
Bellatrix: The Black Queen's Gambit

A young ambitious and prodigiously talented orphan girl died on her hospital bed at the tender age of thirteen. She did not get to make anything of herself before she died, but when she awoke, she was a baby. Named Bellatrix Black. It only took seconds for her to know what happened, and then the burst of accidental magic confirmed where and what she was. So how will she live life now, where she feels magic swim in the air, at the touch of her fingertips? With all her ambition and drive and talent, what will she make of herself? And this too in an era where war is on the horizon? And how will living amongst the Blacks show her the meaning of family? Follow the legend of the Black Queen, from her first gambit until she conquers the board and beyond. ---- Warning: Yuri, No harem. Cover art not mine.

Eipi · Derivados de obras
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6 Chs


A few minutes earlier.

Siri crept up slowly behind Cissy who was comfortably curled up with a book on the couch. Reg eyed him from the corner on his own seat, not saying a word, but still anticipating some mischief, as toddlers do.

Once he was crouched behind his cousin, and making sure that she didn't notice him, he brought both of his hands up, and quicker than lightning, rubbed them on Cissy's pristinely combed hair in an effort to royally mess it up.

Before he could react, an elbow rammed in his face, knocking him backwards, and giving him a slightly bloody nose.

"Ow ow ow… Cissy! Did you need to hit so hard?" Sirius said as he held his nose, beating a quick retreat around the coffee table in an attempt to make distance between him and his frightening cousin.

"You… Messed my hair…" Narcissa said slowly, and in slight disbelief that her cousin would go so far.

She glared at him even as she ran through her hair with her fingers in an attempt to manage the horrific (not really, it was still salvageable) damage Siri inflicted.

"Come on Cissy, It was a joke, a joke, no need to be all uppity about it," Siri said, raising his hands in a placating gesture.

"I'll kill you Siri," Narcissa responded icily.

"Yea! Cissy, kill 'em!" Regulus' adorable voice added.

"Reg? B-but… how could you want her to kill me? Don't you love me anymore?"

"Deserve it!" Came the response.

"Ah!" Siri's voice came with mock pain.

Narcissa Black secretly enjoyed her cousin Sirius' antics. He would find new ways to annoy (entertain) her, and she would proclaim threats of death with her natural cold and ruthless demeanor like it was a usual Sunday. And then there was adorable Reg. She did not know why she felt the need to appear dignified to the rest of her family outside of her mother, but Reg made it so hard sometimes to simply not just let her face fall and coo at the adorable creature.

So when they were bantering as usual, and felt something, only to look into the brightest and - were they glowing? - violet eyes looking at them all with what Narcissa could only describe as a guarded curiosity, she felt her breath hitch.

"Siri." Narcissa stated when her eyes met Bellatrix's violet ones, "They're here."

And she knew, without any doubt at all, that this was the sister she had never had the chance to love for the past four years.

The thought did not dwell within her for a moment longer before she heard her grandfather's voice.

"Children, This is Bellatrix, your sister. You probably know something about her, but I felt she was ready to meet her family."

Bellatrix reverted to reflex and polite distance with a formal curtsy, "Pleasure to meet you all."

Narcissa stood up and walked slowly, her shoes clicking against the marble, her eyes still lingering on the glow of violet in her sister's eyes. She stuck her hand out, and tried as warmly as possible, "I'm Narcissa, your sister," She began, trying to keep the nervousness hidden within herself.

Would her sister like her? What if she didn't? How was she going to bond with her? What if… What if…

Warmth flooded her palm before those thoughts could linger any further as she realized that a small hand was in her own.

Not only that, but as her eyes never strayed from Bella's, Narcissa also realized that her own insecurities were reflected back in those violets. It never occurred to her that Bella might be feeling the same way as herself.

'Come on Narcissa, you're the big sister,' she thought to herself, and before she had a chance to second-guess herself, she enveloped her sister in a soft, warm hug.

Bellatrix paused briefly upon the gesture, but slowly brought her arms up and around the older girl.

And slowly, she felt her anxiety wash away, and a foreign, yet welcome feeling replaced it.

Bella could never remember being hugged before. At least not with such care and warmth.

"This is nice…" She whispered, but as her head was leaning against her chest, Narcissa heard it and responded with an unseen soft smile of her own.


They broke apart, and Bellatrix gave Narcissa a wide happy smile.

And there was only one thought Narcissa had upon seeing her sister smile for the first time.


She quickly snapped out of it as she could practically feel the agitation behind her. She rolled her eyes, and let her troublesome cousin introduce himself.

"I'm Sirius, you can call me Siri," He smiled and shook her hand in the most un-pureblood fashion imaginable.

"Reg is Reg!" the youngest said as he walked slightly unsteadily over to her. 

Bellatrix smiled at them both as she picked up Regulus and looked over her new family. It was still tough for her to associate herself with the Blacks as family due to her lack of experience with such a thing, but she would make an effort.

It was her life now, after all.

Arcturus cleared his throat once all the introductions were over with, and caught the attention of the four children.

"You'll be staying here for the most part, the tutors will come and start your classes from next week. For now, you can play around. Meals will be served three times a day, and you can call for Kreacher if you need anything. Any questions?"

Sirius immediately jumped at that, "Grandpa, I saw a Quidditch pitch outside. Does that mean we have brooms and get to fly too?"

Arcturus slowly nodded, "Yes, if you're interested in it, I can call a flying instructor to supervise. If there's any other activity you find you have an interest in, just call Kreacher, and he'll let me know."

Bellatrix didn't think Sirius' smile could get any wider.

Arcturus stayed for a few minutes, giving general advice about how they should spend their time at the castle before he looked over them all and left via portkey.

Once he left, Bellatrix felt Narcissa take her hand to show her around the castle.

"Bella, this place is really fun and interesting!" The older girl started as she walked out of the lounge, "There are lots of secret passageways and funny portraits too."

Bellatrix smiled as she allowed her to be taken along, "Funny portraits? What about the library, is it big?"

At the seemingly innocuous question, Narcissa's eyes widened in surprise and jubilation, "You like reading too?"

"Mhmm… I do. Do you? What do you like to read?" Bellatrix asked. 

Narcissa smiled slightly and replied, "Anything, really. I like to read novels and I'm interested in learning about Ancient Runes…" 

"Oh? What type of novels do you like to read?" Bellatrix asked, keen to know more about her new sister.

Narcissa said shyly, "Actually I've been reading Lord of The Rings, and it got me interested in Runes…"

Bellatrix paused at that as her eyes widened, "Is Tolkien a wizard? Do we have muggle books here?"

"N-no, actually I don't know, but it's just the mystery of it? Isn't it quite magical?" Narcissa said, then realized something as her eyes widened "Wait, you've read it too?" She asked with slight agitation.

"Mhmm…" Bellatrix nodded, then added, "I might have… asked the elves to bring me a copy…"

She remembered that day quite well. She wanted to know if there were many differences in the timeline and history of this world and her previous one. To her surprise, as far as she could tell, everything was identical.

And then she realized she could get first editions of the Lord Of The Rings books, and decided to re-read them too in her spare time as she absently practiced her magic.

She never thought her new pretty sister would enjoy those books either.

Narcissa stopped and looked at her sister again, this time unable to suppress her excitement, "That's amazing Bella, what do you think about Boromir? Or Tom Bombadil? Do you think those elves are anything like how the High Elves were? What kind of enchantment do you think is on that ring?" she said in rapid succession, feeling like she had someone with similar interests as her. Andi was never much interested in reading novels, and the less said about Siri and his interests, the better.

Bellatrix was unsure how to respond to Narcissa's enthusiasm. She never thought that her initial stoicism would melt in a matter of minutes, and beneath all of it was such a passionate girl.

They continued walking as they chatted about their interests and what they liked. From books to games to food. They slowly became a lot more comfortable with each other, and didn't even realize they had left Sirius a long while back.

"Chamomile is nice, it goes well with lemon cakes,"

"Mitsy brings me that sometimes, but I like having sandwiches too, and they're better with Earl Gray,"

Soon, their initial quest to look around was completely forgotten and they ended up in Narcissa's room, with her showing her possessions and Bella asking about them and telling Narcissa about some things about her time in the manor.

The two girls ended up talking late into the night and both ended up so tired, they simply slept together, still in their dresses.

5th March 1965, Morning

Black curls mixed slightly with straight silver blond as two small figures stirred.

Bellatrix opened her eyes blearily, noticing how comfortable and warm she was feeling. When she regained focus and felt an arm tugging her closer, she was face to face with Narcissa.

Confused violet eyes met confused steel gray ones. The confusion gave way to recognition, then turned to embarrassment.

"Oh… I'm sorry…" Bellatrix whispered, blushing slightly. How did she fall asleep without even going to her room? Was Narcissa annoyed that she took up her space?

"Sorry for what? You're very comfy," Narcissa smiled, seeing through her sister's discomfort.

Bellatrix didn't know how to respond. The experience was new. She never had anyone she could have a sleepover with. Nor did she ever think she would ever experience it. Or ever think that the experience would be… nice.

For all that she may have been what people referred to as a prodigy in both lives, Bellatrix was unaware of how emotionally stunted she was, nor how starved for affection she was, nor how difficult it was for her to identify her own emotions.

It was true that she was cold towards most people, perhaps even borderline sociopathic, though she had no real opportunity to explore her personality. She had died before it had even had a chance to form, after all.

But she didn't think she would ever behave the same way with anyone else. Even though she and her sister had only known each other for a day, it felt like so much longer. Even as she was in her previous life, she felt like she would have enjoyed spending time with Narcissa had she known her then. Maybe even… as friends?

They were sisters, Bellatrix thought, whatever that meant, but were they friends? She didn't know.

"Narcissa?" Bellatrix asked, still within the warm cuddle.

"Cissy," Narcissa responded, "Call me Cissy, Bella. We're sisters you know, and…" Narcissa lingered for a moment as a red tint spread across her face, "We're best friends too…" And then in an even smaller voice belaying her shyness and uncertainty, "Right?"

Bellatrix didn't know why her eyes had become glassy, or why her nose felt sour, or why a drop trailed down over her cheek.

Nor why she gave Cissy a wobbly smile.

"Right. Best friends," Bellatrix said as she wrapped an arm around Cissy and pulled her closer.


Bella and Cissy: holding hands and walking away.

Siri: G-guys...? What about me?

Reg: Snickering Deserve it!

Siri: Nobody loves me Sniff

Reg: Reg loves Siri Hugs

Siri: Skeptical Sigh Love you too Reg


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