
Being The Black Cat's White Kitten

"Kitten? What is it that you like to do the most when you are with me?" his cat-green eyes twinkled as he asked me conversationally. "just being your kitten! being the black cat's white kitten!" i blurted out, mesmerized by his hypnotic eyes. He froze. WAIT! HOLD THE FUCK UP! I did NOT just say that! .............................................. A story about Sam Lane and Jan Tykes. A story about Mr. best-at everything/ School badboy/ player and Ms. popular-strong-girl/the only one to rival him. A story about inner animals, detective and fluff! A story about two teenagers discovering each other. A story about love, trust, friendship and siblings. A story about the black cat, the white kitten. Read to find out! :)

Kupkake_gurl · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

Personal heaven

"... I am glad that its YOU who came!"

I blinked. Wait? Is he serious? There was NO way anyone in their right minds would like ME to come and stay! "You... you are kidding right?" I stuttered under his strong gaze. "I never lie, kitten!" he laughed at my incoherence, "now, I think you would rather like to enter than spend any more time in the corridor! Isn't it correct?" "yeah! Sure sure!" I replied hastily.

"after you m'lady!" he mock bowed. I rolled my eyes at him and stepped into the threshold.




I gasped.

"like it?" sam muttered. "its... its..." I began. "don't you dare say 'beautiful'!" shelly warned, "c'mon, rack your brains, I know you got an A+ in the last English test!" "I was about to say 'enchanting'!" I laughed.

I wasn't exaggerating. It really WAS enchanting. The first view could get you charmed. From where I was standing all I could see was a three seater sofa, with two single sofas surrounding a pretty little tea table. There was also two black bean bags on either sides of the three seater sofa. All of them were facing a sleek giant wall TV, which again was adorned with cute shelves (containing various DVDs as I could see), flower vases and photos of the trio.

Beyond the sofa was apparently the dining area, with a six seater dining table, decorated with a simple yet beautiful potted plant kept above its cover. I could see a passage starting from just a bit behind it, the passage could not be seen since it bent left. The kitchen came after it.

What impressed me was how simple everything was. It wouldn't seem to be a billionaire's lair AT ALL. Another thing which caught my attention was the perfect colour coordination of each and every ornament and article in kept there. The wallpapers were dark but the light colours of the sofas balanced it out, the dining table seemed simple with a wooden and glass top, so a pretty plant paired it up. Everything in the room was organized, neat and charming. It was love at first sight.

"don't swoon, I made them put in some effort, or else this generally looks like a battleground!" Shelly cut of my first mental date with the house. Kam emerged from a door just on the other side of the TV, between the sofa and the dining area, "your room is ready!" he announced, immediately I was grabbed by a VERY excited female who dragged me with enough force to make me flail behind her. The moment I entered the other side of the house I gasped again.

It was the smaller version of the male's side.It had the same 3 seater sofa, except that there was a bean bag and a couch instead of the other two single sofas. There was a T.V, different shelves and photos, and almost the same accessories as there had been in the larger room, on the wall common dividing the halves. The seats faced the TV obviously. There were 4 doors, 2 behind the sofas and two on the adjacent walls. it was apparent that one of them was the bathroom, and I guessed that it was one of the doors behind the sofa.

"are you seriously shitting me?!" was the first thing I exclaimed when I entered my room. It was big, with French windows on either walls adjacent to the door side one, a double bed in the corner, a study beside it, big wardrobe and shelves, a dressing mirror, an A.C. like in other rooms and a small table with a drawer attached to it as accessories. THESE THINGS WERE FREAKING SUPPOSED TO BE BROUGHT BY ME AND NOT THEM!!

But before I could discipline an evilly smirking shelly I noticed something else, "the whole room is in the colour combination of black, deep blue and gray!" I gasped. The wallpaper was deep Prussian blue, the bed had black and gold design, the curtains had a horizontal zigzag pattern of the three colours and the other articles were silver with occasional black and dark blue shades

"blame it on sam if you don't like it!" shelly pointed behind her. "you can always change it y'know?" said the black haired boy as he entered the next second with my suitcase. "well I'll be damned if someone dare change it! How did you know that they are my favourite colours?" I asked as I hurried to relieve him of the luggage. "I... didn't! it was just a guess! You wore those three colours on the first three days, so I thought that you were comfortable in them! Everyone likes to be in their element in the first few days before they change according to their new surroundings, so..." he trailed off.

I smiled, "get some rest sam! You seriously look like those in the "walking dead" series!" of course he didn't look like them, he looked dang hot, but still, even a toddler could see that he was tired. "but, I need to help you..." "...with nothing" I finished firmly for him, "I always like to sit and stare, so it will be ages since I can get out of this room after arranging things! Go get some rest! I'll wake you up if you need anything!" I assured. He looked at me for a second and then sighed, "fine! As you wish kitten!"

"whoa! You just practically did the unthinkable! You just made sam lane follow orders! Especially to go and sleep! What are you? The hulk or something?" shelly looked surprised. I turned to her, "and you miss, are gonna tell me why in the name of those green stripes on your yellow shirt did you buy those things for me!" I glared at her.

She gulped, "you are scary jan! but really, mom instructed us to do this! I swear!" she said sheepishly. "fine!" I huffed, "I'll just have to find a way to pay you back now!" I shrugged. "don't start that again!" she groaned.


Just like I had thought, it took me solid four hours to unpack and arrange all my stuff, freshen up and finish drooling over my lovely room. I wasn't a clean freak, but it didn't hurt to organize things at least on the first day. I got up at last, now changed into an oversized t-shirt and some shorts, and opened the door only to almost face plant into kam. "jan! we are SO sorry, but shells and I need to go and submit our chemistry projects! We will be back in an hour! Then we can have lunch together!" he looked really down as he promised.

"stupid freaking baldie, won't even leave us on Sundays!" shelly growled as she came out of her room with a lot of papers, "oh hey jan! shit! I can't believe I gotta leave my best friend for a toad like dick head! And I had been SO looking forward to show you around!" she cursed angrily. "it's okay!" I assured the duo, seriously it WAS okay.

"you know what? You can look around until we come back! Then we can have some fun!" shelly smiled. Now I am, by nature a curious bitch, even though I know I should have declined the offer to look into their rooms to be polite, I said, "are you sure?" "positive!" kam grinned back. "very well! I'll try and hunt down as many treasures I can!" I winked evilly.

I entered shelly's room first. It was just like mine except that it had brighter shades and was decorated with some of her paintings. "wow!" I breathed, awestruck. It was my first time seeing her work and really my jaws refused to snap shut. There were just five of them, i am guessing that those were her masterpieces. One had a flamingo, pink and attractive soaring in the vast blue sky, you would immediately breathe in and feel free while looking at it fly through the clouds. The next one featured a scene of the countryside, again a refreshing piece of art. The last three were the ones which caught my attention, guess what they had?

They were portraits of sam, kam and herself. What amazed me was how detailed and precise they were. They resembled the real faces PERFECTLY! Something even more breathtaking was the way she blended her imagination and aesthetic sense in them, she had FRIGGING shadowed the faces with their respective animals. Even a novice could realise WHY sam was the black cat, kam the wolf and shelly the fox from the paintings, and believe me, I had never seen something feel so COMPLETE before. She had made the animals a part of themselves and it was fucking BEAUTIFUL!!

When I finally tore my gaze from the paintings after practically drowning the room with my drooling, I looked around the whole room, like I said earlier it was just like mine except she had brighter wallpapers and accessories. I also noticed her song albums collection, neatly stacked in a small shelf, featuring sam's attractive calligraphy.

I didn't linger there more and came out closing the door quietly behind me. I crossed the space of the smaller living room only stopping to smile at the photos of the trio which adorned the TV, before entering the main half of the house. Even though the A.C. was blasting, there was plenty of sunshine and space, you could take a lungful of air and feel energized. It also overlooked pretty sceneries, the city in my case and the nature behind our apartment in shelly's.

I was about to dash into the large room when I noticed sam sleeping on the sofa. "pfft!" I controlled my laughter as I watched him sleep. I slowly tiptoed upto him, hoping he wouldn't wake up and sat on the edge of the three seater sofa he was lying on. His hair was a mess and tangled bangs fell on his face, obscuring his eyes partially. His lips were parted slightly and his breathing was slow and deep.

I smiled, he looked so peaceful that I could stare at him for all eternity and never get tired. I reached hesitantly to his hair and stroked the dark strands, "wow! They are so soft and silky!" I marvelled internally as I got up, glad that he hadn't woken up. I took exactly two steps when something tugged my wrist. "you don't eye fuck someone who is sleeping, do you?" I heard the smooth, velvet voice. Oops!

I turned around to see him smirking slightly as he cracked an eye open to look at me. "I am sorry! I woke you up!" I mumbled, feeling guilty. He let go of my hand and sat up, "no worries!" he replied and glumly looked at the clock and then his eyes went wide, "4 hrs? 4 damn hours?! I AM LATE!!" He sprang up.

"for what?" I hurried behind him. He entered the kitchen, "to feed those bottomless pits!" he threw me a side grin as he ran a hand through his hair. "you can cook too?!" shit! What else could he do?! His eyes brimmed with amusement as he set off to work, "I might be the guest here, but trust me I AM the one who does all the work! Why! Those two idiots won't even lift a finger until they are given some ass whupping!"

"so what was shelly talking about this morning when she said that she had to make you both clean up?" I asked. "well! We don't usually do that everyday, even when its time I have to goad them both, but shelly wanted to present a good image to you and we wanted to present you with the real picture! She MADE us clean, like for the first time in eternity!" he shook his head.

"white sauce in pasta?" he asked. "huh? Oh sure! Sure! thanks" I answered. "say, weren't you supposed to be checking rooms?" he turned to me. "I am doing that! I am checking the kitchen!" I grinned as I climbed onto one corner of the granite slab. "really? Then start by checking if there is any chocolate ice cream left in the fridge or not! I am hungry!" he whined. I laughed at his childishness, "you LOVE chocolate, don't you?" "chocolates are life!" he affirmed. "finally! someone who thinks alike!... YUM!" I added as I opened the tub.

Sam scooped up some for both of us and we talked over ice cream as he covered the pasta and leaned against the window behind him, while I swung my legs to and fro sitting on the slab. "you know? You are surprisingly easy to converse with, once you are not being perverted and arrogant!" I remarked. "gee thanks!" he replied sarcastically, "but that's something I have always heard! I don't usually like to be free and frank with anyone unless I trust them! If not, they'll drown in the sea of endless cockiness and perverse comments!" "you are such a pain in the ass sometimes! When you are being difficult its so hard to talk to you without getting mad! Its like going round and round and round until either gives up and WHICH is usually NOT you!" I face palmed.

"my point exactly! No one can control me when I am on full 'playboy' mode! And to think HOW some people actually LIKE that!" he looked exasperated. "you talk as if that's not you! Its like you are talking of a whole different person!" I frowned. "of course they are whole different persons! They are two totally opposite and bipolar parts of me!" sam shrugged. "which one do you like most?" "the cocky cat part!" he flashed me a feline smirk and I sighed, " you are incorrigible!" "I know right!"he grinned.


I entered kam's room. Typical teenaged boys room except that it wasn't all that messy. I stole a few glances around the simple room which gave off the 'cool' vibes with the brown wallpaper and matching things kept there. It kinda matched with his 'happy-go-lucky' attitude just like shelly's room matched her bright personality.

I strode purposefully to his wardrobe and threw it open. 'what are you doing?" a bewildered sam appeared out of nowhere. "stealing!" I laughed evilly. "stealing what? Boxers? Even shelly doesn't do that, given how weird she is!" his voice was amused. "oh! Do me a favour and shut up! I am gonna steal hoodies and shirts!" I said in a i-am-a-very-dark-girl kind of way. But really, I was a sucker for boys' hoodies and shirts.

"nah! Not mah type!" I closed the wardrobe, disappointed, "he really looks good in all that he wears, but they don't suit me!" I shook my head. I could feel sam's silent laughter behind me. "sam? Why doesn't he have trophies and all? Isn't he a tremendous player?" I asked the question I had realised earlier. "he doesn't like showing off! He might be the captain but that doesn't mean he gotta take all the credit, so he gives them away to his teammates!" he answered.

"kam is so AWESOME!" I gushed. "he is, isn't he? He deserves the world, but...fuck, I'm NOT gonna think of that again! It only pisses me off more!" he broke off, but his posture was tense. I didn't want to tick him off any further so I hurried out the room pushing him out too in the process.

"its your turn now!" I grinned. "sure!" he shrugged. "wait, let me guess you room before I enter, because I noticed that everyone's room is like their character!" I stopped him. He tilted his head in response... cute! Shut up!

"okay... your room will be VERY dangerous... full of torture items you use on girls while you are with them in the night... and everything will be mysterious like you are... it will be creepy and... I can almost hear the screams of those poor females..." I shook my head to clear out the haunting images starting to fill my head.

"suuuuuureeee!" his voice drawled, only adding to the effect, "and there is blood splattered everywhere...the room reeks of stench of dead bodies of girls I have used before...and when you enter bats fly right into you... there are those haunting noises they use in the movies and you feel that there's someone behind you and..." "STOP STOP! Now you are scaring me!" I cut him off. He sure had a way of messing with my brain. "good!" he said sarcastically and opened the door.




I blinked.

"heard any screams yet?" he was still sarcastic. I walked into he room as if pulled by a magnet. "its... its BEAUTIFUL!" I whispered. It was totally what i had NOT expected!

It was dark themed of course. The wallpaper was black along with the curtains and bed sheet and shelves and wardrobes. Even the carpet was darkest shade of gray. The only thing was that, whatever was black in his room also had silver lining. Quite literally. The edges of the dark wood of the wardrobe, the hems of the raven cloth of the curtains, the metallic frame of the bed, hell even the subtle designs in his study were of silver colour. It wasn't really surprising if you thought about it. I mean, one can never picture SAM LANE with brown walls or light yellow shelves. Black suited him like fire suited Natsu.

The room was also paired with An expensive looking music system, one which makes you scared to touch it in case you broke it. I remembered how shelly mentioned Sam's love for songs, and realised that it didn't quite explain the HOW much he loved them. He had freaking two HUGE shelves dedicated only to CDs and albums, under his music system. I noticed a guitar perched casually in the corner, he plays too? Woah!

He wasn't a clean freak either, I realised. what with his school books arranged messily on the shelf above his study table. Thank Goodness! His window overlooked mine and I made a mental note to always double check my room when I changed. No harm in self preservation, right?

"what? you don't think its gloomy or dark or sadistic or goth? I mean this room and my choices?" he frowned in genuine confusion. "should I?" I asked. " Everyone does!" he shrugged. "well then you should always bear this thing in mind that I have always been the odd one out! And if you ask me then I'll say that I absolutely love this room! Seriously! It kinda makes you want to sink into yourself and settle down to think, even if it is just for a moment! Gloomy, Dark, sadistic? I don't think so. Believe me, this is just what I'd have wanted after Shelly's brightness and Kam's coolness! I myself like dark colours and would NEVER mind sitting in this room for years!" I replied.

Same looked at me weirdly, "you are one crazy girl! Aren't you?" "Hell yeah!" I laughed, "But really, where did you even get the idea of the silver touches? They are AWESOME!" "I don't remember, but thanks anyway!" he smiled.

"Now!" I stretched my arms smiling evilly, "time to raid the wardrobe!" I announced. " Yeah! Yeah! take everyone of them, I couldn't care less!" he said sarcastically. "But shouldn't school heartthrobs care?" I smirked. "Not me! I look good even in rags!" he winked cockily! Ah! the cat got out of the bag!

I threw open the wardrobe and immediately gasped. the clothes were... Fucking PERFECT! I never could have made such a mind blowing collection myself. From T-shirt, to hoodies to graphic Tees and jeans and simple shirts, he had them all. Dark shades though all of them were, they were freaking gorgeous. EVERY ONE OF THEM. And not to mention that burst of musky odour with a whiff of cologne which hit me the moment I opened the door, and had left me stunned and speechless.

"Can I take one?" I found myself asking. Even though I had grown in my brother's clothes and I hated tight female dresses and even though I had gone through both their closets and freaking loved sam's, but still it was WAY too rude to ask SHIRTS from a boy you barely knew. so pathetic!

"didn't you open it to take one?" he smirked and I blushed, "No, I just like male clothing! It was really shameless of me to barge in like that, wasn't it?" I mumbled as I realised that he had seen right through me. " Not at all! for one, I don't care if my whole closet gets looted, for two, you are practically drooling on them, so I might as well be generous!" he laughed mischeviously as I flushed harder, feeling embarrassed.

"It's okay kitten, I could see that You wouldn't have taken them even if you wanted them more than your life! No worries, seriously! You can wear them! I give you a free pass! I mean it!" he smiled. I looked up at him, surprised that he could be so easygoing. " just don't go after my boxers 'kay?" He added and i sighed. So perverted!

"Thanks" i said meekly as he chose a simple deep blue gorgeous shirt for me. "Change and come back fast, i need to show you one last thing! Hurry!" He gave me a little shove. I obeyed, a bit curious to what came next. I entered my room and immediately shut the windows. But before changing i buried my nose into his shirt a d inhaled deeply on his delicious scent. Creepy much? Well you can't blame me! His smell was mouth watering.

As that yummy odour surrounded me when i finally managed to get into his half sleeved round necked shirt, 4 sizes too big for me, i felt oddly numb and giddy. I knew why already, his smell had a very anesthetic effect, you could relax with just one whiff of it and feel your worries go away.

"I think i made the right choice, you look better in my clothes than me!" He mused as he summed me up. I blushed and followed him when he started dragging me by my hand. He led me to a door, "welcome to my personal heaven! Hope you like it!" He said in a smooth voice before he opened it.




My jaw hit mariana trench.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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