
At One Table

Alone in the writer's office, David suddenly felt strangely sad. He couldn't say why, but that's how he felt. His body was beginning to cool down, his mind was gaining the ability to think. So he knew that something about what they had just done was definitely wrong. However, he could not say what.

It was true that he had just had a very pleasant time thanks to Meiden, but he had a feeling that something was not quite right. Gustav was caressing him, playing with his penis, bringing him to a boiling point, but he was not experiencing fulfillment himself. This is probably not how it should be.

How is it then with Gustav? Shouldn't he be standing up to him and then also expect fulfillment? I guess that would be the case if he were gay. Or maybe he's not gay, and is doing all this just to have inspiration for his books, to observe how men react to fondling?

No, it's impossible for him to be that calculating.