
Being More Social

“Adam can’t talk to girls, he must like men,” “Adam still wears tighty-whities,” “Adam doesn’t like looking at porn,” crap like that. I knew their true reason for picking on me – I was just another geeky, socially awkward kid who had a tendency to talk in a way considered too ‘proper’ for middle school, and an inability to talk to girls. The ‘proper’ talk was how my parents raised me. The inability to talk to girls, well, that was just a gift from God. Adam's Story>>>>>

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasía
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66 Chs


She bit her lip and sadness, panic and worry filled her eyes. "All of my homework is in there." She whined to the floor. "I've never gotten a piece of homework in late this whole year. That was my goal."

Jeez. If I thought Megan's happy eyes were powerful, her sad eyes were something else. "Don't worry, I'll get it." I said to her, smiling. Somehow, I thought to myself.

"Really?" She asked me, smiling despite her sad eyes.

I nodded. "What room is it?" I asked her.

"Room 314, Health and Nutrition." She answered me.

I nodded again. "Okay, tell you what. I'm going to go see if the room is locked. While I'm doing that, just in case it is locked, and something tells me it is, you go down to the office and see if you can find someone who has a school key. Okay?"

Happiness filled her eyes again, although strangely the nervous look returned with it. "Okay." she answered. I flashed her a brief, closed-mouth smile then went off to the third 'floor.' Basically, our school just had five sections, diving the classrooms up by their areas of concern and labelled them under different sets of hundreds, but were too lazy to call them 'sections,' so they decided to save two letters and call them 'floors,' despite the school being basically two-story.

Despite not being familiar with the floor (it mostly dealt with geography and non-English languages, subjects I did not take in first semester), thanks to the sectioning I found the room easily. Expecting the worst, I tried the doorknob. To my surprise, it opened. The room was open.

At any other high school, this might have been commonplace or even a pleasant surprise, but for me it was just perplexing. I knew for a fact that the custodians always made sure to keep all of the doors locked by 3:30. If any one room was open (particularly one that had kitchen supplies one might see as valuable) it could only be the result of a massive oversight. One that would probably need to be reported.

Throwing that topic off of my mind, I scanned around the room. The room itself was pretty big, so it could have been stashed away anywhere, but Megan's backpack was definitely not in plain sight. I putzed around the room, looking under desks, but couldn't find anything.

I heard footsteps behind me, and turned around to see Megan enter the room. She must have ran to the office… There wasn't any other way she could have gotten here so fast. "Hey," I said to her, still looking around. "I hate to say this, but I don't think your backpack is in here."

"I know." She replied softly, closing the door. Wait, she knew? I was suddenly about as nervous as she looked.

"What do you mean, you know?" I asked, my worry probably coming across as anger.

"I put my backpack in my locker right after school. I just wanted to ask you something alone, that's all." She told me.

I still felt uneasy. "We were alone in the hallway for a long time! Couldn't you have asked me then?"

She shook her head and approached me. "I know I've been weird and stuff for the past few months, and I'm sorry."

Oh, crap. Was this why she was nervous? Because she felt bad? I felt like crap again. Poor Megan, blaming herself for something I was guilty of myself… I smiled at her. "No, it's okay. I understand where you're coming from."

She nodded without returning the smile, and bit her lip. "I was wondering if I could ask you a favor though."

My smile faded. I had literally no clue what it was Megan was about to ask, but I already didn't like the situation again. She had about three words to make me feel comfortable again.

"Okay…" I slowly replied. "Depends on the favor. What is it?"

"Well… I, um…" That was three. I lowered one eyebrow at her and tried to convey just how weird this situation was for me. At the same time though, for some reason instead of moving towards the door, I sat down on a table, facing her.

"I… I want…" She began again shakily.

I waited about five more seconds before I interrupted. "Look, if you want to ask, just ask. Stalling like this isn't going to help you."

She sensed the impatience in my voice and nodded. "Adam, I want…" She started, then squeezed her eyes shut. "I want to give you a blowjob." She said firmly and slowly.

Wait, what? Freaking what?! "Where did that come from?!" I thought and asked at the same time.

"I know it's weird, but you're just the only guy I can trust and I'm curious about it and I just…" Megan spat out quickly, before hanging her head and scowling. "I'm sorry, it's stupid. I'm gonna go." She started towards the exit.

"Megan, wait." I called out after her. She was totally banking on me asking her to wait – she stopped where she stood and turned around. I sighed, thinking of how I was going to phrase it. "Look, I really don't know how to respond to this, but just… don't be sad. It's not stupid at all. It's teenage instinct." I guess. "But I don't really think you want to blow me."

"I do! I really do!" Megan protested, in an almost desperate way. She moved closer to me. "You're not like other guys. You're… really sweet. I've felt like that since I first met you. I'm not asking for anything more, I just really want to. I don't know why. We don't even need to talk about it again if you don't want. It can just be…" She paused. "…No strings attached."

Deja vu. My lustful side was beginning to poke through as I realized I had this girl wrapped around my finger (somehow). She was literally begging to blow me. There wasn't a catch, as far as I saw. Plus, it's not like I was above doing it. I just did the same thing with Nicole two days ago, and hell, that was no strings attached.

"Do you promise you want this?" I asked her seriously. "Just to give me a blowjob, nothing else?"

She kept her sad expression but nodded enthusiastically. "I really do, Adam."

I was totally going to regret this later. Things were about to get complicated. "Okay." I gave in. Megan gave me another huge grin and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Thank you, Adam. Thank you." She thanked me. Why did she act like I was doing her such a favor? The situation made zero sense to me, and if I wasn't a horny teenager, my suspicion might have prevented me from being in this situation.

Megan removed her glasses and set them on the table beside me, where I was still sitting. Her eyes looked different without her glasses making them bigger. Not worse, just different. Still smiling, she pulled up a chair next to me and patted it.

I guess this explains her nervousness earlier, I thought to myself as I stood up. With her watching, I slowly unbuttoned my pants and pulled down the zipper. Megan's face went from a smile to serious as she slowly bit her upper lip and I could see something new filling her eyes.

From being with Nicole so often I should not have been this nervous, but I was. Throwing caution to the wind, without even trying to milk the moment for seductive purposes, I yanked my pants and underwear down to my knees in one motion, giving her a front-row seat to my fully erect member.

At first, she just gasped, then squinted a little. "Oh my gosh," She whispered. "I was not ready for that."

Well that was sure encouraging. She really knew how to talk to a guy. "What's wrong?" I asked her, suddenly feeling very insecure.

"Nothing!" She protested a little too quickly, her eyes looking straight into mine. They traced their way back down my clothed body until they fell back again on my shaft. "It's just… That's kind of scary. I didn't think it would be so big."

Pure bull. Is this just how girls talk to guys when they see their dicks? There was no way I was as big as Megan was saying. "Uh, thanks," I said, not knowing how to respond further than that. I sat down slowly into the chair, and Megan got the hint, slowly dropping to her knees.

"I can touch it, right?" She asked timidly.

I laughed internally, making sure it stayed internal. If she couldn't touch it, I would have loved to see her blow me. "Yeah, of course." I said warmly, hoping to ease her tension. She hesitantly reached forward and grabbed me, holding my shaft in a frankly awkward manner. After a few seconds of her lingering there, she slowly started to attempt to jack me off, her hands still awkwardly placed. Frankly, it hurt more than anything else.

I wasn't shy about letting her know it either. "Ow, ow, OW." I complained.

She took her hand off of me immediately. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry." She said, concerned. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, of course." I replied. "How much experience have you had with guys exactly? If you don't mind my asking."

She looked down at the floor, embarrassed, and I cursed myself for asking. "I haven't even kissed one." She told me sheepishly.