
Ben 10: The Ultimate Predator

(A/N: Guys, I had THOUGHT of making this a two lovers story, and even had gave the readers the decision to choose, with the second lover being Drew Saturday. But I decided against it, since, 1: I hate harems or anything near it in modern world settings. 2: The unneeded and unnecessary drama needed to work it out with her would be annoying as hell. So for those that wouldn't like the idea of her cheating on her family, good for you, it's not happening. Just consider the few chapters that they were around as a one episode crossover.) (A/N: MC doesn't start off as Ben's childhood friend, he literally comes falling down on him with the Omnitrix and the Nemetrix lol.) I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Ben 10 Multiverse as the bearer of Nemetrix! But would a parasite like me be okay with just a few predators?! No, so good thing my somewhat (very) weird watch can scan the DNAs of other aliens and even automatically give me their predators! Oh, did I mention I can go Ultimate from day one? Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's time to hunt!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Cómic
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69 Chs

CH 50: Going Back

Alistair/Jen :"Romance? That's gross, I want all of it."


"Hahahaha that was fun!" The two sat together on the ground, exhausted after fighting to their hearts' content. Jen grinned :"You know, it's really fun to be able to go all out like this without worrying!"

Alistair nodded, even happier than her :"True that! That was a blast! Seriously, you're one tough opponent though. I picked your aliens' predators every time you transformed, but still struggled. You really started rocking after getting the hang of rapid transformation."

He had to admit, she truly was amazing. Years of saving the world had made her one hell of a beast in a battle when she actually put her mind into it. Even when he would turn into the hunters of her aliens, she would instantly turn into another alien that could counter that predator. There was a reason why she couldn't get the aliens she wanted when transforming. If she did, Ben 10 Omniverse fights wouldn't last 1 minute.

Jen's grin grew smug as she laid her head on his shoulder :"Of course! Do you know how long I've been doing this? Just because you have transformations that negate mine's abilities doesn't mean you've immobilized me!"

Chuckling, he placed his head on hers :"Well, I'm glad that my babe's a badass."

"Hey, you're no slouch either! Just the fact that you didn't lose against me is awesome, considering who I've fought against and won!"

"Thanks for the acknowledgement then."

Her grin turned into a teasing one :"Although just barely." He rolled his eyes lightheartedly before grabbing her nose and making her giggle :"We'll see in the future then, Jen. I'll kick that sexy butt of yours one day."

"So you like my butt?" She put on a mischievous face, making him jolt when she slapped his ass :"Can say the same thing about your ass, baby! Damn, that firm ass!"

"Hey!" He exclaimed, but she simply fell down and cackled, holding her stomach as he gave her the aggressive sulk look :'Oh, I get what kind of a girlfriend she is. The constantly messes with you type.'

"Don't worry, I love your ass." Laying on her side with her hand supporting her head, she poked his side with a cheeky grin. But when she saw him jump, her grin stilled, before turning mischievous as he looked away :"Alistair, baby. It can't be that you're... ticklish, right?"

Although she couldn't see his face, the way his ears turned red made her smile widen, and not in a good way :"I see. I guess I've gotten a lot of useful information today. Hehehehehe."

'Haaah, seems like I gotta be more on guard with her than when I'm against my enemies...'


"So you're going already, huh?" Jen sighed. Alistair with a smile :"Yeah, but don't be like that. Remember, I can come here any second I want. And believe me, I'm going to be visiting a lot!"

As he chuckled, he pulled a laugh out of her too :"But I gotta go now so that my team doesn't get worried about me. They can be real worrywarts too."

Jen nodded with a smile :"True, can't make them panic. Haaah, but it's sad that we can't even communicate when we want, since there's no cellphone that can make a call to another universe."

"Hmm..." Alistair hummed thoughtfully, before grinning :"If there's none, I can just make one!" Making the others' eyes widen :"Wait, what?"

He snickered Andrew Garfield style :"Just give me a second!" Before transforming :"Leave it to Ultimate Brainiac to solve all relationship issues!"

As he stood on Jen's hand, the Techtrix covering him in slick armor turned into a mini version of his high-tech phone. She looked at what he was rapidly writing, which were formulas that gave her a headache by just looking at them :"What are you doing?"

He answered without stopping :"I'm writing the calculations for a device that can enable universal communication. It would take a bit for me to make it myself, that's why I'm writing down the method so that the professional mechanic can solve our issue!"

"Oh, you mean-" But she was interrupted by him jumping off and transforming :"Ultimate Tinkerer!" The evolved version of Tinkerer, Jen's Juryrigg, appeared with a wide grin.

He was larger than his countertop part, green in color, and with two extra hands along with the end of his tail turning into a hand as well :"Just leave this to the professional, bae! Now let's fix! Fix fix fix!"


[Evolved Planchakule]

Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Speed

Enhanced Durability

Enhanced Stamina

Enhanced Agility

Enhanced Reflexes

Enhanced Equilibrium


Accelerated Cell Growth & Division


Appendage Limb Generation

Corrosive Glue


With eyes on his phone, following the instructions, his hands moved as the Techtrix created the needed pieces for the device. Tinkerer was fast already when messing with technology, but in his Ultimate Form, he was probably faster than Godspeed/XLR8.

Not even ten seconds in, and he already had the device ready :"All done!" He proudly held a sleek phone in hand. Turning back, Alistair let the Techtrix absorb it before it created a new one.

He handed the new one to Jen, while the Techtrix turned into his phone, but an upgraded version :"Now we can communicate whenever we want. My number's already saved by the way."

"Oh, thanks!" She smiled brightly before winking :"Now, I'm not a clingy girl, but expect a barrage of memes everyday!" He smirked :"Heh, then you better keep an eye on your phone, cause I'm the meme lord for a reason."

They looked at each in challenge, smirking confidently, before breaking into laughter. Jen smiled :"Take care, alright? And visit often. Although calling you is fun, spending time together will be a lot better."

"You got it, Jen." He winked, before giving a two finger salute at her and everybody :"Alright then, I'll see you all later." Turning around, a blue spatial portal appeared :"Adios."

- (Alistair's Universe)

"Seriously, what happened to him?" Ben frowned, worry on his face evident as Kevin sighed :"We looked back, and he's suddenly gone. Completely disappeared!"

Max sighed, worried as well :"Still no signs of him, Shego, Gwen?" The two girls who were looking for him with his computers shook their heads :"No signs of him anywhere on Earth. But his vitals that are connected to the systems show that he's completely healthy. Even a bit better than normal, actually."

Max rubbed his chin thoughtfully :"So he's safe, but just got teleported to another place? Maybe to another planet entirely, that's why we can't find him on Earth?"

"Hmm..." Shego turned thoughtful :"Boss had absorbed another piece of Potis Altiare into the Nemetrix this morning, maybe it has something to do with that-"

Just as she was talking, she was interrupted by a portal appearing outside of the trailer. Ben's eyes widened :"Whoa! What's that?!" Kevin's eyebrow rose in confusion :"Is that... a portal?? Really?"

Shego frowned, turning serious :"Be careful, kiddos. We don't know if whatever's coming out is friendly or not, so be ready for a fight."

They nodded at her, before the three of them walked out, ready to battle as Ben was ready to transform while the two charged up. Tigris and Zap with them, ready to attack. Max and Gwen meanwhile hid inside of the trailer, ready to activate its defenses any moment.

But their eyes widened in shock as Alistair walked out with a smirk :"What up, gang?! Daddy's back in town!"


He gave a two finger salute :"The one and only."

(A/N: By the way, I'll be writing separate romance chapters for Alistair and Jen just hanging out and being cute together. So if you have a disgusting romance ideas for these superheroes to act like normies, write them on the comment below and I'll write oneshots. After all, I'm not just asking for fluff moments, I'll be writing smut too👀. DO NOT write +1, I'm not asking for a fucking vote, I'm asking for scenes you might have in mind. This happened in the past once and pissed me off more than it should have.)


Romance Ideas:

Smut Ideas: