
Bellatrix: The Black Queen's Gambit

A young ambitious and prodigiously talented orphan girl died on her hospital bed at the tender age of thirteen. She did not get to make anything of herself before she died, but when she awoke, she was a baby. Named Bellatrix Black. It only took seconds for her to know what happened, and then the burst of accidental magic confirmed where and what she was. So how will she live life now, where she feels magic swim in the air, at the touch of her fingertips? With all her ambition and drive and talent, what will she make of herself? And this too in an era where war is on the horizon? And how will living amongst the Blacks show her the meaning of family? Follow the legend of the Black Queen, from her first gambit until she conquers the board and beyond. ---- Warning: Yuri, No harem. Cover art not mine.

Eipi · Derivados de obras
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6 Chs


4th March 1965, Evening

A harsh rain battered against the windows of the manor. The gray clouds darkened the sky, and what little light remained were obscured by thick curtains.

A small child lay down on a large, ornate four poster bed in a large bedroom with her eyes closed, black curls sprawled across the white bedsheets.

For any observer, it would seem she was asleep, however, that was far from the case.

Bellatrix had reconstructed her mindscape into something far more complex than the previous year. While maintaining the theme of utilising the platonic solids and arithmatically sound runic arrays, she added a core to the centre that pulsed rhythmically, much like a heartbeat.

It had only been a week since she had completed this marvel of magic, and even she was not completely sure how she managed it. She was simply aiming for mathematical and topological perfection, and somehow, she had created this 'heart'. It was almost like magic itself was… satisfied with her efforts and added to the creation voluntarily as a reward.

The 'heart' currently disbursing magic throughout her body before returning that magic back to her mindscape, refining both her body and mind at the same time. She was currently reveling in the feeling of her magic pulsing through herself constantly, letting out sighs of contentment.

Her thoughts became sharper with each revolution, her movements more precise, and her control of magic…

She waved her hand and an ornate gold-trimmed quill manifested itself from nothing.

'Wandless conjuration…'

Needless to say, she was pleased, and was taking a rare moment to simply enjoy the euphoria that accompanied her achievement.

"Thank you, Magic," she said almost instinctively, and she could have sworn she felt the air around her thrumming with the acknowledgement of her thanks.

That was when she realised that perhaps magic was a sentient entity in some way.

She let a smile adorn her lips as that thought passed through her.

She closed her eyes once more, thinking about her time on this island. And yes, she realized that in fact, it was only herself and the two elves on this island. Once she pried herself away from the bad habits from her previous life and realised she was actually fully mobile and healthy, it clicked for her that she could actually go outside on her own.

So, she had taken to practicing her wandless magic as she took walks about the perimeter of the island in order to appreciate the fresh air and scenery and also to maintain her health. There was no way she would ever accept being an invalid ever again.

The sensation of sand giving way beneath her bare feet, the calm warm ocean waves caressing her toes, the wind barely a whisper that played with her curls, and the Magic that sung to her in a way she could simply not describe.

She had never been more happy, more content than she was at those times.

Bellatrix enjoyed those walks immensely, especially with the temperate climate all year round which suggested she was rather far away from Britain. She wondered whether all Black children would grow up the same way. She was genuinely appreciating the freedom she was offered here, and almost did not want to leave.

She would make a note to sincerely thank whoever's idea it was to let her grow up here.

With that thought, she heard a pop, and without opening her eyes, she called, "What is it, Tizzy?"

She could feel the Elf's magic swirling around her a little anxiously.

"Lord Black will come to visit the young Missy soon," The elf said carefully.

Bellatrix's eyes shot open. She hadn't had a visitor since her mother when she was barely a few months old.

"Did you say anything about me?" She asked curiously.

"Only that the young missy was excellent," Tizzy said with a fond smile, and Bellatrix felt her own lips curling up at the admission. She had really grown to love the two House Elves and they had in turn grown fonder of her. It was a strange and unique feeling for her, but definitely not an unwelcome one.

"Thanks Tizzy," she said before getting up and dressing appropriately. She knew very little about the Black Lord, but she guessed that propriety was something he would probably appreciate.

"Mitsy!" She called, and the other Elf appeared with a pop, dressed immaculately as always.

"Yes, young Missy?" Mitsy asked.

"Is the Manor clean? Could you prepare some tea for our incoming guest?" Bellatrix asked, knowing her former question would offend the little elf.

Mitsy's mouth opened in mock horror, "Is the Manor clean? Is the Manor clean? Young Missy, Mitsy is a good elf! The Manor is always clean!" She spoke with her chest puffed out.

Bellatrix giggled, "Yes, I know. Mitsy is the bestest elf. You and Tizzy. Well, get ready for meeting Lord Black."

"Yes Missy!" She exclaimed, disappearing with a pop.

After ensuring her appearance was as perfect as it could be (and Bellatrix knew she was a good-looking child), she awaited her visitor at the large front gates of the manor, her two well-dressed house elves flanking beside her only a pace behind.

It was only a minute before the tell-tale swirl of an emergent portkey appearance manifested from directly in front of her.

She waited until the travel was complete, and for the well-dressed powerful-looking man to emerge. He was possessed of shoulder length black hair, steel grey eyes, a well-groomed stubble and wore a pristine white dress shirt beneath an aristocratic jacket and thin silken wizarding robes.

In all, Bellatrix mused, the man seemed the picture-perfect pureblood Lord and rather handsome. If her fermi estimate was anything to go by, the wizard was in his mid-fifties.

Bellatrix's lips curled slightly as she gave a small curtsy, "Lord Black, an honor to finally meet you. Would you like to come in? Mitsy has prepared tea."

Moments earlier.

Arcturus Black ordered Kreacher to settle Sirius and Regulus into the rather magnificent castle on an island just off the British shores wherein the Black children were traditionally educated. It was aptly named Roots Castle for its emphasis on nurturing the Black children as well as possible. Arcturus fondly recalled his time being taught here alongside his sisters Dorea and Cassiopea and brother Pollux. 

That was before the Grindelwald war had torn apart their family. He frowned at the thought. His finger twitched towards his wand whenever he recalled how badly he wanted to curse Dumbledore whenever he thought of the Grindelwald years.

 Narcissa had already settled in the previous day, and now there was only one child to collect remaining. He was slightly anxious for his last visit as much as he was interested based on the unconventional way the House Elves behaved.

He activated the Portkey that would transport him to a well-warded island in the southeastern region of the mediterranean sea.

As soon as he arrived, a small girl with dark hair and striking violet eyes wearing a formal dress greeted him like any pureblood lady would. Her elves also bowed slightly, and in his momentary stupor upon seeing the scene, he agreed to the invitation for tea, just as he would with any political ally.

He soon jolted himself out of his state when he sat down on the table where a tasteful spread awaited him. Thin slices of cake, and the aroma of freshly baked biscuits mixed wonderfully with that of fine tea.

He carefully observed the girl - Bellatrix, his granddaughter, he reminded himself - and saw that she was paying him just as much attention.

Her eyes glowed with magic as she observed him, perhaps seeing something, as she nodded to herself in satisfaction before she picked up her teacup and took a sip.

She was seemingly content to wait for him to begin speaking.

'How old was she again? 4 years old…? What on earth?' Arcturus thought to himself as he observed the two elves who were observing them, pride evident in their eyes as they looked upon their ward. Arcturus was even more interested in getting his answers about this clearly abnormal situation.

After a few minutes enjoying the spread, he cleared his throat. Bellatrix responded by lowering her utensils on the plate, padding the kerchief on her lips, and gave him her full attention.

"How have you been Bellatrix?" Lord Black asked.

A beautiful, genuine smile graced the girl's lips, and she truly seemed her age at that moment.

"Wonderfully, Lord Black. I cannot begin to express my gratitude to whoever thought to place me here," Bellatrix began.

Arcturus raised his eyebrows, even as he was taken aback by the child's comportment.


"I've had freedoms that I imagine not many children are allowed under the care of their parents. It's allowed me to grow more than I otherwise would have."

"Freedoms?" Arcturus questioned, wondering what in Morgana's name a four-year-old would be able to accomplish on their own on a remote Island.

"Well, you see," Bellatrix stretched an open palm out, and a slight whistling could be heard before a thick book appeared in her hand, "The Black Family really has an incredible Library."

Arcturus froze.

'Wandless… summoning? At that age?" His gaze alternated between the book and the girl. He took a closer look at the book's title and his eyes widened even further.

'The Mind Arts of the Blacks?'

"How did you -"

"Ah, House Elves are wonderful companions," She turned towards Mitsy and gave her a fond smile which was reciprocated by the elf.

Arcturus sipped his tea, his mind reeling at the new revelations, needing a moment to calm himself.

"And when did you learn to read?" He asked, looking at Bellatrix as if she was a marvel of magic. 

"Tizzy?" Bellatrix asked.

"Yes, Lord Black, Missy wanted to learn so Tizzy taught the young Missy. It took her a week when she was two years old," the elf said.

"And then what did you do?" Arcturus asked, having a pretty good idea.

"Well, it was not quite so straightforward. You see, I was unaware of many things, so I asked Mitsy if we had any books. She mentioned the family library and that she had access to it. I didn't want to get in trouble so I asked her to bring me books of my choosing, and she would copy them and bring them over to me. Of course, I began with the mind arts…" She levitated the bowl of sugar cubes as she spoke, and allowed one to drop into her tea before guiding her magic to set the bowl down with a soft clink.

"Tizzy told me what the Black children learn, and I wanted to impress, so I mostly practiced Occlumency. Legillimency was a little tougher as I did not have anyone to practice on, and I didn't want to hurt the elves," Bellatrix gazed out the window in thought, "It is a project I'll have to complete another time, I suppose."

As she finished speaking, she refilled her teacup by maneuvering the ornate kettle wandlessley, and glanced into Arcturus' eyes, her violet eyes glowing once more.

"I must say, Lord Black, your magic is incredible. The only adults I've seen were mother and father, and they do not compare. Are all Lords of Noble Families as impressive, or is it just you?"

Her question did not receive an immediate response, but Bellatrix seemed content to wait, bringing a slice of cake towards her plate, and smiling to herself at the sweetness.

"Grandpa," Arcturus said after a minute of silence.

"I'm sorry?"

"Lord Black seems so distant. You are my granddaughter, you do realise?" Arcturus quirked his brow.

"Oh…" Bellatrix's eyes showed momentary confusion, as if the very concept tasted foreign to her. It took a moment before she nodded.

"Grandpa then," she said with an amused quirk of her lip.

"And yes, it is unlikely the other Lords have anything close to my magical capability. The only other one would be Charlus."

"Potter?" She asked with a head tilt.

"You've read about the Noble families?" Arcturus asked, inwardly impressed at the accomplishment of the girl who sat in front of him. If his Family Ring had not assured him that this was indeed his granddaughter and that she was not being possessed by anything, he would question whether it was actually possible.

He had heard of prodigies of the muggle world who were just as precocious, so perhaps it was not completely absurd. It was simply his first time seeing such a prodigy. That said prodigy was also his granddaughter filled him with relief. Maybe magic was blessing him after giving him two disappointing sons.

Bellatrix nodded, "Not so far back, but I've read whatever was available on the sacred twenty-eight."

Arcturus nodded with a hum, "Yes, Potter. We both participated in the Grindelwald wars."

Bellatrix's eyebrows shot up at that admission, "Interesting. Did you ever meet the man on the battlefield? How powerful was he?" Her violet eyes glowed bright with Magic, and this time, Arcturus recognised the emotions in her eyes.

Ambition. Pure, unadulterated ambition.

His lips twitched at the thought. Would there be a rising Dark Lady in the near future?

He chuckled. It mattered not, so long as she cherished her family.

"He was… Perhaps I will share a memory of the man on the battlefield with you at some point. However, that's not why I am here. It may seem redundant, but I wish to bring you to Root's Castle to learn alongside your sister and cousins."

"Root's Castle…?" Bellatrix looked into the distance through the dining room window, at the shore as its waves caressed the shore.

She looked up at him hesitantly, "Do you think… I can get along with them?"

Arcturus smiled warmly. She seemed so mature, he had forgotten he was still speaking with a child. 

An absolute monstrous child, but a child nonetheless.

"Yes, if you give them a chance. I might be biased as your grandfather, but the new generation of Blacks are far more promising than the old."

She gave a slow nod.

"Will I still get to read whatever I want?"

Arcturus nodded, "So long as you have an elf with you before attempting something dangerous. The Family Magic guides them so you need not worry about harming yourself."

She smiled blindingly at that, the prospect of meeting her siblings a lot more comfitting.

"Thank you grandpa, for everything," She looked into his eyes with genuine warmth and adoration.

Arcturus was fortunate that he had such strong Occlumency shields. If not, he felt he would have made a fool of himself. Bellatrix was everything he wished for and more. He was relieved and proud, and more than a little anticipatory towards the future.

But most of all, he was happy. Bellatrix was an adorable child. He hadn't met the girl before this moment, but it was exactly like reconnecting with kin.

He could never have expected how positive his decision had been back then, but he felt grateful that he had.

"Come now," He said warmly as he stood. She nodded, stood and then approached his side. He reached his hand out towards her which she took hold of with a small hand.

"Tizzy, vanish the books, will you?" Bellatrix called out.

"Yes Missy" was the response.

Arcturus nodded, held out a pendant, gesturing for her to hold on.

The portkey activated, and they disappeared in a swirl of distorted space