
Being a student of the supreme dragons starts with the system

[DİNG! WELCOME TO SUPREME DRGONS STUDENT SYSTEM SERVER] Damn, have I been reincarnated in one of those cliché systems stories?

NaneLimonCuk · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Engaged, Cultivation levels

After all these world phenomena, an hour passed, and now I am at the dinner table with my mom and dad.

"Alrich, do you know what happened? Is there any connection between you and that phenomenon?" my mom asked.

"I don't know, mom," I said.

After I finished speaking, there was a knock on the door, and my dad said someone could come in.

The servant entered and said something to my dad.

After the servant left, my dad started talking.

"I think we found the people responsible for these phenomena," my dad said.

"Who are they, dad?" I asked.

"The princess of the Phoenix Empire, the Anka Bird Empire, and also your fiancée, Yasra Revi. She was the first one to wake up after you, and she caused the phoenix phenomenon," my dad said.

My dad telling me that I had a fiancée surprised me even more.

"What do you mean, dad, you're telling me I have a fiancée?" I asked my dad.

"Oh, didn't I tell you before, Alrich? Yasra, the Anka Bird named Void, is your fiancée," my dad said.

"She has the same potential as you, at the highest level in all awakening stones," my dad said.

"Dad, you should have told me I had a fiancée," I said.

"Don't worry, Al, you'll meet her in a week," my dad said.

My dad's words made me even more furious.

"Dad, how did you decide on this? Suddenly I have a fiancée, and I'm meeting her in a week, how is that possible?" I asked my dad.

"Aldrich, I understand your anger, but your marriage with her was decided before you were born. We decided with an old friend of mine, the Emperor of the Reva Empire," my dad said in a neutral tone.

"You don't need to react so much. If you still hate each other even after spending some time together, we'll break off the engagement. We're not bad parents," my dad said.

"I'm sorry for yelling, dad," I said, bowing my head.

"It's okay, Al, I understand you," my dad said.

"After dinner, I'll explain the levels of cultivation to you, and you'll start cultivating," my dad said.

I was excited to hear my dad's words and responded with a smile.

"Finally, dad, you're going to teach me cultivation," I said.

My dad continued to look at me with a amused expression on his face.

After a half-hour meal, my dad and I went to an open garden together.

My dad sat on one of the cushions in the garden and gestured for me to sit next to him.

I approached and sat down next to my dad, the only thing in this garden besides plants was these cushions.

Seeing me sit down, my dad started talking.

"Cultivation happens in 3 different ways: Mana for Magic, Qi for body training, and Aether for soul training," my dad said.

I already knew these through the system, but I didn't interrupt my dad and let him explain.

"Mana is an energy spread throughout the world, and creatures usually choose to use mana because body and soul training is very difficult," my dad said.

"Another reason why most creatures use mana is the close connection between mana and creatures, and it's actually one of the things that keep the world alive."

"Mana is present in every creature and protects them from many things on the planet while also being able to make them sick."

"While humans have the least affinity for mana, dragons and Phoenix birds have the most."

"Dragons and Phoenix birds are products of nature and protect the planet while also destroying it."

"Unlike other creatures, humans have a big disadvantage in many areas."

"We dragons and Phoenix birds usually focus on mana cultivation or body cultivation, but we also have many soul masters among us."

"An awakening potential below level 8 for a dragon or Phoenix bird can even lead to their excommunication from their races," my dad said.

I was very surprised to hear this and opened my eyes wide, looking at my dad.

"Don't be surprised, little Aldrich, the world is much worse than you think," my dad said.

"Now, let me continue explaining," my dad said, patting my head.

"To use Mana, you must first feel the mana."

"After feeling the mana, you will circulate it throughout your body and then create circles around your heart," my dad said.

"For now, let's leave Mana, and I'll explain other cultivation types to you," my dad said.

I nodded in agreement.

"When it comes to Qi cultivation, Qi is actually like natural energy. Martial artists strengthen their bodies with Qi and use some techniques to fight with their bodies," my dad said.

"Qi cultivation is divided into many branches, but to briefly mention, there is sword cultivation, spear cultivation, and fist cultivation," my dad said.

"Dad, so you're saying that Qi allows creatures to fight with objects?" I asked.

"Not exactly, Aldrich. Martial artists generally use their bodies, weapon cultivation is very difficult," my dad said.

"Qi cultivators who can cultivate weapons are very valuable outside of dragons and Phoenix bird races," my dad said.

"I understand, dad," I said.

"Now I'll briefly explain how to use Qi," my dad said.

"Of course, the first step is to feel Qi."

"Then you gather Qi in your abdomen to form a core."

"That's enough Qi cultivation knowledge for now, son."

"I'll explain Aether to you," my dad said.

"Aether cultivation is the most difficult but the most powerful cultivation," my dad said.

"What do you mean?" I asked my dad.

"What I mean is, Aldrich, very few people can defeat someone with strong techniques and good Aether cultivation."

"The only creatures that someone with good Aether cultivation can't defeat are those who cultivate Mana and Aether at the same time," my dad said.

"Wouldn't that be excessively powerful, dad?" I asked.

"It's powerful enough to upset the balance, that's why very few people can do Aether cultivation, Al," my dad said.

"Having a good potential for Aether cultivation is not enough. You need to have enough determination and a soul capable of carrying this power," my dad said.

"I understand, dad," I said.

"Now I won't bother explaining the cultivation levels to you, and I'll give you a table for that," my dad said.

As soon as my dad finished speaking, a large table appeared in his hand.

"Take this and read it carefully, Aldrich. When you understand it well, come find me, and I'll teach you cultivation," my dad said, leaving the garden.

The table was divided into three sections.

The first section explained the stages of Qi cultivation.

Feeling Qi

Body Training

-Blood Purification

-Bone Purification

-Muscle Purification

-Tendon Purification

-Marrow Purification

Core formation

-Black Core

-White Core

-Golden Core

-Violet Core

Building Qi palace

-Black Palace

-White Palace

-Golden Palace

-Violet Palace

Nancent Soul

-Black Palace

-White Palace

-Golden Palace

-Violet Palace

There were more stages listed, but they weren't available here.

The second list was Mana Cultivation.


eling Mana

Forming Circles

-Drawing Mana Circle

-Transferring Mana to Circle

-Creating Mana Circle

-Strengthening Mana Circle

Black Circle

-Forming 9 Circles

White Circle

-Forming 9 Circles

Golden Circle

-Forming 9 Circles

Violet Circle Formation

-Forming 9 Circles

Mana cultivation levels were listed in a very simple way, I don't know why.

I ignored this and looked at the stages of soul cultivation in the third section.

Feeling Soul Power

Creating Soul

-Soul Core

-Soul Foundation

-Soul Sea

-Soul Aura

-Soul Mold

Soul Body

-Soul Blood

-Soul Bone

-Soul Muscle

-Soul Tendon

-Soul Skin

Strengthening Soul

-Soul Sense

-Soul Intent

-Soul Library

-Soul Pressure

Black Soul

-Black Soul Core

-Black Soul Sea

-Black Soul Body

-Black Soul Intent

-Black Soul Pressure

Why did he only mention 4 stages in all varieties?

Ugh, so annoying.

That's enough for today, I'm going to rest.