and surrender into custody."

Psyphon let out a laugh and said, "A wannabe plumber and a human brat. I'm frightened."

Nanomech pressed the omnitrix symbol and there was a bright green flash. The tiny alien grew to a much larger size, easily eclipsing his normal-sized friends. His new form grew metal changed to a kind of stone, almost like brick. He turned red and yellow, with dots of blue. His larger size resulted in him taking a form like that of a gorilla, with his first laying on the ground. Finally, the omnitrix symbol flashed on his chest.

"You should be," Ben said, as he stood with his new form before he realized he hadn't seen this form before and said, "Really, Omnitrix? Now is not the time for a new alien."

Psyphon said, "A segmentsapien…how interested. It matters not. You may have defeated me and my master before Tennyson, but you are not going to do it this time. Destroy them."

The aliens charged forward to attack the trio.

Ben decided to test out his new form and bashed away the warthog and the slug alien before jumping upwards and brining his fists down. The strength of the blow cracked the ground.

Ben ducked to avoid the blasts fired by the two REDs. Rook dodged Tummyhead and fired a blast from his weapon, destroying the RED. The other charged at the new plumber, who just jumped up and landed on top of it, turning his weapon into a whip to steer it.

Naruto dodged back and forth between helmet lizard and bouncer. He elbowed lizard man the stomach and then grappled with bouncer. He then hauled the larger alien in the air, shocking him and then throwing him across the room. Knocking over one of the bombs, making him wince, but let out a sigh of relief as he flew away.

Meanwhile, Ben was charging at Psyphon, but was stopped when a group of pickaxe aliens jumped on him, swinging their weapons, chipping away at his body.

"Get off!" Ben roared as he knocked away the tiny red aliens as the parts of his body erupted outward int eh form of small pillars to knock away the group.

Ben looked surprise before focusing his powers to transform his arm into a hammer.

"Another shapeshifter," he said, "Nice."

Ben then launched his arm, extending it a great distance, smashing the platform that Psyphon was standing on. The man jumped down and fired a blast of lasers from his eyes.

Ben jumped backwards and said, "Whoa…wait, I thought you lost Vilgax's powers when you got hit by the power decoupler."

Psyphon aimed a laser as Ben and said, "It turns out, not all of Vilgax's power left me, and it took some time for my power to come back. And with this, I intend to step out of Vilgax's shadow."

Meanwhile, Naruto was dodging a few swings from the warthog, as he was being flanked by a bunch of the pickaxe wielders. However, Rook came in, flying on the remaining RED. The robot firing its lasers knocking away the aliens.

Naruto quickly performed a substitution with the pig. The pig squealed before he was blast back by the blasts. Naruto then grabbed the alien in mid air and then performed a brutal piledriver that knocked him unconscious.

Naruto gave the cat-like alien a thumbs-up. Rook didn't understand the gesture, but he then transformed his fist into a power glove and smashed into the RED, causing it to start destructing. The robot flew forward, crashing hard with a large explosion.

"Nice," Naruto said, holding out his hand for a fist bump.

Rook looked confused at the gesture, but raised his own fist, mirroring Naruto actions. After completing the gesture, Rook noticed that several members of the gang were trying to get away. Rook quickly brought his weapon back out and fired continuously, launching bolas that wrapped around their targets and held them tight.

The two turned back to Ben, who brought a large hammer fist down on Psyphon, who caught it. While the alien struggled to hold up the weapon, only for Ben to transform his free hand into a large gun, firing a block that smashed right into Psyphon making him cry out in pain. The former lacky growled as he fired blasts form his eyes, tearing out a portion of Ben's shoulder, which began to regenerate immediately.

"Nice!" Ben said before he charged forward, his head transforming into a battering ram, tackling Psyhpon and slamming him into a wall.

"Get off me you block headed buffoon!" the alien yelled as he rained his fists down on Ben's back, chipping away at the stone that his body was made from.

Ben said, "You know…I like that Blocks…no…Bloxx!"

Ben was stopped when Psyphon grabbed the newly named Bloxx by his neck and then performed a judo style throw slamming him into a wall. The alien then fired a blast of energy from his wrist that froze Bloxx in place.

Psyphon smirked and said, "Now I suggest you both back down, before I blow your friends head to pieces."

Naruto said, "I'd like to see you try."

Naruto was about to charged forward, but Psyphon fired a blast at Bloxx's arm. The segmentsapien yelled out in pain as his arm glowed red. It bulged and shook wildly as it began to shift and change uncontrollably.

"What the…what did you do?" he asked, pain clear in his voice.

Psyphon smirked and said, "That blast overloaded your nervous system. If it does that to your arm, imagine what it can do to your brain."

He aimed the weapon at Ben's head and said, "Drop your weapon."

Rook grimaced, but did so.

Psyphon laughed and said, "You shouldn't have underestimated be, Tennyson. I am no mere lackey anymore. And with you destroyed by my hands, even the once might Vilgax will not be able to deny my greatness."

As he boasted, he didn't notice Bloxx's legs start to shift and change. Moving down towards the egomaniac's legs. Rook and Naruto did, however, and made themselves ready.

"Now, I shall finally put an end to the great, Ben 10. Any last words?"

Bloxx said, "Yeah…you really shouldn't monologue. It get's really boring, really fast."

Suddenly, the block construct beneath Psyphon erupted at an angle, launching the alien into the air.

In response, Rook shot forward grabbing the proto-tool and transforming into a rifle mode and shot the nerve damaging weapon, destroying it. Then he leapt into air, shifting the proto-tool into a sword mode, unleashing a barrage of quick slashes and ended it with a hammer blow, that sent the maniac right towards Naruto, who was preparing a Rasengan.

"Night night!" Naruto yelled as he smashed the attack into Psyphon's stomach. The alien roared in agony as the spiraling sphere ate away at his stomach, tearing open his clothes and drilling at his skin. The alien was sent flying backwards, spinning as he did, and smashed into the wall, forming a crater. He let out one last groan of pain and fell forward with a loud thud.

Naruto said, "Nice thinking."

Bloxx said, "If he hadn't been so caught up in monologuing, he would have follow through with his threat."

At this point, the omnitrix beeped and Bloxx was replaced by Ben in a bright red flash of light.

Now the ice was too big for Ben's body and he slipped out. Ben winced as he felt pain flare through the arm that had been shot with the weapon.

Suddenly, the sound of cars driving up got their attention and everyone saw the plumbers charge in, lead by Max.

"Well," Max said, "you three have been busy."

The plumbers immediately began reading the various aliens their rights, and making sure to lock up Psyphon, Ben telling them to be careful as this one had some Vilgax in him, a warning that made a few of them nervous.

"Who's Vilgax?" Naruto answered, "I'll explain later."

Max said, "I must admit, you three seem to make a good team. I can see now that deputizing Naruto was a good idea. Now Patelliday owes me a few taydens."

Naruto asked, "You were betting on me?"

Max said, "Mainly to see how well you and Ben would work together. I think the three of you are going to be great."

Ben winced as he rubbed his sore arm and said, "Yeah. I guess. Now let's go. I guess this means a new Team 10."

Naruto said, "If this one goes as well as my team 10, then this is going to be good."

Rook said, "There was a team 10 on your planet?"

Before Naruto could explain, Ben said, "Look guys, I'm tired. Why don't we head out and celebrate our fist successful mission? My treat."

Rook smiled and said, "Maybe we can sample some of these "chili fries" I have heard so much about."

Ben's eyes lit up at the sound of his favorite snack.

Cut! Okay, this went a bit longer than I thought it would. I decided to keep Bloxx, but I just introduced him as well. We see that Ben, Naruto, and Rook seem to work well together, but Rook is still considered a rookie as he mainly just kept large rats out of a silo, so he could be considered a newbie. Anyway, here's to the new team 10, and I hope to see you all soon.