
Ben 10: Justice Incarnate

Stranded in an unknown world, Ben must fulfill his destiny here and change history for the better. (Ben 10 x Young Justice/DC Comics) | Discord Server: discord.gg/2uP8ka2 | Patreon.com/Firestorm808

Firestorm808 · Cómic
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24 Chs

Into the Void

Star City

July 17, 23:16 PDT

Two people were unloading a truck under the cover of the night. As they removed the first crate, an arrow landed between them. The red arrow blinked bright red before releasing smoke, causing the two to stumble and drop the load. The container smashed open, revealing a high-tech gun and sliding to the feet of a large African-American male with a muscular frame and red skin, Brick. He had a short white goatee and wore his hair in cornrows. 

With an aimed kick, the gun shot up and landed in the large man's hand. Brick aimed, the barrel illuminating three red streaks. Following the arrow's trajectory, he aimed at the crane above, zeroing in on the interloper. 

It was revealed to be a familiar redheaded teen in yellow and red, Speedy. 

"You again!" Brick yelled. "I'm starting to get insulted that Green Arrow's not messing up my operation personally." With a smirk, he pulled the trigger.

The red archer dove to the right, grabbing the crane's support beams, barely staying ahead of the shots. As Speedy dropped down to the next level, the shots followed. 

As Speedy sprinted along a walkway, he flipped as he nocked an arrow and released it. The arrow shot it right down the gun's barrel, causing it to explode in Brick's hand. While the blast left him physically unharmed, it tore through his suit.

"Do you know what I pay for a suit in my size?!" he yelled, angrier than before. "Scorch the Earth, boys," he ordered.

Four henchmen raised their guns on the side, but a yellow blur came through, leaving two of them disarmed. The other two turned toward the blur, only for their guns to be knocked out of their hands by Birderangs. With a happy cackle, Robin swung over them and out of sight. 

In his place, Aqualad dropped down with his Water-Bearers, turning them into whips. Both hit the smugglers in full force, knocking them into a truck and to the ground unconscious.

Brick gripped the ground and lifted a chunk of concrete, throwing it at Speedy. 

The running archer ducked under the attack with an already-nocked arrow. He stopped, bracing his foot on one of the shipping containers, and launched an arrow that exploded as it hit Brick's massive shoulder. 

However, it didn't stop the metahuman from throwing another piece of concrete at Speedy. 

As Speedy jumped out of the way, Aqualad intercepted it with a mace and sword, chopping the concrete in two. 

This gave Speedy the opening shot Brick with a smoke arrow.

Speedy walked to the slightly out-of-breath Aqualad, who retracted his water-bearers. "The cave is perfect. It has everything the team will need," the Atlantean told the older hero.

Robin dropped down behind Speedy. "For covert missions. You know, spy stuff."

Kid Flash ran up the crates and landed just shy of the edge. "And wait till you see Superboy and Miss Martian," he said excitedly. "But I saw her first."

Brick emerged from the smoke below and threw another piece of concrete at the four conversing teenagers. 

Speedy, Robin, and Kid Flash all dove out of the way while Aqualad stood in place and smashed it with twin maces. 

Speedy shot two arrows that stuck to Brick's chest and released three spurts of flame, knocking him back. 

On one knee, the villain just chuckled. "Tell Arrow he shouldn't send boys to do a man's job." 

Speedy aimed another arrow. 

Brick stood tall, his arms out wide. "Go ahead." 

Speedy ground his teeth as he shot another arrow. It landed on the man's chest, and for a moment, nothing happened. Then red foam spread from the capsule and hardened, trapping Brick.

Kid Flash stopped and crouched next to Speedy. "High-density polyurethane foam. Nice."

Ignoring him, Speedy turned to walk away. 

Robin and Aqualad stook ahead of him. "So, Speedy, you in?"

The archer stopped to give them the answer, "Pass. I'm done letting Arrow and the League tell me what to do." 

Wally frowned. "Seriously, dude, I was willing to tolerate it back at the hall since you needed to cool down. Now, what's with the attitude?"

Robin deadpanned. "You're 18." He gestured to KF and Aqualad. "Barely two years older than them. You're not even allowed to drink."

Speedy narrowed his eyes. "That's beside the point. I don't need a babysitter or a clubhouse to hang out with the other kids. Your Junior Justice League is a joke."

Robin gaped at that. "Wow... Just. Wow..."

Wally crossed his arms with a scowl. "Dude..."

Robin walked a few steps away and glared at Speedy. "All four of us agreed to enter the hero's life. We get shot at and face death daily. You started when you were 15. Kid Flash debuted at 14."

Aqualad frowned at Speedy. "I started my mandatory military service at age 12."

Robin's expression went slack. "You think you're so mature to distance yourself from the League, but I know you haven't graduated college yet. I was younger than ten years old when I started. You think I don't notice the looks people give me: heroes, villains, and civilians." 

Speedy seemed to regret his words for a moment. "No. I didn't mean-"

"Then what did you mean?" asked Aqualad. 

Robin continued. "They disapprove of me. They think I'm weaker than everyone else. Heroes like Wonder Woman look at me with pity at times. She might think Batman is pushing me into this life, but he's not."

"Then you should know how I'm feeling," argued the archer. "They are treating us like we're kids. It's something to keep you busy and in your place." 

"We've only been in the hero business for a few years compared to them," added Kid Flash. "Superboy and Miss M are getting started, too."

Aqualad stopped leaning against the crate. "I may have given my life for my king, but working with others on the surface world is still new." Aqualad sighed. "Considering what happened on our previous rescue mission, perhaps they were right."

Both Robin and Wally went downcast at their assisted victory. Doctor Gonzalez may not have made it out alive had they only gone with the three of them. They were lucky that Ark overheard them and joined. 

Speedy raised a brow at the change but didn't push. 

"Did it hurt that they hid a base in space from us? Yeah, a bit." Wally sighed. "But I can at least understand what they were trying to do. Do I like it? No, but they are giving us a chance to prove ourselves now."

Speedy growled. "Maybe, but I don't want any part of it." 

Robin scoffed. "I thought we were friends. But, you know what?" The Boy Wonder turned around and started walking off. "You do you, Speedy. I'm going home. Join us or don't. I don't care at this point." 

Kaldur and Kid Flash looked back at Speedy and saw him walking away. The two sighed. So much for getting the gang back together.

Smallville, Kansas

July 18, 10:3 PDT

Clark Kent stepped out of his car, inhaling Smallville's familiar air. The sun had just begun to set, casting a golden hue over the sprawling fields surrounding the Kent farm. He smiled as he saw the old house, unchanged and comforting, a beacon of stability in his ever-complicated life.

As he approached the porch, the screen door swung open, and Martha Kent stepped out, her face lighting up with a radiant smile.

"Clark! You're home!" she exclaimed, warmly wrapping her arms around him. "I wasn't expecting you today."

"I know, Mom," Clark said, returning the hug. "I wanted to surprise you and Dad."

"Well, you certainly did. Come inside. Dinner's almost ready," she said, leading him into the cozy kitchen where the aroma of a home-cooked meal filled the air.

Jonathan Kent looked up from his newspaper as Clark entered. "Clark, it's good to see you, son," he said, standing up to give his son a hearty handshake and a pat on the back.

"It's good to be home, Dad," Clark replied, sitting at the kitchen table.

Martha busied herself, setting another place at the table. "So, what's the occasion? It's not every day we get a surprise visit from our big city reporter."

Clark took a deep breath, knowing the conversation that was about to unfold would be anything but ordinary. "I have some news," he began, his tone serious but laced with a hint of excitement.

Martha and Jonathan exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued.

"I have a new family member," Clark continued, pausing to gauge their reactions.

Martha's eyes widened, and she clasped her hands together. "Clark, you mean... you had a child?" she asked, her voice trembling with surprise and joy.

Jonathan's face broke into a wide grin. "Well, why didn't you tell us sooner? This is wonderful news!"

Clark held up his hands to calm their excitement. "Not exactly," he said. "It's a bit more complicated than that. I didn't have a child. I was cloned."

The room fell silent, the words hanging in the air. Martha and Jonathan looked at each other, then back at Clark, their expressions a mix of confusion and concern.

"Cloned?" Jonathan repeated, his brow furrowing. "What do you mean, son?"

Clark nodded, trying to find the right words. "Earlier this month, I discovered that a group had somehow managed to create a clone of me. He hasn't been named yet. He's always been referred to as Superboy, to be my replacement, and he's sixteen years old."

Martha put a hand to her mouth, her eyes wide with shock. "Oh my... sixteen? Clark, this is... I don't even know what to say."

Jonathan shook his head, trying to wrap his mind around the concept. "So, this boy... he's like your twin brother, but younger?"

"Exactly," Clark said. "I've been struggling with how to think of him. He's technically me, but he's also a different person. He needs guidance, and... he needs a family. Should I consider him a younger twin brother? Or... should I think of him more like a son?"

Martha walked over to Clark, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Clark, whatever you decide, treating him with love and care is the most important thing. Whether you see him as a brother or a son, he's a part of you. He'll need your support to find his place in the world."

Jonathan nodded in agreement. "Your mom's right. It doesn't matter what title you give him. What matters is that you're there for him, helping him grow and understand who he is. And, of course, he's welcome here anytime."

Clark smiled, feeling a sense of relief and clarity wash over him. "Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad. I knew coming home would help. "

Martha pulled him into another hug. "Always, Clark. No matter what happens, this will always be your home."

Jonathan clapped him on the back. "Now, let's eat. We've got a lot to discuss, and it sounds like we've got a new family member to welcome soon."

Clark felt a weight lift off his shoulders as he joined his parents at the table, grateful for their unwavering support and wisdom. At that moment, he knew that no matter how complicated life got, he would never face it alone. Clark rubbed the back of his neck. "The League and I talked about it, and they suggested to have the Superboy settle into his new life before we start introducing him into our personal lives. It'll probably be a year or so."


On the vibrant emerald world of Oa, the heart of the Green Lantern Corps, Salaak stood in the Central Command, his four arms working in synchronized precision over various holographic screens. The glow of the data streams illuminated his stern features, reflecting his deep concentration.

Kilowog, the massive Bolovaxian drill instructor, lumbered into the command center, his heavy footsteps echoing through the chamber. "Salaak," he grumbled, his voice a deep rumble that carried a mix of concern and frustration. "You seen Ch'p lately? The little guy's been AWOL for a week. He ain't answering his calls, and he still hasn't submitted his reports."

Salaak paused, his primary eyes meeting Kilowog's. "I've noticed his absence as well," he admitted, his tone clipped and efficient. "I was just about to initiate another contact attempt."

With a swift motion, Salaak manipulated one of the holographic screens to open a communication channel to Ch'p. "Green Lantern Ch'p, respond," Salaak commanded, his voice carrying an edge of urgency. The screen flickered, static crackling ominously. They caught a brief glimpse of Ch'p's worried face before the connection abruptly dropped.

Kilowog clenched his fists, his concern evident. "That ain't good. What's going on with him?"

Salaak's secondary arms continued to navigate through the data streams. "The signal is weak, but I could pinpoint a general location before it cut out. He's in Sector 2814."

Kilowog nodded, his expression determined. "Alright, who's the nearest Lantern we can send?"

Salaak's fingers danced across the console, bringing up the status of nearby Lanterns. "Hal Jordan just completed his latest assignment and is currently on standby. He is the closest available Lantern."

"Good ol' poozer Jordan," Kilowog muttered with a hint of a smile. "He can handle it."

Salaak initiated the communication link to Hal Jordan. Within moments, Hal's image appeared on the central screen, his trademark confident smile in place. "Salaak, Kilowog, what's the mission?"

"Hal," Salaak began, his tone as direct as always, "we've lost contact with Ch'p. He's been unresponsive for a week, and our latest attempt to reach him ended in a dropped connection. His last known location is Sector 1014."

Hal's smile faded, replaced by a look of concern. "Ch'p's a tough little guy, but if he's in trouble, we must act fast. I'll head there immediately and find out what's going on."

"Be careful, Jordan," Kilowog rumbled. "Something ain't right, and we don't know what we're dealing with yet."

Hal nodded. "I'll keep you updated. Jordan out."

As Hal's image disappeared from the screen, Salaak returned to Kilowog. "I have faith in Jordan's abilities, but we should prepare for the possibility of a larger threat. These new planets had to come from somewhere."

Kilowog grunted in agreement. "We'll be ready. Ch'p's one of us. We won't let him down."

The two Green Lanterns returned to their duties, focusing on their missing comrade and the cosmic mystery.


Sector 1014

Hal Jordan soared through the inky void of space, his emerald aura casting a bright green glow around him. His ring had picked up an abnormal energy signal from a newly appeared planet in Sector 2814, and it just so happened to coincide with a distress signal from fellow Green Lantern, Ch'p.

"Ring, a status report on Ch'p's location," Hal commanded, adjusting his trajectory toward the mysterious planet now looming large ahead.

In its usual mechanical tone, the ring responded, "Green Lantern Ch'p's signal emanates from the planet's surface directly below."

Hal descended into the atmosphere, the sudden transition revealing a vibrant world covered in dense forests and sparkling rivers. The air was filled with rustling leaves and chirping birds, creating a serene, almost deceptive tranquility.

Following the signal, Hal maneuvered through the thick canopy, his eyes scanning the ground below. Finally, he spotted Ch'p, the diminutive alien squirrel Green Lantern, caught in a bizarre predicament. Ch'p was stuck in a large tree, entangled in its branches. Below him, a group of dogs—each one dressed in uniforms that oddly resembled medieval garb, barking orders up at him in a gruff, articulate manner.

Why couldn't Ch'p just fly away? Unfortunately, the ring cannot be used without sufficient willpower. If the user is overcome by fear, they cannot use the ring. In this case, a primal fear was overtaking Ch'p.

"Hang tight, Ch'p!" Hal called out, landing gracefully near the base of the tree. He turned to the barking dogs, who immediately shifted their attention to him, their eyes narrowing with suspicion and hostility.

One of the dogs, a large mastiff with a scar across his snout, stepped forward. "Who goes there?" he demanded, his deep voice resonating with authority.

"I'm Hal Jordan, Green Lantern of Sector 2814," Hal announced, raising his ring-bearing fist non-threateningly. "I'm here to help my friend."

The mastiff growled lowly but did not advance. "This squirrel is a spy!" he barked. "He was caught snooping around our territory."

Ch'p, still struggling against the branches, shouted, "I told you, I'm not a spy! I'm a Green Lantern, just like Hal!"

"We don't even know what that is!"

Hal glanced up at Ch'p and then back at the mastiff. "Look, there's been a misunderstanding. Ch'p is a member of the Green Lantern Corps. We protect the universe. We don't spy on it."

The mastiff's eyes narrowed further. "How do we know you're telling the truth?"

Hal sighed, then let his ring project a holographic image of the Green Lantern symbol in the air. The dogs murmured amongst themselves, visibly unsure but less hostile.

"Let me get my friend down from there," Hal said calmly. "And then we can talk."

The mastiff hesitated, then gave a curt nod. "Very well. But if this is a trick, there will be consequences."

Hal didn't wait for a second invitation. He flew up to the branches where Ch'p was stuck, using his ring to gently disentangle his small friend. Ch'p let out a sigh of relief as he was freed.

"Thanks, Hal. I thought I'd be stuck there forever," Ch'p said, his tail flicking nervously.

"No problem, buddy," Hal replied, guiding Ch'p back to the ground. He turned to the mastiff. "Now, can someone explain what's going on here?"

The mastiff, still cautious, lowered his head slightly. "This planet is our home, and we found your friend wandering around. We assumed the worst."

Hal nodded, understanding. He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. A planet appeared out of nowhere, talking dogs in medieval uniforms—something strange was afoot.


Hal Jordan and Ch'p walked through the dense forest, flanked by the barking, uniformed dogs who had grudgingly accepted Hal's presence. The dogs led them along a winding path that eventually opened into a sprawling, sunlit meadow. The sight that greeted them was unlike anything Hal had ever seen.

"Welcome to Corginia," the mastiff announced in his gruff voice, filled with pride and suspicion.

The meadow was filled with dogs of various breeds, all engaged in activities that seemed tailor-made for canine comfort. Near the meadow's center, a series of gleaming food and water dispensers stood. Each time a dog approached, the dispensers refilled themselves automatically, providing a constant supply of nourishment.

"Are those dispensers... automatic?" Hal asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," the mastiff replied. "They've been here since the beginning of our history. We don't know how they work, but they keep us fed and hydrated."

As they continued their journey deeper into Corginia, Hal noticed more peculiarities. Sunbeams scattered across the area seemed strategically placed, each perfectly positioned for sunbathing dogs. Several dogs lay sprawled out in the warm rays, their expressions blissful.

"Those sunbeams—they don't look natural," Ch'p commented, his keen eyes observing the precise placement.

"They're not," the mastiff confirmed. "They move throughout the day, always finding the perfect spot. We didn't question it. We just enjoy it."

Hal and Ch'p exchanged a glance, both realizing the strangeness of the situation. As they moved further, they passed a line of peculiar machines. Each one had a large, padded arm that gently rotated and moved. A happy golden retriever lay under one, receiving a thorough belly rub, its tail wagging furiously.

"Belly-rub machines?" Hal couldn't help but chuckle. "This place is something else."

The mastiff's stern expression softened slightly. "It's a paradise for us, but it's also why we were so suspicious of your friend. We didn't want anything to disrupt our home."

They finally reached the heart of Corginia, where a grand, tree-lined avenue led to a large pavilion. The pavilion was made of intricately woven branches and leaves, creating a natural yet majestic structure.

"Here is where our council meets," the mastiff explained. "We can discuss what brought you here and how we can assist each other."

Hal felt a mix of wonder and unease as they entered the pavilion. The comforts and peculiarities of Corginia were too perfect, too convenient. He knew that whatever had brought this planet here and provided these amenities had to be investigated.

In the grand pavilion of Corginia, Hal Jordan and Ch'p were ushered into the presence of the esteemed leader, King Atticus. The pavilion's interior was adorned with lush greenery and vibrant flowers, giving it an almost regal air. At the far end, atop a raised platform adorned with soft cushions and shimmering leaves, sat King Atticus, a Cardigan Welsh Corgi with an air of dignity and authority.

Beside him stood his trusted advisor, Irwin, a golden retriever with a calm and wise demeanor. Around them, a group of corgis— Cardigans and Pembrokes—sat attentively, their eyes fixed on the newcomers.

King Atticus rose to greet them, his short legs carrying him with surprising grace. "Welcome, Green Lanterns," he said, his voice both commanding and warm. "I am King Atticus, the one who united the Cardigans and Pembrokes into the kingdom of Corginia."

Hal inclined his head respectfully. "Thank you, King Atticus. I'm Hal Jordan, and this is Ch'p. We come on behalf of the Green Lantern Corps."

Hal glanced at Ch'p, who nodded in agreement. "We'll do everything we can," Hal assured them. "But first, we need to understand more about your kingdom."

King Atticus gestured for them to sit. As they did, he began to explain. "Our kingdom consists of 399 corgis—both Cardigans and Pembrokes—and Irwin, our loyal advisor."

After giving the two a brief history of their people, King Atticus led Hal Jordan and Ch'p through the winding paths of Corginia toward a secluded grove at the kingdom's edge. The grove was lush and tranquil, filled with the gentle rustling of leaves and the soft hum of nature. In the center stood an ancient, weathered temple, its stone walls entwined with vines and flowers.

"This is our temple," Atticus said, his voice reverent. "It is a sacred place for all corgis, where we seek guidance and solace."

The entrance to the temple was framed by ornate carvings depicting scenes of unity and harmony. Hal and Ch'p were greeted by the cool, serene atmosphere of the temple's interior as they stepped inside. The walls were adorned with murals of corgis in various states of worship, their expressions serene and peaceful.

At the far end of the temple stood a grand statue carved from a single piece of dark stone. The statue depicted three mask-like entities, each distinct yet harmonious in their arrangement. The first mask had soft, delicate features, radiating an aura of warmth and kindness. The second was fierce, with sharp lines and an expression of intense emotion. The third mask was neutral, its features calm and balanced, exuding an air of wisdom.

King Atticus approached the statue, with Hal and Ch'p following closely behind. "This statue represents our trinity of deities," Atticus explained. "They are the guiding forces in our lives."

He pointed to the first mask. "This is Serena, the goddess of love and compassion. She teaches us to care for one another and to nurture our bonds."

Hal nodded, his gaze shifting to the second mask. "And this fierce one?"

"That is Bellicus," Atticus replied. "The god of rage and aggression. He embodies the passion and strength we need to protect ourselves and our loved ones. While his aspect may seem harsh, he is necessary in our world."

Ch'p's eyes moved to the third mask. 

"And the last one?" asked Hal.

Atticus's expression grew thoughtful. "The last is the god of reason. This deity remains unnamed, representing the balance and wisdom that guides us. It is through reason that we find harmony between love and rage."

Hal stepped closer, examining the statue. "So, these gods represent different facets of your lives, balancing each other out."

"Exactly," Atticus affirmed. "We seek to embody their qualities daily, striving for a balance that allows us to live peacefully yet remain strong."

Ch'p looked up at the statue, his small frame dwarfed by its grandeur. 

Atticus smiled warmly. "We have united as one kingdom through our faith and understanding of these forces."

Hal raised a brow. Could these gods have anything to do with the sudden appearance of the planet, among others?


A/N: Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, vividlearner744, and Seana!

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