
Ben 10; Omnitrix Reload

Set on another universe. A kid named Will Glover is invited to a summer trip by Benita Tennyson: that he grew up with in Madison Elementary school. What can go wrong? I like to say Ben 10 is not owned by me. Some characters and events is made by me. Enjoy.

Kghost2015 · TV
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44 Chs

Chapter 1: Two in one Bundle

A giant red ship chases a smaller blue one through an asteroid field. The smaller ship swung past a few floating meteoroids while dodging beams from the Giant that took a minor beating from the army of rocks.

A cockpit was full of masked aliens at their designed stations who were shouting orders and giving the status of their aircraft.

One turned from their screen.

"Sir! The aircraft is dodging all of our hitboxes!!"

"You keep firing till it does, Private!!" The commanding officer voiced his opinion.

The commanding officer watches as the spacecraft dodges another army of beams and barrel rolls past a satellite.

The satellite was blown to bits as the small spacecraft head for a planet called earth.

"Sir! I have it in my sights, but would it damage the package?!!" Another copilot looks back to the Commander Officer, that stood silent before turning to the giant shadow on his chair towering over them.

"Lord Vilgax-" The giant shadow smashes his hand onto his Commanding chair, causing everyone to jump from the deathly strength it holds.

"I don't care! FIRE!!!" Vilgax revealed his squid face, furrowing his red beam eyes.

The giant ship fires a beam.

It hits the smaller one as it releases a small cargo, charging through space without Vilgax and his crew noticing, and it hurls toward earth.


"You see, class? Pluto may be small, but we shouldn't leave it by its lonesome." The teacher looks back from drawing the solar system on the board.

The children in a class all have her divided attention.

"Now, the big bad and hero of the time. The Sun." The teacher turns from the children.

The children took notes while the others did not so much.

"Hmm? That's not right..." A girl with brown hair whispered under her breath while making a paper airplane.

She sighs, Before looking at a student beside her.

"Pss! Hey!" She tries to get the attention of the boy in his world.

She gave up before balling up a paper ball and hurling it at his head. It bounces off him, getting his attention.

"Girl, what ya want?" The boy gave her a side-eye. "Can you see I'm busy?" He whispered.

"All I see is you making plans for a zombie apocalypse."

"SSH!!!" The boy shushes her, getting the attention of the students behind them. "You trying to paint a target on me?!"

"Anyway." She rolled her eyes before showing the progress of her paper plane. "What should we call it? Tiger Drop? Poweraid?"

"How about Nada? Because I'm not in it." The boy, wearing a blue shirt: resume, taking notes while secretly drawing a room of his classmates and teacher doing what they usually do.

"Skyquake it is." The girl whispered before hurling the paper plane, but it hit their teacher. "Sweet Jesus!" She hid behind her arms, cringing.

"Benita Tennyson...do you want to go to the principal office? Because today we have plenty of seats you can think of." She gives a stern gaze to Benita peaking between her arms.

"I'm good. I'm allergic to boredom." She looks away from her teacher's glare.

The class giggled before the teacher looked at the boy beside Benita in his notebook.

"Will Glover." The boy yelped.

"Uh, y-yes?"

"I sat you there for Benita to look after you. How about you do the same? Or do you need someone to do it for you?"

The class and Will gazed in horror.

"I got you covered." Will forced a smile.


Shoes click down the hall while Will walks past a student or two with books in hand.

A hum filled the crowded hall of happy students.

Will whips out his phone, reading a message left for him.

< Hey, son! I need you to head home straight away. There is something I want to discuss with you. >

"Hmm." Will hums to himself before heading for his locker.

"Help! Anyone?!" A familiar voice called from a locker two doors away from his. "Damn it, Ben! Why did you cancel your life alert subscription?!" She groans.

"Ben?" Will approached the locker.

"W-Who there?!"

"It's not Papa John's."

"Will, help me out of here! If you do, I'll give you a back rub free of charge!!"

Will rubs the bridge of his nose.

"What's your code?" He asked, annoyed while Benita whispered it.

He opens it, seeing Benita wedge inside.

"What's popping, homie?" She smirks while Will pulls her out and sighs.

"Seriously? I told you about this." He lightly glared.

"Take it easy, tiger. I can handle this." She smiles reassuringly, stretching her body.

"I like to see you fix it, but that was year due." Will head to his locker.

"Come on, Willy.~" Benita followed him to his locker. "I'm honored you care about me that much. It's crazy that we didn't get promise rings yet."

Will closes his locker shut with a book bag in hand.

"Ben, you know I'm not trying to sound rude, but Cash and J.T. have been kicking your ass since that day we met. In all seriousness." Will stood face to face with Benita. "Please let me help you." He pleaded.

Benita stood silent as her green eyes tried to read Will's brown until she cracked a smirk.

"Sure, but can you run?"

Will raises a brow.


In a locker room, a few boys begin leaving.

"Alright, J.T.!" A kid fist pumps the boy with glasses. "If you ever want to quit, the team always needed a waterboy." He cracked a smile.

"Piss off!" J.T. pushed the boy back, cracking a smile. "What's the point in being one when you all are fans of sports drinks?"

"True that. True that." He giggled. "Alright, man!" He waved one last time.

"Stay safe!" J.T. replied before looking at the last kid, still packing.

"Hey, Cash." J.T. approached the kid. "I was wondering. Do wanna swing by my house? My parents are cool with you crashing at my house for a week or two." He sits down on the bench, waiting for Cash to pack his soccer gear in his pack.

"I got that early release of Sumo slammer."

"Slim chance, you know I gotta practice." Cash replied without turning his back.

"Seriously? This Summer has freedom and excitement waiting for you, but you turn it down?" He questioned while Cash closed his locker, walking past J.T.

"If I want to make it to the league. Practice is what I need." J.T. sighs before following after him.

"Well, that's fine. Maybe some other time." They exit the Locker room for the sun to begin baking their skin.

Only to be covered in cold red paint.

"That'll do until the next session. I know how passionate you hate the pilgrims! HAHA!!" Benita and Will laugh as J.T. and Cash begin looking up to two pranksters on the roof of the locker room.

"Huh?" J.T and Cash's eyes land on the two as their laughter come to a smooth halt.

"BEN!!!" Cash growls. "YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!!!" Cash drops his drench pack causing Will's eyes to widen.

"Oh, oh, time to go." Benita drops down, first with Will following after him.

Will and Benita scattered as J.T. and Cash chased the two around the grass in front of the locker room.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! It's a prank! It's a Prank! Stop!" Benita jukes Cash causing him to break his ankles.

"SHIT!!" Cash crashed into the ground while Will sprinted right past him with J.T. on his tail.

"Come on, dude! Come on, dude!" Will breaks right, causing J.T. to stumble onto his knees.

Will and Benita regroup, panting.

"Gentleman." She bows before breaking it with Will down the parking lot.

"Benita!!! Will!! YOU LITTLE SHITS!!!" Cash shouts while Benita and Will escape high fiving each other.


Will returned home, closing the door shut.

"Dad! I'm home." Will called but heard only silences. "Dad?" He heads to the kitchen to see a note on the counter. "What's this?" He picks it up.

<Dear, son.

Go to The Tennyson's house.

I won't be here during the break.

See you soon.

P.S. clean your room!>

Will sighs.

"I was hoping to binge-watch Blood and snow until I get diabetes at a young age." He groans once more. "Let's get this over with."

Will began packing up his necessities like toothpaste, toothbrush, clothes, and lastly, his notebook: He kept all his drawings.

He grabs the doorknob of the front door before looking back.

"I hope this doesn't come to bite me." He closes the door behind him.

Will starts his journey to Benita's house since she lives down the street from him.

Will noticed an Old Rv park at the front of the house.

Benita hugged her parents between the vehicle and the house. Until they noticed Will's presence, they waved, and He waved right back.

"Mr. and Ms. Tennyson." Will approached them.

"Hey, sport." Mr. Tennyson rubs his black hair. "Sorry for the upcoming delay. Your father left in a hurry and wanted me to watch you, but since this troublemaker is going on a trip with her grandpa, we thought you go with them."

Will's eyebrow raised.

"Not to put you down, but us adults need their break. Right, dear?" She pecks Mr. Tennyson while Benita and Will nearly gagged.

"Trust me. Your dad and I went on the same trip around your age. It was fun. I must say."

Will and Benita look at each other with a smirk.

"You convince me, Mr. Tennyson."

"Ok, Ok, enough chit-chat! Come on. He's waiting for us!" Benita pulled Will into the Rv.

"I'm coming! I'm coming! You don't have to pull so hard."

"Oh, hush you, big baby!" Will groans while Benita's parents laugh at his disarray.

Benita was first to enter, overlooking another kid with orange hair and a blue cat shirt.

"Hey, grandpa. I'm so ready for this trip!" She said; excitedly while Max looked back with a smile as he started the Rv.

"Glad you are, and I hope you don't mind if I brought your cousin along." Benita sees her sitting on a couch, glaring at her while Will walks in without the two cousins noticing.

"What's that thing doing here?!"

"Thing?! You are the very definition of 'Thing' what is up with your tiny brain is beyond any comprehension."

Benita blankly looks at Max.

"You see? The minute she's here, the more likely she'll give me a seizure." The cousin puts Benita in a headlock. "HEY! Knock it off!!"


"Ah, Will." Max welcomed him, causing the two to come to a stop.

Will sat his bag on a couch in front of a Booth.

"Hey, Grandpa." Will nods to Max.

"Wi-Will?" The cousin stuttered before pushing Benita on her back.

"You know, you can call me Max?" Max shakes hands with Will.

"I like to, but grandpa has a nice ring: to it." Max continued, looking at him with a smug grin.

"How about giving Ben or Gwen ago? Once you get their hand of marriage, that title will be all yours."

"Grandpa!!" Gwen and Benita roared, giving Max a hearted chuckled.

"WAIT, I didn't mean it, like that!!!" Will blurted out.

Max continued laughing.

"None, taken. You know you have grown quite a bit since the last time we met."

"That was during our Pre-school year and us moving in?" Will questioned.

"Yup, your father and my son used to go way back. They were greeks, you know? Haha." Will winces. "Anyway, I gotta focus on the road. You matter as well. Get caught up with Gwen there. You two haven't seen each other since that incident." He smiled before focusing on the road.

Benita, Gwen, and Will blush: gazing at each other like a Mexican stand-off.

"Grandpa!" Gwen cried in embarrassment before hiding in the back.

"What? It was funny." Max commented.

-Year ago-

"Will?" Benita called, rubbing a towel on her brown hair: wearing blue stars pajamas: And looking at herself in the mirror. "If you don't hurry, Gwen gonna make this bathroom into her time machine."

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm coming." Will called, squeezing past Benita as she exited the bathroom. Will set his clothes on the counter. "Shoot!" He went into Benita's room, where two camp bags were laid by her bed.

"What?" Benita raised her brow, tieing her hair in a ponytail.

"Forgot something." He grabbed toothpaste and a toothbrush from his pack and went to the bathroom. He opens the door only to slam it back shut. "Gwen?!"

"What?!" Gwen voiced cracks.

"I still haven't had my turn." The shower running filled the silence. "Gwen?"

The door flies open while the boy narrowly dodges a shampoo bottle.

"PERVERT!" More objects were thrown.

"Wait! I swear I saw nothing!" He dives from the door. Crawling away.

She races after him with a shower brush.



In the woods around pine trees, by the picnic(Panic) table, Rv, and three tents.

The three stare silently at the bowl of maggots.

"I think my brain just puked...I'm going for a walk, Grandpa." Benita called, walking out of the campsite.

"You know I saw a sight I could sketch!" Will grabs his notebook before bolting into the woods.

"Guys?!" Gwen gags at the bowl.


Owl's call and crickets moan while Will adventures into the dark woods dirt trail.

Will sighs, looking at the dark and trees ahead until gazing at the stars.

"I think I should get back." An Owl call got his attention. It was an owl on a tree branch looking down at him. "Oh, that's perfect. Stay right there, little guy." He twirls his pencil and begins sketching.

A few minutes went by as Will's sketch was nearly done. A perfect replica of the owl on the branch sat on his notebook, yet Will began touching the eyes.

Suddenly a flash and as something as breaking wind gains his attention, causing the owl to fly away, only for it to be too late.

A rock crash: a few feet from Will.

"AAK" A green shockwave blows Will deeper into the woods.


A Firey Humoiod has accidentally created a forest fire near their camp.

Gwen was fighting the Firey Humanoid, yet she tried to reason.

"Hey, Gwen! What don't you get?! I'm your cousin, you freak!" She shoots a tiny fire beam at Gwen's foot as she tries to blow it out with an extinguisher.

It works, and she looks at it in realization.


Firey Benita claps sarcastically.

"Wow, I can feel your brain cells radiating this way. I'll give you an A for effort." Gwen ignores; the insult and questions.

"What happen to you?"

"I don't know. I saw a watch out in the woods, I tried to pick it up, but it turned me into.." She because silent. "HeatBlast!" She grins.

"HeatBlast?" Gwen questioned.

"I thought of it." Max appears, seeing Heatblast.

"Gwen, get back!" Max stood guard before snapping out a pocket knife.

"Grandpa, wait!" Gwen stood in front of Max, but he only pushed her behind him.

"Who are you?" He glares while Heatblast waves her hands defensively.

"Hey, grandpa! It's Ben, your granddaughter."

"She or It is telling the truth. Grandpa." She looks up, folding her arms.

Max got out of his stance, and Benita explained what happened while the flames roared in the background.

"Where's Will? I can't find him anywhere." Benita and Gwen fear the worst.


'Who are you?' A whisper trills past the void Will saw.

'Who are you?' Another says.

'Wake up!' A million whispers before shaking the void, and the thoughts grew louder and more aggressive. 'You need to wake up!' 'You don't want to die?! Wake up!!' 'Get up!!' 'WAKE UP!'

[Heatblast Will = Nova]

Nova rockets from his back, panting like he ran a marathon. He noticed the forest fire surrounding him.

"What the hell?!" He screams quickly, standing to his feet. "Hello?! Is anyone there?!" He yelled while his eyes wandered around the chaos. "Ben?! Max?! Gwen?!"

Nova noticed his notebook was in one piece, and he ran to pick it up, but one of the trees began falling over at him. He dives from the crash course, seeing his notebook become charcoal.

"NOOOO!!!" Nova cried out.

'Run.' An whisper got Nova to stand up.

"W-who there?!" Nova eyed his environment fully alertly."ALL OF THIS GOT TO BE A DREAM!" He clenched his head. "STOP FUCKING WITH ME!!!" He roared as his flames radiant off him.

'Run.' The silent voice finally got Nova to follow that order as he ran straight into the forest of flames. 'Left'

Nova leaps over a fallen tree. 'Right' Nova noticed two trees falling at him.

"AAAH!!" He slips onto his back as his foot shoot a beam splitting the trees in two.

Nova noticed the trees around him, causing him to sigh in relief. He got up and continued running.

'Who are you?' A million whispers questioned. Nova ignored them as his eyes grew blurred. He trips onto his face, and he groans before regaining eyesight with a puddle revealing a flaming humanoid.

"HAAAAA!!!" Nova screams at his reflection before getting to his feet. "No! No! No! NO!" He gazed at hands and body. "FUCK!! BEN!!"

Nova bolted down the forest before coming to a clearing, noticing two familiar people and the camp.

"GUYS!!!" Nova waved panicky as they stared in shock.

"Will?" Max questioned as Nova came to a stop panting. "Will, what happened to you?!!"

"I was walking around the forest until something crashed a foot away from me, releasing some shockwave knocking me out! I woke up, hearing voices, and saw who- this is!!!" Nova showed himself. "I wanted to come straight to you." Nova flames began crackling.

Gwen glares at Benita.

"Why is he more logical than you?"

"Shut up!!!" Heatblast, eyes land on Nova, that noticed her."Wait! Voices?!"

"Benita?!!! What the hell happened to you?!!!" His flames flare pink, surprising the three. "Why do you look so hot?~~" Nova said with a slicked voice, making Gwen and Max flabbergasted.

"Nice pun, but.." Her flames flare pink as she walks up to him. "Is your Hotspot bigger than your game, my torch?~~~" She hugs him, looking up to Nova with a warm smile as Will returns the favor.

"Look, this is not the time!! Come on." Max waved for them to follow.

Max got into the Rv, followed by Gwen. Max drove from the fire as Heatblast and Nova; were skipping after them, flirting like a firey Humanoids Couple.

They made it to another campsite, and surprisingly there was no one.

Max and jealous Gwen waited for the two as they heard laughter: Down the path of the recent Rustbucket tracks.

They see pink light glowing, seeing Heatblast and Nova appear cheerful. Will was carrying cheerful Benita on his back as they laughed.

"Hey, slow down, you might-" They both fell beside each other, laughing their butts off until they make eye contact. They slowly lean toward each other.

A red light blinds the three.

Benita was on the ground with an alien watch on her wrist. They both stop and blush while Nova's flames return to red.

"SORRY!!!!" Nova and Benita quickly barrel roll from each other.

"What was that?! And hello! That was creepy of you, Ben. At first, I thought you grew a few inches talking like an adult with an itch." Gwen glares, folding her arms.

"That wasn't me!! I said none of that!" Benita shouted at everyone before going to her world. "That felt surreal- like I went autopilot." She whispered under her breath with a blush before shaking her head. "Hold on! Dork! Did you call me a-"

"Ben, I'm gonna have to stop you right there." Max interrupted.

"But?! But, She-!"

" I know, but I'll talk with her." Gwen sticks her tongue out at Benita.

She growls while she clenches her hands, causing them to crack.

Max looks to Nova, looking around nervously.

"Will, are you ok?"

"The voices." Gwen and Benita look to Nova. "It's gone."

"Voices?" Gwen and Benita quesitioned.

"Let's move: past that, you two." Max looks to Gwen and Benita giving an understanding nod. "We figure Ben's cycle, but now how do you turn back?"

Nova sighs.

"I'm never turning back."

"Now, hold on. You're telling me you're giving up?" Gwen looks up at Nova.

"I don't have a watch like Ben, so what makes you think I EVER WILL!!" Nova shouts as his flames reach new heights.

Everyone steps back, but Gwen stands her ground.

"You're scared, breath Will." Nova looked down at Gwen's blue eyes before he breathed in and out. "Don't strain it out. Go along with it." Will began calming his breathing. "Clear your mind." A small cyclone: surrounds Will and vanishes, revealing him in his human form.

"YES!!!" Will cheered, hugging himself.


"Well, this is going to be an interesting; vacation." Gwen sighs.


The next morning. A humanoid with red skin drops from the top bunk above Max's and walks to the bathroom with baggy eyes and a yawn.

He opens the door and nearly pulls it from the handle.

"Shoot." He slips past the door closing it behind with a heavy thud.

He washes his face and looks up at himself, oblivious to his appearance.

The humanoid black hair: was curved to the side as he decided to pick at it a bit.

The red humanoid walks out, grabs milk and a Box of Oats, and begins eating.

Gwen gets out of the bathroom, follows up, and sits by this alien as he eats his cereal.

"Hey, Gwen." He nods while spooning some cereal into his mouth.

" Hey, do you know why the doors jam? Pass the box...." Gwen yawns as he does so.

" I was having trouble with it myself. I might've pulled too hard."

Gwen began eating her cereal before giving the Red Humanniod a look over.

Gwen spits the cereal on him. "Who are you?!!"

"If you going be spitting on me like that I mattered well packed a raincoat!! " He growls, wiping the milk off his face and black shirt.

"Grandpa!? Grandpa!!" Gwen shouts, standing from the booth.

"Wait?! Wait?! Why are you looking at me like that?!" Will stood up, towering over her. "I'm not here to hurt you!"

"Gwen? Don't be shouting this early in the morning." Max stood by her wiping his eyes with a yawn. "What the hold..." Max said, slowly seeing Will. "Will...have you seen yourself?"

"What's wrong with how I look?" He uses his metal spoon to see his reflection. "OH MY GOD!! Why do I look like Justin Beiber and the Kool-aid man would have a baby!!!!!" Will touches his face in shock before Benita comes through the Rv door messing with her watch.

"Guys, you won't believe what I did last night..." She trails off, seeing Will while the three of them look back at her. "OH NO, HE'S HOT!!!" Benita runs out the door.

"How is this happening?! I thought I turned back yesterday!" He stares at his reflection from his spoon.

"Will, take it easy. Your mind is probably going for a walk." Max filled in the blank, yet Red alien Will stared at him flabbergasted.

"I don't know, grandpa. How could he think of something like that?" Gwen's eyes never left Will's panicked face.

"As I said, at times, we could randomly think of something out of context, or maybe that's me." Max gave a light chuckle while Will gazed at him in shock.

"You think this is funny?"

"No, no, I'm sorry for that." Max checked himself.

"So, this shape-shifting powers of yours is way out of line. Imagine Will turning into something he has no business turning to." Gwen announced, causing Max to study Will's new appearance.

"You're right, but the main question is how many does he have?"

Benita burst through the Rv door, grabbing Will's hand.

"He's mine!"

"What?! What for?! Do you even hear me!" The door close shut.

Max looks to Gwen, causing her to sigh.

"Fine, I'll watch Doofus One and Two." She went after the two to see Benita asking a few questions and boasting by the extinguished campfire to Will.

"So, how does your power work?"

"Hmm." Will hummed to himself. "If I remember correctly, I have to shout at the top of my lungs. 'SHAZAM!!' It always works in the movies" He stared blankly, while Benita stared blankly at his sarcastic blunder.

"Ben." Gwen folds her arms. "What are you up to, now?"

Benita sighs.

"Gwen, we're in the middle of something." She eyed Will while Gwen clicked her tongue.

"Slow down, dork: just because you take a sudden change well: doesn't mean he will too."

"He's fine; The faster he learns, the better control he'll have. You and Max said it yourselves. Am I right, Willy?" She smirks, leaning on the leg: of Unfazed Red alien Will.

Will sighs.

"Fine, I should learn now, then wander around the dark."

"Yes! It's going be like How you train your alien best friend with extra steps to Awesomeness!!!" Benita cheered.

"Do anything I might not like. I'll bite you."

"Fine, I'm watching you two." Gwen sat on a log nearby while Benita rubbed her eyes, frustrated.

"Fine, I don't care." She claps. "Now, do something cool."

Will stood there staring silently.

"What are you doing?" Benita question.

"Something." Gwen snickered.

"Yeah, yeah, you're smart. I almost forgot you were." She squints her eyes. Benita points to a log by Gwen. "Lift."

Will gazed in horror.

"I can't lift that thing!"

"You don't know that until you do! Go try it, dweeb!"

Red Alien Will grumble under his breath.

He lifts the log to his chest with ease.

"Woah, Let's give this a shot." Will lift it over his head. Benita smirked while Gwen was amazed. "Hey, look at that. I'm doing it!!!" He lightly spins the log on his head. "Hey! Ben, do you remember this?" He began to whirl it; across his back as he turned on his heels.

Benita begins laughing like crazy.

"That was during our class car wash! When Ms.Bowlin gave you the sign, you hated it!"

"I know, right!" Will chuckled before hurling it to the sky, and it got lost within the sun blindspot. "Oh, shit."

Gwen got to her feet, staring at the sun in horror.

"Where is it?!"

"Don't ask me, dork!" Benita looks up nervously before a flipping log reveals itself. "Everyone for themselves!!!" Benita and Gwen dived from the crash course, but Will managed to catch it in the nick of time.

"Watch it: dweeb. You almost turn me into Gwen chow." Gwen picks herself up, patting herself down.

"I'm so sorry." Will sat the log down.

"I knew my gut was right." She chuckled, standing to her feet. "You're like four arms, but with two."

"Come again?" Will and Gwen questioned.

Benita smirked as she pushed a button on her watch, causing a dial to reveal itself with a chime.

"Observe." She slams the dial while a green light flashes.

Standing; eight feet, a four-arm humanoid with brown hair running to her neck. Look down at them.

She flexes her arms with a grin.

"Feast your eyes." She turns her back to them, flexing once more. "The guns show from the stars!"

"Ben, no one wants to see you feel yourself..." Gwen stated.

"I know I'm hot, but what are you?~" Four-arms laughed before looking at Will. " Join, Will! It's refreshing!" She does various flexes while Gwen and Will stare blankly.

"All that power, getting to her head." Gwen cringed.

"Tell me about it." Will agreed.

"Now." Four-arms warps her two left arms around Will's shoulder and smiles. "Anymore, before initiation?"

"I'm all out, but HeatBlast." Will shrug.


"Can you stop? I am breathing your ego miles away." Gwen asked while Fourarms glared back at her.

"Can you shut it? For one moment."

"It's hard because in the center of attention is an eight-foot alien showing us a 'Gun show from the stars' " Gwen flexed her fingers. "And nothing about helping Will master control of his capabilities."

"The more you talk. The more I want to pop you like a grape." Four-arm stared blankly at Gwen.

Gwen and Four-arms begin arguing.

"Can we get on with it?!" Will cut the two off.

Four arms clear her throat.

"Let's start with your hero name. Red Muscle!!" She flexed.

"...No." Gwen and Will squinted their eyes.

"Red Menace?"

"You want me to get shot?" Will raised a brow.

"How about Red Riot?" Gwen intervened, causing Four-arms to laugh while Will perks up.

"That Romance, comedy, you watch twenty-four- seven? Psst, a dork is a dork always. Ha, Ha, Ha!!"

"Red Riot, perfect!" Will smiled at Gwen. "Thanks, Gwen!"

Gwen blush.

"Uh, you're welcome. I-I'm always happy to help."

Four arms turned her back to the two, folding her arms.

"Red riot, Whatever, it's not like I care or anything." She whispers under her breath.

Max exits the Rv with a fishing pole and fisherman's lunch box.

"Alright, kids. Let's go finishing." Max smirks, causing Four Arms to chuckle while Will and Gwen groan.


Benita and Max got out of the boat and onto the docking board.

They walked down the board to Will and Gwen, talking and sitting on the post across from each other.

"Done already?" Will questioned.

"Yes, caught a few, but let them go. We all can learn from nature." Max answered while the children followed him off the board. "We should try another time." Max looks to Will, raising his hands in front of him.

"I'm good. That never been one of my hobbies."

"I second you there." Gwen chime. "I'm more of a binger of Blood and Snow."

"Seriously?!" Will's eyes snapped to Gwen. "I'm in-between season 2!"

"I have a laptop we can watch it on." Will smiled at Gwen while she smiled right back.

"Get a room, you too." Benita rolls her eyes.

"Someone's jealous." Max tease.

"I told you this, Grandpa!" She shouted, causing Max to chuckle.

"Alright, Alright, just teasing. Oh, wind-snappers." Max stops while the kids look back. "I left my hat on the boat."

"I can go get it." Will step in.

"I can go with you." Gwen volunteered, and Benita grumbled.

"Fine, be safe. You two." Max nods to the two leaving with Benita.

Will and Gwen walk back the way they came.

"How does it feel to change? Does it hurt?" Gwen asked a question out of nowhere.

"Uh, it's ok. It feels like small pokes. Light stretches, and Sunraysall over the good kind."

Gwen nods.

"Figure, you and Ben being morons. Just don't become evil and try to kill us."

"No promises." Gwen hits Will's arm. "Ow! I'm kidding!" He smiled while Gwen's stare lingered.

They got to the boat, and Will grabbed Max's hat from under the seat. "Got it, let's--"

"Will! Look out!" Gwen tackled Will off the boat while A beam exploded: destroying the wooden dock and boat.

They rise to the surface, soaked.

"What was that?!!" Will looks to Gwen.

"I hope those drones are not what causes the problem." Five saucer-like drones hovered by the shore.

They scanned both Gwen and Will.

The saucer drones begin their assault, shooting lasers at the two.

"Get down!!" Will and Gwen dive back into the water while their lasers hit were they last seen.

They continued; until smoke haze over the lake: and soon cleared, revealing no one but dead fishes.

One of the drones triggers thermal vision to see a figure leaping from the water: punching it, sight out.

Red Riot with Gwen on his back: lands onshore.

He pulls his fist from the penetrated Saucer-Drone head from below.


"But-" Gwen hops off his back.

"That's an order!" Red riot kept his eyes on the drones surrounding him.

"Alright!" Gwen bailed into the forest while the Four saucer drones began their beam assault.

Red Riot side jump, dodging the oncoming beams hitting the ground until he leaps, doing a frontflip before: Destroying one with a sledgehammer.

He rolls, to a knee, before rolling from a beam.

Red Riot noticed a rock before grabbing and hurling it into the drone that dodges his tactic. He followed up, leaping after it, but another cut him off, firing onto his back.

Red Riot crashes onto the ground with a wince.

'Get up.' A whisper filled his head before a firey cyclone surrounded Will, revealing Nova.

"Come on!!!" Nova roared before getting to his feet. He hurls a fireball, and they dodge it. "I'm not afraid of you!!"

The Saucer-Drones split, heading into the woods.

Nova's eyes widen.

"Gwen!" He sprints after them. He dodges bushes and anything that can start a forest fire. "AGH!!!"

A beam hits Nova He bounces from a tree: landing on his side.

"Dirty Fireworks, whoa!" A beam hits the bark behind his head.

A Saucer-Drone appears, shooting once more, cutting the tree down in seconds. Nova fired his beams to the side, causing him to slide from the destruction.

He rolls from his shoulder and onto a knee, firing a beam destroying the drone.

Nova looked at his hands.

"Right, I'm a made of fire." He talked to himself before

hearing a beam fire up from another.

He snapped his head to his right, seeing a Drone about to release.

Gwen appeared and destroyed the last with a sturdy tree branch.

"A thank you will suffice." Gwen panted before throwing a branch aside.

"Why are you here?" Nova stood to his feet.

"I saved your life; You think I'll leave you here with them?"

"Thank you, but promise me you won't come between fights like these."


"Please, I don't know what I will do with myself if you or Max got hurt."

"...I promise." Gwen's eyes lingered before Nova stood to his feet.

"I think the coast is clear." Nova returns to Will.

"Let's get my Grandpa's hat and get out of here." Gwen headed back on the dirt path to the dock.

"You don't have to tell me twice."


Gwen and Will carrying Max's hat in hand: ran back to the campsite where Benita poked her head out the window.

"Guys, what took you so long? Come on! People are in danger...."

They enter the Rv. Will covered in sweat crashes on the booth.

"Uh, what's wrong with you guys? You look like you saw a ghost." Benita questioned while Max took off from their campsite.

"Destroy. A drone-like Saucer. Tired." He pants.

"You're young. Where's that energy?" Gwen questioned.

"Oh, sorry if I'm different from you, sunbathers. No offense, Max." Will lays down, taking a breath.

"You're fine, none taken." Max responded nonchalantly.

"Saucers-drones?! Wow! My bad." Benita smiled apologetically.

Will and Gwen's brows twitched.

"Their no time for pointing fingers. We're here." Max states.

Car's and Rv's were being thrown or exposed by a beam that exploded while everyone ran from the destruction.

Benita and Will got out while Max Rv drove away.

"So, how are the aliens?" Benita questioned.

"Fine, I'll get used to it." Will wipes the sweat from his head.

The giant robot reveals itself and hurls an Rv at them.

"I'll get it!" Will shouts while A green light flashes.

The Rv hovers from the ground.

The Rv moved up, revealing Red Riot and a slim woman covered in diamond shards.

Red riot threw it right back, causing an explosion while the Giant backed up: stun.

"Aw, come on. Stupid watch." She stared at her hands.

"You are who you are. Adapt!"

Red Riot races toward the stun Robot and punches it.

The robot slides back into an Rv, causing an explosion.

The Diamond-woman ran past; Red Riot, punching the bot's leg, causing her diamond fist to break.

"I like to apologize." The robot backhanded The diamond woman into a few cars and an Rv.

Red Riot leaps to strike, but time seems to slow down as the Bot side steps leaving afterimages in his wake.

The robot beamed Red Riot across the ground and into the public bathrooms. Sink water soaks Red Riot head to toe while he gets up and pops his back. "Argh! My back!"

He groans, climbing out the hole in the wall to see the Diamond-woman's fists shaped as blades, she charges forward to slash, but it leaps over her attempt and crashes on her.

"Aw, come on."

Red Riot blindsight the robot: jumping on its head and punching its sensor.

The robot jumps in the air and spins its upper torso while Red Riot holds on for dear life.


"I don't even wish that on my worst enemy." Her eyes widen, seeing Will suffering.

Red Riot lost his grip and flew.

Red Riot crashes by the Park Ranger Max was talking to, scaring the ranger with his sudden appearance.

Red Riot's eyes swirl.

"Get up and take that thing down!" Gwen ordered.

"You make it sound so easy." Red Riot gagged, causing the three to step back. " Oh man, I think I'm going to hurl." He covers his mouth.

"What comes around goes around." The diamond woman deflects the beam back at the robot, completely engulfing it while it explodes into bits.

"Yeah! Great job, Ben!" Max and Gwen cheered until they noticed people staring. "I mean diamond-headed woman."

The fire scattered around, and the destruction was unbearable. Only a few vehicles were spare from the fight.

The visitors that took distances from the fight: approach the site once more, staring at Diamond-Headed Woman, that was helping dazed Red Riot on her shoulder.

Red Riot's height is an inch higher than her.

"That was fun." The Diamond-Headed woman said to Red riot before he leaped from her grasp and into the woods, covering his mouth. Her eyes widen. "You'll be fine, I hope!"

The bot head driven into the ground was staring at the scene before dying from its last power.


"Hmm. I'll have the Omnitrix and the Galaxy, but if that all fails." Vilgax stares at Red Riot from his screen: leaning behind a tree and letting everything out. "Having that in my Arsenal will suffice."